Eliisa couldn't move. She couldn't speak or scream or cry. She stared in horror as the Architect looked at her curiously. She felt her body shaking, she was going to die here. Or worse, she was going to stay here forever, for this thing's experiments. She closed her eyes tightly before a pinch at her nose caused her to open them quickly.

Eliisa gasped.

She wasn't in that mine. She was in her bed, in her bedroom, in her castle, and apparently with her husband's puppy on top of her, nipping at her nose.

That's right, I returned last night.

Eliisa reached over to Alistair's spot, patting the bed where his body should've been. She groaned when she didn't find him beside her and placed her hands on the new puppy, Barkspawn.

"You had to have the cheesiest master didn't you? Naming you Barkspawn." she whispered and rubbed the young mabari's ears. Alistair shouldn't be far, she reasoned, pups usually don't stray from their masters. Barkpawn's ears perked up when they both heard the footsteps walking into the bedroom from the washroom. He jumped from her stomach, winding her slightly, and bounded over to his master.

"Hey now, I thought I told you to let her sleep." Alistair chided and Barkspawn only barked in response. Eliisa sat up to the best of her ability, and Maker was she sore. "No need to get up Eliisa," he walked over to the bed and sat next to her on the edge. "I can take care of things, you deserve a few days off." Eliisa snorted.

"That's hardly queenly behavior. Besides, I don't see you taking a day off."

"You also didn't see me battle Darkspawn and Maker knows what else for six months." She sighed sharply through her nose.


"Don't 'Alistair' me. I can see how exhausted you are." he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Just…humor me?" he took her hand in his own, rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. She sighed again and massaged her temples.

"You won't tie me to the bed will you?" she asked after a few moments of silence. She raised her brow and couldn't hide her smile when Alistair's eyes widened and his freckled cheeks darkened. "Something on your mind?"

"N-no!" she barked out a laugh at him "Please stop laughing, 'Lis." He groaned out and ran a hand over his face.

"'m sorry, Alistair." she leaned over and kissed his cheek. She breathed in his scent, her throat closing up when it hit her how badly she missed his presence. She had been all smiles and plain exhaustion the previous night, now though? After sleeping, and nightmares, and him practically begging her to take it easy it really hit her how much she missed being safe and home. She laid her forehead on his shoulder and closed her eyes, threading their fingers together.

"What's wrong?" she leaned into him when he wrapped his arm around her middle.

"I'm just…" she trailed off. She wasn't sure what she could say, at least what she could say in the short time he had before he was whisked away by his duties. She let out a shaky breath and relaxed when he moved the hand from her waist and started rubbing her back. "I'm just relieved I'm back." She felt Alistair bark a chuckle.

"That makes two of us, I'm not sure how I survived this long without you...err, here. Without you here." He cleared his throat and she looked up at him curiously.

"Are you alright?

"Fine." he gave her a nervous smile before standing up "I'll have Deirdre bring you breakfast." He took her hand and kissed her knuckles before swiftly leaving with Barkspawn closely trailing behind.

She barely had the time to think, let alone say, that she wasn't ready to be left alone just yet.

She hated admitting she was wrong.

Alistair had told her she could take as much time as she wanted off. Maker, he told her that she never had to leave the bed again if she desired to. However, she had already spent two days ignoring her duties and sleeping, thus she decided she would return to court fully today. She didn't actually tell anyone she would be coming to breakfast (or that she was back in the capital) hence the awkward meal. She should've listen to Alistair and stayed in bed another day.

Eliisa's nostrils flared as she looked across the breakfast table to Eamon, Teagan and Bann Ena with her daughter, Mairead. Apparently, Alistair wasn't exaggerating when he said that people thought she ran away and were throwing daughters at him. At least, poor Mairead looked like she didn't want to be there in the slightest. Bann Ena seemed to take her queen's presence as a challenge or an inconvenience, Eliisa couldn't decide which.

She cleared her throat and motioned for a servant to fill her glass up. She was doing her best to not let her temper get the best of her during her first interaction with anyone besides Alistair or Deirdre. It was difficult, though. It's not as if she blamed people for believing she had left, but actually seeing it? To think that she was already trying to be replaced was frustrating.

