A/N: Hello, dearies (sorry, I've been binging Once Upon A Time and the term just stuck).

Can't believe it's been four weeks. Time is a weird thing. But what can I say? University's been a pain this month and I just didn't get much writing done. And then I got distracted by plotting my new story. Whoops…

Before I give you the last chapter I want to thank each and every one of you who has stuck with this story through the little hiatus, and everyone that has taken the time to leave kudos and comments. I can't tell you how much your continued support means to me!

I can't post the link here, but to find the song that inspired the title and the general plot of this story just search for: You and Me by You+Me (P!nk & Dallas Green)

Happy reading and a fantastic weekend and peaceful holidays to everybody who's celebrating

1 year later

Oliver opens the door of the restaurant, one hand lying loosely over the small of Felicity's back, gently ushering her inside.

They're late.

It's barely a quarter past seven, so technically they're just a little late. But still, while he couldn't care less, Felicity hates being late. Which is kind of funny because, in his book, she's usually the reason why they're late.

Don't get him wrong, she's always getting ready on time, so that's not a problem. The reason they always tend to be late is that she makes him lose all remnants of self-control. To a point where she sometimes insists on getting ready in the locked bathroom, so that he can't watch her. She claims that he always distracts her and "sexes her up with his stupid sexy glances" and then goes on to undo all of her hard work.

So basically, it's all about her inability not to be turned on by him being turned on by her...

Despite all of those prior experiences, she had gotten ready right in the middle of their suite in Gotham's Grand Hotel tonight. He'd been fine while she'd been in the shower, promising himself to stay in control and be on time for once for their meeting with Bruce Wayne. And then she'd come back into the bedroom in nothing put a set of matching dark green lace underwear and bra and all his good intentions had flown right out the window and he'd thrown her on the bed before she even had a chance to complain.

Like he said: it's all her fault.

The hostess guides them towards their table where Bruce is already waiting with an annoyed scowl on his face.

As they approach, he stands up, plastering on a more or less pleasant smile. He takes Felicity's hand and presses a quick kiss to it. "Felicity, always a pleasure to see you."

"Good to see you, too, Bruce," she replies smoothly, extricating her hands from his quickly with a tight smile.

That's my girl, Oliver thinks a bit too smugly.

He extends his own hand and squeezes a little more tightly than strictly necessary, reveling in the other man's wince, before they get seated.

Thanks to Felicity's bubbly personality the evening progresses smoothly, filled with small talk and only a few pointed barbs exchanged between the two billionaires.

After the entrees are cleared from the table, Bruce leans back in his chair. "There's something different about you, Felicity," he thinks out lout, his eyes resting on the woman in question. "Just over two years ago you came all the way out to Gotham to meet me and you were ready to leave Queen Consolidated, unsure about your future with the company, and now here you are thriving in your new position and QC is stronger than ever."

Felicity blushes a little and looks over to her boyfriend, exchanging a loving gaze before bringing her eyes back to Bruce. "That's very true. Two years ago, I made all the right decisions."

Oliver feels his chest tighten and a lump forming in his throat. It doesn't matter how much time they spend together, how many times they say they love each other or how many times they make love, even after a beautiful year with Felicity he still has that feeling of wonder and astonishment inside of him every time his brain reminds him that this woman is his girlfriend.

Sometimes the past two years feel too good to be true. He's living a life that even surpasses his wildest dreams. He has everything he could ever hope for. But most importantly he has Felicity. The love of his life. His future.

Knowing that she's right there with him on the same page, happy and without any shred of regret, makes his heart soar with happiness and complete and utter contentment.

"Maybe," Bruce concedes, shooting Oliver a challenging look. "But we all know that QC has its limits and will only get you so far. Wayne Enterprises on the other hand has so much more to offer you and your young and promising career."

Is he fucking joking?

"Are you really trying to lure Felicity away from my company while I'm sitting right across from you?" Oliver all but growls, unable to contain his angry reaction

"Would you like it better if I did it behind your back?" Bruce throws back, raising his eyebrows.

What I'd like better is to punch you in the-

Felicity's warm hand squeezing his thigh in warning interrupts his thoughts and immediately cuts through his anger. He turns his head and locks his eyes on hers. Once more he's reminded how much he loves that they can have entire conversation with just these little touches and looks, without ever opening their mouths. Comes in very handy in situations like this one.

Right now she's telling him to calm down, take a step back and let her handle it. So he does.

"Bruce," she addresses the other man, when she finally averts her eyes from Oliver's. Her voice takes on that disapproving tone of a teacher scolding a student and Oliver leans back and enjoys Bruce getting his arrogant ass handed to him. "As always I'm incredibly flattered by your continued, personal interest in my professional capabilities, but I can assure you that I'm very happy at QC and have absolutely no intentions of leaving the company or Starling City!"

God, he's so in love with this woman.

Bruce's arrogant grin evaporates when her words hit him, leaving a skeptical look on his face. He regards them silently for a few long seconds, his eyes darting back and forth between them, until there's a miniscule shift in his features. It almost looks like he finally accepts her resolution and decides to move on.

