Disclaimer* I do not own Diabolik Lovers.
Both Ayato and Laito can speak to each other telepathically, hence their relationship is closer. When the two speak telepathically, it will be written in italic such as this "Ayato… Ayato...Dam it will you answer me."
Through a vampire's eyes.
By Alimackatjac
Chapter 17 Claimed Queen.
Ayato's POV
More than a little annoyed I irritably folded my arms at my chest and roll my eyes at Pancake's possible reaction to Laito's ridiculous suggestion. "No, Pancake would stupidly dive in, and risk her life…but thankfully, it's not her decision to make, it's mine….and I will not be like that man!"
Laito smugly lifts a hand to the brim of his hat, revealing a pair of uncharacteristically concerned emerald eyes while resting a hand on my folded arms. "Ayato, be reasonable. With your blood, there's virtually no risk to Pancake….You know she would easily choose this, if she could. Besides, you know how much the Tableware otaku always wants to be one up on Shu. The chair will do that for him. Just knowing that, can you honestly say Reiji won't do the same? "
For a second my wide eyes snaps up, to meet Laito's. "Pancake…. He wouldn't-"
Seeing my reaction, a small cunning smile spreads across his lips. "Hmm, you really think so? I'm not so sure." He removes his hand from my arm, before pointing a finger at my chest. "Ayato, lately you haven't been thinking much like a vampire. Reiji, not stupid, he's already figured this much out." Laito sharply pokes my chest. "The first chance he gets, he'll permanently make Little Bitch 'his'. With or without her consent."
He continues to roughly poke my chest, sharply making his point, "Regardless of his feelings, he'll simply do what needs to be done, to win. Then once all has been decided, he'll clean up whatever remains of your 'precious Pancake'…and you can bet he'll erase any kind of feelings she once held for Yours Truly."
The more my triplet inwardly conspires, the more I can feel my limited patience eroding , causing my obscured hands to shake ….towards my ginger headed bother.… I needed this damn conversation to end….and now.
...For both our sakes.
My hand abruptly swings out, roughly knocking Laito's pointing finger away from my chest, stepping away from my triplet. "Enough Laito! Yours Truly said no!" I let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing the side of my head with my hand, before dropping it to my side. "We're just going to have to find another way to avoid this mess….Without Pancake."
"Then I guess, there's nothing more I can say. You should just enjoy what little time you have left with your bride…until, that man shows up….and starts the fight he's always wanted. " Laito sadly pops away.
Several hours later…
Long after a defeated Laito popped out of the barn, his ridiculous request haunted my mind. The funny thing is the longer I thought about what my triplet was asking, the more sensible it became…. And I didn't much care for where my head was leading me.
I wouldn't say, I never considered the option….In fact during my time away, there were more than a few times I caught myself in the thought. Of course, once I did, I inherently shoved it away, as swiftly as it occurred. The idea was …is ridiculous and would have killed Pancake, when she was a blood bag, but now things have, indeed changed.
What Laito is suggesting, isn't at all unusual, in fact, it's in our very nature. Unlike human males, vampire males choose when an offspring will be produced, just by simply decideing it. Of course vampires our inherently pleasure driven selfish beings, and male vampires our primal at their very core, so offspring rarely occur. The few males born with royal blood, not only decide the sex on the impending pregnancy but the number of offspring as well. Hence, the reason that man had six sons and not one daughter amongst us….he quite literally chose it.
We now know our Uncle Richter, placed "that women's" heart in Pancake's chest, in some grand conspiracy attempt. However, we also know years later, "That Man" sent Pancake to live with us…Why does it feel like "That Man" knew about the conspiracy attempt….and more so, about "That Woman's" heart beating in Pancakes chest? Because of the implanted heart and "that man," Pancake is not just any vampire, but of royal blood, from both demon and vampire, such as myself and my triplet brothers.
The more I thought about the extraordinary measures "That Man" had underwent, either personally or through manipulation of others, the more that strange feeling kept needling me. However, this time it wasn't just Pancake being created, but Yours Truly, as well. It's almost like Pancake, and the six of us are part of some grand experiment, of "That man" choosing…and the disturbing thought causes a shiver to run through me.
Of course, the mere thought of losing Pancake to the Tableware Otaku doesn't feel any better.
...Like I said, I didn't much care for the direction, my head was leading me.
A little later...
Several shifts from under a frilly pink duvet cover called my attention to "my" bed …..And yes, I said, "my bed"…as in Your Truly's room. Obviously, some kind of twisted joke, or maybe a punishment by my hat wearing triplet, who must have set off some kind of girly pink perfume bomb in Yours Truly's bedroom. If, it was merely just a floral bedspread, to make Pancake more comfortable I could simply ignore it, for her sake. After all, before her, it was just used for appearance sake. What did I care, I slept in my Iron maiden.
However, my overly ambitious brother decided to change the furniture all to a sickening white princess set, complete with gold trim… and a damn makeup table .My heavy embroidered curtains were replace with silky rainbow fabric. ..And oh damn, don't get me started on countless stuff animals. There's small ones, large ones, fluffy ones, furry ones, you name it, they were everywhere, and not just on my bed.
Of course, I knew this was some kind of joke when Laito had the audacity, the unmitigated gull to place a cutesy unicorn nightlight right next to my doily covered Iron Maiden. At the moment, my bedroom looked more girly than Pancakes and it wasn't exactly encouraging my male prowess.
"Ayato-san are you there? You didn't leave, did you?" A panicked Pancake screeches out as she struggles to push herself upright, in the frilly pink bed.
I couldn't help but inwardly cringe, "Yeah, yeah, I'm here Pancake. No need to be so freaking loud about it. There is a difference between good and bad screams…you should probably figure out which is which." I swiftly walk over to Pancake, wiggling a finger in my sensitive ear. "Damn, doesn't it bother your ears?
"Uh, no, not really…I mean it does a little." She cocked her blond head, like she was suddenly aware of something, "Huh, I never noticed it before….Um, Ayato-san, you haven't planned on leaving again….. have you?" Her last two words almost come out in a broken whisper.
