Lost Loves of Meadow Lane

Chapter 43

September 29, 1914

It had been a couple of year for Bella since Edward's death, leaving the country and then returning from her father's home in Italy. She was grateful for the time away, but she was glad she had stayed in Mississippi until Riley was settled into his new boarding school. Here, he would learn to run a business and under the guidance of a man who cared about those around him, a man that would be a good role model. She was sure he would continue to grow into a fine young man, but they had agreed, him staying behind was for the best. Edward's death had been hard on him too. It also meant that he would have a connection to Elizabeth and Garrett.

Maybe he would come to California and visit them, or maybe, she would return to see him and the rest of her extended family, but not today. Today, when she left Riley, she would wait for another ocean voyager arriving from Italy. She would join her father and her infant son, Anthony Masen, board a train bound west to property her father had located that he said was perfect for a vineyard. Someday, when Anthony was older, she would bring him to visit and share his heritage, but until that day she planned on keeping him a secret. No one else's heart needed to be broken—because she wasn't staying.

Riley knew her plans. They had discussed them at length. Helping her father establish a vineyard in California was a good plan for a fresh start. As much as Riley missed Edward he knew he would miss Bella too. But the time to become a man had come. He would prove he was a better man than his own father had been. He would carve out a future for himself, his family, and others, and if it were the last thing he did he would make Elizabeth, Bella, and Edward's memory proud. When the time was right, he would travel to California and figure out a way to bring everyone he loved back together.


June 4, 1944

Dear Isabella, (Mother, even though I barely know you.)

I do not know where to start or how, but I want to tell you how grateful I am for what you did. It has not been until recently that I understood how hard it was for you to give me up. My mother said I met you once and that I didn't respond well to being in your arms. I hope that you can forgive me as I was only a little girl of two or three years of age. I am sorry. I hope you did not hold it against me. Now it is too late to know for sure.

My father, you know him as Dr. Cullen or Carlisle, says except for the streaks of fire in my hair and the flecks of green in my eyes, I look just like you. He says we share the same strong spirit and a heart for right and wrong. Just before I married my husband, Dad told me the whole story surrounding my birth, about James Witherdale, Victoria, and Edward Masen. How scared you were for me and the young man you protected, Riley. He told me everything he knew at the time.

My mother, Esme, told me that I was a blessing she never expected, a gift. She loves me as her own and taught me to love those around me, especially you. But I have been stubborn, until now.

I have been married for ten years now and we are finally expecting our first child He is a good, upstanding man. I like to think you would have approved. I wish I had realized how strong you were before now and known you better, that my husband and our children would have had the opportunity to know you too.

I pray that your loss is my gain in this world. I know how awful that sounds and it's not meant to. You lost the love of your life; I hope that I have gained mine. You lost your only child; I will be giving birth to one soon. Your life ended too soon; I hope that mine is just beginning. Does that make better sense?

You sacrificed everything for me and now I feel like I am betraying you buy sacrificing the love you have had for me by letting go of the possibilities in this letter. Maybe it would have been kinder to destroy the physical evidence of our relationship, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. Or maybe I should give it to Riley. He is a good and decent man but I cannot face him after breaking his heart and marrying another. Instead, I am placing all the memories, photographs, and notes you have sent, along with this letter into a box and leaving it with you for safe keeping.

My child will know and love his or her grandparents, Carlisle and Esme. I feel that being the child or grandchild of the Lost Loves of Meadow Lane, the tragic stories and scandal that surrounds you, are too much to bear. We all have our secrets.

I hope the love you had for me when you asked them to hide me is still there, that you forgive me because I forgive you. I understand what it cost you.

Mother and Father say that I should remember you always, and I will.

Maybe, someday, when the world is a different place and is ready for it, the truth will be found, but until then, I will continue to move on in this life before meeting you again in the next. When it is right, it will be right and no matter of time will change that.

My love always,

Samantha Masen Cullen Fisher

Jasper eyed Alice, waiting for a reaction after he had finished reading the letter. It all seemed so sad but he knew that things had been different a hundred years ago, even sixty years ago. What the cost must have been so many years ago. Now he understood his inheritance, something he had yet to tell Alice about. An account he had never touched. His life hadn't been altered much. Riley was still his grandfather and the fact that he had changed his name to Masen did not change who he was. Nor did it change who Jasper was. But would Alice feel the same? In one fail swoop, her life had been turned upside down, starting the day she had found this house and Edward's letters.

