Author's Note: Finally, finally I'm done with cranking out this chapter. I never expect it to be this long, but at the very least I got it done. Once again, I apologize for the lateness, I just have a lot of things to do (AKA. Personal Life). Hopefully you guys will enjoy this new chapter.

Second Chance

Chapter 11

"You…" Madara felt his anger boiling up even more than before.

"I do not understand why you are so upset, Madara-sama…" Yoshino smiled seductively yet maniacally, unafraid of the impending rage of the Uchiha. "But if you want to punish me, my entire being is only for yours to command… you can do whatever you like… you only need to take me…"

No one expected the matter to come to this, especially soldiers under Yoshino. Their leader is offering her freedom, her body, and her everything to the man in front of her. The soldiers under her command felt the restlessness and embarrassment surged through their minds. They cannot accept that their idolized leader offered her body for this… human!

"This is unacceptable!"

"You can't do this, Hyourai-sama!"

But all their pleas are totally ignored.

Despite the uproars of the soldiers, Yoshino unflinchingly and obsessively stared into the eyes of her possible future master, or even better for her… future husband.

Anger runs through the entire existence of the Uchiha. There is almost nothing he hated more than being used.

What he hated the most of this situation however…

Is the idea of living together with some woman that he does not even come close to love.

"I do not want a woman such as you."

The anger and hatred behind the Uchiha's response literally decreased the temperature of the entire room as everyone felt a bone chilling sensation rushing up their spines.

Yasaka mentally flinched just by observing Madara's eyes. Never before had she seen someone with so much rage and hatred behind his eyes, but what struck her the most is the look of utmost disgust buried underneath all the hatred.

"Do you really think this will be it…? That you'll simply have your way…?" Never before had Madara feels this much rage surging through his veins.

Everyone can see the Uchiha's trembling form, purely from rage. Even Yoshino has to take a few steps back as her instincts demanded her to.

Little by little, the pressure in the room rises once again as Madara's anger began to slip out of his control. Blue flames slowly manifested itself around Madara's form as most people slowly backed away from the unpredictable sage.

"A woman such as you..."

The Rinnegan flared dangerously while the Susanoo manifested around its master. The solid yet immaterial swords are aimed at its target, Hyourai Yoshino, for one purpose only.

To kill.

Despite causing immense troubles, the death of Hyourai Yoshino will definitely be a huge setback to the Youkai Faction itself, especially because her followers are mostly composed of her hardcore fanatics and extremist. Without her leadership, chaos will definitely rise from within. Her death is something that cannot be allowed to happen. Not now anyway.

As fast as they could, the leaders and their loyal soldiers stacked up defensively in front of the shaken princess but-

"Shinra Tensei." (Heavenly Subjugation of the Omnipresent God.)

Bodies flew around like ragdolls as they are plummeted by invisible force. More than half smashed against the wall before falling to the ground, immediately losing consciousness upon contact.

Yasaka coughed slightly as the rough impact slightly stun her. "Ugh… W-What was that…?!" She tried to comprehend what just happened to her as the sharp and everlasting pain spread throughout her body.

Others just froze as they heard the name of the technique. Many of them have seen the abilities of the Uchiha, have heard Madara's particular statement about having transcended from Godhood to a higher being.

But it's an entirely different thing to actually feel it rather than watching from afar. To know that your entire existence is absolutely insignificant to the person you are up against, to understand the feelings of standing up against a being that rivaled or even stronger than a God. It indirectly breaks down their will to fight and mental resilience.

"You insects are starting to bug me." Madara clearly warned that his patience is running extremely thin.

Slowly but steadily, he approaches the shaken princess as his Susanoo pointed all its blades towards its target.

"Any last words?" Humorous yet cruel, Madara asked mockingly as the Susanoo raised its blades upwards, ready to slice Yoshino in half.

Surprisingly, despite her shaken form, Yoshino's smile hasn't faltered in a slightest.

Crackle… Crackle…

Most of the powerful Youkais perked up at the faintest sound of static shock. Yasaka jerked slightly as her ears are trying to identify the source of the crackling noise.

Madara immediately senses that something is heading his way. With his shinobi reflex, he rolled out of the way before-

Crackle Crack- BWOOOOOOMMM!

