A/N: Thank you to those for reviewing! But I am a bit sad that no one picked up on the Easter eggs so I'll tell you what they were:

The one florist employee, Seymour, and the talking plant was a reference to the musical Little Shop of Horrors.

Dawn was actually Dawn from Strange Magic. Seriously, you need to watch this movie if you haven't already.

Operation Lobster- a Friends reference. Phoebe once called Ross and Rachel lobsters because they mate for life. I couldn't help myself.

This is the last part with this story. I hope you all like it and don't forget to review!

Part 3

The next several days flew by rather quickly. Neal spent as much time as he could with Henry. And after all that talk about heroes, Neal decided to surprise him with something that Henry would certainly enjoy. He found these wooden swords on sale at the toy store and he purchased them so he could teach his son how to fight. As he predicted, Henry loved it.

Neal knew a little about the art of fencing and taught him what he knew. Henry was adept at the activity, Neal quickly discovered, and was afraid he wouldn't have much else to teach him with his limited skill. Fortunately, David knew about the father-son activity and offered to give Neal some lessons that he could pass onto Henry. Naturally, Neal happily accepted. It also gave him the chance to get to know Emma's father and the two bonded quite naturally.

While Neal was worried that David would bring up the fact that he had abandoned his daughter, to his astonishment, David didn't have any resentment towards him.

"It's about your character that matters the most," Prince Charming had told him. "I look at you and how you are with Henry and I know you're a good person. You were in a tough situation and you made a bad choice. Trust me, we've all been there. And you can either allow that to control you or you can change it. Emma has been through a lot and even her mother and I sometimes struggle when it comes to her. We missed so much and it kills me even though it couldn't have been prevented. It's about the present and the here and now that should matter. The past… is the past. Remember that."

And Neal did.

During that time, Emma did the best she could to avoid him but Storybrooke was a small town. Eventually, they would cross paths and they did on more than one occasion. Neal suspected that Henry and even David might have had a hand in the orchestration, but Emma did start talking to him. Mostly small stuff and mainly it was focused on Henry, yet Neal noticed she was rather flushed when around him.

"Thank you for the flowers by the way," she told him in a rush as they walked Henry home from school. It had been Henry's ploy to get them together under the guise that one of them would have alone time with him.

There was no mistaking the Cheshire cat smile on his face when he nonchalantly said, "Oops. I forgot I asked Neal to pick me up. Oh well, I guess we'll walk together."

It was sneaky and Neal couldn't help the admiration for his kid. As Henry walked past them to give his parents privacy to talk, he whispered to his dad: "Operation Lobster is in effect."

For a minute, Emma didn't say anything and the last thing Neal wanted was for her to get upset. Then she surprised him by thanking him for the flowers.

"You don't have to—" he started.

"No, it's all right. I should have said it sooner but with that break-in and your father pissing me off… I wasn't in the thanking mood."

"Yeah I get it." Silence fell once more until Neal cleared his throat. "Uh, speaking of which. Do you have any leads?"

"Your future stepmother is much more cooperative. Unfortunately, she didn't have a clue but she did call me to tell me what it was that was stolen. But that hasn't exactly yielded a list of suspects."

"What was it?" Neal asked.

"A scarf of all things." Glancing at him, she added, "Apparently, it was yours from the Enchanted Forest. So I guess anyone who would want something like that back might be you. Wanna make my job easier and confess your crime?"

He laughed dryly. "I wish I could but no. It wasn't me and really?"

She nodded. "From Belle's description, it was the same one that Gold wore on our way to look for you. He needed it to maintain his memories when we crossed the town-line."

"Oh." Neal remembered his father wearing a scarf even on days where it was relatively warm in the city. He thought it was some weird habit he developed but if he needed it for his memories… then it made sense. "Oh."

That explained why his father was being so pig-headed! So why couldn't he tell Emma what it was in the first place? Come to think of it… Even Neal had been brash with his father by throwing more accusations in his face rather than letting him explain himself. This time Neal was the asshole in this situation by bitching out to his Papa about how the item wasn't worth his silence. It was clearly sentimental and it had served a purpose, and it was stolen.

Of course, Neal wondered who in the world would steal an old scarf was beyond him. But one thing he knew for certain was that Neal knew he owed his father an apology.

