How long had I been lying half naked here?
Was it just a couple of ten minutes?
Several hours?
Or a couple of milleniums?
This is what I hated about human.
The dependency on their five senses to make head from toe of everything.
Include fundamental matter such as concept of time.
Or their own sense of self.
Because once you robbed these convenient tools away from them, what remained was just a shameless chunk of organic object.
A useless piece of individual that will never amount to anything
Incidentally that is what my I am right now.
Lying here alone.
With my vision robbed.
My arm bounded, and my body leashed to seal me from any meaningful movement
A bitter taste spreaded my mouth, as I struggled to bite hard on that piece of laced panty.
In the same time, the flood of relentless drool barred my nose away from any sense of smells.
I could still percept my surrounding with my ears of course, but without being able to react, it showed to be more of a liability rather than asset
The wing my room on was so far away from the main building block, that you almost can't hear any artificial sound coming from outside. Hence buried myself in a total silence in total silences most of the time
Most of the time…
The only exception was the sound of occasional footsteps
And whenever they could be heard, it would have been an explosion of feelings inside of me.
Hopeful. Fear. Happy. Terrified. Relief. Disappointed. It was a round and round circles.
I have tried to get away from this spot many times. But the leash on my collar and the rope knots on the table were purposely arranged so that it would be impossible for me to untie with both my hands cuffed together up front.
The table was made from solid wood, so it was too heavy for me to move it as well
She has done an extraordinary job in planning this
Because as things stood, rather than moving away, I wouldn't even be able to stand up straight without the leash pulling on my neck.
The only option is lying flat down next to the table here, hoping the table will block the vision of my sorry self away from unexpected visitor
Which is exactly where I am right now.
How long have I been lying half naked here again?
Anyway, as I started to doze away (the fatigue from the trip obviously took a toll on me), I suddenly heard a sharp sound of footsteps….
And they were heading this way, no doubt about that.
'Ayase?' That was my first thought.
Stop being so naïve, it could be just another guest staying next door.
The footsteps started to become louder and louder. Before suddenly make a halt right outside of my door.
I sighed in relief. It was Ayase afterall.
I could finally be released from here….
Ha…ha... I stunk. I really want to get in the bath right now… Maybe we can go together. I and Ayase…
Before a voice coming from the other side petrified me….
"Ayase…. Senpai….!"
Mai's voices could be heard clearly, followed by a couple of knocks on the wooden door….
"Hmm… it's strange I told them that dinner would be served at 7, didn't I"
You probably forgot, you silly girl!
Next is the sound of the door handles moving, but apparently it was locked.
Phew… my heart almost fell out right there.
"A… YA… SE…."
'Noone here, please give up!'
I silently screamed out in as my heart beating drum inside my chest. If only my telepathy work in this world.
After a while, another of Mai's monologue could be heard
"Hmmm… it can't be helped then…"
I finally could give a sigh of relief. I never being so happy hearing someone giving up before.
Too soon, maybe?
That sound certainly was not what I thought, is it?
It was undoubtedly the sound of a key being inserted into the lock…
Uh…. That was not good.
My body started to tense up and uncontrolledly shivered as it realised the incoming danger
"Not this one maybe… How's about this…"
*Clik Clik*
"Hmm, not this one as well?"
Stop breaking into your guest's room when they are out. You silly child!
My sweaty palm started to shake uncontrollably. As I hold onto them almost begging for a miracle to occur.
I tried to release pressure on my teeth thinking of calling for her to not come in. But I could not even do that as my jaw was biting even harder on the piece of cloth.
"Ah... found it"
*Clik.. Clik…*
Stop. You silly child. Stop it.
*Clik.. Clak…*
The door was unlocked. She will be just moments from entering this room?
I tried to crawl away in fear, but the leash started to tighten on my neck as my body collapsed back to the tatami floor.
Ayase? Where are you Ayase? Come help me? I am in big trouble right now
"Excuse me. I am coming in…"
Ayase…. Ayase…. Help me…
The door swung opened.
