Tonks appeared in Diagon Alley with Harry in tow. The two landed on a side alley between Olivander's and a small cauldron shop. Harry looked around in wonder. Tonks grinned remembering her first time to Diagon Alley
"So, where to first?" Harry asked once he snapped out of his stupor.
"Well, typically we'll do a once over of the alley, ya know, make sure everything is in order. Then we just hang around for a few hours until the next shift comes," Tonks explained while Harry peered into a Quidditch shop.
"Uh huh," Harry said, ogling over the Turbo XXX broom that had been recently been released.
"Come on! There'll be time for window shopping later!" Tonks said, dragging Harry away from the window, much to Harry's dismay. There were many Hogwarts students there, shopping for their school supplies. Harry felt a drop in his stomach. School was starting up again. He would be going back to France. The idea of something like school was a strange concept to him. Dying, coming back, and helping to lead a war effort did that.
"It's strange seeing all these students shopping, considering Voldemort returned. I feel like we see a battlefield that is totally nonexistent to them." Harry whispered grimly to Tonks. She grabbed Harry's arm and stared into his eyes.
"Don't get all war veteran on me! I intend on winning this war and if I can mean avoid bringing the public into it, that's fine by me," Tonks stated harshly. Harry recoiled, "I'm sorry Harry, but the look on my parent's faces when they told me they were going back to the order broke my heart. I can't let them fight alone."
"I understand. It's the same way with Sirius. We got to make sure we watch out for them. We also got to look out for each other, right?" Harry asked, smiling. Tonks nodded and smiled with him.
They had finally finished their patrol of Diagon Alley and were currently in Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. Harry was nibbling on the edge of a popsicle that occasionally changed colours and flavor while Tonks licked a vanilla ice cream cone. Harry thought it was ironic that he chose the ever changing ice cream while Tonks ate the most plain of ice cream flavors.
"So, does anything interesting happen on these patrols?"
"Nah, not really. I do occasionally have a bloke who wants to erm… hook up with me because of my special ability. That's why I don't really socialize with the people anymore," Tonks huffed. Harry snickered.
"Well, knowing my luck—" Harry began but was interrupted by a loud bang down the street. Two wizards were facing off, the crowd of people in the alley were scurrying for cover as the two traded spells.
They traded vicious and dark spells, but it seemed they weren't trying to kill each other. They were completely silent in their spell casting and their accuracy was near perfect. Harry could tell the situation was going to get a lot more dangerous very soon. Harry and Tonks immediately threw some money onto the table they were sitting at and pulled their wands.
The duelists hadn't seen them yet. Tonks took to the left of the alley and Harry went to the right. A bombarda spell was right on the tip of his tongue when the two battling wizards suddenly turned on him and Tonks.
The two wizards stared them down for a brief moment before slashing their wands at the same time, casting sickly green curses at them both. Harry dove to the ground, another half second passed and the curse flew over his head.
Harry's mind was in overdrive. One half of his brain was fueled by adrenaline and was working on keeping himself from being hit. The other was curious as to why these wizards would turn on them so abruptly, acting as a team when they had been battling each other moments before. Harry ducked and rolled, barely getting any time time cast a spell.
Tonks was fairing better than him, but only just. Spells rocketed at her. She didn't roll or duck, though. Instead, Tonks would conjure chairs, tables, nearby debris, and even chunks of the street to block the deadly curses. She held a fighting stance akin to a swordsman. She steadily inched closer, slowly gaining the upper hand.
The spells only seemed to get faster and faster as the battle progressed. Harry was finally able to stand and use conjuration and transfiguration to block the oncoming killing curses like Tonks was. They both were only a few yards from the enemies when suddenly, multiple loud pops echoed through the street.
"It's about time," Tonks growled through gritted teeth. Harry spelled the ground to rise and block the spells. That gave him enough time to see a squad of wizards and witches in black leather robes. Their wands were at the ready.
Silently, they raised their wands and all at once, fired a variety of spells. The dueling wizards stood no chance, both blasted back by the barrage of spell fire. Then, all of the wizards lowered their wands, although they were still tense. The two wizards stood deathly still. Both fell backwards, stiff as planks.
Harry and Tonks approached the two cautiously. Then, to everyone's surprise, the two wizards melted into the ground, fading into shadows. Harry furrowed his brow. Tonks frowned.
"What in the Hell?" She muttered, scratching her chin.
"Ah Ms. Tonks, fancy seeing you here," A tall African man said. His voice was deep and rich. Tonks only sniffed.
"Yeah, it was nice to see the aurors were late, as usual," She said harshly.
"I understand your frustration but—"
"We could have died, Kingsley! We need to rely on the ministry yet if Harry and I hadn't been here, there'd be a lot more carnage!" She shouted. She grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close to her face.
"Next time, you probably won't be so lucky," She growled. "You'll need to send a report to Dumbledore," Tonks whispered. Kingsley nodded faintly then scowled.
"Alright calm down, Ms. Tonks. Why don't you and Mr. Potter get out of here? We'll clean this up," Kingsley said. Harry glanced up at the man and say him wink. Harry raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.
