Principal Wood's Office, 1030 hours.
Staring directly at Robin, analysing his body language and facial features, Buffy tried to wrap around her head what she just heard, 'did he just say what I think he just said?' She then shook her head and narrowed her eyebrows together in confusion while more questions swam in her head about how the school principal knew that she was a Slayer. But while her mind was thinking one thing, her lips opened and Buffy said something else- all so that she hoped Robin would think she didn't know what he was talking about.
"Ummm… what now?" Buffy tilted her head, acting confused while shaking her head and narrowing her eyes. At the same time placing her hands on her waist, "huh?"
"A slayer," Robin said waving his hands before pointing at Buffy, "you. That's you. A Slayer."
"That's a thrash metal band, right?" Buffy replied with a quizzical expression, one that she hoped would change the Principal's mind.
Robin took in a deep breath and then sighed before crossing his arms over his chest and saying, "Slayer." He then pointed at Buffy with a finger while shifting his weight from one foot to another, "that's you. And there's no sense in trying to be confused. I know who you are. I know what this school's gone through… I know we're on the Hellmouth." Buffy frowned at hearing that name and looked away while Robin continued to talk, "and I know that something's coming, Buffy."
"I think you've got the wrong idea, and…" Buffy shook her head and waved her hand as she nervously laughed. She then told Robin, "you're a good kidder," before she was about to turn around. However, it was as she was about to turn that Robin called for her once again; this time by saying the last thing she ever expected to here.
"Buffy," Robin said. Buffy was already partially turned as Robin placed his hand on the back of a nearby chair, "I know who you are. I know about Slayers and Watchers because, well, my mother was one."
"Excuse me?" Buffy whispered as she narrowed her eyes before turned her body back towards him, "you… wait… what? What did you just say?"
"Do I have your attention now?" Robin whispered as he took a step towards Buffy, his hand still holding onto the chair back for support.
He saw the expectant look on Buffy's face, the same look that Robin's ex-girlfriend gave him when they broke it off so that he could take the Principal's position in Sunnydale. It was a look that said 'keep on talking without any veering off into tangents'. And so he spoke without any veering off topic. In fact, Robin went straight to the point.
"My mother was a Slayer," Robin revealed as Buffy's jaw dropped and her eyes went wide open. Buffy's mind felt as if it was in a jumble, as if she could hear a buzzing sound in the back of her ears before realizing she was actually hearing the sound of her own blood. She looked away from Robin and wondered to herself if it was actually possible for a Slayer to have a child.
'A slayer having children?' Buffy stared at the table top in stunned silence while Robin simply stood across from her. She glanced at the bald man and then wondered why she never heard of this, she wondered why the Watcher Diaries said nothing of Slayer who had children. She wondered why Giles, of all people, never told her about any Slayer having any children, 'he didn't tell me anything because all of us… Slayers… we Slayers die too early. All too early.'
Buffy was about to ask a question as she stared at Robin; but the latter beat her to the punch.
"She was a Slayer in New York," Robin said in a whisper while his eyes had a forlorn look to them as he pulled the chair he was holding, back, and then took a seat while motioning for Buffy to do the same as well. He then leaned forward and placed his arms on the table top and twiddled his fingers together while continuing to speak, "when she died, her Watcher took me in and taught me everything I know."
"I.. I think I need to sit down," Buffy whispered shaking her head and pulling back a chair, forgetting that Robin already motioned for her to take a seat as she stood rooted to one spot staring at Robin in shock. It was a second later that Robin verbally asked Buffy to take a seat that the blonde Slayer pulled back a seat and sat down while thinking, 'a Slayer with a child. Does.. does that mean that I can…' Buffy then shook her head glancing up as she eyed Robin across from her, 'what kind of a life is this for a child? What life does the child of a Slayer have, and… I… Stop Buffy, just stop. You have a lot of questions so just ask him. But first…' Buffy took in a deep breath as she tried to get her bearings back together and then stared at Robin dead into his eyes, "yea, I am a Slayer."
