Author Notes: Im still not sure where this is headed, so work with me lol. Just tell me if I should quit while I'm ahead :)

A light shined in her eyes.

"Caitlin? Do you remember why you're here?"

She blinked against the flash light and frowned.

Her brain was still fuzzy.

She moved her dry mouth to form words, "R...Ronnie..."

It was strangled.

Caitlin's frown deepend.

Every time she tried to gain recollection of anything it jumped away.

She swayed.

When had she sat up?

The strange doctor leaned down to her line of vision.


Why did she feel so odd?

"Doctor?" A woman stood beside him.

"Her memories still fuzzy. Lets keep it that way."

Her entire world faded.

Cisco screamed.

He sat bolt up right.

He kept seeing Caitlin.

But these visions...they didn't make sense.

She died.

He was pretty certain do to the soul-sucking night terrors of her murder. felt like a murder.

After HIVE got her.

Cisco tried to calm his breathing, sweat dripping from his pours.

He wondered what they did to her body.

It was times like these Cisco prayed to have his powers taken away.

It was bad enough losing his best friend.

He didn't need to relive her demise eyes closed or open.

The engineer's fingers went to his face trembling.

Six months ago after losing Caitlin, he felt cold.

And it never stopped.

Images assaulted him of her trapped in that freezer.

He felt her terror.

He felt her give up.

And no matter how many times it happened he still couldn't save her.

The visions became nightmares that never stopped.

So why was he seeing her alive?

She felt cold.

She didn't feel like Caitlin.

He didn't like this doctor.

He couldn't be sure.

But the vision made his heart ache.

It had to be.

Cisco contemplated calling Barry but after his meltdown he decided against the idea.

He would have to ask someone else for help.

Oliver was surprised.

To see both Thea and Cisco arrive to their secret lair at the same time.

Especially since the latter was suited up.

It was a nice surprise, seeing his sister, but her eyes held torment.

So did Cisco's.

His surprise was held with caution seeing how the last time the nerdy scientist was here he nearly brought Star City crumbling down in on their secret lair.

Oliver freshly remembered how things had began to shake.

None of them knew what was going on, not STAR Labs or Team Arrow.

The newly found "Vibe" however looked a little green.

And very aware.


"S-Something's happening to me!"

Dr. Snow approached her friend worried.

Dust came down from the ceiling.

"I-I can't control it!"

"Oliver!" Laural looked at him like he needed to do something.

"Cisco, you need to calm down, okay? Take a deep breath," the hero walked towards him carefully.

Cisco's fingers flew to his skull and the earthquake got worse.

Much worse.

Barry saw what Oliver was doing and followed.

"Ssh. Breath, in. Out. In. Out."

The young engineer eyes remained closed, his voice was pained, "My head feels like it's about to crack open!"


Cisco did so shakily.

"Cisco," Barry spoke.

The Green Arrow looked at him with concern for his friend/newly turned meta-human.

He was in a lot of pain.

This wasn't simply being caused because of emotions being out of whack.

Needless to say by the time they got him to calm down: every thing was destroyed.

Now he stood next to Thea wearing some type of armor.

It stopped at his shoulders and there were gauntlets on his arms.

Probably to control his powers.

Cisco's hair was also short.

While wearing a visor.

It closed.

Oliver snapped back into focus when they spoke at the same time.

"Ollie, I need to tell you something."

"I kind of need your help."

Oliver just took a deep breath.


Barry sat in his lab all alone.

You could see the night life out in Central City from his window.

He missed the days spent at STAR Labs.

With people like Caitlin, Harrison Wells, Jay Garrik, and Cisco.

They were like his third family.

That was his life.

Then all of that went away.

He should have helped her.

He should have saved her.

Caitlin's investigation into HIVE cost them another team member.

His last words with The Vibe rang loud and clear.

Barry wasn't sure if he could go back.

What it would cost.

The last time the toil was great.

What if it meant losing the only person from that life he had left?

Lights faded out of Central City.

It opened again with Star City.

Laurel's eyes snapped open.

She gasped with no sound.

The broken vigilante struggled to sit up in the midst of a sticky, yellow substance.

She frowned behind her mask.

She hardly remembered going down.

As The Black Canary she had tried to stop a shipment of some toxic chemicals.

It was radioactive.

She had tried to get a hold of Oliver.

There was static over the radio.

She remembered going up against someone strong.

They grabbed her by her throat, breaking the Canary Cry.

Laural was thrown backwards.

After that, nothing.

The leather clad hero tried to move.

Her pain filled cry was also noise less.

What had happened to her voice?

A hand went to her collar.

It was crushed into her wind pipe.

The jagged edges dug into skin.

Her mind cleared when she realized what the substance on her device and ground was.

Laural scrambled so fast out of it It would have made The Flash proud.

Her breathing escelated out of control.

She needed help.

And she needed it now.