Chapter 13 Dean and the Bugs (Bunny)
Requests by PM only
A/N: One of the requests involves the United States presidency. Please remember that the responses/views are of the WWE's characters/talent names and not of their employees.
I started writing up this chapter a few months ago. Sorry for discrepancies with the matches/PPVs/feuds as I tried to shift some sections to current WWE.
Aria smiled at the two former Shield members, almost laughing.
"What?" Seth and Dean asked at the same time.
"Oh, nothing," Aria replied casually turning away from the extraordinary scene.
Seth and Dean had actually made themselves comfortable sitting on the floor, side by side. The Architect couldn't really move with the cast on his leg, and the Lunatic Fringe must have had some dormant protective brother instinct awaken, because it didn't look like he was moving from the injured superstar's side anytime soon.
"I was thinking we could spice things up a bit," the hostess beamed.
Roman and Dean exchanged glances. The former Shield members knew this was something bad. Whenever Aria got too happy, it meant nothing but trouble for them.
The fairy stood up. "How about the viewers at home call in and make their requests to you guys personally?"
"No!" Roman blurted immediately.
Seth shook his head vigorously. "No way!"
"Oh hell, no. I might just swear on live TV." Dean admitted.
Aria smiled sweetly. "I know I phrased that as a question, but I actually meant it as a statement."
Barrett did not want to be left out of anything, particularly this conversation right now. "I think it's an awesome idea," he said.
"Thank you, Barrett," the hostess replied kindly. "Now, for the next show, Roman, a totally new superstar will be joining us!"
"Whoop, whoop," Seth said dryly.
Roman made no response to Aria's statement.
"Wait – why are you only speaking to Roman?" Barrett complained.
Before Seth could retort on Barrett's whine, the 'Iconic' Bill Goldberg walked in, greeting Aria with a smile.
"Good evening, Miss Taylor,"
"Aria, please." the hostess smiled warmly. "But where's-"
Dean and Seth rolled their rolled their eyes. How she could put on such a sweet persona to hide her evil intentions!
Braun Strowman walked in, his eyes locked on Reigns.
Roman, however, didn't seem fazed that Braun Strowman was here. In fact, he had never seen Roman like this before.
Aria chuckled and turned to the camera. "Goodnight, everyone, tune in next time!"
The show went off air, and immediately the former Shield members made a beeline for the door, followed by various other wrestlers.
"You…look worse than when you lost the title," Goldberg commented lightly as Kevin Owens passed him.
"You have no idea what this show is about, do you?" Roman shook his head.
Goldberg shrugged. "We answer questions from the WWE Universe,"
"Oh that's just the beginning," Roman replied before bulleting out the door, leaving the behind a very bemused iconic legend.
April 2016, Season Premier
The former Shield members grudgingly entered the auditorium, Aria shaking her head disapprovingly. For the past couple of shows, they were always the last ones to arrive, cutting it very close to the countdown.
Roman, Dean and Seth sat down on the three remaining seats between Bill Goldberg and the hostess' table. Much to Goldberg's surprise, the former Shield barely glanced at him. Dean just plopped down next to his former brother; Seth, on the next couch.
Aria turned to Seth, who had fully recovered from his knee injury (hopefully).
"I see you're doing much better, Seth," Aria said with a sincere smile.
The former Shield affiliate just stared at her.
"Ya," Dean smirked at the Architect. "Keep checking Aria out like that and you'll give me and Ro the impression you're falling for the Hostess of Torment,"
"Wow!" Aria giggled. "Great nickname. But you have to admit, being 'Hostess of Torment' is way cooler than being the host of the 'Ambrose Asylum.'
Dean grumbled and turned away.
The hostess of the no-name show turned towards the camera just in time, as the producer finished her countdown.
Aria smiled at the camera. "Good evening everyone and welcome to … my show!"
"Good Lord," Kevin Owens complained. "You're worse than Renee Young. You still don't have a name for this show?!"
"Hey, if you don't like it, leave!" Dean thundered, and Aria got the feeling it wasn't actually her show that he was defending…
"Anyway, without further ado, onto the requests…" the hostess said, looking at the computer. "The first one is from PsychoPony777,"
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SNAP! The New Day is there!? Let us raise our unicorn horns and share the positive energy with Seth.
