Hi guys, this is a fanfic dedicated to attempting to depict the budding relationship that is SasuSaku during the period between The Last movie and Naruto Gaiden. It pretty much is going to explain how they became romantically linked and eventually had Sarada in Karin's hideout. Our story will begin after The Last and the events of Sakura Hiden. The story will pick up right where Sakura hiden left off, with the "I'm home, Sakura" Remember, this is rated M for a reason:) Violence, language, and sexual themes. Many sexual themes. So please, 18+.

I hope you all enjoy my spin on how things might have went down during Sasuke and Sakura's travels together and their emotional and physical connections. Please review if you would ever be so kind and I am always open to suggestions and/or constructive criticism. Feedback to an author is so important, so let me know what you think!

"She's in a long black coat tonight, waiting for me in the downpour outside singing 'baby come home' in a melody of tears while the rhythm of the rain keeps time." – Jet Pack Blues, Fall Out Boy

Sakura's heart squeezed in her chest, and she felt her eyes burn, threatening tears. For the first time in years, Sasuke Uchiha gave her tears that weren't from pain. These tears attempting to escape were from pure, incredulous joy. Two years. Two more years of waiting. Two years without even a glance at Sasuke's unbearably beautiful form. She hadn't heard from him in so long, but she was used to it by now. Waiting. She would wait until there were specks of grey in her hair for him.

Sasuke wasn't the boy that poked her forehead before he went off on his retribution journey. His hair hand grown long, covered by a darkened purple wrap headband. His usual ninja attire was replaced by a holey poncho and withered sandals. He had grown, in the most attractive way she could've ever thought possible. The young genin she fell in love with was now a man, and she fought back her blush as she noticed.

Sakura had left her friends to tend to her new children's clinic, her prized possession, only to find a certain Uchiha man looking for her. He was pointed towards her office, where she overlooked the financial standings of the clinic. Her head was buried in her paperwork, she didn't even notice the small office door opening.


She had frozen, disbelieving her ears. There was no way that voice belonged to who she thought it did. Slowly, her head began to lift up to face the guest. She gasped, and quickly stood.

Sakura smiled a warm, welcoming smile, hoping the tears that threatened to flow were not noticeable. "Welcome home, Sasuke."

Sasuke surprised her with a small smirk "I'm home, Sakura"

Her eyes widened a little, "Are you staying!?" her voice came out far too excited and desperate, she mentally kicked herself.

His smirk vanished, and his expression hardened. "Only for a little while."

She couldn't hide her disappointment, it wouldn't have mattered anyway. Sasuke would have been able to read her, he always had that ability with Sakura.

She averted her eyes, looking towards the floor, "How long is a little while, Sasuke?"

"Don't get worked up about it, I'm here now aren't I?" Sasuke flashed her his famous soft smile, and her heart felt like it was taken from her chest.

Her cheeks burned with a soft red blush, "I'm so glad you're back, Sasuke. If only for a little while."

After the pleasantries, Sakura more than happily showed Sasuke around her clinic. She was proud to show him what she had accomplished and what all she had been up to during his absence. She pushed the thought of him leaving again from her mind, and attempted to focus on him being here now. After a while, Sasuke had to leave to report to the hokage; Kakashi sensei. Of course, Sasuke referred to him as neither. "Kakashi" sufficed with him. Sasuke was never the one for honorifics.

Two days passed, and Sasuke was nowhere to be found. Sakura attempted to bury herself in her work, acting inconspicuous. But she couldn't keep her thoughts from whirling. She even thought she had dreamt his return..especially his smile. Since when did he smile like that? The memory had her cheeks burring again. She threw down her strong fist on her desk. No. I will not let him control my emotions like this anymore. I've come too far to revert back to my old self. CHA.

Sakura angrily picked up her paperwork and stuffed it into her white medic bag, threw it over her shoulder, and huffed out of her office. Sakura left the clinic, heading toward the apartment she had bought herself just a few months ago. Living alone was nice, but as Naruto and Hinata started to spend more and more time over at Naruto's, and Ino having Sai over every night, she couldn't help but feel lonely; as if she were the last one without someone. She shoved the thought from her mind and physically shook her head. Sasuke just doesn't see me that way..But then again..that day he left, he seemed so sincere. And his eyes..i swear I saw something there. She shook her head again. No. she imagined it. The romantic sincerity in his eyes that day he left her at the village gate just wasn't there.


Sakura jerked her head up, and abruptly stopped walking; tearing out of her thoughts.


Sasuke was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed, as calm and collected as always and completely nonchalant. They were right outside the clinic, had he been waiting on her all afternoon? There's no way he'd no exactly when she'd leave.

She ran over towards him a little too eagerly.

"What's up?" she cheered

Sasuke looked at her, without moving from the tree.

"I've been waiting on you."

Sakura's questionable look obviously irritated him, because before she could ask why, he had moved from his position and began walking. When he felt like she wasn't following fast enough he stopped without turning and called to her "Well are you coming or not?" he attempted to make his voice as aloof as possible, and it showed.