"I see," he finally says. "In that case we can start to discuss the shared project then."

Oliver covers his girlfriend's hand that is still on his thigh with his larger one and squeezes lightly, hoping to convey his pride and undying love for her. Judging by the loving smile she shoots him, he succeeds.


Oliver pulling into their driveway and laying his warm hand over hers is what rouses her from her catnap in the car. It's barely 6pm, but the cross-country flight and a night of a whole lot of birthday sex have taken its toll on her.

After wrapping up their business deal with Wayne Enterprises, they'd stayed another day in Gotham to celebrate her birthday in the city where their story had begun two years ago, rather than spending the whole day traveling.

As always, Oliver had absolutely pampered her. After a lazy morning and breakfast in bed they'd driven out of the city to a spa resort where they'd spend the rest of the day getting massaged, steamed and coiffed before they'd enjoyed a romantic candle light dinner. It had been a perfect day.

Then again, any day that starts with her being in Oliver's arms constitutes as a perfect day in her book.

Her car door opens and Oliver reaches for her hand to guide her from the car to the front door of their new home, the lights of their holiday decorations lighting their way through the darkening night.

They'd only moved in two weeks ago, after having a construction crew renovate the house for almost 8 months after they'd bought it. They'd given the whole house a long overdue modernization, while keeping the integrity of the house thanks to a brilliant architect and interior designer team.

They'd converted one part of the basement that was previously used as a storage space into a gym and the other into a comfy home theater where she hope to spend many lazy weekends sharing her favorite shows and movies with Oliver.

On the first floor, right off the grand staircase in the foyer, they'd broken down some walls to create a big open space kitchen-dining-living area. Their two studies are right next to each other, but designed completely differently, catering to their individual needs. Suffice to say that Felicity's has a lot more outlets to power all her babies.

The top floor is home to their vast master bedroom with a lavish on-suite bathroom and a very generous walk-in closet that Thea has pledged to fill to the brim with new clothes. Felicity isn't about to complain.

The two guest rooms, plus one more downstairs are all still filled with unopened boxes and some furniture that they haven't figured out what to do with.

It's not like they'll ever need three guest rooms, but after having a very emotional talk about it, they'd both agreed that someday those rooms would be filled with the laughter of their children.

Just thinking about one day having a little someone that's half her and half Oliver running around their new home creates the feeling of a million butterflies buzzing around her stomach.

One day!

For now, she's more than happy to enjoy her time with Oliver.

The man in question leads her through the dark foyer, a small smile playing on his lips. Everything is dark and she briefly wonders why he's not turning on the lights when the smell of food hits her. Why does the house they haven't been in for four days smell like freshly cooked food?

Before she can turn around and ask her boyfriend what's going on, he's already led her through the kitchen door where she's greeted by a sea of brightly burning sparklers. The flickering lights dip the room into a warm glow, illuminating the giddy faces of her friends who all start singing Happy Birthday.

Her jaw drops in shock and she stands there completely motionless while the situation finally starts to make sense in her head. Oliver steps up behind her, his arms snaking around her body and pulling her back and flush against his chest.

Hearing him softly whisper-sing into her ear is the final straw that makes tears of joy stream down her cheeks.

When they finish the song, he presses a lingering kiss to her cheek. "Happy birthday, baby," he whispers.

She tugs a little at his arms, giving her enough space to whirl around in his embrace, pressing her lips to his in a passionate kiss. "You did all this?" she asks breathlessly when whooping cheers from their friends break them apart.

He beams down at her. "Yeah, I felt bad that I had to whisk you away for the negotiations in Gotham and then keeping you all to myself yesterday instead of celebrating with everybody at home. So I coordinated with Thea to set everything up."

She huffs and drops her voice to a whisper that only he can hear. "I wouldn't change yesterday for anything, not even our friends. You made my birthday perfect," she assures him. "But of course I still appreciate that you did all this. I love you so much."

After sharing another kiss she quickly makes the rounds, being showered with hugs and congratulations from her friends.

After that the evening is a blur of good food, wine and lots of laughter, and together with the beautiful day she had with Oliver yesterday, she can confidently say that this is the best birthday she's ever had. And it's all thanks to this amazing, thoughtful and caring man by her side.

Life can't get better than it is right now.

It's hours later, a little past midnight when Thea and Roy finally leave after helping with some of the clean-up.

Oliver is moving around the kitchen, putting the last few dishes in the dishwasher and so she seizes the moment and sneaks up behind him when his back is turned to her. Her arms sneak around to his stomach and she can feel his muscles tighten and relax beneath her fingers.

He leans back into her embrace and she steps on her tiptoes and presses a kiss to the back of his neck, reveling in the all too familiar taste of his skin on her lips.

"Thank you again for tonight, Oliver," she hums contently as close to his ear as she can reach. "You really didn't have to do all this after yesterday. You already put so much thought and effort into our day together."