Emma lifted a thin, dark brow at him. "What's wrong?"

He exhaled. "Something I said to him in the shop after you left. I pretty much let him have it because I was mad he wasn't being cooperative. I honestly thought he was falling back in his old patterns and habits. Geez, I was such a jerk to him. I can only imagine what he must be thinking…"

"Yeah but no offense… your father is a jerk."

He knew she was trying to make him feel better, but deep down, Neal felt awful. Here he was preaching to Henry and himself how he wanted to have a second chance with Emma, and yet, when it came to his father… he was assuming the worse when his father wanted a second chance too. He never gave the man a chance to defend his actions, but then again, his Papa didn't fight hard enough to do so. Sure, Rumple got angry (rightfully so now that Neal knew what it was that was stolen) but he didn't bother to try to convince his son otherwise.

Like you gave him the opportunity? You were so busy focusing on the negative that you couldn't listen to what the man was saying. His conscience gave him a good chastisement and Neal had no excuse for his treatment towards his old man.

Gripping the folds of the fabric in his coat pocket, Neal looked down. "Doesn't excuse what I did and said to him Emma. Christ, I can only imagine what he must be thinking right now…"

The truth was Neal thought he would have known, but now… Now, he wasn't so confident when it came to figuring out his father. Part of him assumed Rumple would try to get vengeance (which wasn't farfetched) but the fact his father didn't fight back with him, didn't push him to hear his side of the story… It was unnerving this new side to him.

So caught up in his thoughts, Neal didn't notice Emma's hand flex and rest on his arm until he felt her warmth through the material.

Breathing in sharply, he whipped his face towards her, his eyes gaping wide.

Ignoring his look, she said: "I'm sure he forgave you as soon as you said those things."

Then like that, the moment ended. She lowered her hand back to her side and sped up her pace so she was now walking alongside Henry. She didn't look back at him but Neal caught a hint of the rosy hue to her cheeks.

If that wasn't another step towards progress, then he didn't know what was! But her words gave him something else to mull over: did his father forgive him?

Until now, Neal never bothered to give his Papa another thought. So furious he was at him for being him that when Neal visited Belle and Lily-Rose, he purposefully kept his distance from the Dark One. Not that he had to. Rumple did the distancing on his own, always making sure he wasn't around when Neal stopped over at the house. It prevented any nasty confrontations that would inevitably happen and while Neal had been grateful—he knew it upset his future stepmother.

She didn't say a word (she didn't have to) not when her disapproving look said it all. She was disappointed in her fiancé and in her future stepson. She had vowed to each man (alone) that she wasn't going to interfere and so far she hadn't despite the obvious longing to say something, anything to end this silent and sullen treatment. Besides, Belle said her opinion on the subject already and Neal knew where she stood. She wanted him to give his Papa the deserved second chance and he wouldn't.

Even Lily-Rose, his baby sister, was becoming agitated with her Papa and big brother. The last time he was over, Lily-Rose threw a stuffed wolf at Neal's head when he wasn't looking. Hands on her small hips, she glared at him and said in the most threatening way that a two-year-old could:

"Stop being a doo-doo head and be nice to Papa! I hate it!"

She did have a mean throw and she clocked him good, but Neal knew it was difficult to explain to her why he was being a "doo-doo head" as she called him. She didn't know about their father's past or what he went through growing up once he took on the Dark Curse.

So he felt a little bad lying to her how he would try and be nicer to Papa. It placated her for the time being and they went back to playing.

Presently, he knew he needed to see his father to make amends for his recent behavior.

After all, it was the right thing to do.


Henry was saddened when Neal told him he had to leave early. Even Emma was stunned with his declaration.

"I have something I must do. Don't worry—if it's okay with your mom, then maybe we can get ice cream?" Neal looked to Emma for permission and she was gazing at him with appreciation. She hadn't much time with Henry and herself by themselves since New York. Being back, Henry wanted to spend all his time with his father as much as he could, which she couldn't fault him, but it did sting that he would rather hangout with dad and not mom. Not that he called her Mom anyways…

"Uh, sure. That's fine with me," she said and Henry's mouth split into a big, toothy grin.

"Great! I'll see you later sport." Neal gave his son a hug and smiled in thanks at Emma.

She waved him as if it was no big deal, but he could tell she was happy she was having some Henry alone time.