Seeing her look like that, knowing my extended absence was the cause for her miserable state, made my stomach sharply twist. I let out a frustrated sigh, and stubbornly plop down on the damn girly comforter, with my arms folded at my chest. "No, apparently not. For the time being, Yours Truly is stuck here taking care of you." I couldn't help notice Pancake's face light up to my grumbling. "Honestly Pancake, I've never met someone who could stumble into more trouble, then you. In fact, you're so much trouble the others have not only been screaming for my return, but refuse to pet sit, for me, any longer." I kept an irritated expression firmly on my face, however my curious green eyes did slide over in her direction.
Just as I expected, her angry pink eyes irritably flash in my direction, "I've already told you, I'm not some damn pet!" Suddenly she stopped, as her hand lifted to her dizzy head, "Ah, what's wrong with me? I'm getting lightheaded again…I don't understand I've slept for so long, and I'm still exhausted." Her upper body begins to waver, and fall.
With, out stretched arms I quickly catch the weakened Pancake, before easing her onto a propped up pillow. "Well, there's the little matter of you stabbing yourself. That might cause a little dizziness." Giving the blonde a stern look, "What the hell were thinking?! Yours Truly didn't give you any kind of permission to harm yourself! You seem to forget you swore your mind, body, and soul to Ore-sama!" After remembering, just how close Pancake came to her own end, my words came out a little too sharp.
"I'm sorry…but I had to do something. I couldn't just let you-" She trails off causing my emerald eyes to grow wide.
…could it be, Pancake sacrificed herself for ….me ….and not for all my brothers, but Yours Truly?
Even though the majority of her appearance looked pale, and fragile, her piercing pink eyes are determined, "I mean, your Uncle told me the mere scent of my blood would cause all of you to be at each other's throats… It was the only way to stop it!"
My green eyes slide over, paying close attention to her determined expression. "So it sounds like you were pretty desperate." I let out a frustrated sigh as Laito's damn words played out in my head, "It's almost like you'd practically do anything to stop the impending feud?"
"Well yeah, I would do it again too" She shrugged her shoulders, "Senseless bloodshed, even if it's a vampire's, needs to be stopped."
"So you decided to stab yourself." I leaned close with threating green eyes, while pointing a finger at her upper chest, being sure not to touch her wound, or anything else, for that matter. "Except Pancake, you had no right to hurt what belongs to Yours Truly. Don't ever let me catch you doing it again or you'll be severely punished ….Is that understood…Pancake?"
The fragile blonde barely nods her weak head, while staring into my eyes.
"Good." I sharply nod my head, "Now, as for your apparent exhaustion you would probably feel better, after you've eaten something." I carefully pull Pancake up into the sitting position.
"Well actually, I don't feel much like eating, in fact I feel like going back to bed for an entire week." She tries to weakly flop back down in the pile of plump pillows
"Oh no, you don't." I swiftly grab her arm, and gently pull her up once more. "Come back up here, Yours Truly needs to show you few things or you'll never recover."
"Can't it wait, I'm just so tired." Pancake weakly tugs against my firm hand.
"No, I'm afraid it can't." I shake my head towards the blonde. "Now Pancake, sit the hell up, and open that blathering trap of yours, I need to check something out."
Somewhat offended she lifts her head, revealing deep purple bruising under her dull pink eyes. "Blathering trap? You could at least be nice about it, or at least ask."
"Oh, knock it off and just do what Your Truly's demands." Seeing her health deteriorate minute by minute, causes me snap out sharply.
Even though her strength is fading, she stubbornly sits in the middle of the freaking frilly bed with her arms crossed, giving me a defiant look….with her mouth firmly clamped shut.
Feeling my irritation building for the stubborn blonde, I roughly rub my face, before letting out a frustrated sign, "Fine, Pancake will you open your mouth?" Speaking through clenched teeth.
Even though she barely has enough strength to stay upright, she defiantly shakes her head, with a raised expectant eyebrow. Does she have any idea how much she's stretching my already nonexistent patience? If this was anybody else, their damn arms would be decorating the white shag carpet, apart from their body.
"Fine." I grumble out with my arms also stubbornly crossed at my chest and my green eyes lifted to the ceiling, avoiding hers. "Please." With the single word, she reluctantly opens her mouth.
I cautiously lean forward, sticking my index finger directly in her mouth, her concerned eyes cross, looking down at my intrusive hand. A small gratified smile emerges on my lips when I feel the beginning of a sharpened fang. Yep, no doubt about it, Pancake is a freshly turned vampire. I mean, it's not like I didn't know. Hell, the entire household knew it, her blood smells even more damn inviting, as it should for a female vampire. Her intoxicating aroma is causing my mouth to be overrun with venom, and my body ….well let's just say strong primal feelings are beginning to urge me forward. Something, I'm sure my knowing triplet would be smugly smiling about.
However, my smile soon faded when my brother's words came back to me…Knowing, Pancake is going to need blood ….my vampire blood, before she begins to recover. At the moment, Pancake might as well be a weak human with fangs. Only with the special immunities found in vampire blood could Pancake grow into strong immortal vampire. Of course, are very nature urges this once we turn of a certain age. Our primal nature seeks out the addictive crimson from a female…while also awakening other physical urges, that are even stronger…and with me already feeling the effects, I wasn't entirely sure if I'd be able to control myself, during the transfer.
With my newly developing feelings, I avoid looking at her in the eyes. "Okay, now Yours Truly wants you to bite down on my finger, and do the next thing that comes natural." My tone softens.
"What?! I can't do that! " Pancake shakes her head with my finger remaining in in her mouth.
"Pancake, just do it." I sharply snap back at the blonde. "Vampire Remember! You can't hurt me." I blindly motion to myself.
Reluctantly, I begin to feel her apply pressure to my finger that is until a piercing pain slices through it. I quickly pull my bleeding finger from her stunned mouth, sharply snapping it in the open. "Ow, damn, I forgot about that damn crimson moon! After a second, I hold up my finger to Pancakes lips. "Okay, let's try this again, just gently bite down. Yours Truly, would like to keep Ore-sama's finger, if it's all the same to you." Lifting my head with a chuckle, however in that moment, I quickly remember why my head was pointed downward.
