Hello there! I have neglected my storied, but, fear not, I am updating them today. Sorry I didn't upload when I planned, but I was in a bit of a rough patch for a few days and couldn't do anything else but sleep. Those sorts of days come and go for me, but luckily should not happen often!

Anyway, after watching last night's episode, I had this idea. So, I hope you enjoy! It's kind of like an alternative ending, but it has more regulars in it than last night. I have to say, I have no idea what drug was used- no one really knows. I have decided not to use a specific drug for this. Anyway, on with the story. (Originally going to be a one-shot, changed to a multi-chapter story hopefully updated every Friday.)

Drugged: Chapter 1

"Man, you look rough." Iain commented after Ethan turned around to reveal his clammy complexion and his tired eyes. Ethan knew what Bonnie...well, Cassandra did.

"Er...she drugged me..." He spoke- still feeling out of breath, and, admittedly, a little dizzy. He didn't miss the shocked looks on Iain's or Robyn's faces. They weren't that shocked- not after what she did. They wouldn't expect any less!

"She tried to dump her second gun in the sharps bin." Robyn told Ethan. Ethan was surprised to say the least. But, Iain had one more thing.

"I can beat that. She can walk." Ethan stood, mouth hanging open. "She was having an affair with some... big fella." Iain continued. Ethan snapped his mouth shut and tried to engage his brain- which seemed to be slowly ticking down.

"The physio." He realised.

"Right, well, we reckon he helped her set the whole thing up. Which is why he tried to delay is getting Clyde in." It was finally all making sense to the three of them. She was definitely a sneaky one. "I mean, making out she had an affair with you, the DNR... all delaying tactics." Ethan looked down, closed his eyes, and blew out a breath. Half from exasperation, and half from the effects of the drug. He had expected them to lessen by now. No such luck. Robyn looked worried.

"You okay?" She asked, concern filling her tone. Ethan really didn't look too well. Ethan opened his eyes and met her's, nodding his head. He obviously wasn't okay, but he needed to tell the police. They were interrupted by the officer.

"What d'you have to say then, sir?" He had, indeed, heard their utterly bizarre conversation. But he needed them to officially report it. In terms he would understand!

Ethan turned around and said, "she told me how she did it." It was a confusing yet intelligent story- one which Bonn...Cassandra had thought up very well- and it was no doubt correct. It all made sense- it made sense to all three, and the officer definitely believed them.

Ethan finished telling the tale, and the officer nodded and gave them his thanks. Then the worst of it hit him. He felt weak in his legs, and had to use the wall for support. "Ethan?" Robyn questioned worriedly. "You alright?"

To Iain and Robyn, Ethan looked awful. He was paler than earlier, and he had his eyes closed- breathing faster than usual. What the hell did that woman drug him with? "Ethan, mate?" Iain a addressed the young doctor, "can you hear me?"

"Mmm..." Ethan muttered. "Bon...drug...can't...chest..." Iain and Robyn exchanged concerned glances. Ethan seemed to be slowly slipping into the effects of the drug. He already looked terrible when they first met up with him, but he was certainly one hundred times worse now.

Iain flung Ethan's arm around his shoulder in an attempt to keep him upright. He and Robyn heard the officer they reported everything to call an ambulance. For now, though, their focus was on getting Ethan seated and breathing slower. For now, their focus was on keeping Ethan conscious. Keeping him alive.