Hey Guys! This is my First Published Fanfiction, so R&R. Tell me what you like and don't like!
You all know the disclaimer that (sometimes) goes up with these things! I own nothing but Team CBLT and their associated gear & yes, Vehicles
(_-_-_-_NOW, ONWARDS!_-_-_-_)
CHAPTER 1: Close Encounters of the Golden Kind
Day #01
June 04, 2015
Well, about half a week ago, some of my best friends and I were playing an online game, but I was tired. It had been a long day, and I was looking forward to some good, well-earned sleep. I turned on my new audiobook and turned out the lights. Remembering my footpath after years of accidentally trodding on Legos, I dived into bed, falling asleep as soon as I hit the pillows.
"Yo Rubes! look at this guy eyeing my rack!" A female voice said.
I was a bit caught off guard, as I was just going to sleep in my bed and now I was here with a girl standing over me. Thinking it was my sister, I pushed her away and said "Leave me alone Grace, I just went to bed!" Grace's face turned dark purple, and I realized that she had somehow grown taller in the last few hours. I now had my hands in her breasts, pushing on them. Wait, What? Not that I was a pervert or anything, but my sister hadn't even reached puberty yet. I opened my eyes fully and INSTANTLY woke up. Now, just to let you know, my sister has the darkest skin in our family. She also Definitely didn't have long, puffy blonde hair that reached past her hips.
"Uh Oh!" I yelled, boosting out from under her like she was on fire... Which wasn't far from the truth, considering how angry she looked. Her hair now blazed, and I almost crapped my pants. She had two Golden Gauntlets on her arms, and the air around her burned bright red. The last thing I saw before her fist connected with my face was Is this a dream or not?
I snapped awake in my bed, but only a few minutes had passed. Not wanting to resume my dream, I went to the fridge and grabbed a couple of cold ones (water bottles, sheesh) and sat down in front of my laptop. As soon as I opened it, my epic background of Chibi Pacific Rim mechs almost gave me a heart attack, remembering the Blondie's fist swinging at my face. I opened up Internet discoverer and typed in the keywords "realistic dreams". A few moments later, a Bling search appeared. After an hour, I figured it was way too late for looking up serious stuff and switched over to my favorite social media- Goofle mail. I typed up a letter to my best friends, Gabriel and Daniela, explaining my dream and what had happened in it. No response of course, as it was as almost two in the morning. I pushed away from the desk and laid down to read. This was a bad idea, as I was reading an unusually boring book, so you guessed it, I fell back asleep.
Suddenly, I was being shaken awake by an orange-haired girl in a pink dress with a black vest covered by a white breastplate. I sat up quickly this time, not wanting to repeat my last dream, and almost head-butted her, but all I could feel was the wind. I got up, expecting to be mauled by the yellow girl again. Looking around, I away I was in a hospital bed in a room by myself. Wanting to stay longer this time, I got up and looked out the window. As soon as I smelled the air, I knew I wasn't near my house. The air smelled completely different. It was only comparable to lots of crushed roses and...cookies and pancakes. I looked to my side and saw 2 plates of either. Feeling hungry, I ate a few of both. They were delicious, and I ate them so fast I felt uneasy. Why could I eat them so fast? Then I remembered that in this world, physics don't apply the same way they do in real life. I sped out the door, and I looked into the nearest mirror. I had the same features, but they were simplified. The first thing I noticed was my eyes. They were still brown, but they were HUGE, like saucers. And instead of a nose, I had a fat, curved line. My mouth was similarly simple: an ovoid shape with slightly puffed lips. When I opened my mouth, I had no gums, just a row of white with my canines, as they always are, unusually sharp. When I closed my mouth, I noticed that they jutted out a little bit, appearing like short fangs when I closed my mouth. I'd also gotten rid of my 90% overbite. I looked, well, handsome! My body was a mixture of tall, and stocky, but I didn't look like a brute. In fact, I looked very lovable and kind, like a guardian of some sort.