"I suppose everyone wanted the truth out, someday," Jasper said trying to break the silence that filled the room. When Alice didn't answer right away, he continued to explore the contents of the box. There were pictures, more than he knew had existed, in the past. Simple notes attached or written on the back. There were a few trinkets but the last one he found made him the richest man in the world.

A gold band, lines etched into the metal creating a diagonal pattern, with stones set in between. The note attached read, the day we wed.

"She knew. My grandmother knew all that time and never said a word. Tragic. It's all so tragic. . ." Alice said, a tear slipping down her cheek.

"Why don't we wait until tomorrow to set the new headstones?" Jasper said as he slipped the ring into his pocket.

"No. I want to do it now, if that's okay with you," Alice said, refusing to explain.

"Alice, it is dark outside. I will come home early tomorrow and we can place the new headstones properly," Jasper said. His tone said he wasn't taking no for an answer.

As he had promised, Jasper came home from work early. Being locked inside his own head had wreaked havoc on his nerves all day. It wasn't until he saw Alice waiting in the kitchen did they calm and allow him to think straight. After dinner was devoured there was plenty of light to do what he had planned and set the headstones properly in their place.

Together, Jasper and Alice walked in silence back to the graves of her grandparents.

With her arms folded she rubbed her hands against her arms as shivers ran up and down. It was all so real. The truth had finally come out, but where did that leave her now.

"Are you okay, Alice," Jasper asked after setting the new headstones in place. Her face showed that her mood had lightened some since he had read the letter they had found.

"Yeah, I think so," she said nodding. "When it's right, it's right. No matter of time will change that."

"Your mother said that to your father when I picked you up that day. Do you remember?"

"I do. I think she's always said it. Especially now, after you read Samantha's letter."

Alice, have you ever thought about being a writer?" Jasper asked.

"No. Why?"

"I think you would be good at it. You could write Edward and Isabella's story," he said looking at their graves.

"It would have to be a work of fiction because no one would believe it's true," she laughed. "Where would you end the story?"

"Right here when Riley's grandson asks their grand-daughter to marry him," Jasper whispered.

"I don't understand," Alice said removing her eyes from the headstones to Jaspers lanky frame.

"It's, I've. . . At no time in my life did anything feel as right as growing up in this house. I was lost when I was anywhere else. I hadn't felt that kind of peace since leaving until I was sitting in the back of a police car, handcuffed, seeing you for the first time. And that terrified me. Then I panicked watching you disappear. It didn't matter that I had barely laid eyes on you and the short amount of time I've known you, hasn't changed that I know you are my future. Do you understand what I am trying to say?" he asked looking deeper into her eyes for some flicker or spark of understanding.

"You're talking in riddles, Jasper. Just say whatever it is that you want to say,"

"In other words, stop beating around the bush?"


"Alice, I've been waiting until I found the perfect ring to ask," Jasper started as he dropped to one knee. "and this isn't the way I had planned it in my head, but..." he took her hand in his and looked up. "I'm slightly old fashion if you haven't figured it out. Will you marry me?"

Gathering his face between her hands, Alice kissed that man before her on one knee before she gave her answer. "Yes. Yes, Jasper. I will marry you."

After placing a gold band onto her finger, Jasper stood and pulled Alice into his embrace and held her gently against his chest. Time stood still until the cold began to nip at Jasper's arms prompting him to move.

Together, holding the others hand, Alice and Jasper walked back to the house and towards their future.

A/N Well, Folks, there you have it! I hope you found most of the answer's you were looking for. What was your overall impression of the story, even though I killed Edward. Yes, sad, but that is how the story demanded to be written. Bittersweet and heartbreaking. I hope you like where it ended. Originally, it was thought there may be a "found" continuation of the story but as busy as I am with classes, I have never had the time to see or write what happened after Bella left with her family for a fresh start. If I ever get inspired to write more, I'll let you know but for now, we can only imagine and pray that all was less tragic for Bella and Anthony.

I want to appoligies for not answering reviews in these last few chapters. I have been working as hard and as fast as I can to finish posting this story before classes begin. I did read each and everyone and they mean the world to me. It is the reader/writer interaction that I love so much about fanfiction.

Please, if you are reading this story for the first time since it was marked complete, take a few minutes and let me (the author) know that the story has not been forgotten.

Remember the 3 R's of Fanfiction. Read, Review, and most importantlyl, Recommend. I would love to know how/when/why/or where you found this story.