Katara yawned and stretched her arms behind her, enjoying the cool breeze from the open window that was pushing away the last of the day's heat. She loved the Fire Nation summers for their beauty and the delicious fruit, but she hated them for their almost oppressive heat. Still, the heat was worth it for these wonderfully breezy evenings, especially right after a nice bath, when she could walk around her room, naked and damp, letting the wind cool her until she broke out in gooseflesh.
Or, on nights like tonight, curl up with a good book and pretend to read as she watched her perfectly sculpted and dripping wet husband smooth his hair back before going for a towel to wrap around his waist. If he could find one. Katara didn't hide her smirk. She did always love it when he steamed himself dry.
"What happened to all the towels?"
Katara shrugged, pretending to read her book, even though she knew Zuko wasn't fooled. He stood in front of her, hands on his hips, trying to give her a stern look. As if that would do any good. Still, she pretended to play innocent and flip another unread page.
"I don't know," she said with a too casual shrug. "Maybe you should just…steam yourself dry."
She licked her lips as he sighed and the air around him heated up. She watched the tendrils of steam curl off his skin and dissipate into the air. For the thousandth time, she wondered how it would feel. She fanned herself with her book, and Zuko raised an eyebrow at her, crossing his arms over his muscled chest. Muscles formed from hours of practice. Shirtless. Covered in sweat.
"Long day, huh?"
When he opened his arms to her, it took everything she had not to launch herself at him. Instead, she took her time, pretending to mark the page she was on. She stretched, purposely thrusting her chest toward him, before standing on the bed and taking a few steps before stopping close to the edge. She held her arms out, and with a slight chuckle, Zuko crawled across the bed to her, kissing her stomach as he caressed her thighs.
"How long has it been?"
"About two weeks," Zuko answered between kisses that were getting lower and lower. "Maybe a little longer."
She gasped when he kissed just above that little bud, grabbing a fistful of his hair and pulling him away. She pushed against his shoulder until he laid back, and immediately, Zuko was trying to pull her down on top of him. It had been two weeks since the last time they were alone together and not so tired that they immediately fell asleep. Who even knew how long it would be before they had another chance like this. For all their talk of heirs, the council never seemed to want to leave them alone long enough to take care of business. No, she was absolutely going to make this count, especially if it would have to last her another two weeks.
Zuko raised an eyebrow as she straddled him, his hands trailing hot streaks up her thighs and to her waist, then cupping her bottom as he tried to bring her closer to him. With a devilish smile, Katara laced their fingers together, pulling him away from her.
"Katara, what—"
"No touching," she said, placing little kisses along his neck. "No matter what I do, you are not allowed to touch me."
"Katara, it's been two weeks—"
Any protest he might have been about to make was quickly swallowed by a moan as she ran her tongue along his pulse before kissing and sucking in the places that she knew turned him to putty. His arms twitched with indecision, clearly wanting nothing more than to throw her on the bed and have his way with her. Which was never a bad thing, to be sure, but this time, she would be in complete control, and when she was done, he would thank her for it.
"If you touch me," she said, reaching behind her to give him a long, slow stroke, "I stop."
"You're not going to make it easy this time, are you?"
"Of course not."
It was a game that they played from time to time, one where the only rule was "no touching," and of course the point was to get the other person to break the rule. They usually gave in pretty quickly because half the fun was the touching and the battle for dominance that usually followed, but she'd been curious to see just how far she could push him.
She repositioned herself so that Zuko would be able to feel every move she made, moving centimeter by centimeter, testing each spot with a roll of her hips, knowing she was getting closer and closer to the place he wanted her most. And just before she reached it, she stopped, watching Zuko's face flicker between frustration, need and pleasure. He opened his mouth a couple times as if he wanted to say something, but any thoughts were lost as she ran her hands across her own body, remembering all the ways he'd touched her before, the ways that made her quiver, and the ways that set her on fire. She threw her head back as she rocked her hips, feeling him hard against her backside as her hand trailed lower, stopping at that place he'd kissed earlier.
