Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or realities (unless otherwise stated). I do not make money off of this.

The prompt for this come from an anonymous avengerkink dreamwidth post. It is Frostiron if you didn't see, so don't like don't read.

This is not betaed. If you see any mistakes, I would love for you to kindly point them out.

Loki had been partially absolved of his crimes, on the point that he had also been brainwashed into following Thanatos, but since he still did the horrible things and people needed a scapegoat, Odin Allfather and Nick Fury decided that Loki would be stuck on earth for a certain amount of time. They agreed that he would live in Avengers Tower, and so would everybody else. And if anybody had a problem, couldn't they move to another floor? And then never bump into Loki at all?

One morning, during which time Steve was out on his morning run, Bruce was doing yoga on his floor and Natasha and Clint were sparring with each other (and wouldn't be around for a while), Loki found himself in the communal dining room, looking out the enormous window. Suddenly the elevator door opened, and as Loki turned around, Tony stumbled in, blinking at everything.

He yawned. "What time is it, JARVIS?" He said as he stumbled into the kitchen, clumsily grabbing a random mug and attempting to start up the coffee machine.

"Good Morning, Sir. It is 7:09 a.m." Tony kept fumbling with the coffee machine until it kickstarted and he mumbled out a "Thanks, JARVIS." before he downed the entire hot cup of black coffee in one go while Jarvis replied with a 'You're welcome.' Once Tony was more awake than he was a few seconds ago, he sipped at another cup of coffee, set it down to attempt to make some toast, and as it was toasting, pushed his hands into his pockets, and meandered to where Loki was standing.

"Pretty view, huh?"

"I suppose it is."

They stood in awkward silence for a moment before Tony's toaster dinged completion of breakfast. Tony then turned to Loki, kissed him fully on the lips and then walked back to the kitchen as if nothing of real importance had happened.

Loki sputtered a little and touched his fingers to his lips.

What the heck was that?

Well he is kind of cute, you know.

Shut up!