Episode 26: The Cutie Re-Mark - Part II

After three loops of time travelling; Twilight Sparkle and her family have arrived at the unknown forest. It is where they encountered the green tattooed ponies including Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, who were all armed and aimed their spears, pikes and swords at them. The ponies suspected Twilight Sparkle and her family being the Changelings.

Flare Tiger groaned, "The Changeling's Future! Why does it have to be a complicated tricky monsters like then?!"

Twilight Sparkle yelped, "Wait! We're not changelings! We're ponies! And he's a dragon!"

"A likely story! Do something dragonish!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed in anger. As she aimed her spear at Spike, he gave a small Dragon Smoke out on her. She wheezed, "That works!"

Fluttershy growled as she armed her spear, "The servants of Chrysalis will do anything to save their evil skins!"

"Fluttershy! Pinkie Pie! Please, don't!" Nyx pleaded frantically, "We're really ponies! You have to believe in us!"

Lance Justicestrike nodded, "Is there anything we can prove that we're ponies?!"

"Stop!" The familiar voice called. Everyone looked up. On the tallest tree's branch, Zecora with longer mane and tail worn the greenish tattoo and shaman armor stood before them. She jumped and landed on the ground, "If they are changelings we'll soon see. Though I think they're not what they appear to be."

"Zecora!" Twilight Sparkle and her friends cheered happily.

As Zecora approached Twilight Sparkle and her family, she took her coconut cup of green pain out. She then painted on all of their bodies.

"Beneath this salve, no changeling hides, for it reveals the truth inside."

As everyone waited for the moment, Twilight Sparkle and her family glowed in white yet pure light. The ponies gasped in shock and surprise of what they just saw.

"What does it mean?" Pinkie Pie asked in concern.

Zecora hummed thoughtfully before she smiled, "The meaning is far worse, I see, for it is we who should not be."

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "I think I can explain."

"I'm sure you can, but let's not talk here." Zecora said firmly yet concern. She turned to her back, "Chrysalis and her army will soon draw near!"

"Zecora! How can we be sure that they can be trusted?" Fluttershy asked in concern, "What if it's decoy or bait?! I... I... I-!"

"I know, my dear. I'm sure some explanation they can provide to us. And I believe they are our only hope to restore our home and defeat Chrysalis."

"But still, Zecora-!"

Zecora sighed as she patted Fluttershy's mane gently, "Have faith, my dear. Remember his last words, Fluttershy. Do not let his sacrifice be in vain. Do not lose hope."

Fluttershy sighed in defeat about 'him', "Okay... I'll try..."

Zecora and her Resistance led Twilight Sparkle and her friends all the way into the forest. They were all headed straight to their resistance base.

"The changelings took over not long ago. Though I'll wager in your world that isn't so." Zecora asked curiously.

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "Chrysalis and her army tried to take over Canterlot, but my friends and I stopped her. That includes Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie."

"Huh?! We stopped Chrysalis and her army?! Really?!" Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie asked in shock and surprise.

Zecora hummed calmly. "Those friends as you know them are not here, alas. But tell me how all this came to pass."

Lance Justicestrike groaned in anger, "Starlight Glimmer and Seekcurse, the ponies who traveled back in time to stop my friends and me from ever coming together!"

"And it is these friends you have in life that keep Equestria free from strife?" Zecora asked in concern.

Twilight Sparkle sighed, "I guess so. But this is the third time I've come back and this world is even worse than the last two! If Starlight keeps doing the same thing in the past, how could the present be so different?"

"Ah, Time is a river, where even the tiniest changes seen-" Zecora said calmly as she stomped her left hoof down on the river in changing its direction to northern part, "-can lead to a cascade of effects downstream."

Pinkie Pie huffed, "I'll bet my hoof that Starlight and Seekcurse want you get the worst present ever in your life!"

Fluttershy nodded, "Pinkie's right. They don't want you all go back to your time. They want you all out for good."

Twilight Sparkle and her family hummed in concern about this. They have get back to the past and stop Starlight Glimmer and Seekcurse.

After moving the bushes aside, Zecora and her Resistance Army led Twilight Sparkle to the resistance base. It consists of some ponies and huts. They all marched into the area.

"This part of the forest is dark and damp, but it's done well to hide our camp." Zecora said calmly.

Lance Justicestrike whistled, "Cozy..."

"You bet it is," Spike nodded.

SHRIEK! Twilight Sparkle's Family and Zecora's Resistance Army looked up as they found Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity rushed all the way to the base. They were all messy and beaten up badly like they have escaped from the battlefield.

"Please! You have to help us!" Rarity pleaded fearfully.

Rainbow Dash nodded, "The changelings attacked Ponyville! We barely escaped with our lives!"

Twilight Sparkle and her family were in relief and happy to see three friends safe from harm. They were about to move but blocked by Zecora, who gave them a suspicious glare.

"The only changeling attack I see is the one that come here looking for me!" Zecora demanded in anger, "Isn't that right, Chrysalis?!"

Applejack smirked as she approached to the front, "It's taken quite a while to find you, Zecora."

As Applejack sinisterly laughed, the greenish light appeared on the ground. She then transformed into a familiar face. She continued laughed evilly and maniacally.