Blinding light immediately consumed the room as deafening roar of thunder effectively disabling nearly five senses of all. Panic spreads throughout, but the leaders remained calm and waited for the thunderous applause to subside.

"Interesting…" Madara smirked to himself as he identified the interferer… or perhaps the interferers.

The normal vision slowly return to all as the blinding light retreated into nothingness. But the presence of the new arrivers definitely silences the previous uproars of Youkais.

Most of them are wearing particular religious attires that show allegiances towards a particular God. The pitch dark blue swirling chaotic symbol adorn their shoulders and backsides, obviously resembling the uncontrollable force of tempest.

But despite all of their presences, a single person stood out from all the others. The man has the intimidating aura that automatically distributes fear and respect around him. Currently wearing a jet black Japanese-style armor that contains a particular Shinto symbol on the front, it is pretty obvious that this… interferer… is definitely not a normal being.

"…To actually sense you with my own abilities, I'd say that you are clearly a disappointment." The person clad in Japanese armor looked towards Uchiha Madara. "I feel nothing from you, mortal."

Madara simply raised his eyebrows at the incoming insult. "Or perhaps you are just too weak to analyze me, Incompetent God."

Madara instantly and effortlessly dodges an incoming lightning strike from one of the Priestess.

"How dare you address Susanoo-sama with those words!" Rage is clearly distributed upon the Priestess' facade along with the rest of the Susanoo's group.

Madara chuckled sarcastically. "I will address him with anything I see fit, if you insects have problem with it, then I suggest you to step forward." Madara's patience finally snuffs out as his Susanoo aimed its swords at the God of Storm's companions.

"You arrogant mortal…!" The God of Storm gritted his teeth as the air of divinity amplified around him. "Using my name for your petty technique and now you dare disrespect me?!" Susanoo's anger exploded like an uncontrollable storm.

The Youkais around the room knew that this is definitely not their war. They have no chance in stopping the two godly beings. However, there is one thing they can do…

Pray, in the hope that they won't get caught in between the crossfire.

"You've got the wrong idea." Madara laughed once before his Rinnegan flares dangerously. "It's the other way around, Meek God." Madara spat back venomously in an arrogant-like tone.

The sound of crackling thunder is heard as heavy rains instantly pummeled from the outside. Even Susanoo's companions felt slightly nervous from their God's anger.

"Enough talk…" Susanoo's voice boomed as pure lightning and winds itself form in his hands. Both volatile elements slowly bond together, creating thin sword-like shape. For only mere seconds, the elements got absorbed into one, a glowing thin blade summoned by the natural elements are held tightly in the hands of the God of Storm. "I will slice your mouth into pieces until I am satisfied."

"You dishonored me by not using the Kusanagi, Storm God." Madara mentioned while being slightly sarcastically at the end. "Oh, how forgetful of me, you handed it to your sister, Amaterasu as an apology for your immature acts, didn't you?" Madara said mockingly.

No more words have to be exchanged.

Susanoo-no-Mikoto immediately rushed in with a murderous glare on his face, the sharp tempest move along with him. His temper is as the treacherous as the wind that armored itself around his body. The roar of thunder follows his initial movements.

Madara unsealed his iconic weapons before gripping it tightly, his Gunbai on the right, his trusted Scythe on the left. His stance stood firm as his power.

Both entities met one another with slashes and strikes causing sparks to fly around dangerously. Air shockwaves are made due to the impact of weapons from the both sides, throwing back the spectators with intense zephyr. Priests and Priestesses of Susanoo know better to not interfere, due to the God of Storm's prideful nature. If they chose to interfere, Susanoo would undoubtedly be displeased… and that frightens them.

Madara spun around, blocking the incoming sword with his Gunbai, before spinning around in a counter clockwise direction, whipping up instant wall of wind with the Gunbai which throws the God of Storm off-balance.

"Shinra Tensei." (Heavenly Subjugation of the Omnipresent God.)

Susanoo's body immediately being knocked backwards with intense speed. But the winds are on his side, helping him to regain his footing and form.

"The winds and storms are my domain, your puny technique can do nothing!" Susanoo fiercely rushed back into the fight.

Madara parried the sword strike with his scythe. "Yet you got blown away by the "wind", pathetic." The Uchiha enforced his momentum by spinning around once before sending a hard kick towards Susanoo.

