"Aright everyone! Fear, napkins?"
"Sadness, blankets?"
"Anger, soft drinks?"
"Bubbling and ready!"
"Disgust, popcorn?"
"Just a minute! by the way Anger, is everything bigger, or did you just shrink?"
*Pop! PopPopPop!*
"Alright, popcorn is ready."
"Yes, Joy?"
"Shiny console?"
"Console shiny!"

Disgust rolled her eyes as she poured the popcorn into classy paper cartons. At times like this, Joy was almost a caricature of herself. Everyone moved toward their seats at the new console in their various fashions: Sadness shuffling, Anger grumbling and still smoking slightly, Disgust strutting quickly, Fear carefully plodding.

"Alright everyone, this is our first movie night with the new console, and I for one would like to say-"
"We know, we know! Test the full capabilities, yadda yadda. You've been going on about it all day." Anger smoldered slightly as he cut Joy off.
"You have been a bit, uh, manic recently," agreed Sadness.

"Sorry guys, I just really cannot wait to make this the best experience yet! Just think of how stirring it will be for Riley to experience a film with the full mix of our talents!" Joy practically squealed as she leaned over her spot at the middle of the console. Fear sat to her near right, checking one last time to be sure the napkins were properly folded before passing them out. Anger doled out everyone's choice of beverage and sat down on the far left, with Sadness at the near left after the felt blankets were distributed. Finally, Disgust delicately placed the popcorn containers in each place before sitting down at the far right. With everyone settled in, everyone's attention turned to the big screen, which displayed Riley's view of the living room in the family's new house in San Francisco.

"I don't know, Joy, it's kind of up to the movie to make this good," Disgust tried to stay pessimistic, not wanting to succumb to hype.
"Yeah, what if it's just scary all the way through! We don't want to be too stirred!" Fear bit his imagined nails.
"Oh, don't be silly, this is a classic!" Joy ate a huge handful of popcorn, despite knowing she would run out much too fast that way. She and Fear also fiddled with the console, generating a mix which Sadness would identify as anticipation.
"I like the classics; they are usually a deeper experience," Sadness remarked quietly.
"Classic equals boring. School is about the classics, remember? Bunch-a mumbo-jumbo-talking and sitting around." Anger snorted.
"Not everything has to be explosions and fight scenes!" Fear retorted.

Meanwhile, Dad, Riley's Dad that is, slipped a DVD into the player. The Andersens had a new HD television, and not because the moving truck had still not arrived after a week and a half; they hadn't even packed the old CRT relic of the 80's they'd had in Minnesota. Now that Dad had finally mounted it, he was ready to show Riley one of his favorite movies. His emotions were looking forward to it as well, and were prepared in similar fashion to Riley's, with the obvious difference of having nachos instead of popcorn. Dad plopped down on the folding chair (still no moving van with couch yet) to the left of Riley. He looked over to be sure his family was ready, and hit play. Three humans, and their sets of emotions, settled back to enjoy the show.
Lucasfilm THX... 20th Century Fox fanfare... and there it is:

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away..."