In honor of Monty Oum.

This story takes place before The Stray.

Dear Blake,

I miss your smile; the happy ones, not the half-hearted ones you would give me before you left. The ones you gave when we were little. Before we grew up and met the horrors of our world. Before the White Fang when our love and friendship came first.

Then you were always sad. Whenever I would ask what was wrong, you just give me a fake smile and says everything was alright. I never believed it; I just tried to shrug it off and think about the next mission. I never thought nor realized how much it hurt you.

I never imagined you would leave me. I never wanted that. I drove you away and I deeply regret it. If I could do everything over, I would never have us join the White Fang. I would just have us run away to a remote corner of the world, where no one could disturb us and our peace.

But I have a duty to our people, to free them from the humans. They will never treat us equally. They have to die, after everything they have done to us. I'm sorry, I wish there was another way.

I want you back. That is the only thing that surpasses my desire for freedom and equality. I think I could be content with just that. I could stand the human maybe then.

I love you, Blake. I'm sorry I never said it as often as I should have. I'm sorry I took you for granted. Just please come back.

Forever yours,


I must have read this letter more times than I'd like to count. The pain, always the same pain, returns whenever I do.

As much as I would like to go back to him, I can't. The man he was, the man I fell for was gone. All the remained of him was his dream for a better world, but even that was tainted.

I wipe away a tear as it falls. There were more tears in the beginning of my self-exile. Now they have lessened over time.

Knowing my team would be gone for a while, I pull out a piece of paper, and begin to write.

Please review and tell me what you think.