BlackLynx17: Now this is the real chapter I wrote for the ending! Thanks for reading everybody, thanks for all my reviews and supports! I love you! I think this was the perfect ending!
"Wendy! Wendy! Wendy!"
Wendy's eyes fluttered open; she groaned at her massive headache and leaned up out of the bed, looking all around the room. She spotted some of her Fairy Tail friends beside her, Mirajane, Charlie, and Lucy staring at her with concerned expressions.
"Ugh, why does my head hurt?" She moaned leaning up in the bed.
"You bumped into a tree and knocked out Wendy, I don't know how you did it, but it happened. Are you alright?" Charlie asked flying to her lap.
"You had quite a bump on you Wendy, but I patched you up. You should be alright now." Mirajane said.
"Is anything feeling funny Wendy? You gave us quite a scare." Lucy giggled.
"Thanks guys, other than my headache though I'm fine. Ugh, I don't' remember anything other than someone throwing me like a rag doll. You say I flew into a tree?" Wendy asked Charlie again.
"I didn't see anyone there Wendy, just you knocking into a tree and falling unconscious."
"Wow, I wonder what happened?"
"The most important thing is that you're okay now Wendy." Lucy smiled, "do you need anything? Water? I'm going to go get you some." She said getting up.
"And I'll tell everybody you're alright now." Mirajane said following her out.
"Are you sure you're fine Wendy?" Charlie pouted.
"Perfectly fine Charlie... that was weird though. My head is feels like it's cracking a bit, maybe I need some more rest?" Wendy asked herself.
"You should if it'll make you feel better. I'll be right here."
"Thanks Charlie," Wendy said resting her head back.
It wasn't her head that was killing her though, but her heart too. It was racing more than usually, racing hard and racing fast as if she was anxious for something. As she started taking deep breaths though that racing slowed down and she was able to relax.
Wendy couldn't understand why, but her heart was racing. She meant, she knew she had a crush on him, but her heart never raced this fast before just from seeing him. All she wanted to do right now was walk over to him and hold him, touch him in some way of form. She wanted to hug him, so close, so tightly. Why? Where was all of this suddenly coming from?
She hasn't seen her crush in over eight years. They weren't anything special, they weren't dating, and yet this feeling was more than missing. She felt dead a few minutes ago and somehow brought back to life, which would explain why her heart was racing so much. Their eyes finally met and tears started falling out of her eyes. She didn't know why, she couldn't explain them and quickly turned to wipe them away. They wouldn't stop falling though and Wendy bit her bottom lip, slapping her cheeks together.
"Are you alright there Wendy?"
Wendy stiffened a bit and turned around, smiling lightly. "Hi there Mest, been a while hasn't it? I'm just fine, yeah, I don't why these tears are suddenly falling. I'm not sad at all right now, actually happy really." She said wiping her tears again.
"That's strange... truthfully I feel like crying right now too," Mest whispered to her.
Wendy's eyes widened a bit as she stared right up at him, "really?"
"Yeah, but out of happiness too. Wendy," he said lightly reaching out for her.
He brushed his fingers through her hair and wiped away a tear she missed, wishing to hold her close to his chest. He almost made the motion to do so, but quickly pulled his finger away even though it was what neither of them wanted. Mest cleared his throat and Wendy took a small breath.
"So? How you been?" He asked with a shrugged.
"Good," Wendy answered back.
"Good... well it doesn't sound very... good. That's all you can give me?"
Wendy giggled a little as she took a step towards him, "good as in so much happened that I couldn't possibly tell you all of it right here and now."
"Let's go out then and get some lunch."
Wendy blinked, "right now?"
"Yeah, right now."
"But aren't you- aren't we busy right now?" She gasped lightly.
"Please Wendy," Mest whispered reaching out to grab her hand. Wendy's heart exploded inside of her chest as she stared up and looked directly into his eyes. "Let's... let's go get some food."
All she could do was blink and nod her head, "alright then."
Mest smiled at her and then in the blink of an eye the two of them were standing right outside of a restaurant, their hands still joined together as they walked in.