I don't own anything, Digimon is owned by whoever owns them. I own the fic and anything original, so back off Lawyers!


By: Firehedgehog

Childhood was growth, adventure. The days of finding out what was wrong and right, finding the path one walks in the future. It wasn't easy, it was a grinding hard journey to adulthood.

Takato was pretty sure childhood should not war and sacrifice between two worlds, worlds organic and data.

Tears slipped down his face from crimson eyes, as explosions ripped apart the world around him.

This time there was no d-Reaper, no race to the catalyst or Digimon invasions.

This time, it was humanities quest to claim the digital world for itself and destroy everything that didn't bend itself and be enslaved to them.

He had hoped humans had grown past slavery, this slaughter and destruction.

A bitter laugh escaped his lips.

He'd been wrong of course, and worse of all most of the tamers had joined in this horror.

Why did Rika kill/delete Digimon so happy, Renamon helped along with dead empty eyes. No, Takato did not want to know what they had down to the Kitsune.

Either way both sides would loose, already most of Japan was a wasteland, and that was from the humans.

A whine brought him back to reality, Guilmon was looking from there spot at the newest battle that was sending sickly looking flames into the air.

"Come on boy, we have worlds to save... from themselves," Takato whispered, he only hoped that the plan would work no matter how much it hurt.