"Be good to your mother," Neal added for good measure and earned himself an eye roll from both his son and the mother in question.

"Bye Neal," she said.

He cheekily winked at them and began walking in the direction of the pawn shop. At this time of day, he knew his Papa would still be there.

As he approached the building, he heard a grunt and a pained moan. Jumping to the conclusion that his Papa was in trouble, he broke into a run and stopped when he caught his father holding a man by the throat with his cane against the shop's wall.

The vicious sneer was all-too familiar as Neal stared at the scene before him with apprehension. The man had a bigger built than Rumple and could have held his own were it not for the terror growing in his eyes as his assaulter pressed the cane harder against his wind pipe. The gurgling, strangling noises fled the man's lips as his face was quickly becoming purple from the lack of oxygen.

"What the Hell is this!?" Neal shouted, immediately snapping his father's attention towards him and not at the gasping man. Rumple's grip on the cane loosened and his victim fell to the ground coughing and choking for air.

Startled, Rumple stared at his son and realized how this obviously looked. "Bae, I—I mean, Neal, this isn't—"

Ignoring him, Neal turned to the other man whose color was slowly returning to normal. "Are you all right?"

He wheezed as he nodded.

"Good." Looking back at his father, Neal pointed to the man. "Is this guy responsible for breaking into your shop?"

Rumple blinked at him in astonishment. That was… the last thing he expected his son to say to him. He expected yelling, cursing, maybe a threat to call the Sheriff and have him arrested. But not this.

"It's not the first time I caught him snooping around but if anyone knows about the break-in… it would be him."

"I… told… you… Gold!" the man spat, heaving as he drew breath. "I… don't… know… anything!"

Rumple's lips twisted in disgust because he knew that Smee was lying. His specialty was locating valuable items and Rumple believed someone hired him to steal Bae's scarf. Someone knew how much he valued that scarf and he wanted answers.

He didn't notice Neal do a quick look around before stalking into the alley and picking the man up by his shirt and slamming back into the wall. Giving the big man a shake, Neal got into his face, demanding, "Who put you up to it? C'mon Smee, I know you know something."

Smee, wide-eyed, looked at him with shock. "Y-you know my n-name?"

Even Rumple was flabbergasted. "You know this scum?"

"I was younger but I don't forget a face. And I certainly remember yours and your undying loyalty to that pirate!"

Recognition lit up behind Smee's eyes as he recalled what Rumple said. "B-Bae?" he stuttered. "Baelfire?"

Neal nodded, not bothering to correct him. "Now, you're going to tell us who hired you to break into my father's store and steal my scarf."

"Look, I would love you to help you. Honestly. But I never saw the face! I swear!" Fearfully looking at both men, Smee pleaded, "I swear! That's the God's honest truth!"

"Why did they want it?" Neal asked.

"I didn't ask why. I was instructed to get the scarf and drop it off at this spot and I did. That's it."

Neal searched his face to make sure he wasn't lying, but it seemed that Smee was telling the truth. Sighing, he let the man go. "Don't go too far because I'm sure Sheriff Swan will have some questions for you."

Neal pulled out his cell phone and texted Emma to tell her about the recent break in the case. A second later she texted back saying she was on her way.

"She'll be here to get you," Neal told Smee. "Hang tight. There's a lovely cell with your name on it."

Smee laughed bitterly, sitting down as he waited for the sheriff. There was no point in running away.

Meanwhile, Rumple was still slightly flummoxed over what just transpired with his son. Not once in all his centuries did he expect his boy to help him with anything. Surely, his violent display would have had his son react differently. Like pushing him away and telling him how wrong he was acting. Instead, he took his Rumple's side and even roughed Smee up a bit. Yet, it was also the jaw-dropping revelation Bae made that had him instantly curious. His son knew Smee and the pirate he mentioned had to be none other than Hook, the smarmy bastard who took Milah and made a fool out of him when he was still a lowly spinner.

But how?! When did they cross paths? How much did Bae know about his history with Hook and his mother?

Those were answers Rumple was desperate to learn and also fearful too. If he knew the truth about Milah… there was no telling how this would affect Bae.