Seth: If you were still WWE World Heavyweight Champion, and you had to lose it to Roman or Dean, who would you rather lose too?
Dean: WWE needs to let you create matches, what kind of matches would you create? ANYTHING and EVERYTHING is allowed
Seth, Roman, and Dean: You must dress in (an) outfit Aria (chooses) for each of you for 10 minutes
Stephanie: You have to have a dance contest against John, YOU CAN'T DO WORSE THAN HIM!
Aria: Yes, I have a dare for you Aria! YOU MUST CROWD SURF!
And now I shall leave, until next time! Eat your -
"Then there's something about hearts and blood…" Aria's face went funny.
Dean came over to inspect what the fairy refused to read out. "That's cool!" laughed. "We should have PsychoPony on the Ambrose Asylum!"
The hostess shook her head. "Let's just start'she first question-"
The Lunatic Fringe laughed. "You're way too sensitive, Aria." He pointed out as he went back to his seat.
"So, Seth, who would you rather lose the championship to if you had it again?" Aria asked.
"Either or, what does it matter?" Seth asked, irritated. "There's no shame in losing the title to either of them. But it would be if I lost it to someone like that coward, Owens or Samoa Joe, you get the idea."
Kevin huffed but Joe just smirked.
Aria sighed at the next question.
"Dean making up matches?" Roman grinned. "Not sure if I should be proud or concerned."
The Lunatic Fringe, however, was happily coming up with some death defying, gruesome type matches, where one's bones would certainly be crushed.
"Roman?" Aria asked, face-palming. "Please help!" she pleaded as Dean was moving on to "Cranium Crushers" and the ever popular "Asylum Match."
Roman merely laughed.
"Okay, onto the dares then!" the hostess announced, making the former Shield members groan.
"Oh, wait, this dare isn't for us!" Seth said brightly. "It's for Stephanie and Cena,"
"Right! It's time to party!" Aria snapped her fingers, and Sax played. Various other songs were remixed into the competition.
So Cena, smiling sheepishly, walked to the dance floor, Stephanie reluctantly followed. Surprisingly, Stephanie had some very good moves. Hunter came in last, twirled his wife for the finale before he, Steph and Cena bowed to the audience to a thunderous applause.
The wrestlers and other WWE employees in the audience looked around bemused - they certainly weren't cheering. They hardly clapped!
Roman, Seth and Dean started laughing. "It's Aria…magic!"
The hostess was indeed clapping warmly. "What a show! And so romantic! I loved it!"
"But we love the next dare," Seth smirked. "It's for you, buttercup."
"Yeah… I don't do the whole 'crowd surfing' thing." Aria shrugged. "The ocean is lovely, but otherwise no,"
"What?" Seth was shocked. "You have to! If we were forced to carry out these dares, so are you!"
Aria gave him one of her best sugary sweet smiles. "And if I…don't?"
Seth opened his mouth but no words came out.
Dean leaned towards Roman confidentially. "Something is definitely going on with those two," he said in a loud whisper.
Roman sighed. "You have to stop flirting with her. You're getting Dean and I worried!"
"Yeah, we don't want Aria for a sister-in-law!" Dean pulled at his hair.
"Oooh! This next request is so fun!" Aria clapped her hands excitedly. "I have a few outfits in mind, guys."
The hostess pointed at the former Shield members twirled her forefinger. Roman, Dean and Seth cringed as sparkling silver dust floated towards them. In a flash, Seth was wearing a green cape, sleeveless long black coat, black boots, cosplay helmet with horns.
"Isn't that what Loki wears in the Avengers?" Cena piped up.
Roman sighed and didn't want to think about what Aria chose for him…though this thing he was carrying weighed a ton!
"Wow! Look at you, Roman!" Bayley commented.
Becky Lynch. "Yup, just need the blonde hair and you're really be Thor!"
Roman sighed as he felt the red cape billowing behind him, despite the fact there was no wind in the auditorium.
"Wow, that's cool," Dean said, looking at Roman-Thor's Hammer. He took it from his brother, only for it to drag him down, as the Hammer damaged Aria's precious flooring.
