Disclaimer: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn and, for that matter, I never will. KHR is exclusively owned by Amano Akira and…er…Weekly Shonen Jump, I guess.

This is my first time writing an anime/manga fic in about five years, so please excuse me if I'm a little iffy with the humor and honorifics. I seriously hope you enjoy this, and would love it if you'd take a few minutes to type up a review. That's what keeps me writing here, so unless you're just a flame, please tell me what you thought of it. I promise I will respond to you if you do.

Now, without further ado, I present to you the first chapter in Reborn! Again…


Reborn! Again

Target 1 - Prologue

A man sat respectably in a darkened room. The only source of light was a small window near the back of the room, which shined on him, exposing part of the man's figure. He was dressed in a tuxedo, recently pressed. His face was hidden by the shadows, with only his mess of unruly brown hair visible in the darkness.

"So, what do you say? Will you do it?" The man's question was directed at another in the room. Only the faintest hint of a fedora was discernible through the shadows.

The hidden man sighed. "There you go again, sending others to fight for you."

"That's not it!" The brown-haired man argued, "The only reason I'm asking you to do this is because I'm afraid that I will be caught in a battle I can't win, leaving the Vongola without a successor!"

"Hm…you really are scared, aren't you?" The shadowed man asked.

The brown haired man relaxed, his expression softening. "…Yes. I can tell that something horrible is about to happen. Even the Representative Battle didn't elicit such a…dark feeling in me. I'm afraid that a war is about to break out. Please, do it for the Family. Do it for me."

"Hmph. I suppose I have no choice then. If your famous intuition is causing you to feel this way then I'll have to do it again." The shadowed man said, stepping towards the brown haired man and into the light to reveal himself: a baby dressed in a black suit and fedora. A green chameleon rested on his hat's bill just above a yellow pacifier.

"You have my word, No Good Tsuna. I'll tutor your successor, the 11th generation Vongola boss candidate—"

"Nakamura Sorahakai!"


A week after that fateful meeting, in the home of a certain boy, a middle-aged blonde woman collapsed into a chair. Free at last, she huffed a sigh of relief.

"Thank God…" the woman muttered, massaging her forehead, "Those two can be such a handful."

The woman reached forward towards the book lying on the kitchen counter. She had no laundry, no cleaning and no cooking to do. Now it was just her, the book, and beautiful, calming silence for the rest of the day. The woman flipped the novel open to the page she had finished on the previous night. This was it. No interruptions, no chores, nothing to stop her.

The doorbell rang.

The woman's face reddened. She seethed with pure, inconsolable anger. Not once! Not once in 26 years had she caught a break! Every time she tried to relax something came up. The woman stood up and marched menacingly to the door. She pulled it open.

'If it's Sora skipping class again, I swear…'

To her surprise, it wasn't her delinquent of a son waiting for her at the front door. As a matter of fact, nobody was. Anger bubbled up in her chest.

'Even worse, if it's just some stupid kids trying to prank me….'

Something caught her eye. She looked down. A letter was resting on the ground just a few inches away from the door. The woman reached down and picked it up.

"Nakamura Suzume." She read aloud. It was for her. Suzume gently opened up the letter, expecting a message from her husband, or perhaps a bill for something Sora had broken. To her surprise it was neither. In fact, it was an advertisement. Suzume, curious, read on.



That's it for Chapter 1, the prologue! The next one should be considerably longer!

Just a quick note, I have read and watched the entirety of the Reborn! manga and anime. If anything here seems to contradict either, there's a reason for it. I have everything planned out, including why Reborn is still a baby. So please, read on and review!

Also, there's something I want to start doing each chapter. Much in the same way an episode of an anime previews the next episode, I will preview the following chapter. So, here ya go…

NEXT TIME ON REBORN! AGAIN: Introducing Nakamura Sora!

Reborn- Ciaossu!

?- Who the heck is he?

Suzume- He's your new home tutor, Reborn-chan!

?- But he's a baby!

?- Haha! Onii-chan is going to be tutored by an infant!

Reborn- Respect your elders, Stupid Sora!

?- But you're younger than me!