A/N: I have tried, so many times, to write a full-length fic. But every time I've lost inspiration and deleted it a few chapters in. That's why, instead of being super ambitious, I'm going to take it slowly. Write a series of one-shots. Fluffy, most likely. (LEAVE PROMPTS IN A REVIEW! - AU or non-AU, doesn't matter!) Then maybe progress to short fics, ten chapters. I'll try to progress from there.

I'm sorry. I truly am.

As for the following one-shot, I think it's a little fluffy - I'm still getting better at writing fluff, so no promises, but it's just a little coffee shop love. ;)

WARNING: language

Disclaimer: I don't own. Do not sue. Thanks. :)

Percy Jackson hated blind dates. For one thing, he didn't have time for dates. He was attempting to graduate law school (attempting being the key word) and attempting to graduate meant writing hundred-paged essays, memorizing flashcards, and reading books with titles like "Florida's Third District Court Appeal".

And then, of course, there was this simple fact: 99% of all blind dates are destined to fail. Technically that wasn't a fact, though. Technically it was just Jason – his law school roomie – warning him not to go on the blind date. It appeared Jason had been on a lot of failed blind dates.

But here Percy was, sitting at a table in a quaint little coffee shop, waiting for his date and slowly coming to the realization that he was being stood up. He checked his watch. Exactly an hour had passed since his date was supposed to show and there was no sign of her at all.

He took a sip of the, now cold, coffee. The door jingled and Percy looked towards it, hoping that she was just late. Maybe there had been a huge traffic jam. Even the baristas, who by this time had figured out that Percy was waiting for a date, were looking at him with big, sad eyes. In his haze to look at the door (it wasn't his date, Percy realized with the sinking of his shoulders, she was supposed to have this pink sweater and big blue purse and this girl definitely had neither) Percy managed to somehow knock his mostly-empty cup of coffee onto his expensive paid-for-by-his-estranged-father pants.

"SHIT!" he exclaimed, grabbing as many napkins as he could, trying to get out the brown stains.

A barista ran over to his table with more napkins and together they mopped up the mess. There was still an ugly brown stain on his pants, but Percy was sure that his father would be more than happy to pay the dry cleaning bill, especially after their last meeting on Percy's school campus.

While they were on their hands and knees scrubbing the floor of the brown liquid, the two connected eyes…for just a moment. But it was enough for Percy to get a good look at her eyes, which were a stormy grey. The lights flickered, slightly, overhead, but reflected in her eyes it was like lightning in a terrible storm. But they weren't gloomy or dreary—not at all. In fact they were the opposite, sharp. Intelligent. With a hint of flirtatious cunning.

He paused, in cleaning the mess up, to soak in her full appearance. Blonde curls surrounded her pink-cheeked face like a halo. She was gorgeous, in the most nonchalant way imaginable. Percy wondered if she had a boyfriend.

The barista got up to throw away her wad of coffee filled napkins and threw away Percy's in the process.

"I'm sorry about your coffee, but you should really pay more attention," the barista said. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed one of the other baristas giving this girl a sharp look.

"Next time, I will," Percy said, grinning.

"So you're coming back," the girl said. A smile crept across her soft features. Percy looked for a name tag, but either she didn't have a name or she had lost the tag, because she didn't have one—unlike all the other baristas in the shop.

"Now I am," Percy said, making an obvious effort to look the barista up in down.

"Well that's a bit rude. You don't even know my name," the barista said. But Percy could swear he had seen a blush, however small.

"Tell me. Your name."

The barista smiled.

"Annabeth Chase." She held out a hand.

"Percy Jackson." He took it.

A/N: So I hope you liked it - I enjoyed writing it. I felt like I wasn't under very much pressure, if that makes any sense. I tried to be light and fluffy, but honestly descriptive stuff is more my forte, so I want to see how you guys liked it. REVIEWS ARE APPRECIATED LOADS!

And, please, please, please leave a review with a prompt for another set of one-shots or two-shots. PLEEEEEAAASE?

Have a great day!