"Only Thor can wield it, remember?" Cena shook his head, chuckling.
Aria snapped her fingers and the floor repaired itself. "For Dean, I'm thinking something you could wear as the host of the Ambrose Asylum,"
The Lunatic Fringe scoffed.
"Okay how about a clown costume?"
Dean point blank refused and Aria smiled widely. It was a long time since she had a toddler on the show. The hostess lazily twirled her forefinger. Dean immediately ducked and the light hit Roman instead.
Aria's hand flew to her mouth. Oops…
When the smoke cleared, there stood a little toddler, with the most stern look on his face.
Undertaker couldn't help it. He burst out laughing.
"Is this my Wrestlemania opponent?" he asked, carefully picking the little toddler up.
"In all his cute cuddly glory," Aria deadpanned.
Unfortunately, toddler Roman didn't really have chubby cheeks. There was hardly any baby fat on him either. And he didn't want to be carried.
And the final difference from all the other toddlers on this show…
"Please put me down," toddler Roman requested.
Undertaker's eyebrows shot up. It was polite – but the look in the toddler's eyes could also mean it was a command.
Aria looked at her computer. "The next request is from Andrey258:
Wow. I love this show. It makes me think of what would happen if Dean would become vampire and start terrorize Seth by (threatening) to bite him, but not doing anything in order to make him break and have him cry like a little girl. My first question for Brock Lesnar is:
Brock, after hearing C.M. Punk reveal the reason of why he left WWE and how he was fired from the Colt Cobana Broadcast what is your opinion of finding out how easy Vince let go to Punk?
Barett,i dare you give to John Cena a handshake and a hug, along with telling him that he is like a cute grown up kid.
Seth, I dare you pretend that you are John Cena and scold Randy Orton for acting as Bray Wyatt servant, along with the fact of how easy he forgot that Bray and his family attacked him and left him lying beaten mess. Also, while acting like John Cena, have him scold Paul Heyman for not trying to get Hunter to call CM Punk back to work, who by the way he said in a interview that he would have come back if they would just gave him a call. Instead of bringing back CM Punk back to change things, they gave a undeserved title shot to Brock Lesnar, a man with no (honour) or respect for the wrestlers that bust their a** for an opportunity like this one.
Roman, I dare you and Brock give each other a hug while both of you saying that you hate Seth.
Paul, I dare you to say what was your opinion on why Punk left. Have a nice day.
Dean examined his teeth with his tongue. "You know, I think I actually have fangs…hey, Roman, wanna see?"
Roman quickly put up his hand. "No, thanks, I'm good!" he said, as Seth laughed.
Meanwhile, Barrett had got up and eagerly hugged, Cena, thumping the self-proclaimed champ's back.
"You're so cute like a grown up kiddo!" Barrett said heartily.
Cena smiled sheepishly and tried to pry Barrett off him.
"Brock?" Aria probed. "Your thoughts?"
Brock shrugged. "Good thing for Punk he's not in the WWE, or I would have taken him to Suplex City."
Aria turned to the Architect. "Seth?"
Seth blinked. "I must scold Randy Orton like he's five years old or something?"
"Perhaps you need a scolding too, Seth," Aria said sweetly, "For betraying your brothers,"
Seth rolled his eyes and tried to sound like Cena. "Randy," he began, as if he was talking to a child. "What you did was very, very bad! Now go sit in the naughty corner, and think about the meaning of Hustle, Loyalty and Raspberries!"
"Respect!" Cena corrected as Randy tried hard not to laugh.
Seth merely shrugged. "And Hayman…ummm, Aria what was that?"
Aria reread Andrey258's dare for Seth.
Seth cleared his throat and once again tried to sound like Cena. "And Hayman, as Punk was your client it was your most solemn duty to speak up for him, Loyalty, you know. And as your twitter account says, HaymanHustle, so Hustle about it! And respect…" Seth went back to his own voice. "Yeah I think I completed the dare, Aria."
The hostess nodded. "Paul Hayman? Your opinion on why CM Punk left?"
Hayman shrugged. "He disrespected the chairman and the former Authority. Let me tell you something, if CM Punk disrespected my client, Brock Lesnar-"
Everyone groaned as Paul went on his routine monologue about how great his current client is.
