PJC here! If your reading my Avenger's story Super Girl, I kinda lied when I said this was going to be up for a while. It was truth , but now it's a lie. (My bad)
A book is referenced in this chapter, but I found out it was published pre World War 2. It's true! I thought it was a nice book to reference.
But here you go! In addition to writing this, I will be starting a story that is like the Avenger s Assemble cartoon, with Roxy from Super Girl and Mary Rose from A True Avenger added within their ranks. (I've already got an idea in the works for an episode/chapter) It won't be out until I get a good grip on Super Girl, (meaning I "get through the original work and start Winter Soldior chapters) and Mary Rose has at least gotten to the experimentation of Steve with the serum!
See you later!
New York City - 1939
New York City was always moving. Weather it be in the wee morning hours with the sun barely starting to rise, or the later hours of the day when the sun began its descent into the sky, someone and somebody was always doing something. Now most people loved it, and Mary Rose Barnes was one of those people.
But just not today, when a large amount of those always moving people were trying to dissuade her.
She moved across the college campus, her brown curls bouncing, a pink bow placed in her hair despite her age, her pink dress perfectly ironed. Her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, questions that she would be to scared to ask bubbling behind them in her mind. Mary Rose was by far intelligent, no one could argue, but the fact she was a women often made her the center of some rather cruel looks and taunts.
But no matter, she was used to it. Still, as she hurried to her class- Gentical Sciences- she could hear the taunts.
"Hey doll, what's a pretty thing like you doing here?"
"Are you lost little girl?"
"Hey the kitchens that way!"
Mary Rose pulled her books closer to her chest with a gulp, and pushed open the brown door. She walked through the rows of tan desks, the occupants either looking at the small women, or sharing mean glances amongst themselves.
"Just keep going," she whispered to herself, sitting in a desk in the front stacking her books in front of her. "Just breathe."
She shut her eyes and breathed in, her hand balling in fists on the desk. After a moment, she released her breath and unfurled her fists. She leaned back in her desk, amidst several inappropriate jokes ans scorns being thrown her way. Mary Rose chose to ignore them, some one of her size and stature would not easily fair in standing up for herself. Especially if it got physical.
The door to the class slammed open and shut, and the whole class turned to see a middle-aged man with tan skin and gray hair on top his head and on his face. He wore a lab coat over a red shirt and carried a brief case. "Good morning, class," he said, a German accent unmistakable , "My name is Dr. Erskine."
He made his way through the aisle of desks, and unloaded his briefcase onto the light brown wooden desk in front of him. He turned back around to face the class, a smile on his lips. "This class is full of the best and the brightest, am I correct?"
The class had mixed responses, some where jumping at the complient, smug looks on their faces. Others were taking humility by just nodding or saying yes. Some remained unresponsive, not believing the question even needed to be answered. But Mary just whispered, "Were just the ones who take a test right."
No one else caught it, except for the Doctor, who pretended he did not hear the girls comment. "Well, if you are in fact the brightest, I hope you can prove it. "
From their, the Doctor started the class, and each person took notes, but none as attentively as Mary, her pen racing across the page at a dizzying speed. She hung onto every word, despite the fact that she already knew the information.
At the end of class, while the students were gathering books and leaving, Dr. Erskine approached Mary Rose as she starting to get up.
"Barnes, but please call me Mary Rose."
"Well then, Miss Mary Rose, " he said, placing his hands on the tip of her desk, "earlier you said said your just the ones that took tests right. I would like to understand where you came to the conclusion."
Mary Rose sighed, looking down and shutting her eyes. "Our whole school experience is based on tests. That just tests our knowledge, answering questions, getting them right. Getting this far means we knew how to take a test. Starting right now, we have to start asking the questions."
"So," Erksine asked, crossing his arms and pushing up the glasses perched on his nose, "you want to prove you can ask the right questions?"
Mary Rose shook her head, and answered the question, "I don't want to prove anything. I have nothing to prove. I have questions. If I'm only asking a question to prove I can ask, then I don't really want the answer, do I?"
Erskine smiled again, causing laugh lines around his old eyes that held wisdom even now. "Thank you, Miss Mary Rose."
"Your welcome, Dr. Erskine," she said, collecting her books. Mary Rose got up, and walked over to the door, holding her books. Just as she opened the door, she heard the old man call, "Miss Mary Rose?"
