I noticed people were putting this on alerts still so thought I might as well do one more chapter. I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think.


Jacob was shaken awake. "Your turn to get up with the cubs." Brady yawned.

Jacob grunted but rolled over and kissed his mate before getting up looking for his shorts. Scratching his head he padded to the nursery and picked up his youngest son and nuzzled into his neck taking in his baby scent. Even now after three other children he would never tire of the new baby scent. Unless they had filled their diaper which sadly Corbin had.

"Geez dude what's your mama being eating?" Jacob made quick work of the diaper before heading down stairs.

Landing on the bottom step he cussed as he stepped on his eldest Will's lego making Corbin cry with fright. Kicking the offending painful piece of plastic under the chair that sat in the corner, he made his way to the lounge where sure enough William and his two sisters were watching television.

"Turn that down." Jacob grumbled sick of listening to some annoying dude singing the alphabet backwards. This time of the morning he wouldn't be able to sing it from A to Z correctly.

Going to the fridge he pulled out a made up bottle of milk that his mate had expressed last night before climbing into bed. This was the first time Jacob had gotten up allowing his mate to sleep in. While waiting for the bottle to heat up Jacob flicked on the coffee machine and sat at the table.

"Dad," DJ called out as he ran into the kitchen without looking. "Oh hey uncle Jake. Where's dad?"

"At this time of the morning if he had any sense sleeping. What you doing up this early anyway?" Jacob sniffed and shook his head. "You better go shower if your father gets a wiff of you your so grounded."

DJ sighed and sat down across from his beta. At 16 DJ was like Paul through and through in looks and stubborn streak. He had only phased a few weeks ago and the moment he laid eyes on Quil and Rachel's oldest daughter Jenny he imprinted. Age didn't seem to be a problem with Jenny she had left home as soon as she left high school wanting her own independence. She had trained to be a hairdresser and had recently opened up her home as a salon.

"I don't know why I'm made to finish school before I move in with Jenny." DJ huffed.

"Because you need to finish your education and get a decent job that is why."

"Jenny doesn't care if I move in."

Corbin fussed and DJ went and got the bottle and took the baby from Jacob's arms and sat and fed the baby of the family. The beta sat down and watched the young boy who looked more of a man than a teenager coo Corbin. He couldn't help but smile. DJ was so like Paul when it came to the cubs. He loved them all no matter whose kids they were he was always willing to give them his attention. It was surprising the cubs didn't all call him dad.

"Jenny might not yet, but what will happen if you god forbid get her pregnant. How are you going to support her and the cub?"

"Ugh you sound like mama." DJ growled.

"Well it's cos we know what we are talking about." Jacob chuckled. "Give him here your dad has woken up."

DJ quickly handed Corbin over and raced upstairs to his room that used to be Jacob's when he first arrived. So much had happened since then. Ten years on the house was full of cubs. Embry had finally met a shifter from another tribe and he had joined the La-Push pack so Embry wouldn't have to leave his Paul. Mitch was very understanding of the relationship Paul and Embry had after some hesitation. But the double imprint made the bond strong.

"Jesus if I stand on that shit one more time." Paul growled storming into the kitchen and pouring himself a cup of coffee. "Shoot sorry didn't know you were up." Paul said kissing the top of Jacob's head before doing the same to his son.

Over the years Paul and Jacob had come to love each other and they were just as affectionate as the submissives were with them. The only difference was they never slept together but had been known to walk down the street with the babies in the front packs holding hands. After all they considered themselves family not just pack.

"Where is that beautiful man of yours?"

"Sleeping. Brady gave me the guilt trip last night about not letting him sleep in."

"Ahhh the joys of imprinting." Paul chuckled just as the twins ran in and jumped on Paul like he was a jungle gym.

"Morning sprogs." Paul said blowing raspberries on their necks.

"Morning uncle Paul. You going to make pancakes this morning."

"Of course you want to go wash your hands and get your aprons and you can help me if you want." The twins squealed and raced through the house no doubt waking the rest of the house.

"You spoil those kids." Jacob said suddenly realising that poor Corbin was drinking in air having finished his bottle.

"I miss having little ones of my own. Make the most of it Jake they grow up so fast."

"Sure, sure."

The kitchen was a mess but no one cared even DJ joined in the fun of making pancakes with the little ones. One by one the rest of the cubs made their way downstairs having been woken up by the smell of pancakes. 13 kids plus the two adults made for cramped conditions but somehow they managed to work together and soon plates loaded with food were placed on the table.

"Don't forget to save some for your mama's" Jacob said getting up and heading upstairs to put Corbin down for a nap.

Once he had tucked in Corbin Jacob headed to his beloved who was just stirring. Not wanting to miss the chance of having alone time Jacob slipped between the sheets and pulled his mate towards him.

"Morning beautiful."

"Mmm I like waking up like this."

"I locked the door and Corbin is having a nap." Jacob kissed his mates mating mark making him purrr with want.

It was late morning when Jacob woke, his mate stroking his chest with his small hand. Jacob took it in his large hand and brought it up to his lips and kissed it.

"Morning Pup."

"Mmm think we have already said that."

"I think we already did this as well." Jacob rolled his mate under him and sunk his cock deep into his mate who was still open from earlier.

Jacob made love to his mate after pounding him into the mattress earlier. Jacob loved the sounds of his mate even when he was trying to be quiet. Thankfully the bedroom was sound proof otherwise the kids may have thought their mama was being hurt. Explaining why they would often go and buy a new bed was something they had difficulty explaining. Not even Paul and his mate went through so many.

"I love you Jake."

"I love you more Seth." Jacob whispered into his mate's ear.