Hey Dark Gothic Lolita here!

Now I know you must all be thinking 'Just what is Lolita playing at, bringing out 206 words worth of a story', but I have my reasons. IT'S TIME TO DRABBLE IT UP! Bloody hell, all these years on this site and I have never done a series of oneshots or drabbles! So you know, as one does, I thought it's time to break out of that and actually get one done. If you couldn't already tell with the number 26 in the title, this is an alphabet story!

So yes, I've actually been working on this for a while and I've managed to make it to M and now I've decided to start bringing out the chapters I've already done. I was going to bring it out all at once, but I decided against that. The themes will be different each time, obviously and some chapters may link to another (I'll tell you when they do) but most of them won't. I think it's only three chapters so far that will link and that will probably be it. They're all different!

So I don't own Fairy Tail or their characters, just the stories I write are mine!


I love you in 26 different ways

A is for agree

It was a rare occasion that the water Mage and the fire Mage of Fairy Tail actually ever agreed on anything. By rare occasion, I mean that they never did. Sometimes, Juvia would actually end up fighting Natsu just because he called Gray out on a fight and he tried to act like he was better.

He was not.

Well he wasn't in Juvia's eyes. No one was better than her Gray-sama and she didn't know who Natsu thought he was to disapprove of that. That made him an enemy of hers too. While he wasn't a 'love rival' like Lucy, he was definitely a rival. He was her fighting rival and she made sure that she has more wins over him. They were actually becoming a hazard to the guild whenever they fought.

So when both of them just so happened to be standing next to each other when Lyon burst into the guild, wanting a fight from Gray, the both of them couldn't help but agree on the fact that Lyon was an absolute idiot who should stop coming to their guild. The guy literally live there now and it was annoying the hell out of the both of them.

This is probably the shortest drabble I've written so far. I don't plan on them being this short, but if it happens, it happens. They all vary, like I think H is the longest chapter so far, there was just so much to write in that one! HEY, I KNOW! Why don't you guys try and guess what the letters will be! Well, only guess the next chapter, don't try and guess them all at once. So that means, you all have to guess what B is before the B chapter comes out. I'll announce who is right in the B chapter and whoever wins those chapters gets a oneshot dedicated to them, fair?

So for clearer information, you guys have to guess what the next chapter is going to be before I bring it out. So basically, B is for... If someone gets it right, I will announce it in the next chapter and then you have to PM what pairing you would like to see as a oneshot. This can be any pairing I deem okay and I can actually right, alright? I'm not a yaoi or yuri fan, so don't ask me to write that lol. Oh and unfortunately, this will exclude all guest reviewers mostly because you can't PM me and I won't know who is who. Please make an account if you want to be included, it makes it easier for me to talk to you!

Please guys, don't forget to rate or hate, flames or floods! I love you all, so review away!