He was panting, and Katara smiled at him as she licked her lips. Already he was getting warm beneath her, and it wouldn't be long before she was riding a furnace, seeking some relief from that heat. But she had ideas for that, and those ideas would test his strength. Already, he was trying to inch his hands closer and closer to her, as if she wouldn't notice.
"I'm not joking, Zuko," she said, her voice sultry as she bent down to trace the outline of his scar with her tongue. "If you so much as graze me with your hands, I will walk away."
"Katara, come on—"
She made him swallow his protest as she scooted lower, rubbing herself on him, letting him feel her heat and her need, giving him the smallest taste of what he desperately wanted.
"You'll miss out on all the fun if you do."
She emphasized this last point by putting her finger in her mouth and sucking, delighting in his eyes going wide as she blew on it to cool it before making lazy circles on his stomach. Zuko was not a loud moaner, but the moment her cold finger touched his hot skin, he let out a loud moan as he gripped the sheets, and bucked against her, hard. Katara's mind filled with a thousand evil tricks as Zuko looked at her, panicked, no doubt afraid that she would leave, and just to keep him on the edge even more, Katara moved her tongue in zig zags and circles all over his chest, creating intricate patterns before sending a wave of cold air over him. Zuko shuddered and gasped and twisted the sheets in his hands as his body positively steamed. He whimpered, trying to say her name several times, and when he finally got the first syllable of her name out, she slid all the way down, taking him in her hand and giving him three long licks from base to tip as she drug her nails along his thigh.
The word burst out of him, clearly unbidden, and Zuko went red from the top of his head down to the middle of his chest. Katara couldn't stop the satisfied smile as she laid her head on his thigh, lazily stroking him, her movements just as casual as if she were stroking his arm. Zuko hastily grabbed a pillow and held it over his face as he let out a decidedly undignified noise, his whole body spasming.
"You know," she said conversationally, "you're doing much better at this than I ever expected."
Zuko peeked at her from under his pillow. He licked his lips and blinked slowly at her.
"I suppose I should reward that."
He nodded vigorously. She planted little kisses along him, and when she reached the top, her mouth not even an inch from him, she gave him the most wicked smile she'd ever given anyone in her life.
"Beg me."
"Beg me."
She could almost see the wheels turning in his head, could almost see him weighing his options as he tightened and relaxed his grip on the pillow. Finally, with a deep sigh, Zuko closed his eyes and gave in, giving her the tiniest "please." Katara rewarded him with a stroke and a kiss, and the next sigh that came out of him was shaky and laden with steam. How much more worked up could she get him? She wanted him bucking like an unbroken ostrich horse and spitting fire like a pissed off dragon.
"Open your eyes," she commanded.
When he did, she rewarded him with another show, slipping her hand between her legs, a quiet "spirits above" escaping her as she realized just how turned on by this whole thing she'd gotten. Zuko was watching her intensely, devouring the sight of her as he propped himself up on his elbows. Katara bit her lip as her own hips jerked and she gripped his thigh as she slipped a finger inside herself. She looked up at Zuko and he almost reached out to her, very eager to help. He almost gave in and reached out to her, but when she shook her head, he set his jaw and looked away. He looked away.
"What's the matter?" she asked between little moans as she inserted a second finger.
"Katara please… I…"
His voice was positively shaking, and because he'd said "please," she rewarded him by taking him fully in her mouth, sucking as she stroked, and it knocked him flat on his back, another loud moan escaping as he bucked against her.
And when he begged her again, she held him a little tighter, doing that thing with her tongue that he loved, and another please slipped out, and she picked a slow rhythm, up and down, and he tried for a fourth, but couldn't force it out. For his effort, she picked a quicker pace, and it was like he was trying to rip the sheets in half, doing everything he could not to touch her, to run his hands through her hair like he usually did. A little voice in the back of Katara's mind told her to break him, to pull out all of his favorite tricks, to see just how far she could push him without him giving in, to make him give in.
And why shouldn't she?
