Eva was headed to the backstage, unfortunately she didn't win the title like it was planned but she was proud that she shut up the critics and proved to the world that she can make it in the WWE business with or without a title.
"Just what the hell was that out there?!" A voice boomed startling Eva. She turned around to see Stephanie glaring at the Bellas.
"I told you to drop the title off to Eva Marie, I didn't tell you to use twin magic."
"We were trying to keep the title in good hands." Nikki shrugged.
"In good hands? Oh really? And what good hands would that be? Cheating to win when your boss told you to drop the title off? Or better yet how about seeing Dolph Ziggler behind your boyfriend's back? So tell me what good hands are you talking about?" The Bellas tried to speak but only to be interrupted by Stephanie.
"Not only did you did that but I specifically told you not to mess with Eva ever again and you disobeyed me once again, so therefore I want that title back now."
"But Stephanie I-"
"I SAID NOW, NICOLE!" She yells and Nikki slowly gave her the title to Stephanie which she snatched it out of her hands.
"Now the two of you get out of my face quickly!" She sneered. The Bellas went away from Stephanie, Nikki had shed her tears in both sadness and anger. While sitting by themselves the Bellas spotted Eva Marie walking by which made Nikki pop up and pushes her from behind.
"Going somewhere slut?" Nikki asked.
"Brie...Nicole, listen to me when I tell you to leave me the fuck alone." Eva growled.
"Or what? Are you gonna call your precious boyfriend Randy?"
"Can you please leave him out of this? This has nothing to do with the likes of you two."
"Are you kidding me it has everything to do with him? Randy is one of the best wrestlers on the main roster, why is he with a money hungry bitch like you?"
"Oh what's the matter, Nicole? Can't find a man to give you a husband and a child?"
"You bitch!" Nikki slaps Eva across the face and she and Brie attacked Eva. Randy who just happened to walk by saw what was going on and pushed the Bellas off Eva.
"Are you alright?" He asked her.
"Yeah, I'm fine."
"Oh you think your tough now that your boyfriend is here!"
"Hey! You two think you can get off over anybody, this is the final straw that is going to happen! The only reason you two are mad is because the WWE is paying more attention to her instead of you two wannabe Kardashians fake whores! I have been in this business for 13 years, I have never in my life meet two vindictive, acrimonious, rancorous, envious bitches like the two of you and guess what Nicole, you're the Divas Champion today, you won't be the Divas Champion this week, and you won't be the Divas Champion next week, so do me a big favor fuck off! Go!" He yells and the Bellas sheepishly walked away from both Eva and Randy.
"Randy, you were magnificent. I have never seen that side of you."
"Well what were they thinking, they had their chance to make it big in this business let someone else make it big."
"Wow! Whoa, man that's exactly what I'm talking about. Man that was amazing what you did there."
"Well I couldn't let them do you like that, you're way too beautiful to handle that shit."
"Awww." She said and gave Randy a kiss on the lips.
"I have something I need to tell you."
"What is it?"
"I'm going back to NXT, if I'm gonna make it big then I have to start from the bottom and that's exactly what I'm going to do."
"I'm gonna miss you being around here, you know that right?"
"I gonna miss you too."
3 Months Later...
Eva was now polishing her NXT Women's Championship title, yup she did it, she defeated Bayley and now she's the new NXT champion. At first the people were absolutely devastated that Bayley lost the title to Eva Marie and the NXT crowd hated her for it but they soon learned to deal with it and they moved on. Eva sat back amazingly proud of what she had accomplished in the three months she's been in NXT, she knew in her heart that she was going to be a good champion.
Soon Eva's phone began to ring, she picked up her phone and smiled at how it was.
"Hey babe."
"Hey, how's it going?"
"Everything's going pretty good, I have to defend my title against Alexa Bliss tonight."
"You sure you don't need me to finish off those assholes she has with her?"
"No thanks, I'll put your number on speed dial if they do." She joked.
"Well good luck out there."
"Thanks babe."
"Oh and one more thing."
"What is it?"
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too baby." She said and kissed Randy through the phone. She soon hanged up the phone and went out to compete against Alexa Bliss. Her dream of being a champion was finally complete.
There's a lot of lessons to be learned from this story.
1. Don't ever doubt yourself, you can do anything you put your mind to. All you need is to believe in yourself.
2. Jealousy is a very ugly trait that you could have.
3. There's always going to be that person who is going to down talk you, to make rude comments, and tell you that you won't make it anywhere in life. Don't be mad at them because it's just gasoline to light the heat you have for what you set your mind on.
4. Practice always makes perfect.
5. When people hate on you, it's because you've got something they want.
6. When someone who hates you normally hates you for one of three reasons. They either see you as a threat, they hate themselves, or they want to be you.
7. Whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.
8. There will be haters, there will be doubters, there will be non-believers, and then there will be you, proving them wrong.
9. If you cannot be positive, then at least be quiet.
10. You don't ever dream of success, you work for it.
I want to thank everyone who read, favored, and followed this story especially...
Ms. NoGimmicksNeeded
Blue Moon Solstice
And some more guest that read and reviewed for the moment it was published, thank you so much (*^o^*)(*^o^*)(*^o^*).