My green eyes catch sight of Pancake's pale lips timidly closing around my finger. The momment she tastes the sweet crimson on my finger her large pink eyes flash up to mine. With my eyes trapped in the alluring sight, I mindlessly sputter out nonsense. "Uh….ok, Pancake…now...um."
The mesmerizing sight causes a powerful feeling to rage deep inside of me. Her hands soon reach up and franticly wrap around my hand, while her venom covered lips roughly pull the crimson from my finger. The blonde's abrupt action causes me to shake my hazed head clear, and pull my finger away from her frenzied mouth. "Okay, okay enough, Pancake. I think you get the idea…It's time to move to the next lesson."
The exhausted blonde blinks up at me with a confused look, "I don't understand, why does it- "
With a teasingly knowing smile I quickly cut her rambling off, "Taste so intoxicatingly sweet?"
She only cautiously nods her head to my words.
"Well, that should be obvious, you've awakened into one of us…. Pancake, you're a vampire." I carefully lift my shaking thumb to her soft lips, wiping a spot of crimson from it. Seeing my hand shake, I quickly jerk it away, hiding it under my folded arm. "And a troublesome one I might add." I grumble towards the blonde.
"Oh Ayato-san, I'm sorry, I don't mean-" She once more tries to pull her fragile arm away.
I awkwardly lift my free hand to rub the back of my neck. Seeing the exhausted blonde vainly tug on my arm I let out a frustrated sigh, "Forget about it, but since you belong to Yours Truly, it's my responsibility to look after you, and well show you the ropes."
With a horrified look on her face Pancake stops struggling, "Oh, I don't think I could-"
I quickly cut her off while chuckling at the blonde's expression. "Trust me, when your thirsty you so easily can, but for now, your body needs vampire blood, to fully transform."
"But how?"
"Listen, Pancake, if you stop interrupting Yours Truly, I'd get to that freaking part! Now shut your trap!" I grumbled at the blonde, causing her to silently nod her head. I instantly felt my stomach twist, after snapping at her…I didn't like this new unpleasant feeling, I let out a long breath and I continued, but in a somewhat a nicer tone. Well the best an emotionally deficient vampire could muster. "Pancake, you need vampire blood and a lot of it. My blood, and only Yours Truly's blood, Not Shu's or Laito's or any other brother ….only mine. " My sharp green eyes burn a fiery warning look in her direction, "Got that!"
"Your blood …But Ayato-san, don't you need your blood?" She looks up at me with concern.
I shrug my shoulders, "Well yeah. If, I just let you take what you needed I would soon become as exhausted as you."
"Then, I don't understand how I can -"
"Pancake will you stop interrupting….. Explaining this to you, isn't the easiest thing to do." I suddenly felt the strange feeling of my cheeks beginning to warm, and I immediately had this strong feeling to look away from Pancake. However, I cleared my throat and began again, "You see, um Pancake, while you feed from me, I will be doing… the same." My heart begins to violently beat in my chest, "Uh, Vampires call it exchanging blood, our bodies actually cycle through our blood….so much so, after a while, our shared blood transforms into something entirely different then before….and it becomes identical to our um… partner's."
The weak blonde blinks up at me. "Partner?"
"Well Yeah, what were about to do shouldn't be taken lightly. Most of time it can elicit strong feelings in vampires…especially in uh….male vampires."
She timidly pulls the frilly comforter closer to her chest, asking in a suspicious tone. "What kind of um…feelings?"
"It doesn't really matter, once we begin you'll quickly understand what I'm trying to explain. Listen Pancake, it's not ideal, but you're just going to have deal with it. It's something that you need to recover. I…I…I promise you'll like it, and you'll feel so much better after were done." I blindly grumble to the blonde, while feeling like my cheeks were actually on fire.
Pancake pauses for a long silent moment, before cautiously nodding her head, "A….Al …..all right, Ayato-san….I'll trust you. "
"Okay then, I guess we should just get to it, then." I awkwardly avoid her eyes, and look down to my hands, nervously unbuttoning my shirt, exposing my bare chest. I had no idea why the simple act was causing me to behave in such an awkward manner, lately it seemed just having Pancake in the same room made things ….difficult. I managed a quick glance, noticing Pancake's eyes curiously slide in the direction of my opened shirt.
Once I'm sitting on my bed, half naked, Pancake forces her eyes to drop to the frilly pick confronter laying over her legs. Seeing this, I quickly scoot closer, extending out a hand to gently lift her chin. "Come on Pancake no need to be shy, now pay attention." I drop my hand from her chin, and pat my leg. "Okay, I think the best way to do this is …..Well, you should just climb… uh, aboard."
"What, I can't do that!"
"Knock it off, Pancake, you said you trusted me….now, come on, and do what I say." I roughly pull her from her blankets, causing her to fumble. Our stunned eyes are only inches apart before she awkwardly drops her eyes to her hand, that's pressed against my bare chest. I nervously swallow, as my shaky hands fall to the hem of her dress, and rip the seam all the way to her upper thigh.
"Ayato!" She pulls away, with a shocked expression, covering her newly exposed leg.
"Relax Pancake, you could barely move in that thing… I'm just trying to help you." I grumble towards the blonde.
After a long tense moment, Pancake nods her head.
I roughly clear my throat before speaking. "So um, Pancake, when you're ready, I want you to lean in close, and linger your lips close to my skin." I motion along my bare neck and shoulder. "Your laden vampire nature should take over from there."
"Al… All right." She places a delicate hand on my shoulder, balancing to sit in my lap, while facing me. Her extreme close proximity causes my male vampire nature to surge deep inside. In a vain attempt to keep it restrained, I tightly grab on the comforter, on either side of me.
While holding her breath Pancake timidly brings her face closer, to my neck, until a burst of air blows against my skin, followed by her sweet silkily lips. Her delicate touch causes my eyes to roll back as I inwardly struggle with my burgeoning primal nature.
"Okay Pancake, now just-"But a familiar pain cuts off my wavering words. Her newly formed fangs break through my skin. The irresistible feeling of my blood being pulled from the blonde, forces my shaky fists to tighten on the pink comforter, underneath us. I can feel the silky fabric giveaway to my constricting fingers.