"Chrysalis!" Twilight Sparkle snarled in anger.

Queen Chrysalis laughed in amusement, "What a lovely village you've chosen to stage your little resistance. It looks absolutely delicious!"

"How did you know this place?!"

"I have a help from within."

The Resistance Army turned and glared at Twilight Sparkle and her family. And just before they reacted, Flare Tiger fired her Unicorn Burst at the hut. As it fell to pieces and ground hard, Seekcurse was holding couple of pigeons, paper and inks.

Twilight Sparkle and her family gasped briefly as they all groaned in anger upon looking at him. Zecora and her Resistance Army had the feeling that he is one of the bad ponies their friends were talking about.

"I believe there's word for being found out - busted?" Seekcurse said in concern. He quickly ran towards Queen Chrysalis. He cleared his throat, "As promised, your beautiful highness; I have brought your successor - Twilight Sparkle!"

"You sure did well, my loyal servant." Queen Chrysalis chuckled in amusement.

Queen Chrysalis approached and held Twilight Sparkle's face. She then gave a lick on the princess's face. Everyone were disgusted by her doing, and even Twilight Sparkle. She chuckled in amusement,

"What a great amount of magic and love you have for everypony you loved, Twilight Sparkle. You would make a fine Changeling Princess among my army. But you remind me of Princess Cadance and Shining Armor. They all have lived up to their usefulness."

"You what?" Twilight Sparkle asked in shock. Queen Chrysalis smirked. She screamed in anger as she pushed the Queen of Changelings hard, "You kill my brother, my sister-in-law and my parents?! You monster!"

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie quickly stopped Twilight Sparkle from attacking. Lance Justicestrike, Nyx, Spike and Flare Tiger stayed close to her. Zecora and her Resistance Army marched to the front as they all armed with their spears.

"Oh, come now, Zecora. You're vastly outnumbered." Queen Chrysalis said in amusement. With the signal given, Rarity and Rainbow Dash transformed into Changeling Elite Guards. The large vast army of Changeling have arrived and landed on the ground as they all armed and ready to attack. She smirked in amusement, "I know you don't want your charges hurt. Come quietly to the dungeons of Canterlot and I promise to leave the others alone."

"Why would she ever trust you?!" Fluttershy demanded.

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "Fluttershy's right. Even my friends agreed to surrender, you planned to kill them. Just like what you did to my family!"

Nyx growled, "You'll never get away with this!"

"On the contrary, I already have," Seekcurse smiled in amusement, "You all have nowhere to go. Rest assure, my dear friends. You will die!"

"Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, defend our hope now, at all cost!" Zecora whispered firmly to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. She turned to Twilight Sparkle, "Race to the map while we hold off their attack. Stop Starlight and Seekcurse. Put the whole world back on track!"

With Twilight Sparkle nodded, she and group of her trusted ally turned and trotted off at once. Zecora and her Resistance Army armed and readied with their spears at Queen Chrysalis and the Changeling Army.

Zecora growled in anger, "We'd never surrender to a creature like you! For the Equestria!"

With Zecora's yelling, she and her army of Resistance Ponies cried wildly and determinedly as they all charged straight at Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings Army. The zebra rammed at the Changeling Queen very hard but instead, the latter fired her Hatred Burst Spell on the former to the ground. Resistance Army swung their spears, pikes and swords in attacking the Changelings Army hard and fierce.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie trotted to the front as they swung their spears in knocking and defeating the Changelings hard. Twilight Sparkle and her family followed them from behind. As they almost reached to the Cutie Map table, they all got surrounded by Seekcurse and the army of Changelings.

"Give it up..." Seekcurse said darkly while armed with his sword, "You have nowhere to go now."

"Oh yes, she is!" The firm voice cried. Seekcurse turned to his back. He and the Changelings got blasted off to the ground. Jade Adventure in her Battle Mode held and carried the weakened Blackwitch to the front. She smirked, "If she had some backups!"

Seekcurse got up and found Jade Adventure and Blackwitch stood before him. He screamed in fear as he quickly summoned the Time Portal. He quickly escaped it.

"He got away..." Blackwitch said painfully, "We have to stop him before he could done some serious damages..."

Everyone nodded in agreement as they all quickly head towards the Cutie Map Table. Twilight Sparkle and her family climbed on top of the table. And just before they could start anything, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked at them for one last time.

"When you change the time, you'll bring my family and Terrorcreep back too, right?" Fluttershy asked in concern. She sobbed tearfully, "I've lost them when Changelings attack my home. Terrorcreep risked his life for me."

Pinkie Pie nodded, "Mine too. I want my mom, dad, Maud, Limestone, Marble, my brother-in-law - Saber Dragoon and my boyfriend - Cheesy back! I miss them a lot! I want to see them again!"

"Wait! Saber Dragoon married Marble Pie? Seriously?" Lance Justicestrike asked in surprise.

Nyx shrugged, "Who knew? Maybe one day, that may come true."

Twilight Sparkle hugged both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie passionately, "I will bring your family and your lovers back. I promised. I'm not gonna let you down."

"We know," Pinkie Pie smiled, "You're our best friend. And no way, you're gonna let those meanie ponies win and ruin our future."

