It's that time of year. When everyone pulls their act together. Today was the last of the year. Everyone was shopping and going out to buy things. People were buying workout clothes. Mostly everyone's New Year Resolution was to lose weight, but 90% of the time they don't do it. That's not the case though.

Families were together and having parties. Friends were getting together drinking and doing fun things before they would have to stop. Kids were running around with fireworks in their hands wanted to lit them off because they couldn't wait till tonight. It's going to be a new year for everyone. Although, there are two hedgehogs were just sitting at home doing nothing.

"What do you want to do?" Sonic the Hedgehog asked.

"I don't know... It's the same thing every year." Amy Rose replied.

"Fireworks, kissing, and drinking."

The couple sat on the couch at Sonic's house. They have been dating for a while, but this was going to be their first New Years together. They didn't think anything of it. Just another day to go work and have fun with friends. The sun was out and Sonic had already gone on his daily run. Amy was planning to make something, but she wasn't going to have one over.

"I'm going to take a nap." Sonic said standing up from the couch.


Sonic headed up the stairs and went off to take a nap. Amy signed and watched more TV. Her day wasn't going well at all. Sonic seemed down about something, and she didn't know why. She asked Tails about it, but sadly he didn't know the answer too. After her show was over Amy headed outside and called a friend. It was early in the afternoon so she had some time on her hands.

"I don't know what to do with him." Amy said over the phone.

"We're going to go shopping. I have the perfect idea for the first night of the year." Said her friend over the phone.

"Can you pick me up?"

"Yea! I'm on my way right now."

Amy hung up the phone and went back inside. She slowly walked up the stairs and looked in the bedroom. Sonic was fast asleep. He only had his boxers on. Amy walked into the room and grabbed her things. She grabbed her wallet and headed out of the door. She turned back and grinned at the sight of Sonic. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. Amy shut the bedroom door and went back outside. She was sitting under a tree waiting for her friend to show up. A red car pulled up and her friend honk the car horn. Amy got up and ran over to the car.

"Shh! Sonic is sleeping." Amy said looking at the house. "I can't let him know we're doing this."

"Please. I do this all the time. Every year." Rouge the Bat said.

Amy opened the car door and Rogue backed out of the driveway. Rouge was a good friend to Amy. Even though they had their fights, they were pretty close. They would lie to each other sometimes, but they were good about that now. As Rouge drove to the mall Amy talked about what was going with Sonic. Rouge knew what was going on. She knew boys better than herself. It was a little weird, but very helpful to everyone.

"Why do you park so far away!?" Amy said getting out of the car and seeing the mall building so far away.

"I can fly there, plus I don't want anyone to hit my car."

Rouge fly in the air and Amy grabbed her ankles. They flew to the building. Amy let go of Rouge and landed on her feet. Rouge got on her feet and opened the door. They walked right into the foot court. There weren't that many people. Rouge and Amy let their feet do all the talking. They would let their feet take them to any stores. Rouge always had to go into one store. Amy wasn't fond of it, but now she was. Rouge had told her about what Sonic needed tonight.

"We only been dating for 8 months though." Amy said looking around the store. "What the hell is this?" Amy said picking up something that was very small.

"It's a G-string."

"Where's the rest of it!?"

Rouge shrugged and Amy followed Rouge around the store. This store was filled with bras and underwear. It was all girly things. It was just a lingerie story. Amy never really liked going into this store. She would always get sick just by walking past the store. Rouge had already picked out a bunch of items for Amy to try on. Amy went to try everything on. She would have to go show Rouge and get her thoughts on what she (Amy) was wearing.

"Something dark colored." Rouge said.

"I'm not wearing black."

"Racist." Rouge teased.

Rouge held up a finger and went to go look around the store. Amy was stuck in the fitting rooms. She wanted for Rouge to come back. As she waiting there was a mirror and Amy looked at herself. She had to admit she did look good. She just hoped it was enough for Sonic. This would be the first time he would be doing this for new years.