She turned back, her curls bouncing. "I look forward to hearing your questions," he said, a smile now larger on his lips. "And, I like your bow."
Mary Rose smiled back at him, and said, "Thank you." She opened the wooden door, and stepped out into the streaming sunlight.
As soon as the door shut, Dr. Erskine said, out loud to noone, "I think I found the right person."
1 Year Later
The sun just beginning to set in the horizon, and Mary Rose looked up from the book she was engrossed in to see a tall brown haired man and small blonde haired man enter the diner she was in. She worked at the diner every day since she was 16, the money she saved over the years from it, every tip, every paycheck, was going in to the college tuition.
"Bucky!Steve!" she called out to them. She walked from behind the bar, her book still open on the counter. She walked over to them, engrossing them both in a hug. "What are you doing here? You should be at work!"
"Got off early," Bucky said, releasing him and his friend from the bone-gripping hug.
"Lucky," she said turning around, her brown curly ponytail and white bow bouncing. "I have to go to school then come here."
"You decided too, remember?" Bucky said, sitting on the stools in front of the bar. They didn't serve alcoholic beverages, but the establishment had been a bar before, so that had just repainted some of the old furniture instead of taking it out. Mary Rose walked back behind it, shutting the open book.
"Thanks for being supportive," Mary Rose said, although her tone was joking in nature.
"What are big brothers for?" Bucky asked with a shrug.
Mary Rose rolled her eyes, and said, "For the last time: we are twins. Besides, I'm older then you if you wanna go their."
Steve sat dow next to Bucky and said, "Watcha reading?" Steve and Bucky were in no way similar physically, but when sat side-by-side it was most apparent. Bucky was tall, unlike his small best friend and sister, with brown hair, while Steve was a short blonde.
Mary Rose flipped to the cover and read the title. "The Hobbit."
Steve smiled, and asked, "Is it any good?"
Mary Rose gave a small smile that she saved only for him and looked into his blue eyes. "It's interesting."
Bucky gave a cough, mumbling something neither Steve or Mary Rose heard. Mary Rose put her book under the bar in a hurry, and turned around, asking, "You guys want some coffee?"
Bucky leaned forward, "Sure, thanks." Steve gave a court nod, and Mary Rose pulled down two coffee mugs and poured the dark liquid into the cups. She placed the cups on the counter, a small splash causing a portion to fall onto her white skirt.
"Whoa, you ok?" Steve asked, as Bucky sipped from his mug.
"I have ketchup on my socks, coffee on my skirt and straws in my pocket," Mary Rose joked with a shrug. "Someone just has to spill a pot roast on me, and I'll be a complete meal!"
"Hey, days still young, the diners slow. You just might get your wish later," Bucky said, raising his glass as if bringing to a toast for the prospect of the idea.
Mary Rose gave him a sideways look, causing Steve to give a laugh.
Later that night, Mary Rose stepped out into the dark night. She shut the door to the diner behind her, and wrapped her red jacket around her. She shivered in the air, shaking her head. "Should walked home with you Buck," she said, walking down the mostly empty street.
"Miss Mary Rose?" she heard a voice call out to her. She turned to see her professor, Doctor Erskine, walking up to her, wearing a lab coat per usual. Well, technically, he was her former professor, she had moved on from his class.
"Doctor Erskine?" she asked, coming closer to the older man. "Doctor, what are you doing all the way out here in Brooklyn? I thought you lived in Queens?"
"Oh, I do," he explained, showing his hands in his lab coat pockets for warmth. "But I came to speak to you."
"Me?" she asked. She stood their frozen, wondering why he came to speak to her. Mary Rose suddenly remembered just where they were, and pointed her head toward the diner she had just left. "Where are my manners? We go inside the diner, if you want."
The Doctor shook his head, his trademark smile dancing at his lips. "No need, I'll brief. " He came closer to the women, who still stood bewildered with her hands in her pockets. "I've met many people with questions. Questions that needed answers, and they went and found them. For many reasons they wanted answers, weather it be for glory, or whatever reason. But only once before have I seen the drive to get answers you have."
"Is that a bad thing?" she asked, knitting her eyebrows.