"I told you so," Robin said nodding his head while sill leaning forward with his arms on the table.
"But… how?" Buffy asked as Robin arched an eyebrow upon hearing that question. It was then that Buffy realized what she said, and how it may have been construed before she waved her arms and clarified, "I mean, yeah I know how babies are made and…." Buffy then stopped talking and hung her head. She shook it while chuckling nervously and rubbing her forehead before looking back up as her cheeks turned red. "What I meant to say was that I never heard about any Slayers having children."
"Yeah, well… my mother's watcher didn't want to advertise it," he replied.
"So," Buffy said while shaking her head. There were so many questions in her mind that she didn't know where to even begin. "So…." Buffy said while shaking her head once again.
Sensing that Buffy was having trouble trying to come up with a question to ask, Robin started the ball rolling, "my mom was already pregnant with me when she was called as a Slayer." Buffy pursed her lips and stared at Robin who continued to talk, "she wanted to have a normal life with me, so we left New York when I turned one. I still remember that day." Robin then took in a deep breath while Buffy listened intently, "but she couldn't keep away. We returned a year later, and she did two years after that."
"How… how did she die. "
"A vampire killed her," Robin whispered as he remembered his mother, and the last night they had seen each other. 'The mission is what matters,' Robin recalled his mother saying before leaving him with Crowley. "And I…. well, Crowley raised me. And when I was old enough, he trained me in Slayer combat."
"So you have powers?" asked a curious Buffy as she leaned forward.
"No, no," chuckled Robin staring at Buffy, "I'm not like you or my mother. I'm fully human. A really good looking human, but human. I used what Crowley trained me to go out and become an independent hunter… well, let's just say that I'm not big with the bumpy headed crowd."
"Same here," whispered Buffy as she closed her eyes with a smile on her face and looked way. She chuckled and rubbed her throat before looking back at Robin. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Buffy started chuckling again. "Sorry," she apologized waving her arms about, "but.. but this is something new for me. I have so any questions in my head."
"I thought you might," Robin said as he glanced at his table while Buffy closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. He was thinking about the hidden bag in one of his table's drawers, the very same bag that was supposed to be handed down the Slayer line to the newest one. But it was never handed down, Robin kept it to himself as a memento of his mother and what she meant to him. He couldn't give it away, not yet. He looked bad at the chuckling Buffy still shaking her head before he asked, "this isn't a date but… but I'd like to take you out for lunch. Answer any questions you might have."
"I….." Buffy didn't know what to say. Well, she did know what to say… she wanted to say yes. But she was also thinking about the lunch date she already had with Tara and Willow, and was planning on asking Colonel Sheppard to join her. But then again, she wasn't to know more about Robin's mother, Nikki Wood, and she felt that lunch would be better sounding than going somewhere for dinner.
Buffy wanted to know about the past Slayers, and here was the son of one of her ancestors. The son of one of her sister Slayers. "Lunch?" Buffy said. Robin nodded his head before saying that it was going to be entirely professional.
"Professional lunch." Robin assured her.
And Buffy nodded her head before slowly getting up from her seat, "I.. I have to make a call." Buffy also knew that she needed to talk to Tara and Willow… to tell them why she was making their lunch a dinner instead. 'Hopefully, Robin will talk to the others later…. Maybe not today or tonight but later. I need to talk to Giles first, I need to confirm his story. And then we'll talk to John. If Robin's as trained as he says he is, then we need him. For what's coming, we need everyone we can find.'
Robin nodded his head before telling Buffy that they'll meet in an hour, "my treat."
"Okay," Buffy said. She was still in disbelief that one of her predecessors had a child, and the child was sitting across from her. She looked away and wondered for an instant what it must have been like to be the child of a Slayer, once of many questions that were swimming in her mind as she looked back at Robin, and then at the weapons rack behind him, and then back at Robin once again. She nodded her head before whispering they would meet in an hour.
