Finally finished up this chapter. Just took me a little bit to get back to where I left off. But here it is!
"Now follow me so we can begin," Saïx said as he briskly walked forward into the portal.
The two of them entered the portal and walked for a short bit until they exited out into the Hall of Empty Melodies. Once they arrived and Xena closed the portal behind them, Saïx went to explain exactly what she would be doing for the day. It was still just testing her speed, strength, endurance, and other various things. Saïx monitored her carefully though as she began the tests.
Throughout the entirety of the tests, Saïx watched Xena carefully. He watched as she gracefully moved around the room, attacking the objects set up for her test. For a few moments, he swore that it looked like she was dancing. He moved in flow with her weapon and easily could hit the target she was asked to attack. The her hair flowed behind her as she moved back and forth, and her serious look as she concentrated, it all made Saïx more interested in watching.
Once the tests finished Saïx's clapped and formed a smile. "Impressive. I have never seen such a graceful style of fighting before."
"Thank you. As I said before, I was trained since I was young. I suppose I am just use to it," Xena replied.
Saïx tried to think of what to say next, but he found himself at a loss for words. His eyes shifted to the ground as he tried to think of something… anything to say.
Meanwhile Xena at least seemed to take note of this and stepped forward. "So… um is there anything else I need to do today?"
"No…You can now go back to relax or do whatever you wish," Saïx replied as he slowly looked back to Xena.
"I wouldn't even know what to do," Xena commented. "I don't know this castel very well yet."
"I could show you around if you wanted," Saïx suggested without a second thought. Even though he knew full well he needed to eventually go back to the Grey Room to collect everyone's report, he ended up asking it anyways. The thoughts of being around Xena were far stronger than getting back to his usually work.
"If you want to, that sounds like a good idea," Xena replied with a soft smile.
"Then follow me," Saïx said as he began to walk towards the exit out of the room.
At first they both walked quietly through the hallways, neither of them knowing what to say to one other. Saïx exhaled slowly as he tried to find a subject to talk about. The first thing that came to his mind, was again the fact that she had similar abilities to him and yet it was the opposite. He figured that would be a good topic to talk about. Maybe then he could discover more about her and why he had started to think the way he was.
"Your ability. You said you are stronger when the sun is up, correct?" Saïx asked.
Xena nodded. "That's correct. Is there something else you want to know?"
"Not quite. I mean… It is just rather curious to me," Saïx stated, actually finding it a bit hard to say his words.
"Curious?" Xena asked, tilted her head to the side.
"It is just…" Saïx took in another deep breath before he could say it. He still couldn't understand why it was so hard. Why he felt… what he could only describe as feeling shy. "That my own abilities are similar. Though my powers strengthen from the moon."
Xena stopped walking and looked directly at Saïx. "Wow, really?"
Saïx also stopped so he could face her more properly. "Yes, that is correct. Then there is also the weapon you have. The claymore. I too also have that kind of weapon."
Xena let out a small laugh. "Seriously? What a coincidence then! You'll have to show me sometime."
"We would have to find the time to do that, as well as a world that has a moon…" Saïx said though he trailed off at the end. While he did like to see that Xena was excited by his powers, he wasn't sure if he wanted to ever show her. While he did gain more strength from being out when the moon is out… there was another… less favorable side of it. The one side of his powers that he had yet to control… that he figured he would never be able to control.
His berserker ability. Just like the lesser Nobodies that shared the same name as the ability, it was not something he could control. Not entirely at least. He could choose to access it and let the crazed powers flow through him, but after that he always blacked out. There was never any serious damage or problems caused from his berserker mode, but he could never remember any of it. It would almost leave him… embarrassed or discouraged in himself for not being able to control such a thing after all these years.
"I hope we can find some time then, you've gotten me rather curious now," Xena replied as she smiled at Saïx. "Though you have me thinking now, this world… it doesn't have a moon. Why is that?"
"I am not exactly sure, but I believe it it because this is a world that lies in between. It's not meant to exist, but it just, just like us Nobodies. But there will be one eventually," Saïx said. "Once we finally can get the keyblade wielder within our ranks, then things can move forward."
"How long will that take though?" Xena asked. "If you all have been here now for some years, how many more will it take?"
"We are uncertain of that, but it will come within time," Saïx replied as they continued their walk down the hallway again.
"Oh… I see," Xena said as she sighed slightly.
Saïx turned to look at her as they walked, he noticed that she was now stared off at the wall. Her gaze looked distant and deep in thought. Saïx started to wonder what she was thinking. He figured that it probably related to the subject that they were currently talking about.
