Hey guys, it's been awhile hasn't it?

It's been about 6 months since I last posted, I believe? I'm not going to lie I hit a bit of a writer's block for Golden Star. I think I originally wanted it to be a one shot and then I had a few ideas going but I never actually sat down and elaborate on them. Looking back at the story I do see a lot of areas that I can improve on, starting with this storyline. I do plan on rewriting all the chapters, because honestly I feel like it has a lot of gaps and it could be better if those gaps were filled and I feel like I need to improve as a writer as well, I don't think I'm any good but with the many followers and favorites this story has gotten I feel a bit better about myself as a writer.

Another reason I wasn't taking the time to work on this story was because I was in the process of job interviews and getting a job, which lasted about a month and a half before I quit to work at another place, (oops?). Now that I have a somewhat steady schedule, I do plan on working on Golden Star a bit more and making a story worth reading. I feel bad for leaving you guys without any kind of news or update for so long, because I know how it feels and I hate it.

So hope you forgive me, but I do have a one shot that I am working on so that'll be up hopefully on Monday. I'm also hoping to have a schedule on when I update, but I do plan on working on Golden Star until I have about 5 chapters already written before I start posting this story again. So hopefully by the middle of February I'll have the new and improved version up by then.

I thank you guys for understanding and still sticking by this story, unless you were too lazy to unfollow like I am sometimes. And I do appreciated EACH and EVERY single favorite and follow, it means the world to me.