"Queen Eliisa," she raised her gaze to Teagan, who looked sympathetic "I wasn't aware you had come back from your Warden business." Mairead looked up with wide eyes, she couldn't have been older than 16.

"Ah yes," Eliisa took a long sip of her water "I returned two nights ago." Eamon sputtered a bit "However, His Majesty and I agreed that I should rest for a few days before fully retuning to court." She smiled sweetly at her company and turned her head to Alistair, who swiftly took her hand in his own and kissed her knuckles.

"Well, you did look completely exhausted." He smiled against her hand before taking it from his face, but not releasing it "I don't believe anyone would argue your dedication to keeping our country and its people safe." Teagan smiled gently and Bann Ena still had that same look on her face while her daughter looked at her in amazement. Eamon just looked annoyed.

Oh, does he not appreciate that Alistair and I have been keeping my arrival from him?

"Well, I believe I can speak for all of us when I say how happy I am that you have returned safely." Teagan said as the servants brought food in. She smiled at him gratefully before looking at her plate as it was filled with food. Yes, it was certainly good to be back in court.

Eliisa shot up, gasping for breath. She covered her mouth to smother the sob rising in her throat.

Dammit she sniffed when she felt Alistair shift beside her.

"'Liisa?" she turned her head to the sound of his sleepy voice "What happened?" she laid back down and turned towards him. She took a deep breath and tried searching for his face in darkness. She felt her head pounding, telling her to just tell him about the nightmares.

"I dreamt of being in that mine." She murmured closing her eyes. She didn't resist when he pulled her in to his chest.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I…" she wrapped her arms around him and bit her lip. She wasn't completely sure if she did. Remembering it all…it was hard. It left her gasping for air, much like her memories of escaping Highever did. She knew though, she knew that if she kept it all in, it wouldn't end well. "I need to."

Alistair shifted again, turning to light the candle on his nightstand. The light was enough to illuminate the small area around them, but not enough for much else. The fire light danced on his skin and in his hair, making it look far redder than usual. Usually, she appreciated his drowsy state. He looked unkempt and messy, with half open eyes and disarrayed hair. It was cute, and she would usually tease and tell him as much. He turned back around and wrapped his arms back around her.

"Tell me." He ran his fingers through her short locks. She was still angry that the damn tree had gotten the better of her and set her hair on fire. It was far shorter when it happened, nothing short of a pixie cut. Now, it was just above her shoulders, and it gave Deirdre the fits.

"I told you…I told you that I think it…that the Architect did experiments on me. I keep thinking, dreaming about it. I keep…" she sucked in and he ran his fingernails up and down her back "I dream I keep waking up, strapped to that damn table." She buried her face into his chest, his chest hair tickling her nose with every breath. "And I can't move and I can't speak." Her voice cracks and his lips are her forehead. "Sometimes I wake up and I'm…I'm one of those things…it… the Architect somehow makes me a Broodmother and I can't…" she sobbed out, her throat was in pain from holding back her cries. Not knowing what actually happened made the nightmares worse, she thinks. She could ward off the memories of Highever, but this? Her mind made up something new every night.

Alistair softly shushes her and holds her closer. He doesn't say a word as she cries, only rubs her back as she shook. Even now, it feels like she was holding back. How appropriate would it be to find the queen wailing and sobbing in her chambers? How quickly would word spread that she was haunted by the events of the past two years of her life? She cursed her younger self who wanted adventure and who craved more than what she was given. What she wanted was mother holding her close and singing her songs to help her fall back sleep.

And she could never have that again. She'd never hear mother singing to her again. She'd never hear father tell her stories of heroes and knights. She'd never have Oriana bring her hot drinks on the dreadfully cold and wet nights. Never have little Oren-

"Hey, hey." Alistair rocked her as her cries grew louder. "You're alright. You're here, you're home." He whispered into her hair. And how she wished that would have helped. Wished that his words could heal her like he hoped. But they didn't and she practically hated herself for it. Alistair was her family. He had been with her almost every day since Ostagar, fighting beside her, wiping her tears, and taking care of her, just as she did for him.

"It's not fair." She keened.

"I know" his voice was hoarse "I know, it's not."