Pancake quickly falls under the bloods intoxicating influence as her body slowly begins to shift against my sensitive body, causing my eyes to squeeze shut. I roughly swallow the increasing venom, down my throat. "Uh, Pancake, I'm going to begin….Okay?"
She slightly nods her head, before speaking in a distracted tone. Uh ha,"
Wasting no time my shaky hand lifted from the torn comforter, deliberately lingering up Pancake's shifting body to reach her shoulder. I pulled her tangled blonde tresses to the side allowing my insistent venom covered lips to savor her tantalizing skin with soft kisses. Pancake slides her fangs from my skin, and tilts her head back, allowing more access to her pulsating nape.
"Uh, Pancake don't stop," Breaking the kiss, just enough to speak, "You need more." Sinking back to her sensitive skin.
Under my lips I can feel the blonde nervously swallow, "But it causing me to-"
I let out a chuckle, "Don't worry about it, and just take what you want," I firmly pull her close, guiding her back to what she, now craves. She begins to cautiously run her venom covered tongue along her bite marks. "Mmm, I see you remembered, good girl, Pancake." I hummed happily, gently sliding my hand to the back of her blonde head.
Unable to withstand my own crimson craving, I anxiously hover my venom glossed lips over Pancakes long graceful neck. Taking a moment to deeply breathe in the intoxicating invisible cloud swirling around my dipped head, before my razor sharp fangs puncture her alabaster skin. Pancake's sweet liquid quickly flows over my tongue. The blond vampire let's out a small yelp of pain, instantly causing the thick crimson to turn unimaginably sweet.
In the next unforgettable minute, I feel Pancake's teeth roughly sink into my skin. Only heightening my acute awareness to my own animalist urges growing exponentially. My struggling hands cling tighty to her back, as I inwardly clash with my growing virile nature. I can feel my tense fingers grip tightly, unintentional ripping in the back of the dress.
Feeling any minute I would tear the dress completely apart, I wrap pancake's legs around my sensitive midsection and begrudgingly pull us from the tempting bed. Completely overtaken with my crimson addiction I blindly crash against a far wall, causing a nearby dresser to topple over, sending a crystal lamp to smash into the polished floor. I suddenly feel Pancake's searching hands around the top button of my pants, while unknowingly brushing against my increasingly stressed area. Physically broad sighted by the accidental touch I begin roll along the wallpapered wall, slamming her back against it. With pancake's sweet sugar dripping down my chin I abruptly, jerk my head away. Roughly pinning her hands over her head, giving her a sharp warning look.
Pancake's round pink eyes blink up at me in confusion. "Damn it Pancake, what the hell do you think you're doing? You have no idea how hard this is, for me….I'm really trying…. Just take what you need, and keep your hands to yourself…" I breathed out a frustrated sigh, "There's only so much I can hold back." With my determined words spoken, I roughly release her wrists, like they offended me.
Her eyes avoid mine, as she nods her head, cautiously bringing her crimson covered lips to my neck. A soft breath blows into my ginger hair as her lips deliberately linger next to my ear. "So… don't." My vibrant emerald eyes blink wide open with her two whispered words. Bringing me closer to the very precipice of my unyielding struggles.
My tense twitching fingers grasp tightly onto the silky fabric of her delicate dress. I roughly swallow before uttering back softly. "Are…are you sure?" Pancake only blindly nods her head next to mine. "But why?" I thoughtlessly grumble out.
She allows her crimson covered lips to brush against my ear, while tenderly sliding her fingers over the back of my ginger head, "It's….it's because I…I love you, Ayato-san." She shyly whispers in my ear. A never before feeling of warmth spreads throughout my body, first emanating from my chest. Laito had told me as much, but hearing it from Pancake's lips felt real and final…..like I would always feel this new warmth, as long as Pancake is at my side.
I had a feeling of what I wanted to say….of what I should say. But I'm afraid the emotional words froze at my venom covered lips, so I just burst out into an awkward laugh, "See, I told you Pancake, you would fall head over heels for YoursTruly." The blonde didn't verbally respond to my teasing, she just roughly sinks her teeth into my neck, and continued to draw my crimson. "Okay, so that's how you want it." With the harsh bite, I roughly push pancake against the wall, pinning her between my hard burning body and the unforgiving wall.
Freeing a single hand to force her crimson covered lips to mine. With our searing hot lips fervently touching, I shift my head, attempting new angles, deepening the torrid kiss. Pancake teasingly nibbles on my bottom lip, savoring my blood. Her shaking hands tenderly trap my face as her hunger grows, pulling my crimson from our fevered touch.
Through our shared impassioned kiss, I sample the intoxicating flavor of our intermingled crimson. However, the mere taste of our heated kiss, sent my overly stretched male vampire nature screaming over its crumbling edge. Burning with long unanswered carnal urges, I roughly jerk us from the wall, while fiercely kissing Pancake. Her legs tightly wrap around my aroused midsection, as I blindly stumble across the room, finding the edge of the bed with my bruised shins.
Quickly being over taken by my animalistic urges I roughly toss Pancake on the bed. Her petite body lands with a bounce on the rumpled bed. Reaching out I grab the blonde's leg, and pull her to me. Standing over the new vampire, with only my restricting pants left, my primal nature possessively growls over Pancake. "Your mine, you will always be mine."
Without another second, I pounce on the surprised blonde, tightly gripping and immediately liberating Pancake's delicate curves from the already torn mermaid dress. I hastily rip the offensive garment and carelessly toss the rag to the floor.
Once Pancake is stripped down to her undergarments, my emerald green eyes capture the blonde's before I slowly crawl off the bed, to stand over the blonde. Wordlessly demanding Pancake to stay captivated by my body, my fingers teasingly dances over my pants button. With a few flicks of my fingers, its seconds, before I'm standing bare in front of the blushing blonde.
Surrounded by furry stuffed animals Pancake's eyes nervously drop, causing my lips to turn down. I slowly prowl over to the top of her scantily dressed body, tossing the useless fur balls in all directions, while inwardly cursing my prankster triplet. With serious emerald eyes my hand gently, but firmly pulls her protective arms away from her barely covered chest. "Don't ever hide yourself from my eyes." My tone turns soft and serious.