Fluttershy nodded, "We believe in you. You're our only hope."

"Hope..." Twilight Sparkle said in shock and surprise. She hummed, "Why me? Why do ponies believe in me as hope. Why does Element of Light still choose me?"

"Mummy! Now's not the time to think about Element of Light! We've gotta go now!" Nyx exclaimed in concern.

Spike nodded, "Yeah! Zecora and others can't hold the Changelings much longer!"

Everyone saw Zecora and her Resistance Army struggled in fighting back against Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings. A group of the attackers flew and charged at Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

"Go now!" Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Jade Adventure and Blackwitch shouted.

Twilight Sparkle summoned the Time Portal as she and her family quickly entered it. Blackwitch and Jade Adventure quickly summoned another Time Portal as they quickly escaped. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie charged and battled with the Changeling Army.

Twilight Sparkle and her family have returned to the past. And as they landed on the plane road track, Twilight Sparkle summoned Magical Barrier in deflecting the sudden attack. They found Starlight Glimmer on the puff of clouds. Twilight Sparkle unleashed her Magical Blade Beam in slashing Starlight Glimmer. The pink unicorn moved to her right as the Magical Blade Beam slashed the cloud in two.

Starlight Glimmer smirked in amusement, "Not bad, but it's gonna take a lot more than that!"

Twilight Sparkle groaned, "Lucky for you, there's more where that came from!"

"YEAH!" Nyx exclaimed in anger as she entered the Battle Mode, "You're gonna feel our pain and anger, Starlight Glimmer!"

Twilight Sparkle and Nyx engaged and attacked Starlight Glimmer by firing their Unicorn Gatling Bursts. Starlight Glimmer summoned her Magical Barrier for defense and deflection. And just before Lance Justicestrike and Flare Tiger could do anything, they spotted Seekcurse hiding behind the camp site.

"There he is! He's mine!" Lance Justicestrike exclaimed in anger as he summoned his Dual Blades, "I'm gonna kill him!"

"Grandpa Lance, wait!" Flare Tiger exclaimed in concern. Lance Justicestike took off. She groaned, "Why do I even bother?! I'm coming!"

Seekcurse yelped in concern as he quickly ran off, "Come and get me, brats!"

As Lance Justicestrike slammed his Dual Blades on Seekcurse's hiding area - post box, the eunuch quickly rolled over to his left. Flare Tiger fired her Fury Strike Blast on his chest. Seekcurse quickly got up and ran away. Both Lance Justicestrike and Flare Tiger gave chase.

Starlight Glimmer unleashed her Magical Beam Blade in slashing and cutting the flying rings and pillars. Both Twilight Sparkle and Nyx dodged the attacks. They both fired their Gatling Unicorn Bursts at her, who deflected the attacks by Magical Barrier. Twilight Sparkle and Nyx continued firing their Unicorn Bursts at Starlight Glimmer, who fired her Unicorn Bursts back at them. And at the same time, they dodged and used Magical Barrier for defense.

Both Flare Tiger and Lance Justicestrike chase after Seekcurse. They tried to land a blow on him. But each they did, he managed to hide behind the objects and buildings, dodge and avoid the attacks before ran off at once.

The Pegasi Foals including young Rainbow Dash, Hoops and Dumbbell noticed the fight. They were awed in surprise and amazement as they headed to the area for watching the fight.

Twilight Sparkle, Nyx and Starlight Glimmer ceased from the offense and defense. Lance Justicestrike, Flare Tiger and even Seekcurse stopped their cat and mouse game. They were all tired and exhausting.

"Guys! We've got a problem!" Spike exclaimed in concern.

Twilight Sparkle and her family turned to Spike, who had point at young Rainbow Dash and other Pegasi watching the fight.

Twilight Sparkle yelped as she flew towards young Rainbow Dash, "What are you doing? You have to finish your race!"

"No way! This is way more exciting!" Young Rainbow Dash exclaimed happily while eating her popcorn.

Starlight Glimmer scoffed, "See? You can't stop me no matter what you do."

Seekcurse panted, "She's right. Give it up. You will... Never... Ever... Go back home..."

And just before Twilight Sparkle and her family could react, the Time Portal appeared above them. They all got dragged into it.

Young Rainbow Dash groaned in disappointment, "Aw, man."

As the Time Portal appeared, Twilight Sparkle and her family fell to the ground very hard. They all groaned and moaned painfully. They all slowly got up. They all noticed something strange and suspicious on the next alternate timeline - night time of Equestria?!

Lance Justicestrike gulped in concern, "That's strange."

Twilight Sparkle nodded in concern, "Why would the map bring us back to a different time of day than when we left?"

Nyx gasped in concern, "You don't think-?!"

"It is, Nyx. We're entering our worst nightmare future..." Flare Tiger said in concern.

Spike yelped in concern, "Um, maybe we should discuss this later!"

As the rest of his family members looked at him, Spike pointed at the deep of Everfree Forest. A group of Timberwolves emerged from the area. They were all looked hungry and ready to prey on Twilight Sparkle and her family.