Rage boils within Susanoo's minds as he caught the Uchiha's foot, but not before experiencing slight pain by doing so. The God of Storm raised his sword, trying to slice off the Uchiha's right leg.

Madara utilized his left leg to send himself upwards before twisting around, causing Susanoo to lose grip on his right leg. The Uchiha then send a nasty left kick directly onto Susanoo's face, causing the God of Storm to falter backwards slightly to nurture his pained face.

"You…!" Susanoo gritted his teeth.

The rain outside got significantly heavier as the sounds of thunderstorms are heard from far away.

"Is this the strength of the God of Storm?" Madara raised his eyebrows before deciding to let Susanoo tastes his own medicine. "You are clearly a disappointment."

Almost instantly, deafening thunderous sounds make its presence known. Through the windows, all can see enormous strands of lightning struck the nearby buildings, completely obliterated its roofs and top floors.

"From this day, you will fear the storm." Susanoo exerts his divinity pressure, his eyes illuminated brightly with divine power. The air itself bowed down to the presence of the Storm God, lifting its master upwards.

Most Youkais succumbed to the air of divinity almost immediately, in both body and mind. Youkais and Divinities have connections since ancient times. Gods needed faith to gain power and influence, and Youkais needed powerful entities to rely on at early times. They formed a pact, Youkais worshipped Gods and the Gods will protect the Youkais, plain and simple. This tradition is passed down through generations, causing it to be embedded in their instincts. As time passed however, old tradition slowly withered, Youkais were slowly able to protect themselves and the Gods harvested faith from humans instead.

Unfortunately, that ancient instinct still remained.

Unlike Susanoo, Madara is unable to wield the air of divinity, since he was originally just a human. He could utilize the "godly" powers inside him, but it will not be the same as the Gods' and Goddesses' Air of Divinity.

"You will regret your arrogant and ignorant actions, mortal." Susanoo's voice boomed throughout the room. "You may have defeated the Maou and his companions, but they are mere insects comparing to my power." Sparks combined with raging tempest within Susanoo's grasp, total destruction literally dances in his hands, awaiting his orders.

Susanoo incorporated those elements into his sword, thunder and tempest dances harmoniously yet unstably upon the blade.

"Know your place!" Susanoo slices his sword sideways, the air itself bends out of the way creating lightning infused tempest wave.

The tempest wave's speed excels the abilities of normal eyes, even for Youkais. But Madara's visual prowess aids him in observing the incoming raging tempest. The body of the wind is so compact in the crescent shape that it separated the molecule of the air itself. Boosted by the elements of storm, tiny strands of shockwave lash out at everything it touches, causing visible deep cuts to appear on the floor as it approaches Madara's position.

The Uchiha gets into the evasive stance. Despite being able to regenerate from mortal hits, Madara chose not to underestimate the power of Susanoo's incoming attack.


"!?" Madara's eyes widened as he suddenly felt an extremely familiar presence licked his senses. The Uchiha is rooted in place, only for few seconds… however those split seconds were his chance to evade.


Sickening high pitched sound of wind-cutting echoed throughout the room. Everything seems to come to stop, even Susanoo himself lowered down his weapon with a smirk on his face.

Everyone waits and stares at the Uchiha, who is currently froze in place.

Madara touched his chest, specifically at the extremely deep and wide wound that he got from the tempest wave.

"You are already dead, mortal." Susanoo tightened his fist.

Madara jerked backwards as he felt tightening pain in his chest increases dramatically. Almost instantly, strands of lightning and wind exploded within his chest, it tears apart every nook and cranny of his tissues and flesh.

Even Yasaka has to briefly look away from the gruesome scene. Her hands are covering her mouth the entire time.

A satisfied smirk plastered upon Susanoo's face the entire time, but he feels that something is off, something that he hasn't seen before from someone that's been hit by his tempest wave.

There's not even a single drop of blood spilled out of the Uchiha's wound.

Everyone waited in anticipation, but as time passed, there is no sign that the Uchiha will fall to the ground. Madara's facade is hidden by shadows as he stared down to the ground. But in a sudden, Madara looked westward with a confused frown on his face. He shows no sign of being injured despite all of the huge and deep cuts that on his chest.