With me kneeling over her, I lift her hand to my mouth and gently sink my teeth into her wrist. Her body jerks forward as a wave of sugar quickly wraps around my tongue. Her scintillating crimson causes my eyes to roll back in my head. After a long moment, my eyes flicker open to see a curious blonde captivated by my engorged lower region, hovering over her. With blushed cheeks, she abruptly turns away. Seeing this I pull my lips from her wrist and gently guide her face back to my body. "Yui, no matter what you see, don't turn away from me… I always want your eyes directed only at me." I honestly convey my words.
She nervously swallows "I uh. " She stutters out, while peeking at my bare chest.
Her shy reaction only causes me to chuckle, seeing as she wouldn't look me in the eye, nor at the other area, she was previously caught intently studying. A wicked smile curls at my crimson dripping lips. With vampire speed, I deliciously pin the embarrassed blonde beneath me and with one hand, I quickly shred her lacey undergarments into worthless scraps.
"Ayato!" She pushes against my chest.
I easily capture her hand, wrapping my fingers firmly around her wrist. "Pancake, look at me …..Look at all of me!" I begin to lead Pancake's fingers along my bare chest, being sure to slowly linger in every muscled indentation. Pancake stared in my eyes as she let out a long wavering breath. However, her pink eyes soon went wide as my hand leads her twitching fingers pass my lower abs…and onto my lower region. "Touch me." I softly demanded.
Pancake stops breathing as I gently brush her fingers along my throbbing member. She timidly repeats the action between us. My body tenses with the unintentional teasing. I quickly pull away my hand and desperately grab hold onto the bedding as she blindly explores every inch of my tightened skin. My fingers dig deep into the silky fabric tearing it to shreds, while struggling to keep my burning body still.
Unable to restrain myself any further my blood stained lips fall roughly on Pancake's chest, encircling her harden nub. My sudden tasting cause her body to arch towards my pleasure coaxing lips. Pancake lets out a sweet moan while suddenly increasing her grip on my engorged member, giving the skin, just under my sensitive tip a firm squeeze. My head jerks back from her chest, allowing a trail of crimson to trickle down my chin.
After seeing my tense body's reaction, the shy blonde begins to slowly pump her hand. The action causes my carnal desires to ignite, and relentlessly dive into Pancake's body. Soon our sweaty naked bodies were passionately rolling around crimson smudged sheets, deeply enthralled in our enticed physical responses.
Sometime later…
With our chests heaving and after a couple more broken lamps, and an overturned nightstand. I peeked at the blonde. "Ah, Pancake are you ready?" I cautiously spoke while nervously biting my lip. I didn't want a repeat of last time, I knew if I ever saw that face again, beneath me…. I knew I wouldn't be able to live with myself….I was barely able to before. "I'm not sure I can stop, but are you sure?"
However, Pancake silently stared up at me, nodding her head. She extends out her delicate hand, and lightly brushes her fingers across my heaving chest. She pulls me down to gently fall in her wanton lips. I squeeze my eyes tight as I gradually sink myself in her enticing heat.
Pancake tightly squeezes her hands around my back, while letting out a small whimper. My clinched fingers roughly tear into the mattress, while fighting my very nature to stay perfectly still. After a long strenuous moment, Pancake lightly taps my shoulder, signaling for me to move.
Keeping a tight leash on my primal nature, I pull back my hips excruciatingly slow …feeling her sensitive skin twist and tug around me. Without warning, I slide in much faster….building a rhythm, plunging ….faster….harder…deeper.
Pancake's frustrated screams call out to me. "Please…. Ayato, I need more!"
Her pleasured cries shatter my wavering restraint, unleashing my primal nature on to the unsuspecting blonde. No longer in control of my body, or for that matter, my senses. My fingers roughly dig into pancake's hips. Without any warning to the squirming blonde, I flip her on to her stomach and roughly position her alabaster ass in the air, readying her to take all of me.
I reach down to grab my sensitive skin, already dripping from her arousal. Feeling the bluish veins, running along my engorged member pulsate, under my tightened fingers. I quickly wedge my bulbous tip into her tight entrance, sliding in just enough to tease the blonde. My two hands roughly grab hold of her hips, digging into her skin, with claw like nails. With one quick jerk, I force Pancake's ass to slap into my hips, forcing her to taking all of me.
She snaps her blonde head back from the impact, ripping out a heated scream from her parted lips. Her blond strands whip back, cascading down her perspiring back, landing just over her round ass. I begin to forcefully jerk her back again and again, being sure each time my sweaty skin slams against hers. However, my anxious fingers begin to curiously twitch towards her tangled blonde hair.
While buried deep inside I let go of one of Pancake's hips, loosely raveling my fingers into her tangled tresses. Giving her head a small tug every time I jerked her hips back on to me. The rough treatment caused her to scream out my name each time I felt my diving tip slam into her abrupt end. In a small moment of clarity, I begin to wonder if my vampire side might have taken it a little too far, until her large needful eyes gaze up, over her shoulder….wordlessly, begging for more.
The intoxicating sight causes my hands to reach around and pull her entire body on her wobbly knees, against my sweaty chest. My roving hands blindly travel over Pancake's deliciously soft body. I begin to feverishly lay kisses along her neck as one of my hands linger down to her saturated heat. Slowly rubbing wet circles with my fingers, causing her entire body to violently jerk within my manipulating arms. Pancake's pleasured moans increase in volume, as well as frequency, as the back of her head violently smacks against my chest. Her body shakes with her impending release. My name rips through her screaming lips, while an uncontrollable gush trickles down her legs.
"Good girl, Pancake." I breathed out, feeling her depths squeeze tightly around me. However I was far from being done.
The sweet smell of Pancake's release cause my mouth to overrun with venom. My hips rapidly hammered into Pancake's backside. I roughly sink my crimson tinged fangs deep into her enticing neck. An almost syrup-like substance drizzles around my tongue.
I greedily slurp Pancake's sweetest crimson from her stimulated body. Being sure, I can take in as much of the new sugar as I desire. My hand leaves her twisted nub, and places my wrist, next to Pancake's blood stained lips. She grabs hold of my arm and sinks her teeth into my skin.