I cowered myself into a ball. Almost praying that she won't look under the table.
There is nothing that I can do, but desperately hold onto that hope
However that pipe dream quickly gone.
"Oh, wait… you are here after all … Why did you turn the light off?"
She found me.
It's the end.
My whole body tensed up and uncontrollably shivered as if it was no longer mine anymore. Even my conscious was strugglingly held on as my brain blanked out by itself.
I think I gonna pass out right here.
My mind barely could keep up with the distant voice that seemed so far away
"Hey…. Why didn't you answer me…"
"… hmmm... that was because…" That undoubtedly was Ayase's voice,
Thank God.
Ayase was here with me all this time.
I felt a huge relief all over on my body as every muscle of my body just gave up. And before I realised it, my body already felt like it was sinking straight into the floor.
It was a strange feeling, felt like I was under water as I was dipping deeper and deeper into a fuzzy warm feeling.
And while I was indulging myself in such bliss, the conversation could be heard from far far in another dimension….
"…nap…. Yes. I was just taking a nap. And then I heard your voice, but couldn't come to open the door before you do"
"Oh... I see… that's why you are turning off the light"
"Hmmm… you have to move away from the doorstep, otherwise I can't come in. These food trays are heavy, you know…"
"Later… can we have our dinner later…? Kuron… I mean Ruri-senpai was still sleeping…"
"I will leave these trays on the table then. All of them were cool summer foods so you won't have to reheat later..."
"Ayase… you are still not moving away?"
"No, you can't come in!"
"Why ca…"
Suddenly it all went quiet …..
Felt like a couple of ten seconds were passed before Mai's voice could be heard again….
"I didn't… intrude… did I…?
"No, It was not… like that…"
"It was rude of me. I'm sorry…"
"No, you got it wrong…."
The conversation abruptly cut short with Mai swift's footsteps and the rattling sound of the food trays could be heard running away down the corridor.
Then after a couple of seconds, it was the sound of the door shut and Ayase 's agony voice
"Uuuuuu…. I screwed up…"
But I don't care anymore…. None of that even matter….
I strugglingly tried to get my upper body up to get Ayase attention.
Ayase! Here, I am here. Release me now!
Ayase was still clearly very down as she tiptoed toward my direction and untie the leash from the table. And then turned my way me to unlock the leash from my neck…
Phew… I was finally going to be freed at last…
But she suddenly paused
Ayase…? Take off the collar, and my blindfold, and handcuff as well. Quickly….
"Are you smiling?"
Am I? I don't know? Why is it even matter?
"And where is your gag?"
Wait… it's still here between my tee….
No, it's gone.
I still clenched on my teeth, but it's not there anymore
Ayase bowed down like she was picking something up. Before stood up, pulled my upper body up by my collar onto my knee.
"You pervert…. Was the thought of being found out by someone excited you so much that you defied my instruction"
There was a clear and unusual anger in her voice.
Ayase… you misunderstood… uhh… it's hurt..
"Being seen by other turned you on that much, Kuroneko?"
"Is that right? Is that why you not answering me right now"
I tried to open my mouth but no words were coming out. Clenching my teeth for too long apparently have temporarily robbed me of my speech
As if noticed my pain, Ayase started to release the leash. But she still grabbed on my collar and yanked my body downward toward her direction. As I fell facing down onto across her lap.
"How many times must you embarrass me, you pervert cat."
"I bet you would have loved to expose this cute butt to about everyone, don't you?"
I…I… What?
"Since you love punishment so much… Here…"
Wait whose voice was that just now? What happened? Ouch!
Something just slammed on my butt cheeks. Wait? What happened? Did I just fall on the floor and hit my butt?
Wait. Did Ayase just slap me on the butt? Is she spanking m… "Aghhhh…."
