Chapter 1: How I knew I hated him.

Ally ran as fast as she could. Jesus, I'm going to mess this up big time! She sprinted down the street and tried her best to dodge everyone she passed. Her heels stomped on the concrete and her ankles were already crying out in protest to her actions.

She already knew it. I know I hate him! She had gone for a job interview to be a personal assistant at Moon's Enterprise. The Moon family owned a vast majority of hotels all over the world and it made them all billionaires, but that wasn't Ally's issue. Her issue was her new boss was a jerk.

She was meant to start her new job next Wednesday, and he had decided to call her at six o'clock in the morning and tell her she was starting today. Ally was ready to fight her own corner, but he scared her, and he made her feel as small as an ant with just one look.

She had ten minutes to get there and she was already five minutes late. In her head Ally was plotting a million ways to kill him, but in reality if he even shouted at her, she'd probably cry.

Ally finally made it to the revolving doors, and she ran inside. The place was filled with life and within seconds around ten people barged into her, and didn't even apologize, rude!

Ally made her way to the receptionist, and she could already tell how this girl got her job. It was evident that she was wearing a push up bra. Her blouse was low-cut and it revealed everything that a man liked. She was coated in makeup and had bright red lipstick on. I'm not going to fit in here...

Ally glanced down out what she was wearing. She wore a plain black pencil skirt, which stopped at her mid-thigh and a white chiffon blouse was tucked into it. She wasn't wearing any makeup and she didn't even have time to do her hair, so it was hanging long and curly down her back.

"May I help you miss?" The woman asked.

"Where's Austin Moon's office?" Ally asked, and the woman laughed.

"Now, why would you be looking for him?" She questioned and Ally could see the enjoyment in her eyes.

"I'm his new personal assistant," Ally said, and her face fell.

"Floor fifteen," She looked away from Ally and began typing away on the computer. She didn't even say thank you, and instead walked over to the elevator. She got in there with around ten people and she suddenly felt very claustrophobic. She reached out and pressed the button for floor fifteen.

The people who were in the lift all looked rich. They looked like they hadn't lifted a finger to do anything in their whole entire life, and it really irritated her. She understood that some people were better off in life, but there was two kinds of rich people, the arrogant and the nice. The nice were the rich who gave most of their earnings to charity and didn't brag about their money and did everything they wanted, themselves. Whereas the arrogant were the people that were rich, who never gave their money away and only kept it for themselves, and they only ever think of themselves and never other people. They never do anything for themselves and they always expect someone else to do things for them. That's the type of rich Ally didn't like...

And Austin Moon was exactly that!

The elevator door opened and Ally saw it was floor fifteen. She made her way out of the elevator and she stepped out onto the office floor. There were small desks all around and the area was packed with people hard at work. She walked ahead and opened the door. She stepped into a waiting room, there were two leather couches and a coffee table with magazines laid out across them. On the left end of the room, there was an elevator, and Ally guessed that it was a private one, then on the right side of the room there was an empty desk, and Ally assumed that it would be hers. Opposite her was some black double doors. She walked over and knocked gently.

"Come in!" A voice snapped harshly and Ally sighed, then walked inside.

The first thing she saw was the outside world. There were floor to ceiling windows, which gave a perfect view of the city. The interior was wooden, and black was the standout color of the room. There was a black leather couch and a coffee table along the right side of the room. His desk was black and there was a huge bookshelf behind his desk, filled with hundreds of book. The big leather chair he was sat on slowly turned around, and Ally immediately felt nervous.

"Hi, I'm-"

"I know who you are Miss Dawson," He cut her off. "You're late."

"I'm sorry, I missed my bus," Ally explained.

"I don't care. Now, I gather you've seen your desk, and I want you to go through my appointments for today and get them all sorted. Miss De la Rosa will help you out and she'll be with you shortly."

"Yes, sir," Ally's head fell to the ground and she left the room quickly. She rushed to her desk and sat down in her chair.

I hate him...I really hate him!


"I'm Trish," She extended her hand, and Ally shook her hand. "You look like you've had a rough day, and you've been here an hour."