So Rumple swallowed his trepidation and kept tightly-lipped while Sheriff Swan showed up with handcuffs. Henry was in the passenger seat of the cruiser and waved to his father and Mr. Gold as Emma read Smee his rights. The two men watched as she led the thieving pirate into the back of her car and threw his red cap in his lap.

Slamming the door shut, she strolled up to them and nodded. "I'll see what I can get out of him. Maybe some time in the slammer will loosen his tongue and we'll find out who it was that put him up to this."

"Thanks Emma," Neal said. Then turning to his father, he gave him a look and tilted his head in her direction.

"Oh. Yes, uh, thank you Sheriff Swan," Rumple said gruffly.

She smirked. "Looks like you owe me a favor."

"What!? That doesn't count as one when you're doing your job!" he practically squawked.

The blonde Savior rolled her eyes. "It was a joke. Relax." Opening the driver's door, she did toss out, "That was pro bono. Next time I arrest someone for committing a crime against you, you owe me big time."

She got inside and closed the door before Rumple could protest. Backing up, she pulled back onto Main Street and took off for the station. Rumple grumbled under his breath and Neal couldn't help but chuckle.

Then it became quite obvious they were alone and both reverted into themselves. Now that they didn't have a buffer it left them to make conversation on their own. At last, Rumple coughed and motioned to his shop.

"Would you—would you like some tea?" he offered.

Neal thinly smiled. "Sure."

"Good, good," Rumple murmured, limping his way to the front of the store. Neal followed him as his father went into the backroom.

It was a workroom complete with a cot and an old-fashioned stove as Rumple placed a pot on the burner to heat up the water. The place was stock-piled with all kinds of antiques and junk, which to the undetected eye would see as garbage. But everything had its purpose and it was organized to suit the Dark One's needs.

There was a chair in a corner so Neal went over and brought it closer to his father's worktable so he could sit. Rumple took his place on his stool and hooked his cane on the edge of the table. "So…" he said.

"So…" Neal echoed albeit uncomfortably. It was his cue to start the conversation up, to tell his Papa how he jumped to conclusions and he was sorry. Yet, he couldn't find the way to shape the words he wanted to say.

Licking his lips nervously, Neal forced himself to look into his father's eyes and took a deep breath. "Papa… I…" At the last second, he tore his gaze from him to peer into his lap as he finished, "I'm sorry."

Rumple's countenance was comical. Did… Did his son apologize to him? "Bae… Neal," he corrected. "What do you have to be sorry for? I'm the one who should be apologizing."

"No Papa. Look, I didn't handle the break-in as well as I should have. I assumed the worst because when it comes to you… there is always something and I didn't give you the chance to tell me what happened. And even though it was my old scarf that was taken… I still think you should have given Emma the courtesy to tell her the truth. Nothing can be worth that much."

"It means the world to me," Rumple whispered.

"I know. But what I'm trying to say is that you're not alone anymore. You have Belle and Lily-Rose and now Henry and Emma. She can help you and she did by taking that thief into custody. And I know she'll get a name out of him so whoever it was… they'll pay for their involvement with jail time too. You don't have to get justice on your own."

"I—" What could Rumple say? His son had a point, and while it was a strange notion to take into account, the Savior was family now. He wasn't used to receiving help from other people (apart from his fiancée) so it was difficult for him to open up and admit he needed assistance. Stranger too was someone else willing to help the Dark One. "I don't know what to say," he admitted lamely.

"Just promise me that next time something happens… you come to us for help. I don't care if it's Belle or even Emma. Don't do this on your own."

As Rumple opened his mouth, Neal cut in. "I mean it Papa. You have gone too long with this lone wolf attitude. Even with all that magic at your disposal, you are still a man and sometimes magical beings need help now and then. For better or for worse, we're family so we need to stick together."

"You—you mean that?" Rumple asked hopefully, his eyes shining.

At that moment, the kettle whistled and before Rumple could stand up to fix the tea, Neal went ahead and prepared it. Sinking back down on his seat, Rumple could only stare at his boy with pride and love.

Coming back with the cups of tea, Neal took his seat and grinned. "Yeah I mean it. We have one family and I have only one Papa. So I guess we're stuck together."

Not exactly the heartwarming declaration but it meant the world to Rumple. It meant that reconciliation was possible after all.

"Does that mean… we're good?" his father questioned.