After a long moment, my head clears from a sugar induced haze, feeling Pancake's crimson dripping down my chest, trickling over my nipple. My head jerks forward with my impending release. The primal vampire begins to relentlessly slam into Pancake's quivering body. "Pancake, I can't hold back, I'm going to come!"
Her body violent shakes, "Oh yes Ayato, let me feel it!" I roughly jerk her ass close to me, making sure my erupting tip is buried deep within Pancake's depths, and exploding inside of her. "Oh yes! Hell yeah, Yui!" I uncontrollably jerk my head back, forcefully releasing every drop.
My tense body goes limp with my chest heaving. Noticing my own crimson messily dripping down my arm and on to her body. I reach around and drag my grasping fingers across the trails, slowly painting over her pale body, with my sugar covered fingers. Seeing pancake dripping, I harshly toss her down on to the half covered bed and begin to leisurely lick the wasted crimson from her writhing body. After a while, thankful for being a vampire with inhuman stamina, I once more take my rightful place between Pancake's parted legs, to roughly plunge into the blond and begin the intoxicating ritual, over again.
After a while…
Pancakes tense body arched towards my throbbing member. Each forceful thrust into her searing heat rocketed my shaky, out of control body closer to my powerful end. Suddenly a small head of ginger hair pops in my head, I quickly shake my head, "No, I won't!" I angrily growl out through clenched teeth. In a desperate attempt to wipe Laito's damn suggestion from my mind I pull back my hips and deeply drill into Pancake's velvety folds.
"Ayato, I'm about to-"Pancakes screams with her fingernails roughly digging into my skin. She whips her blonde strands back with a jerk of her head, casing her sweaty tresses to dangle over her pillow while she passionately clings to my broad shoulders.
Pancake's tussled locks cause another futurist image to flash in my stubborn head. This time of someone small with short blonde hair and emerald green eyes. "No, I can't do it! Not now!" Jerking my head back," There has to be another way!" I squint my eyes tight, trying to wipe away the tempting image.
"Ayato, I can't wait, it has to be now!"
"Yes, now!" I roughly shift Pancakes leg, changing the angle of her heat, allowing the tip of my member to drill into her deepest depth, "Yui, I can feel it, go ahead and let go."
"Ahgg, Ayato, oh my go-!" Her searing wet heat twisted around me. She roughly bites into my neck, as her body begins to shake and gush.
Hearing Pancake's passionate scream causes my primal nature to fiercely rip through me…urging me to claim the squirming blonde, beneath me as "mine." My uncontrollable body jerks with every slippery plunge as my animalist vampire side begins to force images into my head, "I can't " I violently slam my head down, sinking my teeth into her alabaster skin, emerging my tongue in her heated syrup.
With every thrust, every image, I can feel my tense body switch "on" and "off" and back "on" countless times. "Damn it!" I inwardly scream with one final plunge.
…jetting my very being, inside my queen.
Hours after the long awaited night…
My exhausted green eyes flickered over to the beautiful naked blond, curled up next to me….
Your Truly's vampire bride….or rather soon to be vampire bride…
Her tangled blond locks twisted across the pillow. My hand gradually lingered over the torn silky sheet, stopping a little before Pancake's sensitive area. My fingertips tenderly danced over the precious area, and the action caused a small smile to emerge on my lips, that is until my stomach twisted ….reminding me of what still needed to be said.
Pancake's shifting form causes me to roll to my side, propping my head on my elbow. I playfully wrap a strand of spun gold around my finger, while my green eyes slide over the tattered pink sheet, watching my queen slowly emerge into consciousness. "You're looking better, Pancake."
"Ah, Ayato, when are you going to stop calling me that awful nickname?" The irritated blonde begins to roll over in a huff.
I place a hand on her shoulder, before rolling her back to face me. "Well probably, never, now that you said something about it," Letting out a teasing chuckle, playfully touching the end of Pancake's nose. "Besides, last night I discovered a whole new reason to call you, Pancake." Pancake tightens the ripped sheet around her chest, while giving me an offended look.
I playfully shake my head, "No, it's not because your chest." I quickly take a finger to curiously lift the sheet, peeking under with my leering green eyes. "You proved as much, last night."
She rips the silky sheet from my fingers, "Then what?"
I shrug my shoulders and causally lean against the wall, with two hands laced behind my unruly ginger head, "It's your blood, Pancake. It seems when I give you the right motivation." Raising a knowing eyebrow to the blushing girl, "Your blood turns into this sinfully sweet syrup…..and well, you know what goes best with syrup?" A teasing smile emerges on to my lips.
"Pancakes." The blonde rolls her eyes, speaking in an annoyed tone.
I sharply nod my head, "That's right, pancakes."
"So ah, Ayato, now that I'm a vampire-"The blonde nervously blinks up at me.
I quickly cut her off, "Correction, Pancake. You happen to be, 'Yours Truly's' vampire."
Pancake ignores my comment, "Well, you said it's you're responsibly …to ah, show me …..Uh things." My queen nervously mumbles, while staring down at her fidgeting fingers, lying on the shredded sheet and over her chest.
"Spit it out, Pancake!" I abruptly snap out, impatient with her mumbling. However, I quickly unlace my fingers from behind my head, and extend a gentle hand to her cheek, shifting her face to reveal my hungry emerald eyes burning towards her. Leaning in closely, ready to devour her glossy lips. "I have a far more entertaining activity planned for us, tonight." A heated whisper fall from my lips.
With a held out palm firmly pressed against my chest, my advances are temporarily pushed away, "Well, can you show that 'popping thing' you and your brothers do ….around the estate?"
After hearing Pancake's question, my confused head sinks back to my propped up hand. Allowing the question to run around my head, "Popping thing? Oh, you want me to show you how to teleport?"
She cautiously nods her head.
"Well look at you. You can barely feed yourself and yet you're foolish enough to ask about our little tricks? And here I thought you were thick headed, just because you were a mere blood bag but now…." I hold out my hand, and teeter it side to side. "I'm not so sure."
"Ayato, I don't see the problem with just asking." She answers back in a huff, with her cute bottom lip sticking out.