"What trickery is this…?" Susanoo voiced his confusion, but not at the Uchiha's condition…

Dark purple hexagonal magic circles appeared around Madara, the magic circles are filled with inscription of ancient language, particularly in Japanese Kanji. It shows its origin, the power that fuels its existence.


Second by second, different beings appeared from the magic circle, warriors and magicians from different races and origination alike. They are covered with either masks or cloth veils, but they do have the same allegiances considering a particular symbol of dragon claws on their attires.

"Nyaa~ Looks like we just interrupted an ongoing fight~" A sultry voice is heard before a beautiful cat woman appeared from the magic circle.

"Keep your anticipation down, Kuroka, we're not here to fight." A masculine and calm voice followed. "Not until she says so." A bespectacled young man with blonde hair said.

"Hya hya hya, look who's talking! You're the one who's also itching for a fight, Arthur!" A man that has a huge pole rests upon his shoulders laughed.

"All of you, focus." A stern voice interrupted.

The entire bickering slowly dies down as a handsome man with dark silver hair and light blue eyes walked out of the magic portal. His attire consisted of pure silver armor plating with numerous deep blue gems embedded in different locations, particularly on his chest plate and joint armors.

"You're no fun, Vali." Kuroka pouted before smilingly eyeing Madara's form.

Madara frowned deeply towards Vali, causing the wielder of Vanishing Dragon Gear to look towards him.

"Long time no see, Madara-san." Vali bowed with a smirk.

"I see that you still wield the same annoying smirk, Vanishing Dragon brat." Madara answered monotonously.

Vali chuckled slightly. "Old habits die hard, sensei."

At this moment, sounds of whispers and conversations spread throughout the room. Not only from the fact that Madara has the wielder of Divine Dividing as his pupil, but regarding the overall chaotic situations. The intervention of Uchiha Madara, the actions of Hyourai Yoshino, the interference of Susanoo-no-Mikoto himself, and now, the arrival of the unknown group which has the Hakuryuukou in its members… no words could describe all of these pandemonium-filled events.

"What is your purpose here?" Madara asked, completely ignoring Susanoo's hardening glare.

"I believe you already knew, considering that you sensed her presence…" Vali sighed. "But since you really want to verbally hear it…" Vali nodded towards the single magic circle that is still being opened before moving slightly out of the way.

Other members followed Vali's actions, including Kuroka and Arthur.

"Bikou, move." Arthur half-ordered after seeing that the Monkey Youkai doesn't move from his position.

The Monkey Youkai sighed while complaining about the strictness of his comrades but decided to comply. He has no choice in this matter.

The existing ancient-originated gateway suddenly pulse wildly, increasing its size. Dark auras suddenly erupted from the portal before it menacingly and mercilessly forcing anyone it touches to yield.

The dark presence overwhelmed the scene with outmost ferocity and intensity. The deluging power ruthlessly washed away any thoughts of resistance amongst every being that are still breathing in this room. The depth of the power cannot be comprehended by anyone, cannot be compare to anything. It cannot be stopped, it cannot falter.

The power of the infinite.

"Ophis." Madara muttered.

Sounds of light footsteps are heard before the Ouroboros Dragon is visually seen stepping out of the last Senjutsu gateway. Despite her usual expressionless facade, there is one thing burning brightly under two of her emotionless yet glinting black orbs.


That one thing is enough to make the God of Storm flinched when he sees it.

"So the rumors are true…" Susanoo spoke, carefully hide the ungodly emotion of fear beneath his booming voice. "You chose this mortal as your mate, Ouroboros." Susanoo directed this statement towards Ophis.

Ophis does not answer, she does not even care to look at Susanoo, and that just caused the God of Storm to be even more upset inside. Susanoo is not a fool, he knows that he has no chance in defeating the Ouroboros Dragon on his own. After all, Ophis is called as the Infinite Dragon for a reason.

Ophis walks towards her mate with her eyes locking upon the Uchiha's regenerating wounds.

"I never thought that you're the type that likes to make an entrance." Madara joked lightly as Ophis reached his position. But deep down inside, the Uchiha knows that this is not a good sign. Ophis is a dragon, and all dragons tend to have a similar characteristic.

They are not particularly good in containing their rage.

Ophis does not respond verbally. She only traces her hand over the Uchiha's regenerating wounds.

