L walked into the loud living room carrying a couple of drinks and found Light in the corner. "Hey, why so glum?"

Light looked away from the window and met a L with a sincere smile, "I'm not Hun…" Light leaned in and gave L a small kiss on the cheek. Causing everyone in the room to 'aww'.

The living room full of friends at an engagement party for L and Light turned sour quickly when one of L's old flames came into the room. Beyond Birthday. Light hated his very existence, nonetheless to be in the same room as him. L looked away from the man nicknamed 'BB'. "Light… I."

Light pressed past L and moved Matsuda, who had since remained close with L and Light since the solving of the Kira case. Matsuda reached out for Light but he was already out of reach. Light pulled back his arm and let a strong right hook across BB's face. "What the fuck are you doing here?!"

BB stood in place and moved only a little after Light's fist made contact. BB gave Light a sadistic smile and handed him a small box, "Just thought I would congratulate the happy couple."

Light gave BB a furious glare, "Leave." Beyond smiled looking directly into Light's honey eyes with his menacing scarlet eyes.

L bit his thumbnail watching the two males face off. "Beyond. That's enough, go home. I don't know what you came for, but you need to leave." L interlaced his fingers with Light's.

Beyond smiled confidently and turned and left, "Goodbye, love birds." Beyond waved as he was walking out the door, "Oh, and L, sweetie, the box is for you both." BB winked and left the house.

Light gave a resentful glare to L. "I'll wait in the car." L looked down to the floor and nodded. Saying his final goodbyes to everyone.

Matsuda watched an irritated Light and a sorrowful L leave. Matsuda walked out of the door behind the two, "Please, drive careful."

L got into the car and looked Light over and decided now wasn't the time to try and talk to him. Light started the car and silently began driving them home.

They stopped at a red light and Light let out a deep sigh, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be that way." L just silently smiled and placed his hand on Light's hand.

The light turned green and L closed his eyes and quietly said, "I hear the bells…"

A speeding semi truck came through with a last ditch effort to run the light and slammed into the side of the vehicle. Violently throwing the car off the road.

Light awoke to a bright room with white walls and the sound of a heart monitor. Light closed his eyes and listened to the conversations around him.

"Okay, and this one, he's in what we call short term coma, his body is responsive to stimuli but not his mind." A nurse said. "Let's check in on him, shall we?" She led a small group of students into Light's room.

She resumed talking as one of the nursing students pointed behind her. "Ma'am? He's awake."

She stopped talking and turned around then dropped her clipboard and pressed a button on the wall, "Room 451 is awake!"

Light was sitting up in bed dazed, "Where is L?"

One of the students leaned in, "L, what?"

The nurse shooed the students out, "Just go!"

The nurse started tending to the machines around Light, "Okay, can you remember anything?"

Light closed his eyes, "There was an accident… We were celebrating something… I." Light held his head in pain. The nurse checked his vitals and reported to the doctor.

The older doctor leaned in checking for pupil reactions, "He's here alright. Please try not to move a lot, you've been in a short coma for a couple of months. You're co workers and sister are on their way."

Light's eyes felt heavy, "What about…" Light collapsed into a sleep.

The doctor stopped the nurse from taking any further actions, "He's alright, he's just asleep. Look at the monitors. Just make sure his friends and family can find him and make sure there is food here for him when he awakes."

Light slowly opened his eyes and scanned the room as his friends and family spoke with him his vision went hazy and he couldn't hear anything else after the news of L's death as a result of the accident. Light sat there in absolute shock with silent tears falling down his face, yet, his face reflecting no emotion.

Over the next couple of months Light made a speedy recovery and was discharged from the hospital with antipsychotic therapeutic medicine and antidepressants, "Where as, his body made a remarkable recovery, his mind never repaired." Quoted Light's physician when asked about his medicine from Sayu.

Sayu drove Light to his now empty home that he once shared with L, a cold and lonesome country farm home located in the very rural parts of England. A home that sat nestled in a small nook of the woods and had a decent amount of land with a large barn-like shed opposing the home. Light stared at the door handle while standing in front of the door.

The door flew open, Light was carrying L over his shoulder both laughing loudly, L holding his new stuffed unicorn that Light won him at the fair. Light tossed L onto the couch in the living room that was in front of a bay window. And flopped on him causing him to gasp for air quickly. Light nuzzled their noses together and gave L a soft kiss, "I will always love you, L."

Light's eyes welled to the brim with tears. They fell silently, Light dropped his bags and covered his face with both hands and began quietly sobbing with his back towards Sayu and her car. Sayu watched from the trunk of her car, pained to see her brother in such a fragile state, "Light, please, come stay with me and Nate. We have an extra room, you wouldn't be any trouble."

Light pulled his hands away from his face and took a shaky breath, then spoke quietly and sorrowfully, "No, Sayu. We put our savings into this place, I don't want to be anywhere else in the world. This is as close to L as I can be now…" Light turned the nob and pushed the door open gently then picked his bags up and walked into the living room setting them down then laying on the couch. Holding the pillow to his nose taking in L's scent. Light closed his eyes clutching the pillow to his chest.