"I kept that…that thing alive." She bit out angrily "Said it had a way to end Blights, end this Maker damned curse. What was I thinking? Why? I just…"

"Don't doubt yourself, Eliisa." He sniffed…was he crying? Eliisa looked up, he was. "I never have, and look at how far we've come because of you." She had to look away from his gaze. He always held her in such high regard and look at her, moaning like a child because of dreams? Because of a decision she was so sure of months ago? Pathetic. She wrapped her arms around his middle and buried her face in his chest.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Alistair." The tears weren't going to stop, and she frankly didn't care. She wanted to cry. Really she wanted to scream and throw a tantrum. She couldn't, of course, but she wanted to. She closed her eyes when his lips touched her forehead.

"I'll always be here, Eliisa."

She cried herself to sleep.

When Eliisa woke up, it was before first light, and far earlier than usual. Yawning she lifted her head from the pillow and looked at her husband. He was sleeping soundly, quietly snoring with his hair all-a-mess. She smiled softly and kissed his cheek before rising out of their bed. She needed a bath. Her face felt dry from tears and the sweat clung to her skin, leaving it damp and clammy.

She walked to the tub, not bothering to call for someone to fill it for her. She filled it slowly, letting it heat up and steam to fill the room. She added lavender and vanilla perfumes and oils to the water before she stripped herself bare.

Eliisa moaned appreciatively when she sunk into the hot water. The scents were working to help relax her stiff neck and joints. Maker this felt wonderful. She couldn't remember the last time she took such a bath. Surely long before she even left for Amaranthine.

She didn't bother opening her eyes when she heard soft paws scrambling on the ground and run up to her. She smiled softly when Barkspawn started licking her fingers.

"Hello, you." she picked him up "I don't supposed you're here to join me? Your mother never did like baths, but perhaps…" the pup wagged its little nub excitedly and cocked his head to the side. She grinned "Oh, you're just a sweetheart." She nuzzled the young hounds face.

Before she could let the pup into the water, though, it squirmed trying to get away from her. She giggled and let him run away back into the bedroom, no doubt to try and rouse his master. Eliisa wondered if her own children would be as rowdy in the morning. Little princesses and princes running around with their father's smile and her hair. She smiled and closed her eyes, losing herself in the warming thoughts of small feet running on the floor.

"Alright, alright. I'm coming." Eliisa heard grumbling and the scratching of puppy paws on the floor. When Barkspawn returned to the washroom, he yipped up at her. She smiled down at the pup.

"I take back what I said about you being a sweetheart." She shooed him off and sat up straight

"What are you-oh…" Eliisa raised her brow at Alistair "Eliisa, you're bathing. O-of course you are." He rubbed the back of his neck, pink tinging his cheeks.

"I am." She laughed "It seems your hound was tattling on me for trying to give him a bath." The pup barked up at Alistair.

"Well, of course, what self-respecting warhound smells like flowers?" she half glared at his teasing.

"It's better than sweat and mud, I'd say." She huffed and watched as Lady picked Barkspawn by the scruff of his neck and walk them back to their pillows. Her smile grew at her hound's apparent motherly behavior. She looked back at Alistair and then she realized that Alistair had been speaking.

"Hm, sorry?" she threw him a guilty look when he huffed at her

"I asked what are you doing up so early, you usually sleep past first light."

"I was just up, I suppose." Eliisa shrugged.

"'Just up' she says, but I've nearly had my head bitten off for trying to rouse you before."

"Never" she laughed at his unconvinced face "Okay, okay, maybe once or twice. I apologized later didn't I? I believe I gave you a nice little cake, too."

"Yes, I remember, the cake. Lady gave me the most pathetic look and ended up with half of it." Eliisa snorted and relaxed again. "I'll uh-" His cheeks darkened, "I'll leave you to your bath."

"Actually, I was just getting out." She lied and stood up, moving to drain the contents of the tub. She watched Alistair eyes flicker quickly over her body before turning to reach for a towel. She stifled a giggle as she walked over to him "You're blushing."

"I-I am n-, I mean y-you're…" he sputtered and she snorted before taking the towel.


"Yes, that."

"You've seen me naked before, Alistair." He grunted "In fact you've done-

"'Liisa" she stood on her toes and kissed his nose.

"Forgive me, you are adorable when you blush." Groaned and gave her an exasperated look. She walked into their bedroom, drying herself as she walked, and looked to the hounds snoring in the corner. She smiled, thoughts of a family and small feet returning to her, sparking something deep in her chest. "Alistair?" she called to him, turning to see his figure appear in the doorway.