Madara immediately notices that the more she observes his wounds, the more her hands shook from anger. Ophis' left fist tightened around her mate's garb, her right hands tremble as the dragon's rage surge through her veins. Her teeth clenched together tighter and tighter, her frowns of anger gets larger and larger until everyone witnesses her upper and lower fangs.

"Ophis…" Madara gently patted the Infinite Dragon on her head.

Again, Ophis merely stayed silent, but her snakes emerged from her kimono's sleeves and slither their way up the Uchiha's form. The serpents rest protectively on Madara's shoulders, ready to strike anything that dares come close.

Madara sighed inwardly but with a somewhat troubled smile on his face. Usually, Ophis will not be this overprotective, since she's one of the very few people that thoroughly understand his true strength. It is quite rare for her to exhibit such protectiveness since she only does this once she truly feels that he is in danger. Suffice to say that this is an extremely rare occasion.

One can say that Ophis completely inherited the love of an Uchiha.

"Stay, here…" Ophis spoke softly and calmly as her current emotions allow. But it is filled with so much care, so much love in those two simple and seemingly irrelevant words.

Only few people managed to catch those words. From fear or admiration or jealously, they do not know, but they can feel unexplainable shivers rolling up their backs and necks.

However, there's a particular nine-tailed fox that felt a pang of jealously rising in her chest. Interactions of the two beings in front of Yasaka's eyes bring back the memories of her earlier days… the days she spent with her husband… before that selfish bastard left her and her daughter in pursuit of power and wealth.

How ironic that after her husband left, Yasaka was the one that gained power, wealth, and influences despite not having her husband's ungodly ambitions. Despite being swarmed by her memories, Yasaka's attention got pulled back to the real world due to the escalating situations.

"I am placed in bewilderment, Ouroboros." Susanoo voiced his curiosity. "Why would you be interested in such a simple and boring mortal? He might've defeated a Satan, but so could other existences out there."

The God of Storm tried to reason with the Infinite Dragon, but he failed to realize that he's just making the matters worse...

Much worse…

"I sensed almost nothing from him, only slightest power that still cannot rival mine." Susanoo continues to insult the Uchiha. "Or are you just interested in his outer appearances? His behaviors?"

Madara noticed that Ophis is gripping his clothes even tighter, her eyes are turning into crimson color.

"I won't tell you what to act, it is your choice to make." Susanoo huffed, trying to lay down the image of being neutral to get on Ophis' good side, unknown to him that it works in a completely opposite way. "In my opinion, you are better off without him."


(BGM: Battle / White Fatalis, Ancestral Dragon. Monster Hunter 4U)

Susanoo along with his priests and priestesses swore that they just seen crimson sparks being emitted from Ophis. All windows and glasses shattered immediately, leaving the spectators shocked. Susanoo felt a sense of dread. His followers also noticed that something just went completely wrong.

The sounds of heavy downpour unknowingly disappeared.

The heavy rain stopped dead on its tracks.

"I, had enough." Her words are soft, but even fools will be able to feel the malicious intent behind them.

Unexplainable cowardice rises up inside the Storm God's stomach as darkish crimson lightning that are constructed by pure dragonic energy sparks dangerously around Ophis. Despite the halt of rainfall, the sky gets darker and darker… deep bluish color filled the outline of the vast sky while hints of blood crimson flashes occasionally make its appearances behind the clouds.

"I, could care less about power. Weak, strong, it does not mean a single thing to me." Ophis completely turned to face the flinching Storm God with her murderous crimson eyes. "As for you, I, shall entertain your hollow, insignificant existence and underdeveloped mentality with some realistic awareness."

Instead of feeling fearful of the Infinite Dragon's anger, the spectators literally felt the sharp pain of her verbal insults, despite the fact that those insults aren't even directed to them. The Ouroboros Dragon sure has her ways with words.

Susanoo felt the rush of rage before it mixes with the feelings of self preservation, but as much as his rage is concerned, any actions that will further taunt the Dragon of the Infinite are not wise moves to take.

Though to just realize that now, it is far too late…

"If my mate truly wishes your demise, death will be the least of your worries." Ophis warned. "He is stronger than I, smarter than I, more cunning than I."