Neal took a sip of his tea and sighed. "I'm still mad if that's what you're asking. I don't know if it's something I can ever truly get over, to be honest. You left me Papa. You chose power over me and I can't forget that. But…" At this, he looked at him. "I am willing to give you a second chance."

"That's all I ever wanted," Rumple gasped, reaching for his boy's hand. "I swear Bae. I will do my best to make it up to you."

Neal smiled but didn't bother to correct him. "Okay then."


Neal stood up leaving his drink unfinished. "I'll see you later."


Looking over his shoulder, Neal watched as his father shakily stood up and came to stand in front of the worktable. "There is something I've been meaning to ask you… but I wasn't sure how you would respond. So I guess this is a better time than anything."


"Would you…? Would you be interested in being my best man?"

Neal was floored. "Really? You want me to be the best man?"

"Of course. You're the only person I would ever want to stand beside me on my wedding day. I love you son."

"I would be honored Papa." He couldn't bring himself to repeat the same sentiment but his acceptance alone was meaningful enough.

"All right." Rumple nodded.

"All right," Neal agreed.


Finally the long awaited day for Belle and Rumplestiltskin arrived. There was so much to do in preparation that Belle had insisted the night before her fiancé stay elsewhere so he couldn't see the bride the following morning. Rumple had no other place to stay other than the cot in his shop, but Neal stepped up and offered to bunk with his father.

Since their talk, Neal followed through on what he said about giving his Papa a second chance. He wouldn't say they were now the best of friends, but Neal was behaving a little friendlier and civilly, which was a big step for them. Allowing his father to stay with him for one night was a huge improvement after New York. And Neal wisely chose to ignore the glowing approval from Belle because there was more to her request than an old tradition.

"I'm getting married," Rumple said. "I can't believe I'm getting married."

The Dark One was anxious. Not because of cold feet or nerves, but he was finally marrying the woman of his dreams, his True Love, his Belle. He never thought this day would ever come, especially when she had decided to marry Gaston and keep her promise to the knight. Now… things did find a way in working themselves out and he was marrying her. She was going to become his wife.

It didn't take long for him to get dressed and ready, but as Rumple stood in front of the mirror, he feared this was a dream and he would wake up to find himself in that prison cell or worse… find himself hidden away as Belle married the fool.

Neal materialized behind him with a tender smile. "You look great Papa."

Rumple mutely grinned. He chose a simple black suit with a gray shirt and silver tie. When he went to the tailor to pick it out, Rumple avoided the usual pomp and showman style he tended to use in the Enchanted Forest. Today was about his love for Belle and he wanted to look his best and not over the top. He felt he accomplished that and was inwardly happy that his son approved his wedding garb.

"But… something is missing," Neal said as he turned away to go to the dresser. Opening the drawer, he pulled out a handkerchief. It was pale blue and Rumple's brow rose as his son deftly folded it into a triangle. Completed, Neal tucked it into his pocket and took a step back to admire his work. "Perfect."

"Son… I…" Rumple didn't know what to say.

"I know the something old, something blue, and something borrowed is usually a bride thing, but you're just as important. Since you have the something old already down, there's your something blue and borrowed," Neal explained with a laugh.

Rumple couldn't help but laugh too. "Thank you. You look very handsome too."

Neal beamed. He really didn't pack any suits with him and figured he would rent something in town. Of course, rental suits weren't a thing so he ended up buying a suit, which wasn't a big deal. This was his father's special day and despite their issues… he wasn't going to get petty or cheap. Besides, how many people can say that their suit was custom made by a former mouse?

Matching his father, Neal went with the black suit route. Unlike the neutral tone his father went with, Neal had a white shirt with a burgundy vest underneath and a black tie. Henry picked out the vest and said it was all very "James Bond," and while Neal couldn't recall if James Bond wore burgundy, his son liked it a lot so who was he to turn him down? To finish the look, he folded a burgundy handkerchief into a triangle and slipped it into the pocket.

"I'm sure a certain Miss Swan would be impressed," his father added cheekily.

His son blushed. "I don't know about that Papa, but we're just friends." Truthfully, Neal was nervous to see her. He couldn't explain why but lately things have been getting better between them. At least she wasn't running for the hills when he was in the same room, and they were able to have a decent conversation without accidentally pissing the other off. He didn't want anything to ruin the salvaged friendship they've been able to build. As Henry would say: Operation Lobster was a success so far.

