Hello my fans! Azno here with a new fanfic. I've decided to write a Pokémon fanfic where ash is much more intelligent than he is in the anime, as well as very minor aura abilities (senses being slightly better than a normal humans) as for everything else, you'll have to wait and see!

Pallet town, 11:50 PM

"...And Nidorino is out like a light, looks like..Wait! the trainer calls Nidorino back, and sends out an Onix!" We enter into a bedroom of a young man named Ash Ketchum, he is 15, and tomorrow he is going to be getting his first Pokémon. "Wow, I can't believe that I'm finally starting my journey tomorrow" Ash laid back onto his bed. "I know that I could have gone 5 years ago, but I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing." Ash closed his eyes, remembering back to that day five years ago.


"Professor Oak! Its me, Ash!" Ash was at the Pokémon lab, so he could tell Oak about his choice. "Ahh, Ash, how can I help you my boy? You won't be getting your Pokémon until tomorrow." Ash sighed "That's why I'm here Professor, I've decided that I'm putting my journey on hold, I want to make sure I know what I'm doing out there. Not just with Pokémon, But with survival skills as well, I need to learn how to cook with whatever I could have on hand, and I need to think about getting sick or hurt." Oak was pleasantly surprised, as this was the first time someone wanted to prepare fully for a journey. "Ash, I'm proud of your decision, you really do know when you're prepared, and when you're not." Oak smiled nervously "But, Just know that if you stick with this, It'll be another 5 years before you could go." Ash thought about this for awhile, and after about a minute of debate he smiled. "That's fine Professor, it gives me more time to prepare!" Oak smiled again, but this time, it was with pride. "Ash, you make me proud, If you would like, I could teach you all I know about Pokémon" Ash nodded "I would love to! Now, I have to go help my mom with some chores, So I'll talk to you later Professor!" Ash then ran out of the lab and all the way home.

Ash sighed happily at the memory, he was still glad he made the decision to stay and prepare. he was about to start watching the battle again when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in" The door opened and Deliah Ketchum walked in. "Ash, It's almost midnight, you should probably go to bed sweetie." Ash looked at his clock and saw the time. "Sorry mom" Ash said sheepishly "I got caught up in the battle and lost track of time." Mrs. Ketchum sighed happily, her son acted just like his father Red. "oh Ash, your father would be so proud of you. You've matured so much in the last 5 years." Ash just smiled, He knew that his dad was out traveling still, but sometimes he stopped in to see his wife and son. "Thanks mom, I'm going to go to bed now, I don't want to be late to get my first Pokémon partner." Deliah walked out of the room and before she shut the door, she said "Oh Ash honey, after you get your Pokémon, I would like you to come back to the house, I'm going to have something for you." "All right mom, I will. Goodnight!" "Goodnight sweetie, sleep well" she turned off the lights as Ash slowly drifted off into dreamland

Well? what do you think? Should I continue this? or stop? And I know this is short, but I wanted to see what reactions I get from this before I invest a lot of my time into this. Anyway please review, as that's the only way I know how you all feel. Azno, Out!