He turns around, pulling her into his body. "I know, but I wanted to. And you deserve everything and more," he tells her sweetly, emphasizing his point with a languid kiss. "I love you."

"Love you more," she whispers against his lips.

"Not possible."

His sap level is reaching new highs tonight and it makes her love him even more.

They're staying in their embrace for countless more seconds before Oliver's posture stiffens a little. "I… uh… I haven't given you your gift yet," he mumbles into her hair.

She pulls back a little, searching his eyes to try and find the source of the sudden shifts in moods, but comes up empty. "You don't have to give me a gift, honey. You've already done more than I could've ever wished for," she assures him.

"Just wait for me in the living room? I'll be back in a sec," he tells her and dashes out of the kitchen.

Uh, okay? Frowning in confusion she makes her way over to the living area where the flames in the fireplace are crackling softly.

What is he doing? Why is he acting so strange? And what gift could he possibly have gotten her? She really doesn't like mysteries.

She's only alone for a few seconds before he comes back into the room, taking a deep steadying breath before approaching her slowly with… nothing in his hands?

He's nervous as hell, the tension is practically rolling off of him in waves. His fingers are doing that nervous tick, and slowly it starts to dawn on her what is quite possibly about to happen. But she can't let herself think of that because she's not sure if she can handle the disappointment if it doesn't actually happen in the next few minutes.

He guides them to the couch, sitting down right next to her and taking her hands into his.

He exhales a deep breath and finds her eyes, and she witnesses the most amazing thing: his eyes go from nervous and hesitant to certain and confident in a split second.

And yeah, holy shit, this is actually happening.

"I love you, Felicity," he says, voice rock solid and sure.

"I love you, too," she can't stop herself from saying, earning herself a wide smile. But the soft glint in his eyes tells her to let him say the rest.

"If you had asked me three years ago where I was going with my life I wouldn't have been able to answer. I didn't have a plan that went beyond making QC more successful. I never wanted to plan my future and restrict myself with it." He shakes his head a little, accompanied with a little huff. "And then I met you and everything changed."

Felicity can't take her eyes off of him, even afraid to blink and miss a split second of looking at his beautiful face that is so full of love.

"They say everything happens for a reason, and I can't help but agree whole-heartedly with that. Meeting you on a random plane to Gotham right before you were about to leave my company, convincing you to reconsider, becoming friends, even that damn fire at your house, all of those moments have brought us here. They've brought us together.

"I know we've only been together for a year, but we've already seen our fair share of highs and lows, and everything in between. And out of every disagreement we've had we've always come out stronger than before. Even more in love than before, if that's even possible."

She nods in agreement, pressing her lips together in a vain attempt of keeping her emotions at bay.

"Felicity, you're my guiding light when I find myself in a dark moment, always there for me when I lose my way. You and me," he tugs a little at her hands that are probably crushing his in an absolute death grip. "We belong together. I'm a better man because of you. A better son, a better brother, a better business man, hopefully a better boyfriend than I used to be," he chuckles lightly. "And that's all because of you. Because I want to be the best possible version of myself when I'm with you."

He swallows hard and his eyes are starting to shine.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Start a family, get a dog, go home with you every night, do everything I never even dared to dream of. But most of all, I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and being love by you."

He slides off the couch, one of his hands diving into his pants pockets and producing a gorgeous ring that he holds between trembling fingers as he gets down on one knee in front of her.

Her right hand flies up to cover her mouth, unable to contain the disbelieving, happy sob that escapes.

He looks straight at her when he finds his voice. "Felicity Smoak, will you make me the happiest man on the face of the earth? Will you marry me?"

"Yes," she breathes out before her brain even registers what her mouth is doing. But for once her lack of brain-to-mouth filter doesn't matter, because there is no other answer. There's no other choice.

If possible Oliver's face lights up even more with unfiltered happiness and love. "Yes?" he asks to make sure.

She grins wildly at him, nodding her head in renewed confirmation. "Yes!"

With still trembling fingers he slides the ring in place on her left hand, admiring the sight before standing up and pulling her with him into a standing position.

They meet halfway for a searing kiss that's unlike anything they've ever shared before. Holy shit, her brain manages to think, if their engagement kiss is this amazing she can't wait to find out what engagement sex is going to be like.

"I love you so much," she breathes against his lips, throwing him a cheeky grin. "Future Mr. Smoak."

He growls a little but there's also a playful glint in his eyes. "And I love you, Future Mrs. Queen."

She hums contently as he scoops her up from the floor and into his arms. "I like the sound of that."

Best birthday, indeed.

The End

A/N: Aaand we're done. What a fun ride! Thanks again for all the support over the last 5 months! It's truly meant a lot! Feel free to talk to me on Tumblr anytime ;)

So, what's next, Bri? Funny you should ask! I have a new story out right now! It's called Start Of Something New and it's (SURPRISE) another AU!

You can find it on right here or on AO3! Hope to see all of you guys over there ;)