"Friends? Hmpf," Rumple shook his head. "Is that all?"

"For now, yes. We're taking it slow. And don't you dare interfere."

"I won't. It's just… you love her, don't you?"

"Papa, it isn't simple as you might think. I care for her a lot and I want what's best for her. Now, let's get back to what is most the important. This is your day. Let's get a coffee at Granny's and then head to your wedding."


The ceremony was held outdoors in the park. Rumple's one stipulation was no church since the fairies would have been hovering, and he didn't want the Holier than Thou Mother Superior ruining his day. However, there was one fairy in attendance—Nova or Sister Astrid. Belle said she was a friend and she invited her. Who was he to say no to his bride? At least this fairy wasn't stuck up or a pain in the ass like the others.

To Rumple's astonishment, the venue was decorated beautifully. He hadn't expected anyone to take the time to help them set it up, but despite being the Dark One and the most feared man in town, the residents came together to make this day one of fairy tale dreams.

He spotted his right hand man, Dove, giving instructions while the finishing touches were added. The actual ceremony was going to be conducted under the roof of the picnic area with a white and red rose arch. The tables were removed so folded chairs could be set up in front of the area. The aisle entailed a white runner with crimson petals scattered along the edges.

The day was absolutely perfect—the temperature wasn't too hot or cold and there wasn't a breeze in the air so everything stayed in place. It would seem the Gods were smiling upon them with this token of favor.

The chairs were quickly being filled with the wedding guests, all of whom stunned Rumple for showing up. He hadn't expected to see this support, but he knew they were more than likely here for his Belle. He didn't begrudge them that as long as they didn't do something stupid like speak out when they should hold their peace. If they did, then he wouldn't be held accountable for turning them into snails.

It was time.

Taking his spot, Rumple enfolded his hands in front of him, his cane propping him up. His boy was next to him, mirroring his posture, and he couldn't imagine anything so right than to have him as his best man.

The officiator was none other than Archie Hopper. Belle became close friends with him after her volunteering to help out as a support therapist after the Curse broke. Archie was so happy for them once they became engaged and Belle figured he would be the best person to do the job in marrying them. If Rumple had to be honest, Archie was one of the few in town that he could stand being around and knew the cricket wouldn't mess up. Naturally, Archie was flattered to be asked to do this and if his wide beaming smile didn't indicate this, then you had to be blind.

The first trickling notes of the wedding march began and Rumple inhaled deeply as his daughter was the first to walk down the aisle.

Wearing a blushing pink dress with frills at the bottom and a dark pink ribbon at her waist with a matching color flower, Lily-Rose lifted her head proudly as she reached into her little white basket and let the fluttering rose petals free. She took her sweet time, no doubt savoring the moment, until she reached the end and her basket was empty. She waved to her father and blew him a kiss as well as her brother before twirling to her left so she could sit down.

Next was Henry.

Neal gazed at his son affectionately as he carefully held the white satin-covered pillow with the rings on top. Henry matched his father in a black suit and burgundy vest. His tie was crooked but it added to the charm of what all young kids have as he finally came to the altar and went right to his spot.

When Neal slid his gaze up towards the aisle again, his breath got stuck in his throat when he saw it was Emma walking down. No… not walking, but gliding. Her long blonde tresses were curled loosely and cascaded down her shoulders and over the heart-shaped top of her dress. Speaking of which, Neal now knew why Henry insisted he get burgundy. Emma was wearing the lovely shade herself in the floor-length gown that was held up with a strap and small sleeve that really accented her lively green eyes.

He knew he was gawking but when her gaze met his… his heart pounded loudly as she took him in, her lips parting slightly. Then she broke into a dazzling smile as she took her place on the bride's side.

Neal felt a short poke and was greeted with his father's smirk, which he could already hear the imp's voice in his head: Friends, right.

Thinking of another mischievous imp, Neal looked down at Henry who simply shrugged but the gloating was there written all over that innocent façade.

Last but not least, the bride herself.

As everyone stood up, Belle came into view.