Twilight Sparkle looked at her family members - they were all looked tired and exhausting including Nyx returned from her Battle Mode to her normal filly mode. They're out of energy now. All they can do is run away from the wooden wolves before they get killed. As they ran all the way across the hallway of forest, they came across the familiar yet perfect shape of castle.

Twilight Sparkle gasped, "The Castle of the Two Sisters!"

HOWL! Twilight Sparkle and her family yelped in concern as they all quickly escaped and headed to the Castle of Two Sisters. They entered it. They're safe from danger for now.

Suddenly, the torch across the hallway lighted up. The Castle of Two Sisters' hall looked different than the ruined shape - it has night royal theme. Twilight Sparkle and her friends take a tour on the castle. They climbed on the stairs as they found a familiar pony with bun mane and tail style donned the Nightmare Maid Uniform, who was handling the tapestry.

"Rarity?!" Twilight Sparkle and her family asked in shock and relief.

Rarity grumbled as she took and levitated some of tapestries down, "The castle isn't open for viewings today. The tapestries all need changing. Again."

Spike charged and hugged Rarity, "Rarity, it's me!"

"I don't socialize with dragons." Rarity remarked in annoyance, "Especially when they all are made as the warriors, not civilized like us!"

Spike whimpered unhappily. Nyx approached and hugged Spike in comfort and calm. Lance Justicestrike groaned as he was about to attack but stopped by Flare Tiger. She shook her head that it wasn't Rarity's fault. He groaned in defeat.

"Rarity, you have to listen to me! The future of Equestria's at stake!" Twilight Sparkle called. Rarity gave the suspicious glare at her. She continued frantically, "I have to get back to the map so I can stop Starlight and Seekcurse from changing the past, because every present I come to is worse than the last!"

"Time travel, you say?" The voice asked in amusement.

Twilight Sparkle and her family yelped in concern as they faced to the throne chamber and its surroundings. They realized that the castle not only has its night theme, but has the portraits of Nightmare Moon or Princess Yue and the Demon Lords. They even noticed Rarity bowed down before the throne chair. The familiar pony smiled as she slowly revealed herself.

"Now that's something I would like to see." Nightmare Moon said in amusement.

As Nightmare Moon laughed in amusement, her large number of Nightmare Guards and Shadow Razors also appeared as well. They all surrounded Twilight Sparkle and her family.

Nightmare Moon huffed as she climbed down and glared at her enemies, "Tell me how you came by this magic to travel through time."

Twilight Sparkle and her family remained silent as they can do was stare at their enemies.

"The princess asked you a question!" The Commander of Nightmare Guard demanded in anger. She removed her helmet. She revealed herself to be Rainbow Dash with a mohawk manestyle. She continued, "And unless you wanna end up in the dungeon, you'll tell her what she wants to know!"

Twilight Sparkle and her family were in shock and feared as they couldn't believe in their eyes that both Rarity and Rainbow Dash are serving under both Nightmare Moon/Princess Yue and her Demon kind...

"Nopony in my kingdom but me should possess a magic powerful enough to change time." Nightmare Moon said suspiciously.

"Your kingdom?!" Spike and Lance Justicestrike demanded in suspiciously.

Nyx yelped as she quickly nudged her brothers' chest, "Guys, not a good move!"

Nightmare Moon asked in amusement, "Who else?"

"Um..." Spike said nervously, "Celestia, of course!"

Rainbow Dash, Rarity and the group of Nightmare Guards yelped in concern of what they just heard. Nightmare Moon remained silent for the moment before laughed in amusement. Twilight Sparkle and her family didn't like where this is going.

"That weak pathetic Celestia has been imprisoned in the moon for years! But it is no less a fate than she'd sentence me to!" Nightmare Moon said darkly and amusingly, while looking at the moon that has Princess Celestia trapped within it. She smiled, "And thanks to me, my Demon Brethren are free from their imprisonment, and so do I now from that weakling Luna."

"You-You disposed Princess Luna?!" Nyx demanded in shock and concern, "Who are you?!"

"My true name is Princess Yue - daughter of Tso Lan and younger sister of Dark Xing. We all each have our own domain to rule. And nopony could ever resist and defeat us." Princess Yue said in amusement. She huffed as she gave the glare at Twilight Sparkle, "Enough of this! Now, reveal to me the source of this time magic!"

Twilight Sparkle was in dilemma and concern about this of thinking. She sighed in defeat as she nodded in agreement. Her family gasped in shock and concern.

"We have no choice, guys." Twilight Sparkle said in concern. She turned to Nightmare Moon, "I can take you to it, but you'll have to get past the timberwolves."

Princess Yue scoffed, "I am one of the Demon Lords of Equestria. Do you think I can't deal with timberwolves?"

"No. I know you can."

"And if you were thinking of trying to escape-" Princess Yue asked suspiciously as she levitated both Nyx and Spike up. She then chained them tightly. She smirked in amusement, "-it would be very unfortunate for your friend."

Twilight Sparkle hissed in concern of what she just saw. Lance Justicestrike and Flare Tiger groaned in anger. But they all have no choice but to obey her.

Princess Yue turned to Shadow Razor, "Send word to father and other Demon Lords. We have found a way to ensure our rule and control of Equestria - forever..."