"Hurry! Try this on!" Rouge said.

Amy opened the door and held out her hand. Rouge handed it to her and Amy shut the door. Rouge waited as Amy changed her clothes again. The door finally opened and Rouge turned her head. She grinned at Amy.

"I feel weird." Amy said covering herself with her arms.

"You look hot! White with rainbow fuzz on top at bottom." Rouge said. "You're totally buying that."

"I do like it. I'm just scared that Sonic is going to think to much of it."

"No boy I know ever thinks to much."

Rouge winked and Amy closed the door. She got changed in her normal outfit and opened the door again. Amy bought the white outfit. After a long day at the mall, Rouge took Amy home. Sonic must be up by now. It's been three hours.

"It was fun. Thanks again Rouge." Amy said opening the car door.

"Any time. Happy New Year."

Amy grinned and shut the door. Amy walked towards the front door. She looked behind her and Rouge's car was now out of sight. Amy turned her head towards the door again.

"S-Sonic!" Amy said seeing Sonic standing in front of her.

"Did you go out?"

"Y-Yea. Just with Rouge. We went to the mall."


Sonic moved out of the way for Amy to come into his house. Amy had her bag and she set it down. Sonic noticed the bag but he didn't say anything about it. Amy sat back on the couch and relaxed. Sonic sat next to her and put his arm around her shoulders. Amy leaned her head on his shoulder and everything stopped for a while. They both loved this feeling. It was like they were the only two people living on this earth.

"Do you want to move in?" Sonic asked.

"What?" Amy asked sitting up.

"You heard me." Sonic grinned.

Amy couldn't find the right words. Sonic just asked her to move in with him! He wasn't joking around. He wanted her in his house! Amy couldn't be any happier. This day was going so well. A great way to start off the new year. Well, the couple would have to wait till midnight for the new year. Amy kissed Sonic on the lips and pulled back.

"I would love to!" Amy said with a smile.

"Great! We can go get your things tomorrow. A brand new start for us."

Amy smiled and Sonic kissed her. The couple made out for a while. After a few minutes of that, Sonic pulled apart. They touched noses and sparks flew in the air. The sun was going down now. It was around dinner time.

"Is Silver's party still going on?" Amy asked.

"Yea. Want to go?"

Amy nodded and Sonic grabbed Amy's hand. Sonic held Amy in his arms and ran out the door. Sonic was faster than taking the car. Silver lived a few blocks down the road. Sonic stopped in front of a white house. Tons of cars were parked outside the house. Sonic set Amy down on her feet and they held hands and walked to the front door. Amy knocked on the door and they waited for someone to answer. The door opened up.

"Yay! You came!" Silver said wearing a new years hat. "Come in! Come in!"

Silver jumped out of the way and Sonic and Amy walked inside. Silver shut the front door and lead them to where everyone else was. There was music playing. Balloons were everywhere. There was cake in the kitchen. Baked goods and drinks.

"Look who finally came!" Silver yelled walking into the living room.

"Yay!" Cream said hugging Amy tight.

"It got boring at our house." Sonic said as Cream let go of Amy.

"Whoa... Ours!?" Knuckles asked. "It's about time, Sonic!"

Tails, Cream, Knuckles, Tikal, Silver, Blaze, Shadow, and Rouge were all Silver's house. It was their little group of friends. They had pizza and talked for a very long time. The friends played spin the bottle along with truth or dare. They were all sitting in a circle.

"Truth or dare, Tails?" Sonic asked.

"Dare." Tails said.

"I dare you to sing in the shower."

"What song?" Tails asked.

"Shower. It makes sense."

"Do you want me to do it right now?"

"Nah. Cream will tell me if you do it or not."

Sonic winked at Cream and she smiled. Tails spun the bottle and it landed on Shadow. He gave Tails an evil grin.

"Dare." Shadow said without letting Tails talk first.

"I dare you to slid down the stairs."