"Untrue…" Susanoo immediately responded with disbelief. "This mortal-"

Before the Storm God can finish, he narrowly defended himself in time by exerting his divine power to create a divine barrier to block an incoming illuminating crimson lightning ball. The glass-breaking high pitched rumble accompanied the attack, effectively silencing the idea of resistance amongst Susanoo's followers.

"However, there is one factor that I exceeded him."

Incomprehensible corrupted dragonic black mist danced around Ophis, slowly and steadily the dark black particles emitted vermilion aura before they combined around its user. As if they are alive, the particles gathered around the Infinite Dragon, binding together layer by layer. The dragonic particles got so dense that it formed a phantom visage around Ophis.

A visage of Ophis' true form… the mythical creature born from the void and nothingness.

The True Ouroboros Dragon.



The ground shook violently just from the raging howl causing multiple fissures to appear, completely drowning some unfortunates to the abyss. The artificial light from unnatural sources vanished into nothingness. The only thing that mercifully lights up the room is the sparkling flash of crimson lightning that struck Susanoo's followers.

Susanoo panicked slightly as his vision failed to aid him. Darkness completely concealed Ophis' movements, only mere sparks of crimson popped up here and there.

"I-I can't see-!" One of the storm priests exclaimed before his voice just got simply cut off.

The unintelligible screams escaped the storm priests and priestesses as they are literally being ripped apart. Madara watched with emotionless expression as he sees Ophis blinking back and forth, dispatching her enemies with extreme prejudice and merciless precision.

Yasaka saw this as an opportunity, she summoned her fox fires to pave a path towards the exit. "Start the evacuation!" She simply ordered as her trusted guards lead the elites and spectators to safety.

Fuu Shinken also ordered his tengu guards to protect the bystanders at all costs while Hyakku Homura establishes a ghostly flame barrier to prevent casualties from stray attacks. Surprisingly, Hyourai Yoshino isn't idling, she is commanding her trusted generals to evacuate her people. Qin Shi Huang and his elite soldiers aid Homura in the defense as Lê Hiến Tông casts supportive spells to aid the speed of evacuation.

"Are you sure that you'll just let them go?" Madara said to Vali regarding the evacuation.

Vali chuckled. "Despite being a terrorist group, we are ordered to only act as an escort." The wielder of Divine Dividing watches Ophis pressuring Susanoo with her blinking strikes, keeping the Storm God at his toes at all times. "But from watching the fights in front of me, I'm starting to itch for a fight myself." Vali said maniacally while tightening his fists in anticipation.

Madara said nothing.

"Maybe challenging you to a fight might be a good idea."

Madara narrowed his eyes at the smirking Vali. "You better back up that ridiculous statement with power before talking, brat. I'm not interested in battling you in your current state."

Vali's eyes twitched as he took the insult head on.

"Enough of this nonsense!"

The apprentice and master faced Susanoo who just shouted in pure rage. Susanoo smashed his fists on the ground, summoning tendrils of lightning all over the area. Ophis lost her element of surprise since the lightning lightens up the room, but she could care less.

The Infinite Dragon watched emotionlessly as her dragonic visage blocked the incoming lightning tendrils with ease. Ophis sweeps her right hand horizontally in retaliation.

Crimson dragonic mists engulfed the area around Susanoo before the familiar buzzing noise entails. The particles immediately binded together, creating horizontal thunder strikes around the God of Storm.

Susanoo successfully dodged and blocked some of them, but realized that this is just the beginning. The cardinal thunderbolt struck repeatedly with merciless intentions, creating literal prison of vermilion electric discharge. Nearby walls are annihilated immediately, further empowering the existing lightning field with outside electrical charges.

"Damn you…" Susanoo gritted his teeth as he is forced to enhance his own movement with rapid gale, only to be struck from the blind spot from behind and crashed onto the floor.

Ophis stayed silent as she empowers her attack even more. The lightning field becomes completely stable as numerous electrical coils linked together, creating a solid dragonic-fueled lightning prison around the God of Storm.

"Tch!" Susanoo has no place to escape as he is literally cornered inside the dragon-made prison.

Ophis uncaringly tightened her fist, creating another dozen sets of sanguine electric wall. "Your death will not be a merciful one." Ophis controls the electrical wall, and causes them to slowly make its way towards the trapped Susanoo.