Aria deadpanned. "Sorry to cut you short, Mr. Hayman, but the show must go on!"
"Hear, hear!" Truth hollered.
"And the next dare-oh," Aria's face fell. "Roman and Brock have to hug one another while saying they hate Seth,"
Brock was still doing his warm ups and stretching to pay attention to Aria. Roman stiffened.
"I can't say that," The Powerhouse finally replied.
"You know Ro," Dean sighed. "Too much brotherhood and loyalty; plus a general nice guy attitude… it's very bad for one's health."
Aria smiled at Roman.
"Hey! Aren't you supposed to turn him into a toddler?"
The hostess jumped at the sound of Barrett's voice. Roman swore under his breath as Aria twirled her fingers for the magic to happen. There was a blinding light. But when everyone opened their eyes, there were in for a surprised.
Roman opened his eyes. He still felt the same...
Roman turned to find toddler Dean waving at him enthusiastically.
"Dean got away the last time," Aria explained.
Seth laughed. It was warm, hearty sound, rather than a derisive one. "Hey, Deanie."
Toddler Dean stuck out his tongue at the Architect.
Aria laughed. "The next tweet is fromWwetickler30." she said, turning Dean back into an adult.
Hey Aria!
I have a question for everyone: would you honestly vote for Donald Trump to be President of the United States? Thanks dear!
"Isn't that private and confidential?" Seth piped up.
"I'd say yes," Hayman replied.
Seth rolled his eyes. "That was a rhetorical question,"
"No, I wouldn't vote for him." R Truth shook his head. "I'd vote for me!"
Dean nodded. "I wouldn't either. Actually, all of those candidates would be boring. I'd rather vote for Bugs Bunny. Having a Loony Toon run the joint would be awesome and fun!"
"The joint? America's not a club, Dean," Cena said.
Roman shook his head. "Think about who you're trying to reason with, Cena," he said, gesturing at the Lunatic Fringe.
Goldberg slowly stood up. "So…you know I have a huge match at Wrestlemania and everything…for the championship…" he began nervously.
"We both do," Roman quickly added, also standing.
Barrett rolled his eyes. "Everyone knows that,"
"So it would be okay if I didn't attend the next show, right?" Goldberg smiled nervously at Aria.
"But Goldberg," the hostess looked shocked. "I'm sure the viewers have a lot to ask you,"
"She's forgetting force you to confess, and/or complete horrible dares or its toddler time," Seth added under his breath.
"Hey, Reigns," Goldberg addressed Roman quietly. "Won't the chairman or someone get us off this show because of our huge matches at Wrestlemania?"
The Roman looked wearily at Aria. "I wouldn't bet on it, dude,"
Goldberg sighed. "I think if I won the championship and lost it on the same night, it would be as dreadful as this."
"Been there," Roman said nervously, as Aria smiled at him. "And I agree with you one hundred and ten percent,"
Goldberg was about to reply when Aria clapped her hands once in excitement.
"It's SO nice to see you two getting along!" the fairy gushed.
"Dude," Goldberg went stiff. "Do you want to brawl now or something?"
Roman shook his head. "Trust me, that is not going to help cancel the show or anything."
Thanks to PsychoPony777, Andrey258 and wwetickler30for your requests :))
Thanks for reading! Should you have requests, please PM me as requests in reviews cannot be used.
Someone has PM me once on not being sure on the "recurring themes" in the story. Here they are if you wish to comment on them to the superstars or throw them in a request on the show:
- The show doesn't have a name – which does not bother the hostess, Aria,in the slightest, but annoys some superstars/guests, especially JBL.
- Aria loves to have fun with the former Shield and unintentionally favors them (but she still tries to be fair to everyone else). Dean, Roman and Seth see Aria's so called favoritism as "reverse psychology" and she only wishes to humiliate them.
- Barrett is seemingly completely oblivious to the show's prerogative, and loves to get requests (questions only though). He is very vocal of Aria's favoritism and jealous of the formers Shield members' spotlight in the show.
Perhaps the producers of this show (i.e. the authors of this fanfic) also favor the Shield…but that's another story. Moving on ;)