"Is there a problem about that?"
"I'm not sure. I guess I just didn't expect this to happen. To lose my heart… and wake up still around but without one now. How many years… has it been for you?"
Saïx stiffened slightly, but he kept his expression calm and composed. He had not expected her to ask the question. And the answer to the question… was not one he had truly thought about. But he tried his best to find a way to answer her. "I am not exactly sure of the time, but I know it has been maybe more than five years at this point."
Xena's eyes widened as she turned her gaze back to Saïx. "Five whole years? How have you managed that long? Doesn't… it get to you? The emptiness?"
Saïx shook his head. It was another question he had not expected, but he didn't give much thought to it. "No it doesn't. I have no need to focus on worrying about not having emotions. Without actually having any it makes it easier to manage throughout the days and complete the tasks at hand. The emptiness may be there, but it does not stop me from being productive. Until the Organization can complete its goal, I have cut all thoughts about emotions and everything that goes along with it. No point in thinking about what we once had when we no longer have it. Some choose to act like they have those emotions, but it is just that, an act. Pretending they have emotions from the memories of what it was like. But it isn't the same thing. I choose not to do such things like that."
Saïx only had thought to give a simple answer, but somehow it turned into something much longer. He slightly bit the inside of the cheek, hoping that he had not talked to much at her. The last thing he wanted to do was bore her or confuse her about the subject matter. She looked at him though, her eyes deep with thought. She hummed slightly before she looked away, the deepness in her eyes never fading.
"Ah…I see. Sorry if I was asking too much."
"Does she think I was upset with her asking that? I may not have given her the answer she probably was expecting… but… I don't get it," Saïx thought to himself. The more he tried to understand what Xena could be thinking, the more confused he ended up about it. He figured it was best not to press her on her thoughts and to move on to something else.
"It's all right, I may have spoken more than I should have. But let's put that behind us and move forward with the tour. There is still much more of the castle to see."
"All right, that's fine," Xena replied, as she lost the deep look in her eyes, and returned to a more calm and relax expression.
Saïx then lead her around to the different areas of the castle, giving as much explanation as he could. It was still a mostly large and empty place, but there was still many rooms and areas that they went to. Once Saïx started explained about everything, Xena remained quiet, though she seemed to listen intently. Though every once and a while she would ask a question about the area they were in or something related to it.
Eventually they ended back at the Grey Room. Saïx knew by now that the other members would be returning from their missions and he would have to be ready to receive their mission reports. He turned to look at Xena. "I hope you enjoyed the tour, but for now I must get back to my work."
"Ah, I understand. Now… I have to write a diary piece tonight right? Just about my day?"
"Yes that is correct. But you do not have to fill out a mission report since today was just a mission to test your skills. I will handle the paperwork for that. But from now on you will be expected to fill out those reports as well."
"Okay. Thank you," Xena said as she gave a kind smile. "For the tour."
"It was nothing. Only a tour around the castle. Truly is nothing special," Saïx replied, not seeing why she had to thank him for such a thing.
"But it matters at least. You are the one who found me and brought me here. The one I know the most so far. You really liked giving that tour, I could tell from the way you explained everything. I take it there hasn't been a new member to do this with before?"
"That is correct," Saïx answered simply, still not seeing why she thought it mattered.
"Well there you go then. You got to finally show someone around, and it was really impressive. Thank you again though," Xena said as she reached forward and placed her hand on Saïx's arm. "It's nice to know that I have a new friend already. I hope we can find some more time to talk and get to know each other."
Saïx looked at her, and looked at her smile. It was just a plain and simple smile, yet Saïx thought it was wonderful. It made him want to smile back without a thought. And much to his surprise he found that he was smiling at her. It was again another one of those moments he couldn't explain, but he still did not think to ask about it now.
"I would like that as well," Saïx ended up answering. It was an honest answer that he had. He did truly wish to talk to her more and get to know her. Someone who could make him think these thoughts… he wanted to understand it.
Xena dropped her hand from Saïx's arm and gave a quick nod. "I guess I'll be going then. Have a goodnight Saïx."
Xena started to turn around and head down the hallway. Saïx managed to wave to her thought before she completely turned around. "Goodnight Xena."
Once she was out of sight Saïx let out a long sigh. "What was that just now? I… I don't understand my own actions. When I'm around her… I think differently. I feel more relaxed. There can't be anything though… unless I am subconsciously calling upon memories of emotions. But why?... Why would someone like her cause me to do that? There is still so much I need to find out."
So I am not exactly sure how long this story will be, but I do have my outline overview for it. So I shall keep working on it. Thank you all for reading though~!