And there came a day unlike any other when realities greatest heroes found themselves united against a common threat. On that day they became the(Whateve name youu want them to be here)

Play song:

Our World's about to break

Tormented and Attacked

Lost from when we wake

With no way to go back

I'm Standing on my own

But now I'm not alone

Always we will fight as one

Till the battle's won

With evil on the run

We never come undone

Assemble, we are strong

Forever fight as one

Assembled we are strong

Forever fight as one

Ok I need a good crossover fic and I need it now today's challenge is whoever can just get one started. Story has to be about heroes from different worlds taking on a common threat. can be however you want it just get it done please. Its open to everyone so I don't care how many there are and there shouldn't be a reason why nobody should take it especially all those 'AUTHORS' that don't have a single story on them; here are some mandatory musts:

Soul Calibur IV-V

Mortal Kombat 9-X

Dynasty warriors 7-8

Tekken 6-TT2

King of Fighters

Street fighters

Dead or Alive 5

Virtua Fighter

Killer instinct

There please P.M. me when you accept the challenge