Buffy then walked out the door and, still in a daze, shuffled towards her office. She was so distracted given what just happened that Buffy missed Willow and Tara waving at her from the entrance to the counsellor's office. Hearing her name being called, Buffy looked up and a smile formed on her face at the sight of her two friends.
"Hey," Buffy said, her voice low but still cheerful, "what are you two doing here? Don't you like.. you know… have class or something?"
"Cancelled," Tara said shrugging her shoulders, "apparently the professor left Sunnydale for an emergency vacation."
"And since you said you had no plans for lunch,, then…."
"I… I actually have a lunch date with…." Buffy stopped herself from talking as she glanced at the arched eyebrow on Tara. The Slayer then reach out and held Tara's arms while shaking her head and saying, "I mean it's not a date-date. It's more of a professional lunch."
A smile then appeared on Tara's face. She knew that her reaction would make Buffy nervous, especially since Buffy already told her about the kiss she shared with her brother. It was something that Tara did not want to hear about… although Willow did. And Tara was sure that Willow was keen to hear about the kiss between Buffy and Colonel Sheppard just so she could see Tara squirm. Tara chuckled before saying that if Buffy and her 'date', to which Willow started to make 'smooch' sounds as she perked her lips. Tara then patted Willow's back, which was when she stopped make the sounds and grinned at Buffy eyeing her through narrowed eyelids.
"When are you heading off for lunch?" Tara asked Buffy.
"In an hour," she replied before looking behind her for any sign of students or Robin. With the hallway empty, Buffy turned back towards Tara and Willow and leaned forward, "there's something I need to talk to you guys about later tonight."
"About John?" winked Willow while Tara narrowed her eyes at her girlfriend. The redhead glanced at Tara and chuckled before her eyes shifted back to Buffy who was laughing as well at Tara's reaction. Buffy's laughter trailed off before she told Willow and Tara that she just learned something about Slayer, but she needed to talk to Giles first before anyone else.
Willow nodded her head, as did Tara, before the latter said that they'll go catch up with Xander, "he'll be on his break soon."
"Is John here with you guys?" Buffy asked, "I mean did he drop you two off or…"
"Teyla's waiting for us in the car," Tara said, "Willow drove us here."
"John let you drive alone? In the day?"
"I just made a reasoned argument that vampires won't come after us if we were in the open, and it was sunny outside," Tara said pointing at the window in Buffy's office that looked out at the front lawn, "plus Teyla wanted to come with us for lunch. So we've got protection."
"And besides, John's meeting us at the Espresso Pump for lunch with Ronan, Faith, and the other potentials." Willow said as Buffy countered by reminded the redhead that she earlier said the Colonel wasn't with them.
"He's not," Willow sheepishly said waving her arms about, "he's with Faith and the others."
Buffy's heart fell at not being able to accompany Willow and Tara, especially with Colonel Sheppard there. In addition, there was a small part of her that felt jealous at Faith for being in the same car as the Colonel. Buffy still had bad memories of Faith taking over her body and using it to harm her friends, to have sex with Riley, and then attempt at running away. But Buffy still felt that the information the Principal had to say was more important. Buffy needed to find out more about her power.
Buffy then told herself that faith was different, that this Faith wasn't the one who took over her body. That's what Buffy kept telling herself at least. 'She won't. She won't. She won't because… well, because I'll kill her.' Buffy then shook her head and sighed while forcing those thoughts to the side. It was time to start trusting Faith, Buffy thought to herself, they were the only two Slayers alive.
And they needed each other, whether she liked it or not.
"I'll see you guys at four?" Buffy said finally after a few seconds of silence.
"Pizza at the Compound?" Tara asked.
"We have another Potential coming tonight," Willow said, "after she gets in, we order some pizza."
"Sounds good," Buffy replied nodding her head, "see you guys then."
Tara and Willow waved their hands at Buffy before turning around and walking away. Buffy watched them walk after before turning around to the office door, walking in, and then heading for her desk.
'Ok, so one more hour.' Buffy thought to herself as she looked at the wall clock upon taking her seat, "and then I can have the oh so many questions in my head answered."