The moonlight shined into the room, showing two lovers engaged in coitus. The orange haired young man continually thrusted into the wetness of his muscular ebony-haired girlfriend. The short amazon moaned as the lover continued to fill her mound with his member. The two then proceeded to makeout as the thrusting continued. The woman wrapped her thick legs behind her lover's waist as his thrusting became more erratic. With one hand kneading a perky breast and another rubbing her abs, the two young lovers let out screams as they came.

'How did I get so lucky?' Ichigo asked as he layed next to his lover. Rukia was his fantasy girl come to life. Smart. Confident. Knows how to fight. He had feelings for the ebony shinigami since he met her. And now besides her awesome personality, silky hair and lovely eyes, she now had the body of his dreams. Her body was now muscular, but the muscles actually heightened her femininity than take away from it. As the two lay in bed, exhausted from their four hour love session, both of them started to think back to how this had all started. How they went from confidants to soul mates. How the petite shinigami had transformed her body. All because of a flash-drive and curiosity.

Six Months Ago...

'What are you hiding, Strawberry?' Rukia thought to herself as she was looking through the Substitute Shinigami's belongings. Earlier that week, Mizore had given Ichigo a flash-drive behind the gymnasium. Of course, they had no idea that she was spying on them. And while she couldn't hear what they were saying, she did noticed Mizore smiling and Ichigo stuttering with a full-body blush. Normally, that only happened when Yoruichi (or really any woman who was flirty/skantly clad) was around and teasing Ichigo. Rukia knew Ichigo was going out of his way to keep this a secret. So she had told Ichigo earlier that day that she had Soul Society business to take care of while he had classes.

"What dirt does Mizore have on you?" She thought as she looked under his mattress. 'No dirty magazines. Looks like you were wrong about that, Rangiku.' Rukia then proceeded to look through Ichigo's desk drawers and dresser. She rifled through his underwear drawer (much to her embarrassment) and found it! It was an unlabeled drive but Rukia had learned enough about modern technology to use Ichigo's laptop. After turning on the laptop and plugging in the drive, a mischievous smirk appeared on her face. "Let's see what you're hiding."

What the petite soul reaper found was not what she had expected. At first, she thought it might have been a video of Ichigo doing something colossally stupid. But the videos on the drive were anything but stupid. The first video she clicked on titled 'Private Show 1', started with an attractive woman in her bedroom and wearing a bathrobe. Rukia's first thought was that Ichigo actually wasn't as against porn as he had claimed to Keigo. But as the woman removed her robe with a sultry smile, Rukia nearly fell out of her chair when she saw the woman's body. 12 inch biceps, solid six pack abs and rock solid legs, this woman was a stunning combination of beauty and brawn.

"I...I had no idea that a woman could be this...muscular." The petite girl said with a blush. 'Is this really the type of woman Ichigo prefers?" As the video progressed, the woman continued to flex her various muscles while making erotic sounds. After seeing this and two other videos, Rukia closed the video, unplugged the drive, shut off the computer and hid the drive back in Ichigo's underwear drawer. Feeling a bit guilty, the purple-eyed woman thought a shower would get her mind off of what she just saw.

Later in the bathroom, Rukia undressed to shower and looked at her body in the mirror. While she never really had that much insecurity about her body, she couldn't help but compare herself to the woman in the video. She flexed her arm, barely forming even 1/3 of a bicep. Her breasts were a small but perky size B. She stomach was firm but nowhere near a six pack or any kind of pack for that matter. Her legs were still shapely and she knew for a fact that Ichigo liked her legs (as one trip to the beach that resulted in Ichigo staring and denying anything). While she wouldn't say it out loud, the petite shinigami did have feelings for the substitute. But with this new information she was starting to doubt if she even had a chance with him.

As the water cascaded down on her, Rukia's mind started to drift as she scrubbed her body. She started wonder what it would be like to have body like that. The women in those videos practically oozed confidence. Most of their bra sizes didn't even reach the size of Orihime or Rangiku, but they were still so sure of themselves. Soon, she began to envision flexing her arm and making it bulge with power. To have her back grow as she gave her orange-haired lover a sexy look. To have Ichigo kissing and worshiping her body. Quickly, her body started becoming aroused as she imagined her muscular self and Ichigo in various graphic positions. One hand clamped onto her now dripping mound while the other kneaded one of her breasts. As the fantasy became more and more erotic, Rukia felt herself drawing close. Pinching her nipple and inserting three fingers into herself, the petite beauty started moaning even as the water lost it's heat. With a final series of self-stimulation, Rukia like out a yell as her entire being climaxed. After a full minute of coming, Rukia slid down to the shower floor, breathing in orgasmic bliss.

"Oh my god. I've never cum this hard before." The shinigami thought to herself. Sure, she had pleasure herself with fantasies of Ichigo before, but they were never this intense.