The bride really lived up to her name as Beauty with the simple and romantic strapless white organza ball gown with a feathered heart-shaped bust and a beaded decorative detail on the rouched bodice. The skirt flared out, accentuating her tiny waist, which made it appear she was literally floating down the aisle. Continuing with the simple theme, she wore a spiraling silver chain with a single teardrop sapphire that made her bright blue eyes sparkle and a pair of studded diamond earrings. Her warm, chestnut hair was partially pulled up leaving the rest hanging down in loose waves. The veil streamed down from the back and just fell below her elbows as she clasped her small bouquet of red roses tied with a white ribbon.

She was the epitome of happiness the way her face glowed when she sought out her True Love, increasing her loveliness tenfold. Of course, it was the person giving her away that ignited some astounded looks.

Gaston, looking fresh and dapper in his gray suit, had his arm looped with hers as his own countenance was brimming with joy and happiness for his former wife. Rumple knew her plan was to have her ex-husband give her away since her father had sadly passed away back in the Enchanted Forest. And were it not for Gaston… she never would have met Rumple. Funny, it seemed like ages ago that the Dark One was once enslaved by the former knight and now… his former master was part of the bridal party.

As the bride approached the altar, she turned as Gaston bent down to kiss her cheek. Then he stepped up to Rumple with one hand holding Belle's and placed hers in her beloved's. Covering their hands with his, Gaston squeezed them lightly and murmured to Rumple, "I happily give her away to you."

"Thank you," Rumple replied, giving the younger man an appreciative nod.

Once Gaston took his seat, Rumple and Belle were able to face Archie as he began the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…"


The reception commenced not long after Mr. Gold kissed his bride for the first time. It was a short walk to the large gazebo that was already transformed into a dance floor for the guests complete with string lights. The string quartet that played the bridal march brought their instruments and stands with them, and under Dove's guidance, arranged themselves in the back.

The picnic tables were given a makeover for the occasion with a draping alternating white and red tablecloth and cushions tied on the benches. Each table had an adorning table-piece with tea light candles in mason jars with a rose arrangement in opposite colors of the tablecloth in the center.

As for the food, Granny catered. But unlike her usual menu in the diner, she outdid herself with a delicious gourmet meal of crab cakes with lime aioli topped with sliced chives as an hors d'oeuvre, a couple of slices of beef tenderloin paired with baby carrots, asparagus, roasted potatoes, and a spring salad.

Ruby manned the bar serving up wine and various mixed drinks to those who were brave enough to try her infamous Wolf Bite shooter. For the kiddies, she had a few different brands of pop and juice.

Basically, the reception was a hit.

Once the meal was done, Belle and Rumple took their places on the dance floor for their first dance as a wedded couple. It was also special because they allowed Lily-Rose to pick the song they would dance to, and everyone couldn't stop chuckling at how fitting that the toddler picked "Beauty and the Beast" from the Disney film. They didn't mind it since that was their story after all and they finished the dance by having Lily-Rose joined them near the end.

Of course, there wasn't a dry eye around as Lily-Rose hugged her parents and swayed in time to the music. When the song ended, Neal took it upon himself to get up there and request a dance with the bride. Belle graciously accepted as Rumple picked up Lily-Rose and they all danced to another Disney classic "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes."

That was the last Disney reference for all of the former Enchanted beings as the rest of the evening was spent with contemporary songs. However, someone couldn't resist throwing in "Some Day My Prince Will Come" when Mary Margaret and David went up to dance. Henry cackled to himself and basically outed himself as the culprit for that one as his grandparents couldn't help and laugh too. To his credit, Henry was able to get Emma to dance with him alongside her parents.

Neal watched them in their carefree fun as Henry attempted to spin his mother. Emma tossed her head back and laughed, clearly enjoying herself as she danced with her son. A couple of times her eyes flicked in Neal's direction and her cheeks would flood with color before tearing her gaze away from him.

He thought about approaching her for a dance, but chickened out. He didn't want her to think he was pressuring her, even though a dance would be innocent in itself. It was better for him to stay where he was at the table and watch from afar to avoid any uncomfortable and awkward situation. Although, he did get close to her once while dancing with Lily-Rose. It was unintentional but his arm brushed against hers and Emma had pulled back as if burned. No one seemed to notice much to his relief or there would have been talk about it the rest of the night.