"I want a child." His silence caused her gut to do flips. Had she offended him? Embarrassed him? Maybe he wasn't on the same page as her. There is, after all, a difference between wanting a child and being told you're required to have one.

She turned and saw him walk up to her, the blush from earlier gone and something different in his eyes. Something far softer, a softness that she hadn't seen since…since before she knew about his parentage.

"I do, too." he whispered and held out his hand for her. She gingerly placed her own hand in his, "You know that it won't be…"

"I know." She cut him off as he led her towards the bed. "Later." That conversation will be for another time, but not now. He sat at the foot of the bed, pulling her towards him, into his lap so she was straddling him. His hands caressing her sides and her small ones bracing herself on his shoulders.

"Eliisa, I-" he whispered, worry etching into his features. She brought her hand to his face and rubbed his bottom lip with her thumb. Smiling when he closed his eyes and leaned into her hand, sighing slowly.

"Later." She repeated and tilted his face up and kissed him. She didn't want to talk about what may or may not happen. She didn't want to think about that it wasn't going to be as easy as an early morning stolen moment. She didn't want to think at all.

Alistair's arm wrapped around the small of her back and brought her flush against him. His other hand ran up her body, cupping her breast, gently pinching the nipple between his index and middle finger. Eliisa sighed appreciatively, placing lazy kisses on his jaw.

Maker she missed his hands on her, and she was no longer afraid to admit it. All those months alone in her room at Vigil's Keep, on the hard stone floor of the Deep Roads, and the muddy and dank ground in the Blackmarsh, she missed his warmth. His shy, uncertain 'we can stop if you don't want this' before he completely ravished her. She pressed her weight into him, and he, taking the hint, laid down on his back.

"Why is it that you always seem to be the one far overdressed in these situations?" She nipped down on his neck gently.

"Didn't we establish a 'no biting' rule?" he teased and she gently sucked where she bit him.

"You tried, but then I said that it applies to both of us and I believe you pouted in response." He gave her a short chuckle before flipping their positions.

"You gave me a lose/lose situation. I chose the lesser of two evils." His tongue graced her throat and her hips rose to meet his own. Oh, how she delighted in how his hips relaxed into her own, the gentle roll of his hips causing his clothed erection rub against her core. She tilted her head back and moaned when he bit down on her neck. He rolled against her again and she was already so close, her fingers never doing him justice.

"Do you really want me to stop biting you?" she ground up her hips again.

"No." he stated huskily and seized her lips, sucking on her bottom lip. Her breath caught in her throat and she sputtered against his rolling hips. Maker, she missed his warmth.

"Take off your pants." She ordered breathlessly and felt his chest shake against her own when he chuckled.

"As my queen commands." she bit her lip and watch him unlace. He was so handsome, she thanked the Maker for that. Eliisa grinned deviously.

Maybe she was a bit vain in thanking the Maker he was as handsome as he was, but she could hardly care when he crawled back over her body. What she was thankful for, most of all, was that the awkward stage of this was over. Not that she didn't appreciate the sweetness of their wedding night, but this was far less stressful.

She never knew that "just sex" could be so fulfilling.

Light filtered into the room as Alistair wrapped her legs around his hips and slowly entered her.

"Maker."She sighed out, closing her eyes. She had been needing this contact, his contact, for months now. She originally thought when she came back to court she would be less stressed, but with Eamon berating her, Alistair insisting he could handle the nobles on his own, and all these women and daughters being thrown at her husband, she wasn't sure if the stress was worse here or with the Darkspawn.

"Eliisa?" his worried voice caught her attention. "Are you ok? Did I hurt you?" she smiled at him. He was so sweet he could make her teeth rot.

"I'm fine." She whispered and pulled him into a kiss "Better than fine, actually." She thrusted up and he let out a shaky laugh. She kissed him fervently and unrelenting, spurred on by his groans. Smirking, she slid her legs down his hips, over his toned backside and tangled her legs with his, effectively keeping him place. She would never tell Oghren she actually listened to his sex advice.