I tried to turn myself over to shield myself away from further spanking. But Ayase other hand already pressed on my back to keep me in plac…. "Ekkkkk"
"Haaa…haaaa…. Such a sweet sound you just made. You must love this, don't you. You… maso…chist!"
Without finishing her sentence she already spanked both my butt cheeks in consecutive fashion. And before I realise on it, more was coming….
It hurts…Ouch…it hurts…. It actually hurted a lot…at time. Ouch…
But somehow I couldn't bring myself up to protest. Part of me was just afraid, as Ayase was sounding so angry. Another however felt that I could withstand just this much. Yes, if it was just like this then I can bear it a bit more…. Just a bit more…
"Raise your butt here up a bit… there… good girl….You must already addicted to this pain, don't you? You…. shameless no-good girl!?"
No you are wrong. It hurted so much. Why would anyone like thi…. "….ekkkk…"
My drools already relentlessly ran off my chins and trickled down to the floor.
No, wait, these are not drools.
Am I crying?
The pain already started to numb down and I have slowly got used to it.
But why am I crying….?
"Such a shameless masochist cat. Going around seducing people with your butt like this…."
An unexpected sound just came off….
Suddenly, the wave of pains abruptly stopped.
"Are…are you crying…?"
"Hik … hik…"
"Wait. I … why are you crying…? It's your punishment … It's "
"I am your senpai… you know!"
I turned my body sideway and tried to glance toward Ayase's direction. The blindfold still covered me in darkness, but it already was clearly soaked with tears
"I am your senior. You know… And you tied me like this… and then insult me like this….. hik…hik…."
"But I… I…Kuroneko… I…"
"I am not Kuroneko anymore, stop call me Kuroneko… Hik…hik…"
"There is nothing elegant and beautiful and cool about this being anymore. Hik… hik… No. No…. don't look at me…"
Who is this person talking? Because clearly that was not me….
…or at least I hope that's not.
But waves and waves of emotions already splashed my sense of self apart…. And soon enough 'I' started to bawl like a child…
It was not long before my upper body suddenly being raised up, embraced, as the blindfold was slipped away from my eyes.
Staring down at me was Ayase's gentle face….
" It's wrong…you are the cutest person in the whole world Kuroneko…"
"Liar. My body is stinky. And sweaty. And it's not elegant…."
"But you looked so charming. And alluring. And sexy…"
"Hik… hik…."
Ayase started to caress my hair.
"And cute... and stunningly beautiful…"
Her face moved closer to mine and as our lips touched and before I realised it, my mouth was already full of her tounge…
"…and smart…" *Smooch* "…and lovely…" *Smooch*
My cheeks started to heat up, but I won't allow it to bother this bliss….
"…and so gorgeous…" *Smooch* "…these hair… those fingers…"
"… all…I will make all mine" *Smooch*
"… even if you regret it…. even if you change your mind… I won't let anyone have you…"
"You are mine… and mine.. and mine… alone…"
To be honest. My brain stopped working after that.
My memory was a bit fuzzy about the whole event. But I think she said something more. As she caressed my hair... And my body… (and probably even groped my breast at one point). But I can't remember the detail of any of that.
The next time my mind started to be able to gather on thought I apparently already was lying flat on the tatami floor. With Ayase buried her face on my stomach and both her arms embraced around my body…
We were laying there… covered in an awkward silence
I guess she was still embarrassed over what happened.
So was I.
Sigh. Bawling my eyes out like that. What was I even thinking…
This is why I hate this stupid physical body. Too fragile. Too emotional. Not rational at all.
But then thank to that. That We ended up doing… and saying. Awww… my cheeks were getting hot again.
But as my mind was circling and circling. Ayase was the one who broke the silence first.
"Was it hurt?"
"… your butt…"
"Hmmm… Not really…"
It still sore actually
"I won't do it again. I promise."
"No, it's OK."
" It wasn't that bad honestly."
"I see"
"Take care of your hand next time through. It must hurt as well?"
"Just a bit…"
"Was you jealous…?"