With Shadow Razor nodded in agreement, he submerged his shadow and disappeared. Princess Yue then led both her Nightmare Guards and prisoners. They all passing through the Everfree Forest in finding the Cutie Map table. Princess Yue fired her Nightmare Beam in destroying and deposing all of Timberwolves.

Lance Justicestrike, Nyx and Spike turned and glared at both Rainbow Dash and Rarity.

"Rainbow Dash! Rarity! How could you all serve that monster?! Why?!" Nyx demanded in anger, "Would Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle be proud to see you like this?!"

Rainbow Dash screamed in anger at frightened and worried Nyx, "What would you know about them?! Scootaloo got hurt badly because of me! And there is no way I'm gonna risk losing hers and my family's life for me!"

"I agree!" Rarity nodded in agreement, "My parents raised their voice against the princess! They both got executed. Sweetie Belle is the only sister I have to look after. I must serve Princess Yue for her! She's the only family I have."

Spike groaned, "And you'd think this will help and protect them? Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo will never see you as sisters but monsters for serving Yue! You have to help us now!"

Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash grunted upset as they looked away yet shamed. Lance Justicestrike groaned in upset.

"Listen to me," Lance pleaded in concern, "If Yue and Demon Lords use that Time Spell and get to the past, you will lose your family forever! But we can save them! Please, trust us..."

Rarity and Rainbow Dash were surprise and shock as they looked at each other for the moment. They wondered of what is right for their family.

As the ponies reached to the Cutie Map table, Princess Yue gave an amusement glare at it. Flare Tiger approached Twilight Sparkle. The tiger pony looked very worry about the princess's choice and plan.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Flare Tiger asked in concern.

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "Trust me. I know what I'm doing."

"How does it work?" Princess Yue asked.

Twilight Sparkle sighed, "Two ponies from my time used this spell to travel back and change the past."

"And now you will give this spell to me! With it, I will ensure that the Elements of Harmony are never found and my reign lasts forever!"

"But it won't."


"In my world, my friends and I found the Elements and used them to defeat you! And I will do everything in my power to bring that world back!"

"Foolish pony..." The dark and sinister voice said darkly. Both Spike and Nyx yelped as they both lifted up and got squeezed painfully. Twilight Sparkle and her friends looked up. They found Demon Lords and Successors have arrived at the scene. Tso Lan continued, "Would you risk the children's lives now? Foolish pony. Did you really think you could fool me?"

Twilight Sparkle, Flare Tiger and Lance Justicestrike snarled in anger upon glaring at the Demon Lords' arrival and even Seekcurse was here as well.

"You knew we would be here?!" Lance Justicestrike demanded in anger.

Seekcurse smirked, "What can I say? I loved making surprises. Any expectation you can make?"

"Expect this!" The voice exclaimed in anger.

Seekcurse yelped in concern as he quickly summoned Time Portal and escaped. And just before Demon Lords could do anything, they got frozen as the statues. Rainbow Dash brought both Nyx and Spike down. Rarity quickly broke the chains out in freeing the children out.

Both Blackwitch and Jade Adventure appeared before them. The Witch of Time has gotten worse than before.

"Thanks you," Twilight Sparkle said happily. She gasped, "This isn't good. Jade, you need to take Blackwitch to somewhere safe for her to get healed."

"Easy for you to say. Gotta go now!" Jade Adventure exclaimed in concern, "Make it a quick.Time Freeze last a minute!"

Both Jade Adventure and Blackwitch disappeared from the ponies' sights. Twilight Sparkle and her family climbed over the table. As she summoned the scroll out, both Rarity and Rainbow Dash approached them.

"Wait! You're saying that going back to past will change this?" Rarity asked in concern.

Rainbow Dash hissed, "So, we don't have to work for the Demons again?"

Twilight Sparkle and her family nodded in agreement, "Yes. We will bring everything back to normal. Your sisters will be safe from them for good."

Rainbow Dash sighed, "That's good to hear. Go and kick the bad mare's flank!"

"That's great to hear darling," Rarity said in relief. She turned to Spike, "My friend. I'm sorry for the insults. I'm not use to one because of Shendu and his Demon Dragons. They abuse the Equestria Dragons badly."

Spike held Rarity's left hoof as he gave her a kiss. She blushed a bit. As Twilight Sparkle and her family stood firmly on the Cutie Map table, they gave one last look at Rarity and Rainbow Dash.

"We promised you. We'll bring that world back!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed firmly.

Rainbow Dash and Rarity nodded firmly. As Demon Lords slowly breaking free from their Time Freeze status, Twilight Sparkle summoned the Time Portal at once. She and her family escaped through the portal. Demon Lords roared and screamed in anger.

As Twilight Sparkle and her family returned to the past, Twilight Sparkle fired her Crystal Frozen Beam at Starlight Glimmer from jumping over from cloud puffs. She's now trapped withing the crystal as she dropped to the cloud hard. Twilight Sparkle and her family approached her while giving her a glare.

"Now more than ever I know how important it is to stop you!" Twilight Sparkle snapped in anger.

Starlight Glimmer groaned in annoyance as she fired Unicorn Burst in breaking the crystal to pieces. She gave a sly smirk.

"Well, good luck!"