"Come on Harry, they've got this handled," Tonks harrumphed. Harry shrugged and followed her. She giggled once they were out of earshot.
"I'm guessing you two know each other?" Harry asked.
"Yep. Ol' Kingsley would sometimes help Mad Eye Moody train me. He's also part of the order," She explained.
"I figured but I don't remember seeing him at the meeting."
"Yeah he gets really busy being the second in command of the aurors," Tonks said, slipping her wand back into its holster. Harry hadn't noticed that before. He'd definitely need one of those.
"So I'm guessing you're going to go report to Dumbledore now?" Harry asked.
"Yes we are. You were there too. He's gonna need all the information he can get on this. I don't know why but I can't shake the feeling that there was something different about this. Other than the two bad guys melting into the ground, they also didn't use words or even talk. It was like they were being controlled. I'd call imperius if it wasn't for the fact that they were so fluid in motion. People under the imperius tend to either be too stiff or too loose in their movements," Tonks huffed.
"Yeah I know. I noticed they didn't seem that intent on killing one another, but when they faced us they used almost nothing but killing curses," Harry said, a troubled look on his face.
"Let's go," Tonks said, holding Harry's shoulder. After a loud crack, the two dissapparated away. A shadowy figure removed his hood, long black hair curling around his shoulders. Another crack and the man was gone.
"Professor Dumbledore?" Tonks called out, opening the Headmasters' door just a crack.
"Come in," called Dumbledore's voice.
"We have something to report."
"The attack on Diagon Alley, yes?" Albus asked, a twinkle of curiosity shone in his eyes.
"Um, yes sir. How do you know about that?"
"I tend to have more than just one informant, other patrols and what not. However, all I know is there was an attack, and you stopped it. Care to give me the details?" He asked.
"It started when Harry and I were sitting at the ice cream parlor. Suddenly, two wizards started attacking each other for seemingly no reason. We tried to get close but they turned on us. Harry took one and I took the other. The battle lasted roughly ten minutes. The aurors arrived and finished them. Kingsley was leading so expect a report from him. Anyways, the strange part was they melted into the shadows when the aurors hit them. It was like they weren't even real," Tonks explained. Harry nodded and Dumbled leaned back in his seat.
"Is there anything else?"
"Yes sir, Tonks and I noticed that when they dueled each other, they were using dark spells but not the killing curse. Yet, when they turned on us they stopped using non lethal curses. They seemed to only use the killing curse when Tonks and I dueled them," Harry said.
"They also seemed to work really well as a team without speaking. I told Harry that they might have been controlled by imperius but they just weren't showing the signs of that curse. Maybe it was something else?" Tonks asked. Dumbledore looked troubled.
"Thank you for bringing me this information. Well done to you two. Now, I must be alone. We will discuss this in the next meeting," Dumbledore said grimly.
Yes sir," They said. Tonks and Harry left Dumbledore in his office, deep in thought.
"What game are playing at, Tom?" Dumbledore muttered, glancing at the pensieve in the corner of his office.
The Dark Lord Voldemort sat upon a black throne. At the base was what looked like human bones. Engraved in the armrests were tortured looking faces of muggle men. He lounged nonchalantly, his eyes closed in meditation.
"My lord, I have returned," A voice called out. Voldemort opened his eyes, revealing blood red pupils that pulsed with power.
"Ah yes, greetings Severus," Voldemort replied. Severus Snape swallowed.
"T-the Order of the Phoenix has indeed been reestablished. B-but I have news that you will not find pleasant," He said quietly, as if he didn't want to speak.
"Speak, my servant," Voldemort said
"H-Harry Potter has returned," Severus stuttered. Voldemort's eyes lit up with cruelty. There was dead silence and Severus shivered anxiously.
"M-my Lord?" Severus asked, his heart pounding.
"Crucio," Voldemort said cooly. Severus fell to one knee and clenched his jaw. His joints spasmed and he felt total loss of control of his body. Then, as quickly as it started, the pain curse ended. However, Severus was still shaking, leaning totally on his knee.
"I am sorry Severus, but I had to relieve some brief anger," Voldemort said, not at all apologetic. Severus didn't trust himself to respond so he only nodded.
"Now, I want you to go back to Dumbledore. Spy on him and keep a careful eye on Potter," Voldemort ordered. He twirled his wand between his long fingers and hummed in thought.
"Yes, my lord," Severus said, quickly standing and rushing to the door without actually running. He swiftly bowed to Voldemort before trying to not run through the door. Voldemort laughed cruelly.
"So Harry Potter is alive. It seems I am not the only one who has defeated death. I shouldn't have left his body. I made that mistake once but it will not happen again. I hope he is enjoying his freedom, because soon, his carcass will rot in my dungeon!" Voldemort cackled.
"Not only that, but the Order has truly returned, how nostalgic. I will have to put an end to that pesky little club of Dumbledore's as well. Soon, he will know fear, and he will bow to me," Voldemort muttered. He had much work to do, and a few new plans to put in play. This was the beginning of war.