Disclaimer: This is taking place after skip beat chapter 226-so get current on skip beat if you want it to make sense to you.
Fairy Tale Ending, Chapter 1
Ren Tsuruga is sitting in a poorly lit bar, drinking alone after a long day at work and checking his cellphone. He sighs and puts his elbows on the table and head in his hands.
3 days earlier
"I'd be happy to give you that stamp now, Ms. Mogami, but I don't have them on me, would it be okay to wait until I get back?" Damn, I really should've planned this better and brought it with me...I know she's been waiting for a proper stamp from me while I've been gone. I just dropped everything and came to see her.
"Mr. Tsuruga, I wouldn't expect you to keep the stamp book on you, you have enough going on. I'm just thankful you're giving me a stamp at all."
"Ms. Mogami, you more than earned it, I still can't think of a way to thank you enough. Really, I hope someday I can return the favor you have given me."
A light blush tinged Kyoko's cheeks and she looks at the ground with a small smile. Her unguarded cutie honey expression makes Ren's hands twitch and start to reach for her. He catches a glint of the light reflecting from his watch in the corner of his eye, sighs and shoves his hands in his pockets. He sighs again. Thanks Rick, I really need to stop abusing you this way...
After a brief moment of Kyoko looks up, excited and and exclaims', "I've got it! There's a spare stamp book in my room, I'd hate to have you going out of your way a second time for a talento like me-I'll go get it for you."
Ren looks away, into the distance as she walks down the sidewalk...Good it'll give me a minute to collect myself, it's not good for me to be around her alone like this, he broods. I need to learn to keep my hands to myself.
Kyoko reaches the door to Darumaya and turns, realizing she was going to make him wait alone in the dark..."Uh, Mr. Tsuruga,would you like to come in? I'm sure it will be fine, it will only take a minute after all."
"Sure Ms. Mogami, I hope I won't be an intrusion, they must be sleeping by now." "No, no, I'm sure it's fine, come to think of it, you've never been here before...my living quarters are above the restaurant, make yourself at home."
Ren Smiles while she starts walking up the off his shoes so that he can muffle his steps on the floors, he follows behind from a distance.
Kyoko, smiles, thinking how strange it is that she's more nervous than usual around this man. Distracted, she reaches into her nightstand drawer and pulls out her stamp book, Ren is leaning against the door-frame, watching her. Kyoko looks up and sees him start to glance around the room. It then dawns on her that she has his and Shotaro's poster on the wall facing the door...and she recently changed the photo. now Ren has a full poster sized picture, where as Sho is just magazine sized.
Oh my god, oh my god, I need to get him out of here quick before he starts looking around too much! Internal Panic ensues and her face gets hot. she squeaks and then shouts "MR TSURUGA I FOU-"...Ren rushes to her side and puts his hand over her mouth, leaning in to whisper in her ear: "Ms. Mogami, I thought we were trying to keep quiet"
AHHHHH! Too Close, Too Close! Kyoko's face burns as she rapidly becomes even more flustered-She quickly backs up and puts space between herself and him, taking a seat on the edge of her bed.
She takes a deep breath and composes herself." Sorry, sorry, let's head downstairs now, I have the stamp book"
Ren starts to walk out and spots her desk and smiles. Everything is so organized and clean, that's so like her, not a paper out of place. She has her makeup kit in order and her planner to the left side, a small lamp and the vase for the Queen Rosa are in the right corner, and next to them he spots her treasure, the purple blue stone she got from Corn, sitting in a handful of star filled sand.
He smiles and gestures towards its spot on her desk "Got a memento from the trip to Guam, huh? " Kyoko blushes "Yes, I did...I didn't want to take the stone with me because I was afraid I'd lose it or they'd take it away, it was my first time on a plane after all...but I wanted to bring a token back since I got to see him after all this time. I'm sure corn misses his real owner-I must be a poor substitute for the prince of the fairies after all" Ren feels a tinge in his heart at her words. No Kyoko, you're wrong, if that stone had feelings it would surely reject the dark person her fairy prince has become.
Staring at her blushing face, her unguarded cutie honey expression, he realizes he is in her bedroom, alone with her. Quickly he grabs her by the arm, lifting her from her seat on the bed and gently leads her downstairs. I need to get out of here, before I do something that I will regret in the morning. She places a hand briefly on his chest to stop him and says"wait" and breaks free from his grasp. Ren doesn't miss the way that her eyes flare upon touching him, igniting a fantasy he would steadfastly deny having. She started walking toward the bed again...
What in the world is she doing? Rens heart starts beating erratically. She walks over and turns off the light. He smirks to himself. See Ren, this is what happens when you let your thoughts get to carried away-get ahold of yourself. You know she doesn't think of you that way, shes the first Love Me member, after all.
As he turns back towards the door, he notices on the wall a poster of Sho Fuwa, and the anger inside of him starts to bubble to the surface.
"Mr. Tsuruga?...are you..okay?" Oh god, he saw the poster, hes gonna...he turns, with his, brightest, sparkliest gentlemanly smile and starts to say "Yes, Ms. Mogami, why-ever would I be ups-" and he freezes in shock, noticing the much larger, full body poster of himself, further down the wall, with princess Rosa laying on a table displayed on a small, decorated pillow, right below it, practically a centerpiece in her room. A slight blush appears, high up on his cheeks, but Kyoko is too busy standing, terrified of the gentlemanly smile mere seconds before. Huh... my grudge antennas we're going off a minute ago and now they are no longer reacting, maybe hes not as mad as I thought he was.
Without direction from her, he starts to slowly walk downstairs and away from the room his sweet, heavenly smile glowing on his face-noticing his complete change in mood, Kyoko permits herself a small smile as she closes the door to her room and follows suit.
Back to the present
Its getting more and more troublesome to keep my emotions in check around her, maybe this distance will do me some good. Stop getting carried away over the size of a picture-it doesn't mean anything. Furthermore, she a long way from having healed, I need to keep from pushing her with questions about things like that. She needs more time or she'll obliterate me from whatever corner of the heart she has hidden me in. Sighing, his fingers furiously run through his hair as he signals the bartender for another drink.