Hello all, and welcome to my brand new story. Now just before we begin, I want to say that I will NOT be abandoning WDOD for this one, and l might not be updating this quite often, though I will try and update the two stories consecutively. The reason I'm starting this now instead of September, is because I've got a bad case of writers block again, and I've got a few ideas flying around my head so I wanted to write them down before I forget them.

Now a quick summary: This is another OP Issei fic, but he will have a darker past and, just to please the one guy who complained about it, more writing to explain how he got to his level of power, because apparently time skips aren't enough...

Anyway, he will not be a part of Rias' peerage in this fic, nor will he ever become a devil. Some of the first reviews I got on WDOD were questions as to where Issei's loyalty lay, though a few people were disappointed that he became a 'Servant' even though I made a loophole, but I can guarantee that he will remain neutral in this story.

I own nothing but the story.

(Unknown Location)

"My Lord, we have located the boy" a voice spoke out from what looked like the entrance to an ominous looking room. Stood near a window with a grin on his face, was a tall man who looked to be in his 40's with long silver hair and a beard of the same colour, wearing an ornate armour with eight pauldrons protruding outwards.

"Raziel, you're back. Have confirmed whether or not it is the Sekiryuutei's presence?" the man asked. From the doorway appeared another man, though this one was visibly muscular, with short black hair and brown eyes, wearing a black shirt with one sleeve, and a pair of black pants.

"Yes, Lord Rizevim. We have just received confirmation that it is indeed the presence of Ddraig within the boy... shall I send them in?" Rizevim was about to say yes, but a sudden thought stopped him and brought a maniacal grin across his face

"Your report said that the boy was just a child, correct?"

"Yes, my Lord. According to the report, the child is only four years of age. Why do you ask?"

"I think I'll handle this myself. The boy is young, so it should be easy to break his will if he watches his parents tortured right in front of him. It'll make our work much, much easier~"

"Sadistic as ever, my Lord. Very well, I shall inform the others to prepare."

"Thank you, Razi-kun... Oh and bring a video camera with you, I'll want to watch the moment over and over again! Ooh~ Just the thought of torturing those humans makes me feel so orgasmic!"

"Very good, my Lord" Raziel bowed and left the room.

(Kuoh Town - Hyoudou Residence)

Late in the evening saw a young couple sitting in each others arms, their gazes switching between the television and the black haired boy who was sitting in the corner with his toys, their young son Issei, who was oblivious to their repeated glances. The two looked on amused at their son, but a knock at their door interrupted them. The woman tried to stand so she could answer the door, but she was pulled back down by her husband.

"I'll get it Yuko, it's probably just the neighbours again."

"Alright Shu, but don't be too long" Shu left his wife's grip and answered the door, stood there were a group of men, all clad in black clothing and in front of them all was Raziel

"Shukisi Hyoudou?" he asked

"Yeah, that's me... can I help you?"

"My name is Raziel Mammon, we're here to take your son." Raziel then raised his hand and blasted a ball of energy at Shu, sending him through the wall of the living room. Yuko and Issei both rushed over to the bloodied man in tears and looked towards the direction he came from, and saw the men in black enter the house "Heal the man and then tie him up, Lord Rizevim wants to be the one that ends their pitiful lives."

"Yes sir." some of the men with him stepped forward and dragged Shu away, allowing Raziel to step forward and grab Issei by the neck

"So this is the brat that holds the Welsh Dragon" Raziel said smirking as Issei struggled in his grip

"Get off of my son!" Yuko screamed as she charged at Raziel, who just backhanded her across the room

"Okaa-san!" Issei bit Raziel's hand, causing him to drop Issei. He attempted to run to his mother, but Raziel gripped his shirt effectively halting his movements "Let go!" Raziel laughed and threw Issei across the room

"Hah, stupid brat"

"Issei!" Yuko tried to reach her son, but was promptly pulled back into place "You bastards! Why are you doing this?" Raziel smirked and lifted her face to meet his

"Because he has a power inside of him that my master wants. You should be thanking us, your son will become a weapon, one that will help bring about a change and secure our hopes of a new world, a better world, led by Lord Rizevim"


"Yes... a weapon! Once he is completed, we will use his power to destroy those who oppose us, and eliminate those who are a threat to the new world." Raziel looked straight into her eyes "You know, it's a shame that we have to kill you. I think I might treat myself to your body before your execution" Yuko spat on him in response, but was once again backhanded by Raziel.