Eliisa broke the kiss, enjoying his dazed look, and kissed across his jaw and neck. She found the perfect spot and scraped her teeth against it, attaching her lips greedily to the spot, afterwards. When he gasped out her name it only spurred her ministrations more. She realized in the short months they had been intimate that his pleasure was very much something that turned her on. For this strong, powerful man to be left in such a state and because of her? It was enthralling.

Her orgasm came in waves, ones she gladly rode against him. She didn't let herself quiet down her voice. Let the whole damn castle hear for all she cared, let Bann Ena know that her presence here was unwanted. Her unrestrained cries caused a flush to spread across his cheeks and neck. Her devious stare changing into a soft smile as he brought his face to hers, nuzzling their noses together.

"'Lis…" he whispered and she looked at him quizzically.

"Al." she whispered back, her eyes glazing over when she saw his eyebrows furrow together. She took to his lips, kissing him roughly. She knew he tried to hold back his own sounds of pleasure, finding too embarrassing. Andraste's pyre though, she was glad when he didn't. The way his breath hitched as his thrusts became sporadic and had no rhythm. She kissed him again when he relaxed against her and untangled their legs.

She immediately missed the heat of his sweaty body against her own when he rolled off of her and to the side. They lay there in silence, catching their breaths, stuck in the haze of pleasure and sex. She barely noticed when they slipped their hands together, she wasn't even sure if she was the one to grab his hand or he hers. She didn't care, and broad smile on her spread across her face. She didn't care if it was bad luck to already speak of the subject, nor did she care about the impossible odds against them.

"What do you think?"


"Girl or boy?" his laughter filling the room was the answer she wanted.

Eliisa had quickly dressed after her morning rendezvous with Alistair. Deirdre had come to help (lecture) her with her hair and the king bathed and dressed. Today they were to sit in court, and listen to his people's grievances. This was her first time since she came back so she had to make an impression.

She sighed and slipped into the layered cotton voile navy blue gown with ease. The gold embroidered vines and flowers decorated her tempest sleeves, her V-neck collar and wrapped around her torso and hips loosely. Deirdre weaved Eliisa's wavy hair into large ringlets and placed her crown on her head.

Alistair re-entered the room attempting to straighten the crown on his head. Eliisa laughed and nodded at Deirdre, who left with a small smirk on her face. Eliisa walked over and adjusted his crown.

"How ever did you manage to get this thing straight without me here to do it for you?" she teased.

"Oh, it went on crooked most of the time." He grinned at her widely. "Eamon was wholly embarrassed. I supposed I should have been, too. 'King Alistair, can't even wear his crown properly!'" she giggled

"Oh posh, all I ever heard on my travels is how much the people love you." She giggled again at his embarrassed cough.

"Wish I could say the same for the nobles."

"Well that's because you're pushing for idealistic changes, and it's working." She wrapped her arm around his and they walked out of their room and towards the court room. "Besides, Fergus is on your side. Remember, the Cousland's have stood with the Theirin's since King Calenhad and that's not changing anytime soon."

"As I recall that didn't happen peacefully."

"No, but-"

"And didn't the Cousland's work with the warden's during the rebellion against Arland."

"Alistair," she laughed "I'm trying to be supportive." He grinned at her and she shook her head. The two of them made their way to the court room, in a comfortable silence.

"Why do I feel like I'm back at Ostagar?" Alistair spoke to the large doors as they waited for Teagan to inform them that the people were ready.

"Because we're about to enter a losing battle? The Bannorn is never satisfied." She huffed

"I'm…glad, to have you Eliisa." She watched his throat bob as his swallowed "I don't think I would've made it this far without you."

"Oh, Eamon would've been plenty helpful."

"No, I mean before this king business." She raised her brow at him "In the Blight, as wardens." He placed his hand over hers "I would have never gotten this far. Ferelden wouldn't have gotten this far, without you. I just wanted you to know that I'm glad that you're you and not some…some other warden." Eliisa laughed "Maker that sounded better in my head."

"Thank you, Alistair," she grinned sincerely before quickly covering it up when Teagan approached them.

"They're ready for you, Your Majesties." He tipped his head. Eliisa looked back up to Alistair who gave her a nervous grin. She took a deep breath before Alistair nodded to the guards.

The doors opened and the sounds of their people grew silent as the King and Queen of Ferelden walked arm-in-arm to their thrones.