Sakura grinned and ran towards him, letting her arm graze his. She shivered at the sudden closeness. She hadn't touched him in so long, she almost forgot his scent. And now it was all around her, the smell right before a rainstorm mixed in with a manly musk and pine. She breathed in heavily, still grinning. Lost in her thoughts, she hadn't moved away from him to give the proper personal space. Their arms were now touching as they walked. Sakura hadn't noticed, but Sasuke had. It startled him, the way he didn't immediately back away from her. Or jerk his only arm away, keeping a proper distance. The feeling the small touch gave him could almost make him grin. He didn't know why, or when he had started feeling this way, but he craved to be this close. To be within arm's length of her.

Many villagers along the way stopped to gawk at the incredibly attractive couple. Two older women had stopped to comment on the duo. "Oh what a handsome couple, very beautiful indeed." Sakura awkwardly smiled and waved towards the elder ladies. The other elder smiled a perverted smile "Yes, very handsome babies in due time I bet." The two busted into laughter, breaking hips and coughing heavily in the process. Sakura's awkward smile melted into her now reddened face, and her wave had stopped mid-air. If Sasuke was affected by their banter, he didn't show it.

"Did you wait on me to walk me home, Sasuke? Or did you need something?"

"I heard all you do now is work at your clinic. You must be tired when you finally go home, when you do go home."

Sakura gawked at him for a moment. In Sasuke's own way, he had answered her. She smiled without realizing it. Sasuke looked her direction, "What?"

She giggled, "It's nothing. Thank you, Sasuke."

"Think nothing of it." His words could've been cruel, but his tone betrayed him. And the smirk on his face wasn't as well hidden as he thought. Sakura's smile widened.

When they got to her small apartment, Sakura couldn't think of a reason to keep him around without making things far too awkward. But she didn't want him to leave. She couldn't bear the thought of waiting a whole 24 hours or more before seeing that face again. Before smelling his scent again.


He cut her off "I'll be back in the morning."

Her mouth could've hit the pavement "What!?"

"You have work in the morning correct? Then I'll be here." And with that he simply walked off, leaving her gawking on her steps. The soft smile he wore hidden from her view.

A few weeks went by, and Sasuke showed up every morning and evening to escort Sakura to her place of work and back home again. When she had days off, he found other places to escort her. Even grocery shopping had become a trip for the two of them. During those weeks, Sakura learned more about Sasuke then she ever had. He helped her choose things to cook, thus she learned his taste. When she shopped for décor for her new home, he helped as well. She found it laughable how predictable. Of course he chose mostly cool colors. Of course he accidentally chose four different dishes, all having something to do with tomatoes. And of course he glared when she openly laughed at him for it.

One evening, on their way back from buying groceries that he had generously paid for, Sakura was bombarded by children.

"Miss Sakuraaaa!" The small children circled around the kunoichi, with smiling faces. One in particular, a tiny girl with long brown hair and a big yellow bow spoke to her. "Miss Sakura..I..I want to be just like you when I grow up!" She flashed a pretty smile and Sakura flashed her an even more beautiful one. "You should aspire to be yourself, Yuki, you're your biggest rival." The little girl smiled wider, and kept sputtering praises to Sakura. While Sakura leaned to eye level with Yuki, Sasuke was circled by adoring fans of his own.

"Oh my!" the little girls around him practically had hearts in their eyes. One was drooling. Sakura noticed the show, and busted into laughter. Sasuke's unpleased look made it even better. Yuki's bow was suddenly pulled from her hair, and flew off into the breeze. "Sota!" Yuki cried out to the young boy whom had thrown her ribbon. Sakura angrily thumped the devilish blond boy's head. "Don't treat girls like that, you better watch it. One day Yuki will be able to fight back, and you won't win." The boy blushed and angrily looked away, flustered. "Whatever." Sakura smiled and pinched his cheeks. "You're so cute Sota. Now go get her ribbon back like the sweet boy I know you are." His blush deepened "Yes, Miss Sakura."

Sasuke watched the scene from the background. He couldn't help but notice Sakura's natural instinct with children. She was so effortless with them, and they returned her respect and love. Sasuke noted her natural motherly ways. Her soft voice but disciplining tone reminded him of his own mother. Sakura..as a mother. He couldn't help but picture Sakura with her own children, happy and loving, safe. He couldn't stop himself before he pictured her creating those children, with someone. His fingers curled into fists, making his knuckles crack and turn a pale white. Sakura noticed.

"Sasuke? Are you alright?" she stood, studying his frustrated expression.

Was he alright? And if he wasn't, then why? Why did picturing Sakura being intimate with someone make him want to smash his fist into something? He knew the answer. Sasuke was no fool.

"It's nothing. Are you ready?" Sasuke avoided her questioning stare.


She waved by to the children and they began their short journey back to her lone apartment.

When Sasuke dropped her off at her doorstep, Sakura got brave.

"Do you want to come in this time?"

Sasuke couldn't' hide his surprise, he blinked at her.

"I've got plenty of groceries for the both of us, and since you paid and all I figured I should make you dinner" she tilted her head and smiled. Unable to reject her, Sasuke complied.