"Now now, Razi-kun... I already told you that I will be the one to torture them." the voice came from the doorway, and as they all turned they were greeted with Rizevim's grinning visage.

"My Lord, we have done as instructed... though I fear that the boy may be unconscious at the moment." Raziel spoke as he and the others bowed

"Raise your heads. Razi-kun, wake the boy up, but don't hurt him too badly or I fear that all this will be for naught." Rizevim then turned to the parents "Ah, you must be the boys parents. My name is Rizevim Livan Lucifer, the son of Lucifer and leader of our group, Qlippoth!"

"L-Lucifer? As in the Devil Lucifer?"

"Kyahaha, that's right. Though it would be proper to say "The first Devil" there are more than one of us you know~"

"W-Why? Why us? Why our son?" Shu asked, earning an amused smirk from Rizevim

"I'm sure Razi-kun has gone through this before, but you probably weren't listening so I'll tell you again. Your son holds one of the thirteen Longinus, the most powerful of the Sacred Gears that were bestowed upon humans by God before he died. The one he has is the [Boosted Gear], otherwise known as the Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet. My plan is to take him into my own hands and forge him into a weapon to stand by my side in the new world that I will create!"

"Issei is a kind soul. No matter what you try, he won't kill for you!"

"Not while he has hope." Rizevim replied and laughed madly "That's why I'm going to break his will as soon as possible. Imagine the psychological damage his youthful mind will undertake when he sees his parents torn apart and tortured before his very eyes." both Shu and Yuko's eyes widened in shock

"Y-You're a monster!" Yuko shouted, the tears freely falling from her eyes. Shu was in the same condition, though he was constantly trying to break out of the bonds

"Nope~ I'm a Devil~ It's fundamental that I be evil. You see, my Father raised me to seek out opportunity, and shoot it where it sleeps, so as soon as I sensed the Sekiryuutei's presence within your son, I immediately decided to use him for my own plans." Rizevim looked towards Issei and noticed that he was now awake, faring no better than his parents "Anyway, now that your brat is awake we can get onto the fun part!"

"Fun part?" Shu asked nervously

"Yes, the fun part. Make sure to scream reeeeeally loud, okay~ Ah I do love torturing pathetic humans!"

"My Lord, a moment if you will?" Raziel said as he stepped forward, to which Rizevim huffed and complied, walking out into the hallway

"Make it quick, you're interrupting my torture time."

"My Lord, I don't mean to question your orders, but is it really alright?" Rizevim looked at him half amused but half confused

"Ara, Ara. Razi-kun's gotten soft. What happened to the Raziel that cared not if humans lived or died?"

"You misunderstand me. I don't care if they live or not, but you were just saying how pathetic they are, yet you want to recruit one of them..." Rizevim widened his eyes in realization

"Ah, so that's want you meant. Well it seems that this time it is you that misunderstood me; I stand by what I said about the humans, but hopefully the boy won't be human for much longer. If everything goes to plan, he will awaken the Welsh Dragon and sacrifice his body in a futile attempt to escape, or better yet save his parents."

"And if he doesn't?"

"It's not a matter of "if" it's "when". There is no doubt in my mind that he will succumb to the Welsh Dragon sooner or later, it just so happens that "sooner" is much more convenient for us."

"Very good, my Lord. I'll start with the barrier, we wouldn't want any interruptions now would we?"

"Thank you, Razi-kun. Ah, this is gonna be so fun~ I haven't tortured humans in a long time!"

Those hours of torture were the worst moments of Issei's life. He was forced to watch his parents torn limb from limb, forced to endure their pained screams no matter how hard he tried to block it out, no matter how much he wanted to look away, he was beaten back into place by his captors. And through it all, he could only wonder why they wouldn't just end it, why they wouldn't just end his parents lives instead of healing them, just to beat them down again.

Everything from toes to tongues were scattered across the floor, along with a large puddle of blood painting the floor dark red. After watching his parents finally granted eternal rest, Issei completely broke down; his cries eventually died down, and while the tears were falling down his face, his eyes were completely hollow and lifeless.

(Inside Issei's Mind)

"Okaa-san... Otou-san..." While his physical appearance was broken, inside his mind, Issei was faring much worse. He floated around endlessy in the dark void of his mind, crying for his parents, but to no avail, when all of a sudden, the area around him changed into a fiery pit, and from the depths of the mindscape, out flew a large red Western Dragon with emerald green eyes, staring intently at Issei.

