Sorry for the long hiatus, but honesty at this point who's surprised? I have some free time now that I'm on break, so I figured I'd hit y'all with some lighthearted shenanigans and get into my view on some 'clone lore' and explore their tattoos a little bit. Hopefully you guys are into this, I took down a bunch of your suggestions and will hopefully work on some of those soon! Thanks for being amazing, and leaving tons of great reviews! Enjoy!

Ahsoka awoke to a loud banging on the door to her quarters on the Resolute.

"Commander you're not gonna want to miss this!" She could hear Hardcase yelling through the door. With a slight groan she sat up, rubbing her head which was still a little sore after their latest crash landing.

She slipped into her boots, stretched, and opened the door to reveal a very excited Hardcase flanked by Jesse and Fives. The trio looked far too excited considering they had just barely made it out of the last deployment unscathed.

"Why did you boys decide my nap needed to be cut short? "Ahsoka gave the group a quizzical look. There was no malice to her words, she was never one to turn down an adventure… especially with these three chaotic troopers.

Jesse grinned, peaking over Hardcase's shoulder. "Some of the boys are going down to 79's, and Hawk is getting some new ink. Figured you wouldn't want to miss it!" Before he or either of the others could say any more, Ahsoka was out the door and practically pushing them down the hall.

"Why didn't you say so?! You know how long I've been asking to come with you guys when you go to get tattoos! This is a big deal!" She spun on her heals, continuing to walk backwards as she spoke to the three. "What's he getting? Is anyone else getting one? Who does them-"

"Slow down there kid, you're gonna trip- OR run into Rex sorry Captain!" Jesse guided Ahsoka to the side of the hall, preventing her from walking directly into Rex. The captain in question barely glanced up from his datapad, long used to his brothers and small commander. "So far just Hawk is planning on it, but knowing how the boys get after a few drinks I'd bet at least three of us end up with new ink by the end of the night."

"Nah, everyone's going be too busy trying to convince the kid to get something!" laughed Fives. "Not that it would take much convincing." He added with a grin.

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, falling back into step with them. "As if, Skyguy would kill me…and all of you, but me first for sure. Hawk know what he's getting?"

"He wants to..and nobody be too shocked.. get a bird across his chest, ya know in case we all forget his name."

Jesse snorted. "That's rich coming from the guy who's got his name literally written on his forehead. You don't exactly get to comment on subtly Fives."

"It seems to be a common trend.." mused Ahsoka as they approached the landing doors. "The rest of the boys already at 79's?"

"Yeah." Nodded Jesse. "We landed a couple hours ago, figured we would let you rest while we finished up some equipment checks and bring you with us. From the sounds of it they're hoping to be pretty blasted by the time we get there so that'll be fun."

"Oh yeah, you know how I love when you all drunkenly yell and think you can sing karaoke... it's my favorite." The sarcasm dripped from her words as she entered the code to close up the doors as they departed.

"We can still leave you behind you know?" Chided Fives. "Don't pretend like you don't think it's fun."

She held up her hands in the universal signal for 'you've got me there' and the group made their way across the city to the meet their destiny…which happened to be just the rest of their legion at a bar.

"I TOLD YOU the commander would come!" Hawk threw an arm around Ahsoka's shoulders and nearly spilled half his drink on himself in the process. "You said she wouldn't show but I knew, you're a kriffing IDIOT Kix!" He yelled this last part pointedly at the aforementioned medic. Kix just laughed and rolled his eyes in response.

Ahsoka beamed, "Wouldn't miss it for the world Hawk! Besides Kix just said that because he's mad I couldn't be her for his last one."

"You haven't been there for anyone else's don't make this a thing-" grumbled Kix. "I was just trying to make sure he didn't get his hopes up only for you to get called away by the General or something.."

"Well she's here- she's gonna see me get a fucking rad tattoo- AND SHE NEEDS A DRINK- Fives you on it? Good man-" Evidently Hawk was one of the troopers who was really into yelling when drunk. Ahsoka made a mental note but just laughed along with the rest of the group.

Several rounds of drinks and many bawdy jokes later, Hardcase flagged down the trooper they'd been looking for all night. "Sketch! Get over here you ugly son-of-a-gun, Hawk wants some more ink to impress the ladies!"

Ahsoka grinned, leaning up to elbow Hawk in the back of the head and get his attention from the booth over where he sat. "Looks like it's your time to shine Flyboy."

