This can be taken as SS Endurance or not, just however you'd like to view it! The prompt was given to me by ridleybelle on tumblr. You can also blame her for the corny joke behind the title.
One Shot
"How's your battery life, Sam?" Lara asked as she slung her bag back onto her shoulder.
Sam flipped open her video camera.
"Enough to film the rest of the hike, I think." She pressed a few buttons and stood from her resting spot on a fallen log. "How much farther is it until the end, by the way?"
Lara raised her eyebrow.
"Getting tired already?" she teased.
Sam pursed her lips, unwilling to confirm Lara's inquiry.
"It's only six more miles. Ready to go?"
Sam huffed and pointed the camera at her, giving her a thumbs-up.
"Lead the way!"
Lara chuckled and turned back to the trail ahead of them.
Lara stepped out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel. She walked over to Sam, who was set up at their hotel room's small desk with her laptop and camera, and bent down.
"Downloading your footage?"
Sam glanced up at her while she dragged a few files across the screen.
"Yep! It just finished transferring over. Do you wanna watch?"
"Sure." Lara rested her arm on the back of Sam's chair.
With a few taps of her fingers, Sam opened the video player. She clicked "Play."
The laptop monitor went black for a split second before lush green scenery filled the screen. The camera zoomed up and around, taking in all the surroundings. Great big trees towered overhead, providing wonderful amounts of shade. Among the waist-high bushes and ferns beneath was a narrow gravel path that cut through the underbrush as far as the camera could capture.
"Lara!" Sam's voice came calling out. The screen blurred as the camera was moved quickly. "Come on! I'm ready to do this!" The camera came to rest on Lara, who was shutting the car door to a bright yellow Jeep.
"Okay, okay I'm coming!" Lara joked. She tightened the straps on her bag and smiled into the camera. "I hope you brought enough spare batteries."
"You bet I did!"
The camera followed Lara as she headed for the trail, stopping momentarily to zoom in on the trailhead that read Ki'ilae.
"Ki'ilae here we come!"
Lara could be heard laughing ahead.
Sam turned to Lara. "Yeah, why were you laughing at me?" she asked accusingly.
Lara smiled. "You'd said it wrong and I was going to correct you, but I didn't want it to be in your video."
"Oh. Well in that case," Sam leaned back and patted her on the arm. "Thanks."
They turned their attention back to the video, where Lara was starting to describe the history of the area as she trekked along.
"…and they would use those as a form of defense system to keep away any unwanted trespassers or…"
The camera suddenly tilted down, away from the ruins and the beautiful landscape, and zoomed in directly on Lara's butt. Sam was heard giggling mischievously as the camera followed Lara while they walked.
"Nice Sam," Lara commented beside her.
Sam laughed and shrugged. "Hey, I was trying to spice things up."
As they continued watching they realized the camera never fully left Lara's backside out of view. In fact, it was always seen at a great angle and Lara's explanations seemed to be the least important factor.
"Did you just film my ass?" Lara scoffed.
"Uhh…" Sam scratched her eyebrow. "Hold on, let me…" She fast-forwarded five minutes. The camera was still focused on Lara's backside. Again, she fast-forwarded the video. Still nearly the same shot.
"Sam! I thought you were filming those ruins for a project!"
"I—I was!" Sam defended herself. "I guess I just got…distracted."
"A bit more than distracted!" Lara said incredulously. "Now you don't have anything for your project! Unless you want me to take you on the hike again."
"No, no!" she said quickly. "I can still use the audio!"