[So young... yet you have been forced to endure something no child ever should]

"W-Who? What?" Issei backed away in fear of the large Dragon in front of him

[Do not be afraid my host. I won't harm you, actually it's quite the opposite, I want to help]

"...Help how?"

[I'm afraid that it's too late for your parents, but if you sacrifice part of your body to me, you might be able to escape]

"What will I need to give up to avenge my parents?"

[If you wish to waste this chance and attack them, then you will need to sacrifice your entire body, but even with the sacrifice, any power I give you won't be enough to hurt that man.]

"I DON'T CARE! H-He didn't just kill them... he TORTURED them. I'd rather die avenging them, than running like a coward. Otou-san taught me that cowards are the worst kinds of people, and I'm no coward!"

To say Ddraig was surprised would be a severe understatement. In all his years sealed inside the [Boosted Gear] he had never seen so much wisdom and courage coming from someone as young as Issei was, of course he had hosts that were very courageous, but none of them were four years old.

[You are very interesting. You are but a young child, yet you speak wisdom expected of men near the end of their lives. If you really want to fight, then I shall take your entire being as a sacrifice. Before you agree, I shall inform you of what that entails; firstly, your body will change into that of a humanoid dragon, your eyes will become like mine, your teeth will grow sharper and your body will be tough as a Dragon's.]

"That doesn't really sound like much of a drawback, but either way, I will still try and avenge them!"

[Very well, I can only hope that you make it out alive. Good luck, partner.]

(Outside of Issei's mind)

The Qlippoth members were preparing to leave the Hyoudou house, with Issei's limp form in hand, before a surge of energy blasted some of them away. Stood in the center of the blast was Issei clad in the Scale Mail armour of the [Boosted Gear]

[I must warn you partner, even though you sacrificed your body, you can only last in this form for half a minute, so I would recommend that you kill whoever you can and escape]

'Not just anyone Ddraig... I want to kill HIM' Issei suddenly charged forward towards Rizevim, but was intercepted by his lackeys, and before he knew what happened, his arms pointed outwards and two large blasts of energy were shot off, though it was not powerful enough to kill them, it was enough to knock them unconscious. 'What just happened?'

[I took temporary control of your arms, I won't make a habit out of it but I will do it if I think It'll help]

Issei mentally nodded and poured his remaining energy into the jets, and charged towards Rizevim yet again, though this time it was Rizevim himself who stopped Issei. He held out his hand and after a quick flash, the Scale Mail dissipated, and as Issei fell forward, a swift chop to the back of his neck rendered him unconscious.

"Looks like you were right." Raziel said as he picked Issei off of the ground "Though I wonder why you don't just extract his Sacred Gear and give it to someone more powerful than him."

"Whether we extract it or not is still to be decided, but the reason is because he is human." Rizevim replied, much to the confusion of Raziel

"I'm afraid I don't understand, my Lord."

"Humans are, by far, one of the weakest species in this world... So why is it that they have been able to survive for so long when there are more powerful forces all around them? It's really simple, humans adapt to survive; when compared to the three factions, it's no surprise that humans are prospering. We Devils are beings of Greed, which is a driving force in our actions. The Fallen Angels are beings of Lust, which also affects their ways of living. And finally, the Angels; due to their pure natures, it is impossible for them to reproduce without risk of falling." Raziel nodded in understanding

"Leave a Devil in the wild, and he'll use his powers to live, since he has no need to change himself, but if you leave a Human there, it's an entirely different story; he will change the way he lives, do anything as long as it means he'll keep on living."

"Exactly! I plan to utilize his adaptability, so that hopefully he will be able to improvise should he slip up... assuming he passes the test, that is."

"And if he fails?"

"Then we take his Sacred Gear and pass it on to someone more worthy"

"Very good, my Lord"

"Alright, let's return to headquarters, we can give him the test tomorrow!" Raziel nodded and followed the rest of the group. Rizevim took a final look around the house, before nodding to himself and upon exiting the building, he summoned a large magic circle and completely demolished the house. Only then did he leave, with a satisfied smirk adorning his face, to prepare for the many experiments he had planned for Issei.

Alright, prologue is over, let me know what you think of the story so far. I can't guarantee that I'll update consistently, since WDOD is my main story and I want to focus on that, but as I said, I will try and do one after the other. R&R! Shadow Out!