"In his case, most definitely yes," he explained, shrugging as if he was complementing his next words. "But you have a spark he didn't. He wanted knowledge to use it against others. You want answers not for yourself, but to use it for others. And everyone slams the door in your face, tells you shouldn't know the answers. But you just reopen the door and step through. You have courage that many people could only dream of having. But I have one question to ask you: if you could know all the answers, but in exchange you betray those helping you with the answers, would you want to know the answer?"
Mary Rose didn't answer at first, and thought about what to say next. She shut her eyes and sighed. "An answer isn't worth having, if you don't have someone who helped you find it to share it with. A discovery is meant for everyone, not just for one."
The man gave a larger, wrinkly smile and said, "That's just the answer I needed to hear."
"Excuse me sir?" she asked with a shake of her head.
"I want to over you a job," he said. "As one of my partners, in a experiment I've been working on."
"Help?" she asked with a blink. She was offering her a job? She was just a girl from Brooklyn with some smarts. Working with the smartest person she had ever known? She was no where near that level intelligence in her opinion. She gave a small sigh, looking down at her white shoes. "I appreciate the offer, but-"
"I know I phrased it as a question, but it was more of a notification," he said, stepping closer to the small women. "You have the intelligence and the morals that I have been searching for for years. I want you on this project."
Mary Rose gulped and shook in the cold. "Did you wait for a cold night so I'll agree quickly so I can get home?"
A smile crept upon the older man's face, and he said, "Ill take that as a yes." He turned around, and Mary Rose called out to him, "Don't I need to know what I'm doing?"
"Come by my my class tomorrow, I'll explain everything," he said, and Mary Rose gave a confused look and a sigh.
"Mary! Mary Rose!" she heard Bucky call, and turned to see him and Steve running up to him, well, Bucky was running, Steve was walking at a fast past while panting. They reached her, Bucky grabbing her elbow just as Steve reached them. "Mary, you should have been home 15 minutes ago, where have you been?"
"I think I just got a job," she said mysteriously, looking into the direction her professor had went. What had she just gotten herself into?
Brooklyn, New York- 1943
Mary Rose sat carefully at the lab's counter, her blue eyes looking into a microscope. She scribbled something onto a document. Her eyes widened, and she said, "It make's sense now! I just figured it-"
The door slammed open, causing Mary Rose to jump with a cringe. The microscope shifted on the table from her actions. She sighed in frustration. She knew exactly who slammed the door, and she turned around to face him. She was tired of his shenanigans.
"Howard Stark! Can't you close the door like a normal person?" she yelled to the dark haired man, who gave a sly smile.
"Define normal Rosie," he said, sliding into a chair next to the women. He looked at the young girls brown hair, which was down with a yellow bow stuck in it, and said, "Went with yellow today?"
It had become a ritaul of sorts for Howard to ask about her bow and the color of the bow. At first Mary Rose had not been particularity enthusiastic about working with Stark, due to the way he ran through women. But, overtime, Howard and Mary Rose had become good friends. Mary Rose was still slightly wary of the man, but he had grown on her slowly.
She smiled, forgiving the man for messing up her project, and rolled her eyes and picked up her papers and shoving them in a manilla folder. "It's my favorite color. And it matched my shirt," she said, getting up and placing the folder in one of the file cabinets. The bow did match her shirt, the bow and shirt were both the same shade of yellow with a green skirt that somehow did match.
"I just got here, where are you going?"he asked, picking up a vile of blue liquid.
"I have the night off," she said, shutting the file cabinet, "and please put that down. It's the most current form of the serum, please don't time you touched something it broke." Howard set it down carefully, and Mary Rose gave an inward sigh of relief. She remembered the time Howard had dropped an entire microscope and broke it. It was part tragic, it was Mary Ross's personal property that she had brought to work on, and part hysterical, the fact that he had dropped a microscope managed to crack up Mary Rose and Dr. Erskine.
She picked up her jacket and asked, "Stark, why are you even here? Don't you have the World's Fair tonight?"
"Yes, I do," he answered, picking up a piece of paper and a pen, "but someone has to do your job."
"I do my job!" she said, crossing her arms.
He looked up with a smile and said, "Don't you know a joke when you hear it?"
She rolled her eyes and said, "You better not be late to your own exhibit!" She walked through the door, shutting it with a slam.
"Way to hold a grudge Rosie!"