For the rest of the week, Rukia was feeling incredibly awkward around her secret love-interest. Except for the occasional hollow killing, every time she was around Ichigo, her mind started drifting towards the gutter. Thankfully, the Shinigami Women's Association had a meeting, giving Rukia the excuse to get away from all the awkwardness she felt around the Strawberry. Unfortunately, Yachiru had decided to hunt for hollows with the rest of Squad 11, so that means the SWA didn't have censor themselves. Rangiku talked about a stub she had claimed earlier that week, Kiyone embarrassingly admitted to having a crush on Sentaro (Rukia had a feeling something was going on between those two), and a drunk Soi Fon admitted to having fantasies about her beloved Lady Yoruichi to the surprise of nobody.

"Say, Rukia." Rangiku said. "I noticed you acting strange around Ichigo all week. Did something happen?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Rukia's straight face was betrayed by the light blush on her cheeks.

"Oh, something did happen! Did you two, how do I put this? Make the Beast with Two Backs? Danced the Horizontal Tango? Spread your eagle? Stop me if I'm right."

"Nothing happened!" Rukia replied.

"Your flushed cheeks and nervous twitch say otherwise, Lieutenant Kuchiki." Nemu stated roboticly.

"Cam' on! Juss sa it!" Soi Fon demanded, still drunk.

Scowling and blushing, Rukia quickly whispered something her breath.

"What was that?" The busty lieutenant asked.

She whispered again.

"Kuchiki, it isn't polite to whisper." Nanao stated.

Realizing that they weren't letting this go, Rukia took a deep breath and spilled the beans as fast as possible. "IfoundoutIchigolikesmusclegirls!"

The ladies were shocked at this development.

"So that's why my feminine charms didn't work on him." Rangiku stated.

"Strange. Kurosaki didn't seem like the type to have sexual fetishes." Nemu commented.

Kiyone giggled as he turned to her sister. "Looks like you might have a chance, sis."

This got attention of everyone as they turned their heads towards the tall but shy shinigami.

"Kiyone!" The silver-haired medic exclaimed with a blush.

"What does she mean by that?" Soi Fon demanded.

"No need to be shy, Isane." Unohana said to her lieutenant.

With everyone looking at her, Isane let out a sign and smarted rolling up her left sleeve. Her arm was thicker than most of the women thought. The tall woman flexed her arm, expanding it to an impressive 10 inches.

"Intriguing." Nemu stated.

"Looks like we've got a hidden beauty amongst us." Rangiku giggled.

"Wow." Momo and Rukia said.

After the meeting, as Isane was walking home, Rukia actually met up with her.

"Something wrong, Rukia?" Isane asked.

Rukia blushed a bit before summoning up her courage. "I want you to make me muscular!"


After explaining her feelings for Ichigo, Isane was touched that Rukia was willing to go through such a dramatic change for the man she loved. So the next day, Rukia headed for a private room Isane had told her about in Squad 4 barracks. Isane had told Rukia bring workout cloths and she entered the room.

"Hey, Rukia." Isane said. Rukia noticed that she was wearing a pink sports bra and grey shorts. While Rukia noticed her arms, the shy medic also had a four pack set of abs, large legs, and a surprising set of d-cup breasts.

"Sweet Spirit King, Isane! How are you so shy with a body like that?!" Rukia exclaimed as Isane blushed.

After Rukia changed into a set a purple sports bra and shorts, Isane set up a 75 pound weight on the floor. Rukia bended and picked up the weight, her face turning purple by the massive pressure. Isane helped her from under.

"Well, at least you could lift that weight." Isane said.

For the next week, Rukia would and workout with Isane. The silver-haired amazon also told Rukia that a big part of her massive frame was her diet. So she suggested Rukia to more protein to her diet. By the end of the week, Rukia already started showing improvement, now able to bench press 90 pounds. Her body was also slightly more fit. When Rukia flexed, her biceps were now about 1 and 1/2 inches, and her stomach started showing an outline of her abs. Kiyone had also learned about their arrangement and the two shorter woman keep trying to convince Isane to look for a boyfriend, much to the amazon's embarrassment.

Five weeks later...

Ichigo noticed something different happening around him. Mostly involving his secret crush. She had apparently gotten closer on some of the female shinigami (which was true), so she was spending more time in the Soul Society. She had also started wearing thicker clothing, including sweaters and sweat pants and the school's winter uniform. After nearly a month, he decided to confront Rukia on this.

"Did I make you mad or something?" Ichigo asked the short, sweater wearing woman.

"Why do you think that?" Rukia asked.

Ichigo explained to Rukia about how he felt she had been ignoring him. Rukia sighed.

"Fine. But promise you won't freak out." Rukia asked.

"Sure." The ginger said.

With reddened cheeks, Rukia grabbed the bottom of her sweater top and started lifting it up.

"R-R-R-Rukia! What are are you...?" Ichigo started but was left breathless as Rukia revealed that she was wearing her sports bra underneath. In the past weeks, Rukia's body had transformed from a petite woman to that of an amateur bodybuilder.

"Well?" Rukia asked as she blushed and flexed one of her arms, expanding into a 3 inch bicep. Ichigo's reaction was something she had never seen from him: He launched back towards his bed as a massive stream of blood burst from his nose.

"I guess that's my answer." The short woman said.