"I'm so proud of you," Regina told Emma, once the two were back at Regina's house. "That was amazing. I can't even imagine how much strength it took to say that to everyone there. It's… It's incredible…"

"Everyone there has been through something in their lives that has hurt them and put them in therapy. I think what I realized was that I'm not going to get better if I don't make an effort to confront my demons and that not everyone there was going to judge me. Actually, it didn't seem like anyone did, surprisingly enough."

"I don't think anyone judged you, either. Like you said, we're all there for a reason. But it's wonderful that you were brave enough to share all that with them. And with me…"

"I'm just sorry I didn't tell you first. I didn't really intend on sharing today, but I… it just sort of needed to come out. You should have been the first person I told. I just… It was really hard. I'm sorry."

"Babe, no! Don't be sorry! I completely understand. Group is a safe place."

"But so are you. You're a safe place too. We've been so intimate with each other. It's crazy that I felt like I couldn't tell you. I just bottled it so deep inside…"

"I get that."

"I'm really glad. It was definitely scary."

"Emma… I am anorexic…"


"I was raped when I was younger. He told me I was disgusting and fat and that no one would ever love me, so I… I just sort of… started hating myself, and it was just… how I coped… I needed to control something in my life. Anything."

"I understand," Emma told her, quickly wrapping her arms around the beautiful brunette. "Thank you for telling me. I know it's hard to talk about, but I really appreciate that you feel like you can open up and share that with me."

"I have trust issues, Emma, but I… I trust you."

"I love you so much, angel" the blonde sighed, kissing the girl's temple and holding her close. "You mean everything to me."

"I can say the same," Regina replied with a smile. Then, reaching up to stroke her lover's hair, she sighed, "Your hair is so soft. And long… It's gorgeous."

"You know what you've never tried?"


"You've never tried pulling it…"

When Regina's eyes went wide, a grin spread across Emma's lips. Any time she could make the girl blush or shock her at all was a victory. She loved getting a reaction out of the brunette.

"Would you like that…?" Emma's lover finally asked.

"I think I'd like to try making it a little rough, yeah…"

Now, Emma was blushing. What if she freaked her out? What if Regina-

"Me too." Wide eyed and surprised, the blonde quickly turned a brighter shade of red before Regina added, "I'd try anything with you."

Of course, this only served to widen her lover's eyes even more as she failed to reply. In response to her silence, Regina leaned in and caught her lips. This kiss quickly became heated and pressured, until their hands were wandering and exploring each other's bodies. Their lovemaking ended with bruises and red marks covering their skin in several places, with each of them panting and gasping for air as they collapsed next to each other on the bed.

"That was wild," Emma breathed. "Who knew you were such a little vixen?"

"Certainly not me," Regina giggled, her cheeks turning a darker shade of red than they already were from the exertion.

"Well, I love it."

"You got pretty freaky yourself, babe," the brunette teased, playfully nudging her lover's shoulder with a grin.

"Yeah, well… What can I say? I can't hold myself back around you."

"Good. I don't want you to."


"GOOD MORNING, BABY!" Regina exclaimed, lifting Thor up onto the bed and setting him down on top of Emma to wake her from her slumber.

It was only six in the morning, so Emma just grumbled loudly as the dog unreservedly licked her face. Then, she shoved the corgi off in Regina's direction and rolled away, covering her head with her pillow, but the brunette was persistent. She quickly began to tickle the girl's sides as Thor barked happily and hopped down off the bed, until Emma was squirming and laughing loudly.

"Stop it!" she protested through giggles. "It's too early for this shit!"

Regina did stop, but her level of excitement refused to wane.

"Do you know what today is?!"

"Uh… No? Not at six o'clock in the morning, I don't."

"You're six months clean today!"

"Oh, shit! Yeah, you're right! Wow…"

"Wow is right, darling! I am SO proud of you! And so is Thor!"

"Ah, it's nothin'," Emma laughed, shaking her head and brushing off Regina's enthusiasm.

"No, really, Em. This is an amazing day that you should be proud of."

Suddenly, Emma felt bad about pushing the dog away and wished that he was back up on the bed, cuddling her as he lay between the two girls.

"Will you grab Thor again? I really want some of the little guy's amazing hugs. And yours."

Regina obliged happily, picking up the dog and setting him down between them on the bed. He licked both of them fervently and flashed his famous dog smile. The girls laughed and hugged him, then shared a kiss.

They lay in bed like that, enjoying the summer heat that poured in through the open window of Regina's bedroom, until Thor fell asleep between them.

"I really am proud of you," the brunette told her lover with a bright, sincere smile. "And I love you more than anything."

"More than Thor?!" Emma joked.

"Just a little bit."

The two laughed before falling back asleep for another twenty minutes or so. When they finally rolled out of bed around noon, they went downstairs and made pancakes for lunch. Both ate contentedly and enjoyed each other's company as they sat beside each other at the table (with Thor whining and begging for scraps as he lay curled up at their feet on the floor). Regina cleared her plate last, but finished everything on it, including the maple syrup.