"Fine, that might have been too harsh." I grumble out and avoid her eyes,
"So you'll show me?" She asks with excitement.
"No can do, Pancake." I shake my head towards the blonde, "The art of popping, as you so elegantly put it….is not meant for newbie vampires, such as yourself." I playfully point a finger at the tip of her nose. "Not unless you want to show up in the middle of a lake, or worse yet, a mountain." I let out a heavy sigh, dropping my eyes, "Besides, what if you 'popped' somewhere I couldn't get too." An old story I was told as a child came to the forefront of my mind…and I couldn't help but shiver.
"Isn't it a matter of just knowing where you want to go? It doesn't seem that hard to figure out."
"Well, that's true, but it takes a certain level of concentration…Bad things can happened to vampires who try to teleport too early. I don't know if there just stories to keep young vampires from popping all over the place ….but there's this one-" I trail off and shake my head, clearing the thought, "Well anyway, it doesn't matter, you have to learn to crawl, before you run and all that." I gently pat her mussed head, "Relax Pancake, you're a vampire now, you have plenty of time."
"Well then, are there any other tricks?" Her wide pink eyes curiously blink up at me.
"For you, there are a few, but it's not like I'm going to show you, just yet. I don't think it would be a very good idea if you tried mind control." I begin to tease the blond vampire, as I pretend to shiver.
"Why? Are you afraid, I might have you do something embarrassing, in front of the others?" She coyly asks
Well, well what one night will do to some people? Is she actually, flirting with Yours Truly?
With my head resting in my propped up hand, I raise an eyebrow towards the blonde. "No, Yours Truly is too powerful for that."
"But with practice….I'll get better?" She happily nods her head towards me.
"Nope, I'm afraid not, you're just too young." I let out a chuckle, "You'll always be too young. With vampires, strength comes with age….that's why even with all my training in swordsmanship I was still only just able to keep up with my uncle….No, at most, you might convince me to take a nap….and then I would miss all the fun ." I let out a teasing chuckle towards the blonde, "Relax, Pancake you've only been a vampire for a single night, give it some time. Our main concern should be about keeping you fed." My laugh dies on my lips, while I lean in for a quick kiss, "So you my dear, will grow nice and strong."
The blonde vampire slides her eyes to her fidgeting fingers. "So you uh, mean uh ...exchanging again?"
My head slides away from my propped up arm, nudging my body closer, under the silky sheet, right behind Pancake's naked skin. I slowly slide back Pancake's blonde hair, and lay light kisses across her alabaster shoulder. "Yep, and lucky for us," My lips gradually linger up her neck, whispering in her ear. "And 'all' that goes with it." Letting out a sinful chuckle blow against her ear as I continue to whisper, "Needless to say, besides school, we'll be sending most our time in here."
Pancake nervously swallows.
My eyes quickly scan over the toppled room, with smudges of crimson on the wallpapered walls, partially stuffed animals. The white princess furniture lays either tipped over or broken, amongst shards of ceramic vases, and smashed lamps. Hell, even the bed collapsed to the floor. "Well maybe not here, who knew my Pancake could be so aggressive." Pulling my head back, I let out an amused laugh, "Of course this really should be considered an excused absence."
"Me?!" Pancake tightens the sheet around her chest before swinging out an arm out to the broken bed, and the toppled room in general. "This was mostly you!"
I couldn't help but chuckle, at Pancake's outraged face, "Well, whoever's fault it was, it's no real waste," I shrug my shoulders, "It kind of severs Laito right, for putting all that girly crap in here, in the first place. I'll instruct the staff to begin renovations on our new suite. It shouldn't take more than a few days. , For the time being we'll just make do with your room." My fingers lightly trace over pancake's arm, while my eyes linger over her delicate curves, just laying inches from my increasingly needy body. Until my eyes drift to the one precious area, causing my tone to grow serious. "Speaking of family tricks, there is one….. I should probably explain-"My heart pounds madly in my chest.
Pancake's round pink eyes innocently blinked up at me, causing me to lose all previous train of thought. "Ours, what do you mean by 'our' bedroom?"
"Well yeah, dahhh. Now that I'm back, do you honestly think you'll be leaving my side? Hell, for the time being you'll be lucky if you leave our bed." My eyes slide over to the nervous blonde causing a wide teasing smile to emerge on my features. My arm blindly snakes under the sheet, around Pancake's waist, pulling her against my naked body. Her stunned face is inches from my own.
Her hands fly up, and push against my firm chest in unwelcomed protest, "Ayato!"
Ignoring the blonde's outrage I manage to pull her closer, raising an expectant eyebrow, "Aww come on Pancake, it's in our very nature," My burning eyes gaze into Pancakes as I slowly lean in for a soft teasing kiss. Our lips part, just enough to whisper against, her moistened skin, "Especially mine." Falling in for another kiss. After sometime, I lean back with my emerald eyes bouncing from Pancake's half closed eyes and her freshly kissed lips.
Noticing her nervously swallow. "Ayato?"
"Besides ….You can't tell me you're against it, not after, doing all this."
"I keep telling you that wasn't me!" The irritated blonde roughly pushes me in the shoulder.
"Well, I'm willing to test how much that's true….it feels like feeding time again." This time I shift my body, pinning Pancake between my fully awaken naked body and the bed. I playfully tease as my head comes closer. "You damn hungry newborns keeping me up in all hours of the day …Nighttime .daytime…What's a vampire to do?" My lips press against pancakes, deepening the kiss as my venom covered tongue slides between her swollen lips.
She lets out a happy hum, wrapping her hands around my neck, pulling me closer. "Hmm, I could go for a little nibble." She giggles between kisses.
"Just a nibble?" My large hands travel up Pancake's delicate arms, pinning her wrists on either side of her head, "I have something more fulfilling in mind." Sinking back into her glossed lips, ready to claim my rightful spot, once more.
The sudden sound of shattering glass causes my occupied head to abruptly fly up. "What the hell?" I hissed out, hearing Shu unsuspectedly cry out.
"Ayato, time to stop playing house, there's a situation." Laito inwardly calls out.
