A/n- I had a lot of fun writing Draco/Astoria, this last drabble is my entire assumption of their relationship.

Prompt used- Steel Blue.

Disclaimer- Nope!

Broken Pieces.

He looked into her steel blue eyes, clouded with pain and shimmering with tears, and he wished he could take it all away.

His mouth was dry as he stopped talking, but his eyes were wetter than ever as he finished the tale of everything that had broken him and of every terrible thing he'd done.

He wished he could dry her eyes of all tears and fill them with joy, he wished he could take the pain away.

He wished he could be enough.

But Draco Malfoy had realized from a very young age that wishes were useless, they were a waste of time. Wishing never made his father love him, wishing never made his mother see him as anything but an heir. Wishing didn't change anything; it didn't stop him from becoming a killer.

Wishing didn't change the fact that he was broken.

"Astoria..." he whispered as a tear managed to escape and ran down her face.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

He should've known he told himself as he looked away, he should've known that no matter what she said, no one would want to be with someone with as much baggage as him.

No one would be able to accept all the terrible things he had done.

He braced himself for her words, readied himself for hearing that she was sorry but she couldn't take it. Sorry that she wasn't sure she could feel safe with someone like him, someone who was too broken to be fixed.

He readied himself to bear the pain for whatever was left of his heart to break.

"Whatever you are thinking, stop," he heard her say in a tone he'd heard her use only on first-years getting into trouble.

And he understood why it worked on them.

"I'm sorry for all that happened to you Draco," she said, her eyes kind but her words stern, "You never deserved any of it, and you didn't deserve people walking away from you because of it."

He looked in her eyes, her amazing steel blue eyes, and knew that she wasn't going to be one of those people.

Then she hugged him, so tight he couldn't breathe.

It was as if she was trying to stick all his broken pieces back together, and considering it was her, she just might be able to.

She was his redemption, after all.

A/n- All reviews would be appreciated!