Like an animal, trapped waiting for the slaughter, Susanoo immediately finds the way to escape. Charging his blade with cutting whirlwind, he furiously slashes at the ground in the hope of making an escape route.

But no matter how he tries, these simple wooden floors just wouldn't break.

"Why?!" Despite pouring more and more power, Susanoo couldn't seem to destroy a simple wooden floor. Unfortunate for the Storm God, his carelessness reduced his awareness as he failed to notice that Ophis just simply fortify the floor with her power.

At the same time, Vali noticed the sadistic smile upon his sensei's face.

"Even against the Infinite Dragon, it is impossible for a God to be this weak." Vali observed Susanoo before glimpsing back at Madara. "What have you done, sensei…?" Vali frowned.

Vali's displeasure does not escape the Uchiha as he read his apprentice like an open book. Madara smirked to himself as that specific moment rushed back to him.

-Flashback, previous confrontation between Madara and Susanoo-

Madara smirked to himself after seeing Susanoo rushing in with rage. He blocked the incoming sword strike with his scythe while throwing an insult to rile up the Storm God's emotions.

The Uchiha spun around to bring up his momentum force and send a strong kick towards Susanoo. It worked perfectly as the rage-filled God caught the hard kick with his hands.

With careful and murderous precision, Madara utilized the power of the Rinnegan, creating black chakra receivers from his leg and carefully placed it within Susanoo's palm. The feeling of slight pain by stopping the strong kick effectively and completely concealed the black rod's injection.

Remarkably, the Rinnegan's technique such as Preta Path and the Black Rods are able to absorb other powers beside Chakra, but controlling the absorbed energy is the another matter.

Madara smirked to himself before knocking the God of Storm away with a nasty left kick on the face before secretly weaving a handsign behind his back, signaling the initiation of internal sabotage.

-Flashback Ends-

"Is that fear I smell?" Ophis taunted Susanoo.

Susanoo's rational thoughts are broken to pieces. He struggles to escape, but the lightning cage repels him. Despite the current divine powers, it's not enough.

Ophis tightened her right hand once again, the vermillion walls intimidatingly penetrated through the lightning cage and electrocuted Susanoo from the outside in.

Susanoo's pride prevented himself from screeching out in pain. The pain is almost unbearable as his skins are literally being cooked and roasted from Ophis' thunder wall. The lightning seems to be alive as it tries to maximize the inflicted pain while keeping the affected alive.

Susanoo could not endure it any longer and let out a pain-filled howl. Ophis stared at the tortured God mercilessly, she is far from done.

Ophis raised her hand upwards before earthshaking rumbles are heard from the skies above.

Susanoo struggled, over and over, but his strength flees him. The divine power that he wields and controls, the powerful force of nature that he commands, he literally felt them dissipate away as he dropped to his knees. Smokes begin to rise from his body as the scarlet thunder continuously boils his blood and flesh. Susanoo could no longer scream, the only factor that remains is the unforgiving pain that runs through his body.

Flashes of cerise color penetrated through the broken windows and every single opening. Black aura that surrounded Ophis shot upwards, completely evaporated the ceilings and the falling debris into nothingness. The visage of Ophis' full form slowly dissipates from the view… only to be reformed in the sky in a completely different gigantic scale. The Infinite Dragon's enormous jaws opened as crimson electrical charges pulsed constantly, life consuming screech entails as the incomparable pressure washed over the skies.

"Now, that's new…" Madara sweatdropped as the entire palace shook due to the enormous power discharge. The Uchiha immediately weaved a Ram handsign, trying to hold the place together with the power of Deva Path.

The Youkai Leaders took this as their queue to leave as the evacuations are now completed.

"You will be mine, Madara-sama. One way, or another." Yoshino thought to herself as two sets of moth wings appeared behind her. In mere seconds, she disappeared in a flash, leaving only some dusts behind. Other leaders followed Yoshino's leave until only one remains.

Yasaka spared a single glance towards Madara, mysterious blue flames appeared around her. Her golden yellow eyes met the purple Rinnegan. It's only for a split second but it's more than enough for her to understand, the bond between the Uchiha and Ophis. Madara noticed the jealously within the nine-tailed fox's eyes before she teleported away.