I fling the sheet off my naked body and leap from my bed. I hastily grad my pants from a pile of tossed stuffed animals. I pulled my shirt from under a tipped over dressing table, giving it a quick snap to shake the broken glass from the wrinkled shirt. "Damn it, I heard. I'm on my way."
I quickly thread my legs in my pants, before tossing my wrinkled shirt over my shoulders. "Uh Ayato don't let Little Bitch follow you."
"I wasn't planning on it." I frantically search for my shoes."Uh, Pancake something came up. Stay right here." I nudge my head towards the bed, while slipping into my shoes.
Pancake sits up, with her hands clutching to the sheets in front of her chest. "Ayato, what's happened?"
Giving my Queen a sharp warning look. "Pancake, I mean it, don't leave this spot, I really don't want to, but I'll put your ass to sleep, if need be."
"No, no, I'll stay put." She shakes her head.
"Fine, but keep that freaking door locked!" I adamantly pointed to the door, "Understand?"
"Yes …and um, Ayato…. Be careful." Her concerned eyes blink up at me.
"Don't worry, I'll be back in a flash." I force a wide playful smile on my face and begrudgingly pop out of the room.
I pop down to where I hear the commotion, only to witness Shu's motionless feet, peeking out from underneath an over turned couch …..His normal couch.
Before, I have time to react an enormous grey wolf crashes though a large stain glass window, sending a kaleidoscope of broken shards into the room. The massive beast leaps straight for Laito, who's already tangled with another one of the raging beasts. Just before the wolf's snarling jaws rip into my unsuspecting brother I pop next to it, and violently shove my shoulder into its side, instantly hearing the distinct sound of bones crunching. However the injured wolf swings its mighty head around, managing to rip into my arm with its blood tinged teeth, before I send it flying into the room with another fierce shove.
"Ayato watch out!" I topple to the floor, with my arm gaping and gouged. Thick trails of crimson tickle down my limp arm as I kick another pouncing wolf off of me. My spilled blood seems to be calling more attention, finding myself surrounded by vicious snarling teeth ….ready to strike.
I'm just about to pop to another spot, where I can quickly heal and rejoin the fight. When I hear an ear piercing scream slice through the room… My panicked head whips around as the wolves suddenly abandon me for easier pray.
"Get away from him!" My heart freezes as I see a determined Pancake up against a wall, smacking the furious beasts with a broom….Although she doesn't seem to be aware the snarling pack is growing in a lethal number, all around her."
Because of my injury, and loss of blood I quickly scan the room while kicking the beasts away. Desperately searching for some kind of aid for my troublesome queen's rescue. Except my heart, freezes as I only see three of my brothers on their feet, remaining in the fight, and battling for their own lives. The vicious pack of enormous beasts grow in numbers with three more joining them. I frantically turn to the blonde, noticing the Alpha male is ready to pounce on Pancake, I yell out in desperation. "Pancake teleport!"
Pancake swats at one of the smaller animals. "But you said, it's too dangerous!"
"You have no choice, just concentrate!" I yell out toward the cornered blond. Just then, a wolf next to the Alpha leaps for Pancake, tearing the broom from her hands. The massive beast crushes it in two pieces with its powerful jaws. I see the Alpha shift its massive shoulders, preparing its deadly attack.
I fiercely kick another advancing wolf, sending them flying back. Sitting in a pool of my own crimson, my emerald eyes sadly plead with my queen. "Please Yui…. I promise, I'll find you!"
Pancake's frightened eyes flash to the snarling wolves and back at me, before sharply nodding her head. The fierce Alpha leaps for Pancake. Her horrified eyes go wide at the wolf's deadly strike, causing her arms to fly up, and cover her face. "Yui!" Her name rips from my panicked lips while my crimson covered hand reaches out for her in vain. Except to my surprise, the Alpha crashes into the wall as Pancake is no longer there.
"Ayato, look out!" Laito desperately screams out. I quickly turn my head only to see silvery drool spraying throughout the air and snarling teeth, seconds away from my head.
End of Ayato's POV.
Yui's POV
All of a sudden, I hear a soft sound of birds chirping overhead, I pull my protective arms from my frightened head. Shocked to see the vicious wolves have vanished and are now replaced with a peaceful setting of large leafy trees, shading me from the setting sun. An excruciating pain burns at my shattered chest as I remember how desperate Ayato looked injured, surrounded by vicious beasts, ready to fatally strike him. My miserable head falls in the damp soil, as trails of tears begin to silently slide down the sides of my face.
"Help!" A nearby call breaks my miserable moment. I quickly lift to my feet and run towards the call for help. My sprinting feet stumble while my arms roughly swat against the over grown bushes. I begin to hear splashing water, the closer I get. "Help!" The young voice seems more desperate. I arrive at a long wooden peer and begin to run towards the end, where I see a young boy struggling to say above the watery surface. "Can anyone Help Me!" His voice becomes garbled.
Knowing I can't swim I begin to panic, and search for anything to help me reach the boy. Luckily, there must have been a storm recently, because there are several tree branches floating around the peer, I picked the longest one up before laying on my stomach. I stretched the tree branch out into the water and next to the struggling boy,
"Grab hold! I'll pull you to safety!" Obscured by the frantic splashes of water the boy is too panicked to see the branch. I lift the limb and slap it down on the water, gaining the boys attention. With his back turned he grabs the branch as I stand to pull it from the water .Once the boy is close enough to reach out to, I grab him by his soaking white shirt and pull him to safety .
Concerned for the boy's breathing I turn the semi unconscious boy over, when my confused head becomes dizzy at what I'm seeing.
My shocked round eyes stare down at a younger, but very familiar vampire, laying helplessly in my lap. My vision begins to darken, and my wavering head crashes to the wooden peer.
A single coherent word slips from my unconscious lips. …. "Ayato."
End of Yui's POV
End of Chapter 17 Claimed Queen
…End of "Through a vampire's eyes."
Okay, okay, that might be going a bit too far, before I begin to get all kinds of nasty messages. Let me tell you, I do plan on continuing the sequel. I just have a few questions before I begin. First how old should the brother's appear? And which brother would you like Yui to get closer to. I have my own wish list, but I'd like to hear what you think, before I move forward. Thanks for taking a peek;) Alimackatjac.