"Whatdoya- SKETCH! Good to see ya vodit's been too long!" Hawk practically leapt from his seat and dragged Sketch back into the booth with him. "Did you get the design I sent you? Tell me you've got time tonight!"

"Yeah I saw it, looked like something a youngling would draw to try an' win back the love of their absent father." Slick's deadpan response had the few tables occupied by the 501 roaring with laughter and follow up jabs. "Lucky for you I made it into something a girl would actually wanna see once they get you out of your kit, I'm not gonna let you look like an idiot."

Not bothered by the bash on his questionable design skills, Hawk beamed. "Amazing! Let's get a round of shots and then get this show on the road!"

"Already ahead of you." Shouted Coric..or was it Echo... it was hard to say, but they were at the bar and sending trays of shots over to their brothers.

Hawk passed Ahsoka a shot from over the edge of the booth. It was bright green and smelled fruity..and also slightly of fuel. She wrinkled her nose and shot him an incredulous look that said, 'are you serious?' He grinned back at her. "Come on, how many times have you begged for us to take you out? If you're out with the 501st, you take shots with the 501st. And don't embarrass us by yakking or something! We've got a reputation to uphold here!"

Ahsoka scoffed. "As if, I'm not thatshiny!" She sat up on the edge of the booth back, raising the glass in a toast. "To a successful mission, good brothers, and improving Hawk's chances of impressing a girl!"

A round of laughter and a shitty shot later, a slightly smaller group followed Hawk and Sketch into a side room which was already set up as a makeshift tattoo parlor.

"They've got it set up so any brother can use the stuff as long as they pay for drinks, Sketch has been the undisputed best at 79's for a few cycles now." Explained Hawk as they walked in. "He's wizard!"

"You're such a pilot, it's embarrassing." Ahsoka laughed, punching him in the shoulder. "Could you get any cheesier, seriously?"

"He's about to get a giant bird across his chest, so I'd say so." Cut in Sketch with a grin. He waved vaguely at Hawk,"Sit down, shirt off, say a prayer."

"Yeah yeah yeah, joke all you want but it's gonna be fucking cool." Hawk sat down and did as instructed. The rest of the troopers and Ahsoka crowded around, watching intently as Sketch took a marker and traced the design—a sprawling and geometric hawk—across his chest.

"Don't move or it's on you if it looks bad." Warned Sketch dryly as he prepped the tattoo gun.

"This is a big deal I'm not gonna mess it up!" retorted Hawk. "Besides I gotta show the Commander how a real badass Vod does it!"

"If I wanted to see a badass get a tattoo I would have went with Rex or Cody, I figured this would be a better laugh." Joked Ahsoka.

"If it gets really bad the Commander can hold your hand." Mused Sketch, a hint of a chuckle in his voice. He had begun following the outline he'd previously drawn with the small needle of the machine. The light hum of the tattoo gun was nearly lost to the loud music and even louder chatter of drunk clones.

"Just let me know if it gets bad, I can hold one hand and the boys can take turns with the other." The group busted into jabs and jokes at Hawks' expense, but the pilot took it in stride.

"Holding hands with a Jedi is practically second base, I'll take it!" This earned a slap on the back of the head and a severe eye roll from the Jedi in question.

"In your dreams."

Several hours and many drinks later a shirtless and newly inked Hawk led the posse back out into the main bar. "I'm a new man! Sketch's done it again-"

"Try not to drown." Advised Fives, a Cheshire grin on his face.

"Drown in what?" Hawk hesitated, looking genuinely perplexed.

"Down in all that pu-" Hardcase slapped a hand over Fives's mouth, narrowly preventing disaster.

Hawks, ever the gentleman caught his drift. "Fucks sake Fives, not around the Commander. Have some class!"

For her credit, Ahsoka just laughed. "Don't mind me Hawk. Good luck keeping all the interested girls at bay!" She gave him a pointed and solid pat on the chest, directly over the tender newly inked skin.

He yelped and grumbled something about 'no respect' as he moved over to the bar.

Jesse grinned, looking over at Ahsoka, "So Kid, when do you want us to schedule your turn?"

Was that satisfying? Good? Who knows but it's something which is more than I usually give you all. I'm seriously gonna try an be better about updating. Leave a review and let me know what you think and what you want to see! Do you like the lighthearted stuff or do you want me to get back into some angst and drama? /p

Hope you enjoy this 4+ year journey of a collection of half-assed excuses for one shots.
