Chris heard the apartment door open and she quickly put the paper she found where it was. Blake smiled when he walked inside. "Got you your favorite."

"Thanks," Chris smiled. The two of them ate in silence. Chris didn't want Blake to know she had found the receipt for the engagement ring while Blake had a surprise of his own he wasn't ready to let slip out.

"I'll wash the dishes," Chris said when they finished eating.

"Nonsense, I'll get it. You just make yourself comfortable. We have a lot to discuss," he said kissing her and going into the kitchen.

Chris sighed as she laid back on the couch. She did love Blake but the two of them were being pushed into parenthood quickly and she didn't know what would happen to their relationship.

Blake came back into the living room, "Chris" he walked over to the couch and knelt down in front of her.

"Blake, what are you doing?" Sure she knew he was going to propose at one point but she thought he was going to give up that idea now that she was pregnant.

"Something I've wanted to do for the past month. Chris, I love you more than anything, more than my own life. That's when this afternoon when you were breaking up with me, my world came crashing down. I can't imagine spending my life without you. You are my life and nothing would make me happier than you becoming my wife."

" still want to marry me?" Chris said confused.

"Yes, of course! Why wouldn't I? Wait, how did you know I was going to? I didn't even tell Daisy I was going to propose to you."

"I saw the receipt for the ring on the table when you were out. still want to get married? I thought you were going to return the ring now that I'm pregnant. I mean I didn't think you'd want to get married now that we're having..." Blake cut her off with a kiss.

"I have a confession. I didn't only go out to pick up dinner for us. The jeweler called right before you came over that your ring was finally ready and I went to go pick it up." He pulled the box out of his pocket. "Chris, will you marry me?"

Chris had tears in her eyes and she nodded, "Yes Blake! Yes I'll marry you."

Blake placed the ring on her finger and kissed her. "I love you so much."

"I love you too," she smiled kissing him back. "I can't wait to be Mrs. Blake Moran."

The two of them went into his bedroom, exhausted from all the events of the day. Chris was cuddled up to Blake and he held her close. "You think your father will like me now?"

Chris shrugged, "Well maybe as long as I don't tell them I'm pregnant already. Maybe we should get married as soon as possible. Elope or something."

"You would really want to elope, instead of having a big wedding?"

I looked up at Blake, "If we elope, no one will know we're pregnant already. I'm only about three weeks along. Then my parents won't even be able to break us apart."

"Let me talk to your parents. I don't want to take it away from you having the wedding of your dreams. Plus, I do think you need to tell them you're pregnant."

Chris sighed, she knew Blake was right. "Alright, I'll tell them."

"We'll tell them, together."