Despite seeing such display, Madara knows whole-heartedly that this is not the time to be distracted. Even some of the Khaos Brigade members backed away from the scene while others cast joint protective barriers around themselves.

"I have seen the future." Ophis said, menace leaking from her voice.

"N-No! U-Unacceptable…!" Susanoo managed to utter out as he stared face to face at the above impending doom. The God of Storm is completely powerless, he can literally feel his divine power withering away.

"You are not in it."

The clouds and the skies are literally sliced in two. A gigantic pillar of dragonic lightning crashed down, sending unholy tremble throughout the entire avenue. Many lost their footing and got thrown backwards to the walls from the enormous sound shockwave impact. The surge of power is so powerful that it annihilated every single artificial power sources within ten miles radius of the initial impact, effectively almost covering the whole Kyoto prefecture in midday darkness.

"Nya, my eyes!" Kuroka blinked rapidly while gently touching her own eyelids.

Much to everyone's relieve, their sights are slowly being restored to normal as the intense luster dies down.

(End BGM)

Vali and others also rubbed their eyes before flinching slightly.

In front of their eyes is a giant crevasse with smokes rising up from it. No trace of Susanoo and his followers are left in the wreckage of Ophis' doing. Literally half of the entire area of Imperial Palace has completely evaporated, leaving the other wrecking half fortunately yet painfully intact.

Basically, they are staring down the artificially made Grand Canyon.

"Have you calmed down yet?" Madara approached Ophis, who is staring at her own handicrafts.

"….He escaped." Ophis' voice returned to normal as she spoke regarding the disappearance of Susanoo.

As true as her words, many people including Vali and Kuroka were able to sensed abnormal intervention during Ophis' chaotic execution. They speculated that the God of Storm was being aid by someone, particularly someone within the Shinto Faction.

"Let's let him be." Madara suggested. "He is merely a simple minor factor. Besides, he will also have to think twice before interfering in the future."

Ophis nodded slightly before turning around. She smiled slightly as no traces of wounds are left upon her mate's chest. Automatically, her snakes that are protectively coiled around Madara's shoulders returned to her.

"I, am hungry." Ophis complained in a jesting tone.

Madara sweatdropped as he looked around. "Looks like we'll be on the blacklist of the Youkai Faction for a while." The Uchiha ignored Ophis' complain.

"Amazing, never thought you'd care about other people's perspective." Ophis grinningly send her sarcastic remarks.

"Luckily, they still have to compensate something due to the ordeals caused by that female insect." Madara sighed regarding the actions of Hyourai Yoshino. "I guess we're even now. It's also a bonus that I might be able to… gain some information and assets from this consequence." The Uchiha nurtured his chin, thinking about establishing relationship with Youkai Faction.

"Let's go home." Ophis yawned.

Madara chuckled. He took the Infinite Dragon's hand in his own.

"So, I guess our job is done." Vali crossed his arms.

"You and your team will also follow, brat. I have some "businesses" to discuss." Madara said with a semi-commanding tone.

Vali raised his eyebrows curiously but decided to comply nevertheless.

"Can't say that I'm not excited, nya~." Kuroka commented as she cunningly eyed the Uchiha like a juicy steak.

"Hmph." Arthur adjusted his glasses in agreement.

"What?! We have to go somewhere again?!" Bikou complained loudly. "Didn't you say that we'll have the rest of the day off?!" The Monkey Youkai said to Vali.

Vali sighed. "Be silent and just follow."

"Aw, man…" Bikou sighed before whining to himself.

With a single handsign and an iconic sound, a giant reverse summoning seal appeared underneath the Uchiha, Ophis, and Vali's Team. Another perk of being a Rinnegan user as Animal Path comes in handy.

"Gyaku Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" (Reverse Summoning Jutsu!)

Just like that, the Rinnegan user along with the rest of his designated allies disappeared in the clouds of white fog.

The Khaos Brigade's members then prepared their own portal to return to base since their leader has left the scene. It took only seconds before no trace of Khaos Brigade is left in this half-wrecked location.

Despite merely a few days of emerging from the shadow, Madara has gained a lot of attention, from normal and divine beings alike. There is no certainty regarding the outcome or the direction that the Uchiha will take.

Since this is only the beginning, and small initiating steps of his path.

End of Chapter 11