"About me … and Mai-chan…?
"I did"
"There was noth…"
"…and that girl in your part-time job"
"And that guy sitting next to you in Nutrition class"
"And Kirino and her onii-san"
" I HATE seeing you acting kind toward others"
"Because it remind me that, maybe I am just one of them."
"That maybe you don't love me in the same way I do. That maybe I was only indulging myself in your kindness…."
"And…that… if you can find someone more suitable to do their 'rituals' with, you will leave me…"
Ayase started to choke in her own words…
I see.
It was just like Mai pointed out.
Maybe I overlooked it. At how much her insecurity about our relationship havd been taking a toll on her.
I means… seeing her bit jealous at time was cute but…
"Sometime I hate myself for how petty I have become…" Ayase bitterly continued
"… but I loved you so much.. you know… and you don't quite….the same "
"It's not true …"
"You don't , Kuroneko. You don't understand my love….you do not feel the same way…"
"I do actually… in fact…"
Sigh… Here go nothing….
I nodded my neck forward so my lip will be closer down to Ayase, and whispered to her.
"You know why did I check out that lingerie site?"
"I planned to buy you this same camisole as gift actually. "
"And I have started to take extra shift to save up money too…"
"But unlike you, I'm not so innocent here…"
"Yes, you already could imagine what was going to happen once I dress you up into one of these… right…?"
"Of course first thing first I will $%^ # your $^&* "
" And of course since we are both girls, you know I will &$ % and then &%^$..."
"That's right, I will &%^$ your &%^$... "
"Stop it…"
"Why? You don't like %$ #&? How's about $%^ # then?
"Oh, such an innocent child, so you never thought about $%^= # before? Let me tell you how I want to do it then?"
"Firstly I will %$%& in %$ #$ , while I #$% & so I could see your %$ ^% go %$# #..."
"… and then I will %$# % and repeat $#% % and repeat it until your %$# % started to %$ # ..."
And just like that I continue to tell Ayase about all of my deepest fantasy about her. One by one…..
"And finally once I could pick up speed with it, that's when your %^%$% will %&* # as my %$# $ will #$% % in $%^ $"
Ayase neck already reddened from ears to ears. So probably a good time to stop…
"So, my dear Dark Angel. That's exactly what I want to do with this charming body of yours. Do you now still think that I only went out with you out of kindness?"
"Still doubt me on that? How about we start with $%^ # your $^&* then? Right now…."
"Wait.. I don't mean that…"
Still buried her face into my belly, Ayase frantically answered back…
"I… I'm not ready … for that…or that… yet…"
Of course. It won't be Ayase otherwise
So I started to caress Ayase hair as I speak….
"That's why… don't ever think that you are not someone special to me. I may not be experienced with love in this universe. But I don't just go out with people on a whim, you know…"
I sat myself up, touched both of Ayase's cheeks with both hands, and raised her face up to face me. As I looked onto her eyes, I gave her a swift kiss…..
"… and certainly I won't be able to kiss someone so passionately if it was not out of love…"
Ayase quickly buried her face back to my lap to hide her embarrassment…
"So Ayase…?"
"Jeeez. I know it already…"
"Kukuku… you are so adorable at time, you know"
"… that's so unfair…"
So we were just be there together in silence. Just us two, as the world was no longer matter. Aas Ayase continue to bury her face inside my lap, and I continue caress her flowing beautiful hair
Phew… that feels liberated… like I finally lifted something out of my chest…
'Tell her that you love her'. Eh?
I guess I finally did…
As I still brush through Ayase's hair, I noticed something on the ground.
Picked it up with both hands, I turned toward Ayase asking….
"The panty that you gaged me with, it was clean isn't it?"
"It was newly bought… "
"I see…"
"Of course, there is no way that I would use mine… wait how do you know…"
"Sniff… sniff… your scene was not on it…sniff…."
"!" Ayase pinched my thigh…
…End of Chapter 23….