"I wasn't meant to start until next week, but what Mr Moon wants he gets," Ally grumbled, and Trish laughed, and sat on the edge of Ally's desk.

"He's like that, most people around here avoid him. He's got a short temper, and he's not a very nice person," Trish explained, and Ally smiled.

"I gathered," Ally turned on the computer, and Trish walked around to her side. "He wants me to get his appointments ready for today."

"Okay," Trish messed around with the computer, and within seconds a software came up with every single appointment he had today, and for the days ahead. "Most of Austin's business calls will be forwarded to you, and you just need to organize meetings, and appointments, and-"

The phone began to ring from next to them, and Ally reached out, slowly, and picked it up. She brought it to her ear, and sighed.


"I want my coffee."

"Hey-" He hung up and Ally put the phone back on the receiver. "I signed up to be his personal assistant, since when does that involve making him coffee?"

"Good luck, you're going to love having him as a boss," Trish snickered, and left in a dash. Ally grumbled and buried her fingers into her hair. She got to her feet, and made her way out of the room. She came to the busy room full of people working away on their desks. She made her way over to the elevator she had came up, as she remembered seeing a kitchen opposite it. She made her way in, and walked over to the coffee machine.

"He got you making his coffee already?" A voice said from behind her. Ally looked over her shoulder and smiled at the man. He had dirty blond hair, and a dreamy smile. "I'm Elliot by the way."

"Hi, I'm Ally," She held out her hand and he shook it. "And yes he's got me making his you know how he likes it?"

"Nope, but the last person that got it wrong, he threw the mug against the wall and fired them," Elliot explained, and Ally's eyes widened.

"Seriously?" Ally gaped at him and he nodded his head. "I'm not going to last a week here..."

"You'll be fine, just bite your tongue if you ever get the urge to talk back to him, because I know he hates it if someone talks back to him," Elliot grabbed the coffee jug from her hands, and poured it into a mug. Ally sighed and Elliot nudged her arm.

"Here it goes," Ally mumbled.

"Good luck," Elliot smiled at her, and Ally left with the mug in her hand. She made her way back into the waiting room, and knocked on the black door.

"Come in!" He snapped, and Ally walked in holding the coffee. He was busy talking to someone on the phone, and Ally walked over to his desk, whilst he paced around the room.

"What the hell do you mean you haven't got the money!?" His voice boomed, and Ally jumped. She placed it down carefully on his desk, and she stood there. Austin looked at her, and scowled. "You can go now!"

"I'd appreciate a thank you," Ally whispered.

"I'll call you back," Austin said flatly, and he hung up his phone. "What did you just say to me?"

"I said I'd appreciate a thank you," She said a bit louder, and he narrowed his eyes at her. He began to stalk closer to her, and Ally suddenly felt like the walls were closing in on her.

"I'm going to give you one more chance...what did you just say to me?"

"N-Nothing," She stammered, and she ran out of the room. She shut the door behind her, and she grabbed at her chest. She felt herself beginning to hyperventilate, and she ran to her chair and sunk into it. Ally buried her face into her hands, and gasped for air. He makes me feel so small...I hate him.

The door opened from the work room, and Ally looked up and wiped away her stray tears. She realized it was Elliot. He made his way over, and walked around her desk, he crouched down in front of her and she sighed.

"Did he hate the coffee?" He asked, and Ally shook her head.

"I asked him to say thank you," Ally whispered, and Elliot smiled.

"And he didn't fire you?" Ally shook her head, and Elliot reached up and wiped away one of her tears. "I think he likes you."

Ally laughed, loudly, and it made Elliot smile more. "That's funny!"

"C'mon, after work a group of us are going out to a club, Trish is going to be there, you should come and get to know the rest of us, we don't bite," Elliot stood up, and Ally smiled.

"Thanks, I'd like that," Ally said, and Elliot pulled out his phone.

"Put your number in my phone, and I'll pick you up from your house when it's time," Ally took his phone and added her number. She passed it back to him, and he smiled, then left. Ally wiped away the rest of her tears, and sighed.

This was going to be tough.

AN: Howdy! I hope you liked the first chapter of this story, and I'd love to know what you guys think, and whether I should carry on with it?

So, review please :)