As Starlight Glimmer flew off at once, she chase after young Rainbow Dash. Twilight Sparkle and her family followed them. She then gave a hit on young Rainbow Dash's leg hard from losing balance in flying. Time Portal appeared and dragged the family into it.

Twilight Sparkle and her family landed on the Cutie Map, where they witnessed Lord Tirek in unleashing his Destruction Power Beam across Equestria. They all quickly returned to the past to stop Starlight Glimmer.

In the past, Twilight Sparkle fired her Crystal Frozen Beam at Starlight Glimmer, who moved back. It hit Rainbow Dash, when she was chatting with three foals - Fluttershy, Hoops and Dumbbell. Starlight Glimmer clapped her hooves at them.

Twilight Sparkle and her family transported back to present, where Discord and his mischievous chaos magic reign the Equestria, as well as making Royal Sisters clown. They quickly returned to the past at once.

As Twilight Sparkle and her family returned to the past, they found Starlight Glimmer helping in levitating young Fluttershy flying through hoops while Hoops and Dumbbell followed her. Starlight Glimmer gave Twilight Sparkle and her family a sly smile.

Twilight Sparkle and her family returned to the present, where they witnessed Flim and Flam Brothers destroyed the forest and turn Ponvyille into factory. They quickly returned to the past.

Twilight Sparkle and her family were about to attack Starlight Glimmer, but found Seekcurse were about to murder young Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Starlight Glimmer jumped and punched on him as they both accidentally knock young Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy off the clouds. Twilight Sparkle and her family got dragged into Time Portal.

Starlight Glimmer sighed as she gave the glare at Seekcurse, "I told you before - I will handle it! Honestly..."

"Shut up, brat!" Seekcurse said in annoyance, "I'd never understand why Amon entrusted her for the mission..."

Twilight Sparkle and her family screamed as they dropped to the platform hard. They slowly get up from the table. They looked at the Cutie Map, where they witnessed darken version of futuristic and metallic Equestria and Mystic Realm with several Dark Mystic Flags. They even found Canterlot City were some kind of metallic military base. Equestria Ponies were forced to obey, follow and given their belongs up to Dark Mystic Ponies. They were in shock and concern.

"Oh no! This is Dark Mystic Future!" Flare Tiger exclaimed in concern.

Nyx squeaked fearfully, "I got a bad feeling about this! And I don't like it."

"Me neither! I don't even want to know what happen during the Third Mystic War!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed in concern.

And just before Twilight Sparkle could prepare her Time Scroll, her Cutie Mark glowed and blinked for few times. Her eyes narrowed in shock, she even felt a heartache like she can sense someone so familiar closing by. She turned to her children, who looked worry and scared.

"Guys... Did you feel that?" Twilight Sparkle asked in concern.

Lance Justicestrike nodded, "Yeah. I felt that too. Dark... Rage... Hate... Anger... I'd never felt that kind of emotion before."

Nyx gulped in concern, "I don't like where this is going. Where is that coming from?"

"Behind us! Look!" Spike exclaimed in concern.

Twilight Sparkle and her family turned to their back as they found a large door slowly open in two. They then found a dark figure appeared before the gate. He worn the dark black Chinese Armor with light black cape, a dark Samurai Kabuto Helmet with breathing demonic Dragon Oni Mask. He breathed heavily as he summoned the Darkness Blade.

The mysterious figure slowly emerged and approached Twilight Sparkle and her family. An armored metallic version of Houndkiller and 13 newly armored and masked Dark Mystic Troopers emerged out from the door.

Flare Tiger gasped, "No... It can't be..."

"It was foretold that you would be here." The Mysterious Dark Warrior said calmly, "Our long-awaited meeting has come at last."

"Who-Who are you?!" Twilight Sparkle demanded in concern.

"I am the world's worst nightmare. I am the Slayer of all the Mystics. I am The Emperor's trusted Enforcer and General-in-Chief of his Dark Mystic Empire. My name is Darth Tempest Wrath. We've been expecting you, Wielder of Element of Light."

"I don't know how you figure that part out. But there's no way we're gonna lose to you!"

Darth Tempest Wrath breathed heavily, "We shall see. Take care of the rest, Colonel."

Houndkiller saluted, "As you wish, seize them! The rebels must be captured alive!"

Twilight Sparkle and her family quickly armed with their weapons as they were now engaging Dark Mystic Ponies. Nyx entered her Battle Mode. Twilight Sparkle used her Star Sparkle Sword against the mysterious Darth Tempest Wrath and his Darkness Blade. Lance Justicestrike used his Dual Blades against Houndkiller and his Gauntlet Knives. Flare Tiger, Nyx and Spike hid behind the crates as they fired their Fury Strike Blast, Night Beam andDragon Flame at the Dark Mystic Troopers in firing their blasters.

Houndkiller thrust his Gauntlet Knives at Lance Justicestrike, who blocked and deflected the attacks for ten rounds. As Lance jumped and kicked Houndkiller's face, but grabbed and thrown to the ground hard. Houndkiller jabbed his in wounding Lance Justicestrike, who rolled over for three times. Lance then swiped a kick on Houndkiller to fall before the former kicked the latter hard. They both got up as they swung their blades at each other.