Shadow grinned and got up. Instead of sliding down the stairs, Shadow threw himself down the stairs. He didn't mind it at all. All the girls were worried when Shadow hit the bottom of the stairs while the boys were all laughing.

"Someone had to much to drink." Knuckles said.

"Yea. You!" Blaze teased.

"Who wants cake?" Silver asked.

Everyone looked at Silver with wide eyes. Everything went quite. Silver got up and went to get the cake. He brought the cake back along with a knife. He set it down on the coffee table. It was around 10pm now. Blaze lit the candles with her hand.

There was a blue candle for Sonic. A pink candle for Amy. A yellow candle for Tails. An orange candle for Cream. A red candle for Knuckles. A green candle for Tikal. A silver candle for Silver. A purple candle for Blaze. A black candle for Shadow. A white candle for Rouge. Everyone made a wish and blew out their candles. Silver cut the cake and everyone began to eat.

"We have five more minutes till the new year!" Tails said looking at his watch.

"This is going to be so much fun!" Tikal yelled.

The whole group of friends went outside. Everyone looked up at the stars. Fireworks would be going off soon. Tails put his timer on. The minutes felt longer than ever, but that was only because everyone was starring the at the time.

"Three! Two!" The group of friends yelled. "One! Happy New Year!"

Fireworks started to go off. Sonic pulled Amy into a hug and kissed her. They pulled apart and everyone sat in the grass watching the fireworks.

After the fireworks were finished, everyone went home. Silver didn't want to clean the mess up. He would do it later. It was morning now too. Sonic held Amy as they went back home. He kicked the door open and set Amy down.

"Man! That was so fun!" Sonic said locking the front door.

"Yea! I'm glad we went."

Sonic headed upstairs and Amy noticed her bag on the floor. She remember what Rouge had told her. It's now a new year and you should start making new things happen. Amy grinned and grabbed the bag. She changed in the bathroom downstairs and did her business.

Amy was wearing a white bra with fuzz on the underwire. It also had rainbow dots on it. She also wore white underwear. Amy fixed her hair and smiled in the mirror. She shut off the bathroom lights and headed upstairs. She walked slowly hoping Sonic wouldn't hear her. Amy poked her head in the door and Sonic was laying in bed playing a game on his phone. He was waiting for Amy to come to bed.

"Sonikku." Amy said from outside the door.


"Wanna have some fun?"

"Define fun."

Amy snapped her fingers and Sonic looked up. His jaw dropped and his eyes went wide. Sonic set his phone on his night stand and starred at Amy. She slowly walked towards him. Sonic couldn't find the right words for Amy. She was now standing right in front of Sonic. His body couldn't move for a second.

"I... Amy... Beautiful." Sonic stuttered.

"Too much for ya?" Amy winked sitting on Sonic's lap.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood up straight. Sonic put his hands on her sides and moved them up and down. Her curve was perfect for him. Amy leaned her head in and Sonic did the same thing. Their lips touched, but Sonic couldn't take it anymore. He spun them around so he was on top. Their tongue battled each other. Sonic laid on Amy with his body weight on her so she couldn't get away from him.

"A-Are we really going to do this?" Sonic asked lifting himself up.

"You don't want too?"

"No! Believe me I do. It's just that I've never done this before on New Years."

"I'm glad I'm the first one." Amy winked.

Sonic grinned and they kissed each other again. Amy wrapped her legs around Sonic's waist and things got heated very fast. Sonic's member was starting to poke Amy. She giggled and broke the kiss. She looked down between his legs and grinned at the sight.

"Can't wait. Can you?" Amy teased.

Sonic shook his head. He couldn't wait at all! Seeing Amy like that turned him real fast. Amy pushed him off and she sat up. She unclipped her bra and took off her underwear. Sonic did the same with his boxers. The couple was fully naked now.

"Who's on top?" Sonic asked getting a condom.

"It's a new year... I'll be on top." Amy said.

Sonic put the condom on and laid down on his back. Amy was shaking a little now. This was going to be her first time with Sonic.

