Ushering Elena into the room Bonnie Bennett was currently occupying, Elijah turned, slipping his cellphone out. He could allow the girl at least the illusion of privacy in reunions with her friends after all. And, now that both she and Tyler were safe once more, there were pressing matters that needed his attention far more. His brother still hadn't returned and the silence was completely unlike the Klaus Elijah had served over the past few centuries.

In a different area of the city, Rebekah stood watching Sophie Deveraux as the woman got everything ready. The candles, the symbols etched in chalk, everything laid out just so to allow the magic to do its work. Her cell phone ringing brought an annoyed look from the witch, one that Rebekah was only too pleased to ignore, conducting the conversation in a normal tone as though she had no idea of the effect she was having upon the very atmosphere, staring the witch down, one eyebrow raised.

"Hello, Elijah," she greeted. "Unless you have some miraculous return to advise of, we're just about to start the ceremony."

He stepped away from the door, walking down the hall, gaze serious and intent. "As a matter of fact, Sister, both Elena and Tyler seem to have escaped and made their way back to the plantation house."

"Well that's a bloody surprise." Though before she could say anything else, Elijah continued.

"Niklaus was not with them."

He didn't need to say anything else for Rebekah to catch his drift. They had spent so much time together that words were barely necessary to communicate anything. "Right then," she answered. The call ended with the press of a button, Rebekah striding toward Sophie. "Slight change of plans. You're going to be searching for my brother, not Elena." Her arm stretched out, offering her wrist. "Use me if you need to. Blood calling to blood." She'd seen enough witchcraft to know that.

The witch paused at the change of plans but she nodded, taking a deep breath. It could be done. And she'd agreed to whatever help the Mikaelsons needed, secure in the knowledge that Elijah would help the covens of New Orleans regain some of their lost power.

"Let's begin. Before we lose any more time." Davina would be aware of the spell soon enough. The sooner they were finished with this the better. Stretching her hand for Rebekah's, she began chanting softly, candle flames flickering as the magic took hold. Sophie only hoped that she would be able to find Klaus Mikaelson before Davina found her. It was a long shot but then this whole endeavor was a bit of a stretch.


For the first few moments they'd been together neither Elena nor Bonnie had been able to do anything except hug one another, caught up in the joy that came with seeing such a close friend after weeks of separation. But Elena finally pulled back enough to look at her friend, though her arms didn't drop.

"You shouldn't have come, Bonnie," she advised, voice soft, her eyes troubled.

"What did you expect us to do?" Her friend countered, eyebrows rising in response. "We're not just going to let Klaus take you. He can't win." The answer came as a soft sigh but Bonnie shook her head again, hands settling on Elena's arm, doing her best to impress her certainty on the other girl. "He won't win," she promised. "We'll fight. There's another way, there has to be another way." There was always another way, wasn't there? They always figured something out. Elena should have been dead a dozen times over and yet they always managed to come out the other side relatively unscathed.

"How is Jeremy?" The question evaded the agreement Bonnie had so clearly been searching for. "Thank you for not letting him come." Klaus already had enough leverage over her without her brother within arm's reach.

It's was Bonnie's turn to sign, staring back at Elena. They'd known each other long enough for her to know exactly what her friend was doing. And yet she supposed she couldn't blame her, either. It was who Elena was, after all. She would sacrifice anything for her friends. It was that loyalty that inspired such devotion from them in return. "He's worried about you," she answered. "We're all worried. Matt's there with him. And Ric. They can't get into too much trouble together." It was said with a hint of a smile, trying to distract Elena from just how dire this all felt.

Elena nodded, swallowing the growing lump in her throat. "I'm glad he has you."


"It's okay," she assured her, trying to offer a smile. "It'll be okay, Bonnie." But she doubted Klaus would ever let her go, no matter how hard she fought. Nor did she really want to agree to some sort of arrangement that might grant her nominal freedom but put the lives of everyone she loved at stake if she displeased him in some way. Better to keep the collateral damage to a minimum.

"How is this okay?" Bonnie questioned, shaking her head as Elena tried to say something else. "No. How is any of this okay? You shouldn't be here. You should be at home. You belong at home with your friends. With Jeremy." She didn't deserve to be Klaus' doppelganger blood bag. Elena of all people didn't deserve the hard knocks life had delivered her.

Instead of responding, Elena only closed the gap between them, arms winding tightly around her friend. Nothing she could say would satisfy her or change her mind. They clung together once more, friends enjoying being together. It was best that everyone think she had given up hope, after all. She had been around vampires long enough to realize that a conversation with Bonnie or Caroline would undoubtedly be overheard. And then the entire plan would be blown.

Pulling away, her eyes met Bonnie's once more, something shining within. "It will be okay," she repeated. She could only hope that would be warning enough and would keep Bonnie from asking too many questions until things could play out.

The other girl frowned in response, her lips parting for a moment before her mouth slowly slid shut once more. She wasn't entirely sure what Elena was up to but she was up to something. She'd known her friend long enough to realize that she was hiding something.

A nod, Bonnie squeezing her again. Whatever was going on, Bonnie wouldn't let her guard down even if Elena was trying to shield her from something. She would be there for her no matter what.


The spells to keep Klaus Mikaelson desiccated and trapped hadn't used even a tenth of the power Davina had coursing through her veins. The Harvest ritual had been interrupted and the power of the other three witches who had been sacrificed pooled within her. Any other witch might not have been able to maintain a grip over the city but then again she wasn't just any other witch.

As she and Marcel moved upstairs once more, Davina paused, grasping the handrail tightly.

"D?" He questioned, turning to face her with concern etched over his features. "Are you alright?" He knew she was strong, of course, but then again so were the spells she'd just cast.

Her lips tightened in response, obviously displeased. "Someone is doing magic," she advised him, her own power stretching out to find the source. "In the quarter. It's a locator spell…." She glanced up to Marcel. "They're trying to find him." As if there were any question as to who she meant. Or at least there wasn't any question as to who the object of the locator spell was. Any number of people could have been looking for Klaus Mikaelson but looking for him they were.

His lips tilted upward, the concern switching to something more akin to amusement. So his old family would be attempting a rescue. That they thought they could triumph over absolutely anything was amazing in its hubris. Granted they had faced nearly everything over their centuries on the world but they had weaknesses, just like anyone else. Marcel just so happened to know them well enough to exploit them.

"They can try," he answered. They wouldn't succeed, though.