Sakura's apartment was smaller than most, but quant for a single woman. it opened into her living room and had an opening for the kitchen and a small wooden circular table. Towards the left of her small living room, lay the door to her bedroom. Towards the right down a short hall, was her bathroom. Sakura's taste wasn't as audacious as Sasuke it would be. The couch was a plain tan, but with light pink and orange throw pillows and a tall side lamp he had picked out for her.

Sakura cooked their dinner quickly, to not keep Sasuke waiting. He didn't mind how long she took, he patiently waited seated at her small brown table and taking in his surroundings that was her apartment. He wondered why the fact she lived here alone bothered him. Sakura sat his plate in front of him, plain rice with a spicy curry on top. He hinted a smile. She remembered how much he loved white rice. They ate together at that table, speaking casually about their day and the backgrounds of the children she had spoken with. Sakura attempted to eat as slowly as she could, prolonging Sasuke's stay. Unfortunately, he finished as quickly as she had cooked it.

"Thanks for that, Sakura."

She hated the way her name rolled off his tongue. It made her spine tingle, and the pit of her stomach tighten. She smiled "You're welcome here anytime"

He slowly rose, "I'll see you tomorrow"

"Here, I'll walk you out!"

Sakura jumped towards him and walked the short way to the door.

"Really Sasuke, you should stay longer next time. I don't bite" she laughed

Unconsciously, Sasuke closed the space between them. He had about four inches on her, so he had to look down in order to meet her eyes. He stood like that for a while, his head was tilted so low she could feel his breath on her face. Her mouth opened to speak, but he beat her to it. "Thank you, Sakura" She smelt his breath with every word, and almost fainted. He was the only thing in her line of sight, and she choked on her words. "Please don't leave"

His eyes softened, his head came uncomfortably closer. Sakura's breath hitched, and she could hear her heart beating and throbbing in her ears. Her cheeks were red hot and flooded with a soft red.

"Sasuke" Sakura didn't realize just how close to her he had came, her words had made her lips graze his and she almost imploded. Sasuke froze at the touch, her lips had sent a shock through him. He hadn't meant to be so close, or even touch her at all, and now..

She sucked in air to speak again, and Sasuke didn't let her start her sentence. He'll probably never know what she was going to say. His lips found hers, suddenly and softly. She almost couldn't feel it. Her eyes widened and almost came out of her skull. She forgot to breathe through her nose, and her head felt like it was going to burst. His eyes opened ever so slightly to peek into her own. He deepened his kiss, and sent her eyes fluttering and ultimately closing. Sakura couldn't take it anymore, she had waited so long that she just acted on impulse. She shoved her fingers into his hair and opened her mouth slightly. She lightly asked for permission with her tongue. Sasuke's eyes opened again, surprised at the sudden closeness of her. Reluctantly, he slowly parted his lips. Sakura had heard all the stories and learned all the lessons from Tsunade. She was ready for this, and Sasuke was taken aback. Lightly, she guided her tongue around his bottom lip, before biting it ever so slightly. Sasuke let out what could only be said as a growl. And deepened his kiss. He wrapped his only arm around her small waist, and dug his nails into her soft skin. Sakura felt no pain, only pleasure, she was in complete nirvana. Slowly, she unclenched her fingers form his hair and guided them down his chest. She could feel his heart beating sporadically. For the first time, she had made Sasuke's heart beat as hard as he made hers. She slowly sent her fingertips down lower, attempting to go beneath his worn shirt he wore beneath his poncho. Faster than any eyes could see, Sasuke caught her wrists and broke the kiss, leaving their lips centimeters apart. He looked her in the eyes with a look she tried to burn into her memory. His eyes were full of lust, but there was something else there. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead on hers and sighed. Sakura stared at him with shocked eyes. Why did he make her stop? Did she do something wrong? Was she going too fast? Slowly, he opened his lids and mix-matched eyes met her own. "I'll see you soon."

And as quickly as it had started, it was all gone. He had disappeared in a flash of wind, and the sudden cool breeze made her shiver. She hadn't realized just how close they were, and how much warmth they were sharing. Her hands were still in the air where his chest had been, and her mouth stayed open with so many questions, the taste of his mouth still on her tongue, his scent still lingered on her clothes.

The next morning, Sakura had woken up two hours before her alarm clock rang. She was so eager to see Sasuke again that she skipped around her apartment, humming while she made herself breakfast of ricecakes and milk.

At 8:00 am, Sakura expected the usual knock at the door. But it hadn't came. At 8:45, she felt the twinge of panic. And at 9:30, she couldn't breathe. She ran through the streets, looking for him everywhere he could possibly be. She ran passed Ichiraku, and noticed a certain blonde ninja's orange suit from behind the short curtains.

"Naruto!" Sakura bursted into the ramen shop. Naruto, mouth full of hot noodles, looked at her like she had four heads. "What is it Sakura?"

She walked towards him, "Have you seen Sasuke today?"

"Hmm?" he swallowed, "He left again this morning, he said he had already told you goodbye."

Sakura's heart settled into her stomach. Instead of tears threatening to poor, fury throbbed throughout her body. Her fingers curled into tight fists glowing with pulsing blue-green chakra.

"Thanks" she spat through gritted teeth, and did the only thing she could do. She ran.