I have realized I have written stories for a lot of the elves but never for Thranduil. So I started to write this one. I hope you all enjoy!
A Memory
Caladhiel Alcarin
Chapter 1
It was an ordinary day until she was brought to the healing halls. My son brought her back and my curiosity got the better of me. I walked into the healing halls and saw her. She was an elf that I could see, but she was not dressed as one would be.
"~Where was she found?~" I asked.
"~The prince found her in the river. She has taken a good knock to the head. The most he was able to get from her was her name. Aleena.~" said the healer.
It was a lovely name. She was dressed as though she were a dwarf.
"~See that she is cared for and then send her on her way.~" I said.
They nodded. I walked off and started to list off everything I had to do that day.
Aleena's POV
I heard voices but I could not understand what they were saying. I found the ability to open my eyes and look around. I did not recognize anything. The room I was looked like a healers domain. I slowly sat up but my head began to throb. I raised my hand to it but screamed in pain as I did so.
"Oh no dear you must not move!"
The woman came to me and helped me lie down. I looked at her and did not recognize her.
"Where am I?" I asked.
"The healing halls of the Woodland Realm?"
I did not know where that was.
She looked at me carefully.
"Do you know your name dear?"
I thought very hard but I did not. I shook my head and tears welled in my eyes.
"Your name is Aleena. That is all we were able to find out. Prince Legolas found you washed up on a river bank. Can you remember anything about that?" she asked gently.
I shook my head and a few tears fell down my cheeks. She turned to another woman and said something I did not understand. The woman left and then the healer turned back to me.
"She is going to bring the prince back, perhaps you shall remember something if you see him. Are you hungry?"
I nodded a bit and she left. I kept thinking but I could not remember who I was or what I was doing here. Not too long after she left, she came back with some food. An assorted tray of fruits and breads. Something felt wrong but I ate all of it. About an hour later the other woman came back with a man. He was quite handsome. He had pale blond hair, striking blue eyes and a strong figure.
"This is the Lord Legolas. Do you remember him?" she asked.
I looked at him carefully. There was something familiar about his eyes but I did not know him. I sighed and shook my head. Legolas came closer and knelt down beside me.
"So you do not remember anything my lady?"
I shook my head and more tears came. All I knew about myself was my name. And I had to be told what it was. The prince put a comforting hand on my shoulder and I tried to stop crying.
"~Your father said to be certain she was healed and then send her on her way. I do not know how we can let this poor girl leave like this. She has no memory at all. We do not even know if she can defend herself. Her arm will take a good while to heal.~"
I did not understand, but there was concern in the healer's voice. I looked at the prince and he looked concerned as well.
"~I will speak with my father. She is very young and she needs help. Surely he would not simply send her away if he was aware of her condition.~"
"Hannon le hir nin."
He nodded and gave me a small smile.
"You will be alright I promise." he said.
All I could do was nod.
Thranduil's POV
A knock came on the door at my chambers.
Legolas pushed open the door.
"What is it?"
"The girl Aleena. She has no memory of who she is. The healers said they had to tell her that what her own name was. She is badly injured."
"You would ask that she stay here?" I asked him.
He nodded. I did not like it.
"She was dressed like a dwarf." I said.
"Why should it matter how she was dressed? She needs our help."
I sighed but nodded.
"Very well, she is only allowed to stay until she has recovered her memory."
He nodded and then left. I was rather curious as to who this woman was.