Story Summary: After being kicked out of Team Natsu, Lucy quits the guild. But not before taking one last mission. During the mission, Lucy found herself running off course from her original mission. While trying to find her way back, she sees a base. But this was no normal base. This base was the home to the 9 Demon Gates and Demon King. Just what happens when she falls in love with one of them?


Edolas. Apparently the complete opposite of Earthland. Yet, in my opinion. Or Carlas, as a matter-of-fact said that the world isn't opposite. But different, so why is Lissana alive, well from what Natsu said? Since, Mira said that while on a S-class mission-two years ago, Elfman lost control of his takeover and accidentally killed his little sister.

So, why is she with us right now? I do not believe this is 'our' Lissana, but Edolas Lissana. She may seem sweet but I've seen how she reacts when she doesn't get her way, and oh. It is not pretty if you ask me. But, I do remember Lucy Ashley saying something about their Lissana dying when the Royal City attacked them. So, that means this Lissana truly did go through the Anima before she 'died'. So, our Lissana was never dead. (Not that I even cared) And, since the Anima picked out all of the things that had magic in them, Lissana also came with us. Since she is our Lissana. (A/N: True fact) Talk about a hand full.

Even though she is our Lissana, Earthland Fairytail's something doesn't seem right. I remember Mira, and Natsu telling me stories about how sweet, and innocent she was. How she would always lend a helping hand, always try to cheer you up. A smile was always plastered on her face, a small jump in her step since she was always so... Happy.

Not that I don't like the takeover mage, its just that... ever since we got back 5 months ago she seems to give me the cold shoulder. Along with the rest of Fairytail, excluding the Exceeds, Wendy, Gajeel, Juvia, and Master. Since they were here after Lissana supposedly 'died' and they just don't know the girl (Besides Master). Same for me, even though its not like she will let me even talk to her. She does taunt me, call me names, and on occasions trip me 'accidentally'.

The most annoying thing is that MY team ignores me, and goes on Missions with the bit-*cough* Lissana. I'm not mad all that made at Lissana. I mean, of course you would be over-joyed to hear that a deceased nakama came back to life. Its just- how do you say this? Annoying, rude, mean, bad-mannered, crude, sad, plain old heartbreaking that they are ignoring someone for 5. Whole. MONTHS!

That person? Me. Yes, me. Not really surprising right? I mean, who would want to talk a weak celestial mage, besides the people who came after Lissana? From what I've seen, Lissana seems to be enjoying my pain with great pleasure, ever so seeming she just prances around the guild while the others laugh and prance around with her. Even when my team and her are on a mission, the guild just passes the same excuse everytime; 'I'm busy, go bother someone else.'

Great question my fellow guild mates. The thing is, I don't exactly have anyone to talk too. Yes, I have the Exceeds, Wendy, Gajeel, Juvia, and Master. But, the exceeds are usually with there dragonslayers, Gajeel is almost always with Levy, Wendy is usually on a mission with Romeo, or Team Natsu. Juvia is most likely stalking Gray, and whenever we do talk its just about her 'Gray-sama', an when I do find a way to talk about something else she just some how always makes room for Gray. So for your answer my fellow guild mates, would be that I do not have anyone else to bother, since I'm to busy being IGNORED!

Sometimes, I would take a razor. Pure metal, sleek, beautiful, skinny, sweet, perfect. Why, why can't I be like that? Like the metal, the metal that slides across my skin, the metal that makes the beautiful red liquid flood from my tainted skin. Beautiful. Why can't I be that way? I remember hearing the taunting voice, yelling, screaming at me...



Fat bitch!



Useless trash!

Scared aren't you? Wanna know something, thats how your mother died. BECAUSE YOU'LL ALWAYS BE AFRAID!

Bother someone else will you? Your just so annoying, and useless.

Why don't you take a rope, and hang yourself? Will make everyone happy.

Sorry, er... we're taking Lis-chan with us...

Why can't you just kill yourself? NO ONE WANTS YOU!

I'm sorry...

The words, voices, everything. They drive me insane, every single word. How they shout, and scream those words at me. They drive me into the ground, and kill me, hard. They bring me down, like no one has done before. No violence, but words. Theirs a saying, Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words can't hurt me. They are wrong, all wrong. They hurt, leave scars mentally. They wound you emotionally, and sometimes...


What did I ever do to you Lissana, why did you make everyone hate me? Just what am I to you?

(A/N:) My first ever story posted, geez. Anyway, Hello! My name is Insane, or Mystery either one is fine by me. ;) Oh, and thank you so much for reading this, I will be sure to update as soon as I can, which is... very soon. Thank you, again. *Bows* Well, please R&R okay? Comment, Rate, Favorite whatever, do so if you want to. Chow~!