By the time Zuko realized what she was doing, he was far beyond words. Katara could see the recognition in his eyes just before they rolled back in his head as she cooled her hand and stroked him with it, his hips bucking against her wildly as he nearly choked on another moan. He grabbed the pillow again, and Katara smirked. He would smother himself in his attempts to keep the noise down. She trailed cold kisses up his body, stopping occasionally to kiss and to suck and to bite, every time expecting to hear a hiss when she cooled her kisses. She paid special attention to those places on his neck that made him twitch uncontrollably, spending so much time there that his gasps sounded like hiccups, and never before had she had such control over his body, and that little voice in the back of her mind questioned why she ever let him top since she was having such fun. She bit down on Zuko's shoulder, then ripped the pillow away from him.
"I want to see your face," she said, gently cupping his cheek.
He was flushed and breathless, his whole body hot. Now she would put him through his toughest test.
"Does it feel good?"
"Agni above, yes."
She rewarded him with a stroke.
"You've been very good tonight." Another stroke as she moved back. "Do you want more?"
"Can I touch you, now?"
The need and the primal hunger in his eyes almost broke her. She loved the feel of his hands on her, especially when he got this hot. She loved the way he gripped her, the way he held on to her to keep her from falling. She loved feeling him supporting her as he rammed into her again and again and again. But tonight wouldn't be that kind of night. And maybe the next few nights as well.
He growled, then, blowing steam from his nostrils, and when he said her name, it was a warning like thunder in his chest. The storm was coming.
"How much do you want it?" she asked, her mouth right by his ear. "I can still leave."
"I've behaved this whole time, haven't I?"
And because he had, she slid onto him, relishing the feel of him inside of her, her own breath coming in harsh gasps. She wasted no time, not even starting slow, picking a quick pace, because spirits above, she needed this. She needed him. She tossed her head back, not bothering to quiet herself as she worked him, loving the way he felt, loving the closeness and his heat inside her, and she flicked her hips in just the way that drove him insane…
And it broke him. With a primal grunt that sent shivers down her spine, Zuko shoved against her shoulder until she was rolling and he had her pinned beneath him, and she could forgive this transgression against her control this time because spirits above it was driving her wild. His grip on her leg was painful as he rammed into her again and again and again, breathing out puffs of flame. Katara arched into him, clawing at his arms and his back, twisting until he hit the perfect spot inside of her, and she was coming undone because Agni above, ancestors preserve her, taking control away from him made him go insane when he got it back and it was heaven. This was the quickest she'd ever reached her release, but her mind was too far gone to think on it, her body completely taking over as she convulsed beneath Zuko, not caring about how loud she was being because this was more than she dreamed it could be.
He moaned her name a thousand times as he finished, his orgasm so strong that he collapsed in top of her, trying and failing several times to shift his weight off of her. Katara wrapped her legs around his waist, wanting to keep him there a little longer, enjoying the way it felt to have him pulsating inside of her. Zuko trembled and gasped, unable to stop shaking, and Katara chuckled as she stroked his hair. Slowly, his breathing returned to normal, and Zuko was able to move and lay next to her.
"Agni above… Agni above."
Katara got out of the bed on shaky legs and made her way to the bathroom.
"Hurry up," she called over her shoulder. "You have to bathe me, and then we will discuss your punishment."
"Punishment?" Zuko rubbed his scar as he stood, looking completely floored. "For what?"
"You broke my rule, Zuko." Katara smiled at her husband, beckoning him to join her in the bath. "You'll have to be punished for that."
A slow smile spread across his face as he sauntered toward her. Katara swore that didn't delight her exhausted body.
"And what would be the punishment for breaking your rules?"
"I guess you'll have to find out, won't you?"
A/N: I don't particularly do requests, but this was done for ObeliskX. They requested some dom!Katara, with a bit of kink, and this is actually something I've thought about before, though with Zuko as the dom rather than Katara. Once I had the time to write it, this was actually a bit of fun. I don't know how "extreme" I'll take this since I don't exactly see them being quite so into the more hardcore stuff, but I think this would be something new for them. I also realized that I tend to focus on female pleasing than male pleasing, mostly because I'm a woman, but this is going to be a fun ride. And, in typical me fashion, I don't know how to make things short, so this is going to be just a couple chapters. Nothing too involved. Hope you enjoyed!