In the past Sonic and her had done some other things. Sonic had fingered her before, but that's doesn't count. She knew this wasn't Sonic's first time. She didn't care about that though. As long as he loved her right now that's all she could ask for. Amy shook off the feeling and looked at Sonic.

"You scared?" Sonic asked seeing Amy acting weird.

"A-A little..."

"I'll help you."

Sonic grabbed Amy's hand and put them on his shoulder. He put on his hands on her hips and the other one was holding his member. He looked down and then back at Amy. Her eyes were locked on Sonic.

"This might hurt." Sonic said.

Amy nodded and Sonic slowly pushed Amy's hip down making his member go inside her. Amy gasped at the feeling. She tucked her chin in her chest and closed her eyes. She held her breath as the pain kicked in. Sonic stopped once she was half way in. Amy's back was arched. The pain wasn't going away, but it will soon.

"It hurts..." Amy whispered.

"It won't in a second." Sonic whispered back.

Amy started to pulled out, but once Sonic stopped Amy once she was almost. Even though Sonic didn't like hurting Amy, he had to this one time. Amy clenched her hands into Sonic's shoulders. He didn't mind it.

After a couple of minutes, Amy finally was slowly moving up and down. Sonic had his hands on both of her hips as she was finally riding him. Amy was moaning and breathing harder and harder with each bounce. Sonic's body was being pushed into the bed as Amy went down. His head went back a little with all the pleasure running through his body.

"F-Fuck Ames... You're good at this."

"Mmm, t-t-thank y-you."

Amy went harder on Sonic after that. Sonic dug his fingers into Amy's hips. He was close to his climax. His member twitched a little. Sonic looked at Amy. Her moaning was music to his ears. Her body was all his tonight. Her breasts were jumping up and down. He could see everything little detail about her, which made him closer to his climax.

"Oh, shit!" Sonic yelled as he hit his climax.

Amy was still riding as he hit his climax. He arched his back and Amy stopped once she knew Sonic was finished. She was close to her climax, but she wouldn't let Sonic know. At least now yet. Sonic was breathing hard from this. Amy pulled out and cuddled next to him. She put her hand on his chest feeling his heart beat. Amy's heart rate was as fast as Sonic's.

"That was... Awesome." Sonic said wrapping his arm around Amy.

"It's not over yet."

"Oh, there's more?" Sonic asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Amy nodded and sat up. She sat up on her knees with her back facing Sonic. She moved her hair to one side and she turned her head back and winked at Sonic. He knew what she wanted to do. Sonic got behind Amy. Sonic held her breasts tight and Amy moved her tail up. Sonic slowly pushed inside Amy.

"Ah... Ooh, S-Sonic..." Amy moaned.

Sonic rested his head on Amy's shoulder (without her hair in his face) and began to thrust in and out of her. Their body movement rocked the bed. They didn't mind that at all. It added some fun to the bedroom. Sonic rubbed Amy's breasts as he pounding from behind. He also began to kiss her neck. Amy couldn't take it anymore. She was getting closer and closer to her climax.

"I know you're close, baby." Sonic whispered in her ear.

With Sonic's right hand he moved his hand down to Amy's flower. He began to rub down there, making Amy go crazy. She began to scream with pleasure. Her body began to shake. She tried to get away from Sonic, but he wouldn't let go of her. She finally hit her climax and she dropped to her hands. Her head hung low from what just happened. Sonic slowly pulled out and laid down. Amy was breathing so hard from that. Sonic knew it must have been a good one, if she was breathing that hard.

"That was... my best one." Amy said looking back at Sonic.

It was around 3am. The couple new they would have to go to bed. They didn't have more energy in their body. They could go another round later in the day. They got under the covers of their bed. Amy couldn't believe that Sonic wanted her to move in with her, and Sonic couldn't believe he had sex with Amy for a New Year present.

New Years was the best way to kick off their year together.


Right off with sex! Wow! Just a little fun story with holidays. I hope you guys liked this chapter.