Hello everyone! I know that I say this pretty much every time I post something on here, but I am so sorry for not updating regularly. This year at school, my workload and homework load have been increased and also I have been very busy with out of school activities and such. However, I only have two more days left before school is out for summer and I have six weeks to write fanfiction! Sadly, after these six weeks I may not update until the next school holidays as I am starting to study for my GCSE's (they are courses we have to study for three years before we take exams on them which will depend on which university/college we go to and whether we get a good job or not). Now do you see why these are so important for me? I would honestly love to sit all day and just write fanfics but I now have to start thinking about my future and family, which will sadly always come before writing. Until I update again, I would like to wish good luck to everyone for their future and thank all my followers and readers for sticking with me for all this time. I hope that you all enjoy reading this story! Thank you and goodbye!

Chapter 1

It was six days until Battleground and Raw had just gone off air. Seth Rollins was sitting in the locker room all on his own, trying to comprehend what had just happened.

He and Kane had come out, intend on telling the WWE universe how he would win on Sunday. However, Brock Lesnar and his so called advocate Paul Heyman decided to interrupt him - hurrying him to sign the contract in order for their match to take place. Seemingly defeated, Seth signed the contract as did Brock. Then they just stared each other down until absolute hell broke loose and Brock attacked him, after finding out that Seth had hid an axe handle under the table they were sitting at. The Beast beat up Kane pretty bad and hit his ankle with the steel stairs. When he was finished with Kane, he turned to Seth; He had no choice but to run. Seth jumped over the barrier and ran to the top of the first tier, waiting until Brock went backstage before he went back to the ring. Angered with Kane for messing up the so called plan they had made, Seth started trash talking to him and in the end stomped on his already injured ankle making it worse.

And now, Seth was feeling the repercussion of his actions. The only time he had ever felt this alone was after he had betrayed his brothers, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns. But the thing that scared him most about was that he didn't understand why he did what he did to them. He actually felt sorry for them, instantly regretting his actions. He had torn them in two, shattered their trust forever and most importantly lost his two best friends, his family. Seth rested his chin on his fist as he mulled over his actions from over one year ago. That is, until he heard someone shouting outside and the sound of the locker room door opening.

"Rome! Roman, you in here bro?" Oh great, just what Seth needed right now. The source of the voice was none other than Dean Ambrose, his former brother. Seth froze when he saw Dean's head peep out from around the corner. Dean did the same when he saw Seth.

"Oh. It's you." Dean spat, eyes narrowing. Seth, perplexed, did not respond but instead just sat and stared at Dean. So the pair just sat in silence, still keeping eye contact.

A few minutes later, Seth finally broke the silence. "It's getting late, I should go." Hurriedly, Seth grabbed his bags and walked out of the room, pushing past Dean. Dean just continued to stare at the spot where Seth had previously been sitting, until he too left.

A few hours later, Seth lay on the hotel bed in the next town. He was so exhausted. Actually, he was beginning to drop off until his phone vibrated next to him, indicating that he had a text message. He was surprised to find that it was from Dean.

Come to my room later? Number 244, Floor 3 :)

Seth continued to re-read the message over and over again, shocked by the fact that Dean was even texting him, let alone asking him to come to his room! Why would Dean want him of all people to come to his room? Did he want to forgive Seth for dismantling the Shield? Or did he just want an excuse to beat the crap out of him? Either way was good for Seth, all he wanted to do was see Dean. Dean made him happy, and there was no denying it whatsoever. Actually, Roman had even suspected that something was going on between the two when they were in the Shield. 'Oh the good old times' Seth thought bitterly, letting out a half-hearted attempt at a laugh. Another vibration of his phone brought him back to reality. This text message was also from Dean.

Sorry, that wasn't meant for you.

Seth's heart sunk instantly. What was he even thinking? Why would Dean even think of inviting Seth to his room? He's so trusty, and almost always gets disappointed in the end. Oh well, Seth dismissed the thought. At least he knew which room Dean was in, right? So he can just 'check it out' and all. Who was he kidding? He would probably get his face punched in for gods sake! Seth sighed, feeling a headache coming on. All he needed right now was sleep, and that's what he was going to get. He removed his shirt and swaddled himself in the duvet, relaxing his exhausted body. Closing his eyes, Seth dismissed all thoughts about Dean and let sleep consume him.