Rainbow Lust - Part 1

"You look absolutely fine, stop fussing."

Pirouetting sharply on her toes, Sam's features adopted a fretful expression with lips twitching into a narrow, apprehensive laugh. She tugged at the sleeves of her crisp, white shirt repeatedly to remove hints of crinkles, adjusted her checkered tie and pushed a couple of stray locks of hair neatly behind her ears.

Her stomach fluttered anxiously. Violently. The plurality of the night exhausted by edgy tossing and turning; composure perished with restlessness. She had surrendered to her attempts of sleep during the early hours and tensely stalked around the flat. Time had virtually stopped, ticking laboriously lethargically. Until now. Seconds bounced into minutes.

Sam's very first day as a freshly qualified officer was rapidly approaching. Her shift was now daunting minutes away; not hours, or days.

"Calm down, Sam." The reverberation of her fiancé's voice still lacked the consoling elements she craved, failing to comfort, "You have completed your training, this is what you've spent the last year working towards. Sam, you are a qualified copper now! You can do this, you are ready."

Mike dropped the teaspoon onto the counter and planted the steaming mug of coffee into the brunette's trembling hands, "Drink this, you'll thank me later." Gentle lips brushed against hers delicately, "Now, relax."

"Relax?!" She scoffed subsequently as she deposited the coffee onto the table and flopped heavily onto the sofa, "It's easy for you to say. This shit just got real. It's different." Her thick northern accent was slurred with panicked nerves, "Before, I wasn't fighting real criminals. They were just practice. These people I arrest on the streets will have committed a proper crime."

"Yes, and you're prepared for this." A reassuring hand patted her shoulder with merciful compassion, lips colliding once again with tender lust.

The young female inhaled a couple of deep breaths, stabilising her jittery nerves and regaining a cool personal ambience. "Yeah," she breathed, "you're right. I'm just being silly." Her lips flickered into a little smile as she collected her jacket, bag and keys, "I'd better get going. See you later." She pecked his lips and departed briskly.

Luckily, the nerves that fluttered and twisted in the brunette's stomach had vanished. Fading away into the horizon. She was grateful. Upon entering the staff room, her tension had been substituted for a more positive adrenaline rush and exhilaration saturated her veins. This was finally real, so very real.

Sam was a qualified cop, and instantly felt at home in the midst of her fellow peers much to her surprise. She dispensed herself a mug of freshly brewed coffee from the pot, then slumping into a plastic chair that were situated in a row at the side of the room. The space was filled with officers of varying ranks.

And the female patiently awaited her very first briefing whilst savouring and enjoying her black coffee. Murray couldn't wait to tackle her first mission, prepared to grasp the challenges ahead.

"I'm Jen. Jen Smith." The other newly qualified officer, who had been partnered with Sam, introduced herself as they walked out of the station, spelling a comfortable stride.

Jen had a bubbly and peppy charisma lacing her words; gracefully spirited. A warm grin with pearly-white teeth and an infectiously cute giggle. Her deep, azure orbs sparkled like freshly polished diamonds, brimful with her witty yet clever charm. Angelic blonde locks cascaded in an ocean of indulgent satin, restrained in a tidy ponytail that revealed the beautiful curves to her face and silky complexion.

And attribute, saucy red lips. Kissable lips. Glossy and smooth, teasingly pungent and quirky. Much like the woman who sported them exquisitely.

"Officer Murray." She responded simply, a briefly expanded clarification consisting of one word following, "Sam."

"Well, DC Sam Murray." A sassy grin was embraced, "Looks like we're buddies! Isn't that just awesome?!"

"Great. Just great."

Sam lacked the zealous ardor for her associate, rather unimpressed and infuriated at the pairing. Smith was the one only new recruit who had been criticised for absence in achieving the required standards of uniform. Her attire had been crumpled, tie loose around her neck and compulsory hat no where in sight. And she didn't even appear phased at her reprimanding. She was relaxed and easygoing. Breezy perhaps. It was questionable whether she was actually police material.

It was going to be a long shift on the beat.

Silence loitered over the pair, basked as they paced the streets of Bradford with attentive eyes peeled for any indication of trouble. Jen fractured the muted atmosphere a short while later, subsequently to something capturing her concentration and stimulated her curiosity, "That's a nice ring."

Murray dipped her head, snatching another glimpse at the tiny jewels on her left hand that twinkled and winked adoringly in the dazzling sun rays, "Thanks." Polite and sincere following a brief pause, "I got engaged a couple of months ago to my long term partner." The topic was kept short and sweet; she had refused to mix work with pleasure.

"You're brave. I couldn't do it, not this young anyway. I'm not ready for the commitment; I prefer the spontaneous adrenaline that accompanies liberty. Clubs and parties are more of my thing instead of nights at home cooking dinner and watching shit television." She laughed lightly, entire demeanour friendly, zesty and lively, "I am seeing someone, though. Her name's Lisa. And it's pretty sweet."

The marginally older female nodded, "Well, I guess when you meet 'the one' it's all different." Shoulders jerking in the approximation of a shrug, her attention was arrested elsewhere by a foul scent that suffocated her nostrils and a fragment tumbling onto the pavement. Saved from the conversation. "Can you smell that?" The question was rhetorical and she accelerated into a jog before receiving an answer. "Hey! What are you smoking?"

"A cigarette."

Sam scoffed harshly at the dully palpable answer, running her tongue over her dry lips momentarily, "Don't state the obvious with me."

He smirked a conceited, provoking grin whilst inhaling another lengthy drag of the roll up propped between his thumb and middle finger. The exhaled smoke was rapidly masking the aroma that had struck the copper's interest. Combined with a minty flavour that simply added to her escalating suspicions. A disguise.

"I have reason to suspect that you are in possession of a controlled substance." Authority stamped her tone; austere and solemn.

Murray's eyes swivelled fleetingly to scan her colleague's attitude and expression. Hoping for some form of reinforcement. But Jen had oddly faded into complete silence - for the very first time since they had departed the station.

"Nah," The male confidently shook his head, "Not me."

"I'm not stupid, I can smell it. Empty your pockets." It wasn't a request, instead a sharp instruction that demanded obedience. There was nothing, though. Nothing suitable. Just a packet of legitimate, tobacco cigarettes and a lighter.

Cigarette butts scattered the pavement against the brick wall side, abandoned and smothered. She was positive that one of those ends was associated to him. The mint he chewed and the fresh fag he smoked were just to conceal the scent of drugs.

"Let him go, Murray. He hasn't got anything."

"What?!" Sam's dark orbs expanded significantly as she nimbly whirled round to engage contact with her partner, fury plastered to her features while her fingers curled into clenches, "You must be kidding! It stinks of weed! I saw him drop something as we approached!"

"Yeah, and there's nothing on him. So without solid evidence there is nothing we can do. Come on." Smith rolled her eyes and tucked her hands into her trouser pocket, manner dismissive of the entire situation.

"We, I, was on to something! He should have been taken back to the station for a proper search!" Exasperated hisses laden with venom dripped from the cop's lips, furious that her impending case had been totally dripped. Her hands propelled into her pockets whilst she stomped after her buddy.