As Flare Tiger fired her Fury Strike Blasts and Tiger Fierce Claws at the enemy troops, Nyx and Spike helped cover her by firing Night Beam and Dragon Flame at them off.

As both Twilight Sparkle and Darth Tempest Wrath were armed with their blades, the dark warrior stroke his sword by brutal force at the princess who quickly blocked it for the moment. As they both departed, he gave her a Dark Force Push. She yelped as she stood firmly and strong. She swung her sword from top, bottom and side, but all deflected by him. As she thrust her blade, he moved back and grabbed her hooves tightly with his bear right hoof. As he held her up, he thrown her straight to the crate hard.

Nyx spotted it. She armed with her Moon Blade as she charged in. But instead, Darth Tempest Wrath glowed darkly as he gave her a glare. She yelped as she felt her body crunched and crushed like someone is pulling her strings. As Darth Tempest Wrath gave a glare at both Flare Tiger and Spike, Nyx moved towards them as he was controlling her to kill them.

"You have much more to learn, little one," Darth Tempest Wrath said darkly, "Never challenge the dangerous opponent such as me."

Nyx groaned in pain as she struggled in resisting his control. She's almost on Flare Tiger and Spike, who just finished defeating last three Dark Mystic Troopers. As she held her Moon Blade up, both of them yelped in concern and surprise.

Twilight Sparkle groaned and moaned as she slowly got up. She gasped in concern upon looking at the event. She screamed in anger as she levitated her sword and swung it at Darth Tempest Wrath, but he blocked it quickly. Nyx was freed from control while returned to her filly mode. Flare Tiger and Spike came and helped her up.

Lance Justicestrike and Houndkiller continued swinging their blades at each other as well as deflecting the attacks for few times. As Lance gave the X-Strikes Blade at Houndkiller, the latter fell his back down before kicked on the latter's face hard. He got up and thrown Lance at Nyx and her friends to the ground. Houndkiller whistled as more of Dark Mystic Troopers coming out from the entrance.

Twilight Sparkle continued swing her Star Sparkle Sword at Darth Tempest Wrath, who blocked and dodged the attacks thrice. They both then struck their blades at each other thrice before they get clashed for the moment. As they departed, Darth Tempest Wrath gave a Dark Force Push on her to the ground. He held his sword aiming at her neck, shocking and scaring her.

"You're beaten! It is useless to resist." Darth Tempest Wrath said darkly. He continued, "Don't let yourself destroyed as my former comrades did!"

Twilight Sparkle groaned in anger as she quickly deflected his sword aside. And just after Darth Tempest Wrath slammed his sword on the ground, she dodged to her right and swung hers on his right shoulder hard. He yelped in pain in holding his injury. As she swung her sword on his head, he dodged down quickly. Darth Tempest Wrath gave her a large scar on her chest in making her scream in pain.

"TWILIGHT!" Lance Justicestrike, Nyx, Spike and even Flare Tiger gasped in shock.

They quickly came and assist Twilight Sparkle at once. They helped and carried her up to back slowly at the edge of platform. Nyx used her Heal Spell on her mother's large scar. And at the same time, they glared at Darth Tempest Wrath and his minions.

"There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you," Darth Tempest Wrath said darkly, "Twilight, you have yet not realize of your importance especially your allies. You have so much potential for using the power of Element of Light. Join me! And I can teach you of how to use it. With our Elements of Light and Darkness combined, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the both realms!"

"I will never join you!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed firmly.

"Neither do we!" Spike exclaimed in anger.

Nyx groaned, "How did you know of all these stuffs?! You and this timeline shouldn't have known about us!"

Lance groaned, "Where the hell did you get the Element of Darkness?! What did you do to him?!"

Darth Tempest Wrath hummed in concern, "So, you have no knowledge of what happen to your former love interest, do you?"

"I don't need to know," Twilight Sparkle said angrily while glaring at him, "I know you stole his Element of Darkness! You killed Shadow Dragon!"

Lance Justicestrike, Spike and Nyx nodded angrily and firmly, "Yeah! You, monster!"

Darth Tempest Wrath shook his head as his protection lenses disappeared. He revealed his golden eyes with serpentine pupils.

"No. I am him - your love interest."

Twilight Sparkle and her family were in shock and concern of what they just saw. Flare Tiger looked away in shame and pain. They couldn't believe in their eyes and ears. He couldn't be! Darth Tempest Wrath could never be him!

"No... No..." Twilight Sparkle said in shock, pain and despair, "That's not true. That's impossible!"

Lance Justicestrike shook his head in denial, "No! You can't be him! You can't be!"

"I don't believe you!" Nyx exclaimed in shock and concern. She jumped and hugged Lance. She cried, "You can't be our daddy we loved!"

Spike frantically quivered, "He's lying! Please, tell me he's lying!"

"Search your feelings especially your Element of Light's power," Darth Tempest Wrath breathed slowly while looking at them with his calmness eyes, "You know its true..."

Twilight Sparkle and her children used their Magical Sense especially using her Element of Light to look through Darth Tempest Wrath. With a gasp of shock and fear, they couldn't believe it with their eyes, ears and hearts. All they could do is...