Exhaling softly, Neal nursed his beer. He recognized Dawn, the florist from Belle's shop, dancing with a young man with dark brown skin. She was giggling at something her companion said to her and stopped when she noticed Neal. She gave him a quick wave before her date suddenly dipped her and she was back to laughing again. Archie was dancing as well with Mary Margaret, and David was now dancing with Emma. Belle was dancing with Gaston while her new husband held Lily-Rose in his arms again. There were a few other couples dancing that Neal recognized and some he did not. He did catch Henry dancing with a cute girl his age with dark blonde hair.

Immersed in his thoughts, Neal didn't realize he wasn't alone until he heard a loud sigh next to him.

He didn't recognize her but she had her hands clasped together, resting against her cheek as she sighed once more. "Dontcha just love weddings?" she asked dreamily. "And such a romantic one too! Why, I don't know which is better: this one or my own son's!" She let loose a throaty chuckle as she turned her sharp mossy green eyes on Neal. "But look at you! A handsome young man such as yourself should be enjoying himself on that dance floor."

Before he could respond, she was speaking again. "There's nothing like love, I tell ya. Especially young love. Heh, even old love too. Like I used to tell my son, 'everyone deserves to be love' no matter what. It's nice to see even the Dark One could find it with that cute brunette. And their daughter! Oh! I never seen a little girl as darling as she is in that cute pink dress. Gosh! I could simply eat her up. Not that I would, mind you," she told him with a wink. "So how do you know the happy couple?"

"I'm the groom's son," Neal answered, which she let out a little happy squawk.

"Ya know, I can see that! You're as handsome as your father. Which reminds me: why are you sitting here and not having fun?"

"What makes you think I'm not?"

She rolled her eyes and swatted his arm. It took Neal by surprise, especially since she was rather petite and stout in frame but carried a mean punch. He rubbed his arm absently as she continued with her chattering.

"You remind me of my son. The only difference was that he had this very sore chip on his shoulder and was adamant he would ban love altogether. Did I mention he was a king back home? Anyways, he thought no girl would fall for him, and with his negative attitude, I had to agree with him if he didn't change his mind soon. Poor dear. No one would do for him despite my best efforts, but would he give them a chance? Nooo. Until this tiny slip of a woman comes barging in with a sword rose above her head and my boy was instantly besotted. Of course, he almost ruined it by jumping to conclusions and letting his ridiculous insecurity rule him. But he had this look in his eye when it came to this gal and I noticed you had the same look while looking at her."

At this, she pointed her finger at Emma. "Now, she's a beauty too. Honestly, if my son wasn't married, then I would try to set those two up. She seems to be a tough girl, which I believe every man ought to have a lady who can hold her own. And she has good blood too with her parents being royal and everything. Not saying that non-royal blood is bad, but you get my drift right? As I was saying, my boy almost ruined his chances with his wife. He was too afraid to risk his heart by telling her how he felt and there is nothing worse than denying your heart to know what love is about. It's practically a sin! Actually, that should be made into a law… Any who, you like that girl, right?"

Keeping up with this strange woman in the conversation was like a tennis match, but Neal imperceptibly nodded.

"Good! Go up to her and ask her to dance. An attractive guy like you would be hard to resist. Go on now. Shoo!"

She motioned her hands at him, hitting him in the process that Neal stood up to avoid being whacked from her again. With a smile showing all her teeth, she looked at him with growing anticipation that Neal's feet grew a mind of its own as they carried him to the floor where the song came to an end and Emma and her father separated.

David saw him and grinned at him, which had Emma turning around to see who it was when her eyes widened as Neal stopped in front of her.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," she replied back.

"Uhh, I was wondering, if you're not busy right now… would you…? Would you care to dance?" Neal gulped, his heart thunderously roaring in his ears. Immediately, the little voice in his head was telling him he was an idiot and that this was a stupid idea because Emma wouldn't accept it and he officially squashed any other chances in winning her back…

When the voice suddenly vanished as her hand slipped into his, an enchanting and lilting smile gracing her lips.

"I would love to."

The End

Next, I have Part 9B which I have to say, might be favorite of all in this series. I already started outlining it so it'll be awhile before I post it, but I want to add this is how I would love to see Season 2B go if everything wasn't in a rush to get to Neverland. And in case anyone was wondering… that woman talking to Neal is a fabulous character named Griselda from the movie Strange Magic. Trust me, there might be more of her in my next story. Thank you again for all reading and don't forget to review!