Twilight Sparkle and her three children cried and sobbed tearfully in pain and despair. And they also screaming in fear and shock. Flare Tiger looked at them in concern and worry. It can't be him! It can't be!

"Twilight Sparkle, come with me," Darth Tempest Wrath said calmly, "I can help you and the rest reach your potential. Together, we will rule both realms as one family! It is the only way."

Twilight Sparkle and her family were in dilemma and concern. They all wondered if they should follow him or not. They really care and love Shadow Dragon so much, yet they were heartbroken and shock to believe he is Darth Tempest Wrath.

VROOM! Everyone looked up and found three metallic gunships-like flying and lowering down. The unknown guerrilla troopers from gunships fired their blasters at Darth Tempest Wrath and his minions. Darth Tempest Wrath deflected and blocked the blasts with his Darkness Blade for few times while his minions quickly take cover and fired back at their enemies.

As the gunships landed, the troopers emerged and fired their blasters at the enemies. Five black armored soldiers quickly grabbed and helped Twilight Sparkle and her friends into their gunships.

"We've got them, partners! Let's get the heck out of here!" The cowgirl pony worn the red scarf mask, cape and dark orange armor suit exclaimed firmly, "Move it! We've gotta get out of here now!"

"Come on, you apes!" The mare in her blue Gundam Pilot suit and her futuristic pilot's helmet with spiky com-link like wings screamed wildly. She was piloting pinkish futuristic and robotic Marauder Armor Suit in firing her enemies. She whistled out loudly and wildly, "Do you want to live?!"

A few of guerrilla troopers quickly get inside their gunships. They then lifted off as they all quickly escaped from the battlefield. Darth Tempest Wrath breathed heavily as he glared and glanced at the gunships flying away from the area.

Houndkiller approached Darth Tempest Wrath, "My lord, I will mobilize the fighters and troopers at once."

"That won't necessary, Colonel," Darth Tempest Wrath said calmly. He turned and glanced at the Cutie Map Table, "The Emperor must see this. We have found the important artifact. This will bring us not only victory, but also my family including both of her."

After their daring escape, three metallic gunships continued flying away from the Canterlot Base. Twilight Sparkler and her family were recovering from the shocking event especially learning the darkest truth behind Darth Tempest Wrath's true face.

"How could this have happen?" Twilight Sparkle asked in shock. She continued sobbed, "What has happen to him?"

Spike sighed, "I wish we knew, Twilight. I wish we knew..."

Flare Tiger bowed down before Twilight Sparkle and her family, "I'm sorry, guys. I really am for this."

"Flare Tiger, did you know this?" Lance Justicestrike asked in concern.

With Flare Tiger sighed in shame while looked away, Twilight Sparkle and her family were in shock and concern of what they just saw. She actually knew about this, and yet she kept the secret from them?!

Nyx screamed as she walloped her hooves on Flare Tiger's chest, "Why didn't you tell us?! Why didn't you?! If you did-!"

"You all wouldn't able to fight him back and get back to the past in time!" Flare Tiger snapped in pain and upset.

Twilight Sparkle and her family were in concern and surprised by her reaction. She then sobbed tearfully and sadly.

"But how could I? How could I just tell you the truth?! You all will be heartbroken and pain to think or fight back ever since you and Grandpa had a break up. So, I couldn't do it... I just couldn't..." Flare Tiger bowed down to the ground, "I'm sorry. I really am..."

Twilight Sparkle and her family looked at each other as they all feel guilty and shame. They then approached and gave her a comfort hug. She hugged them back while crying.

"Sorry to interrupt your chatting," The meekly Pegasus Trooper in her yellowish angelic metal suit and falcon's helmet interrupted, "We're almost there now."

The tough Pegasus with masked visor worn the cyan armored soldier suit nodded, "Yeah. Our leader wants to talk with you. She wants to know more about you and that table."

"And don't forget to behave," The Unicorn with spider-like helmet worn the whitish sleeveless spy suit and hoof gloves spoke calmly, "Leader needs to be respected."

As the gunships dived down, Twilight Sparkle and her family gasped as they recognized the familiar town, where their saviors or rebels resides now - Ponyville Town. They have the feeling that they're about to find out...

Upon landing on the hanger base, the ponies emerged and came down from their gunships. They then met up with a cyan Alicorn worn the blue suit and silver metallic armor, pinkish visor and sharped twin earphone-like. It's somepony Lance Justicestrike haven't seen for a long time.

"MOM!" Lance Justicestrike exclaimed happily.

Everyone gasped in shock and surprise of what they just heard and saw, and even their rebel leader Iris Crystal. She poured her tears of joy out.

"Lance?" Iris Crystal asked in shock yet relief. Both mother and son trotted towards at each other before giving a big warming hug. And at the same time, they both cried tearfully yet joyfully. She smiled, "You're here! You're alive! I missed you so much!"

Lance sobbed tearfully, "I missed you too, mom!"

As Iris Crystal and Lance Justicestrike continued hugging, everypony awed happily while smiling as well, even for Twilight Sparkle and her family. As five mysterious soldiers removed their helmets and masks, they surprised the family a lot.

Twilight Sparkle, Spike and Nyx gasped, "Applejack! Rainbow Dash! Pinkie Pie! Fluttershy! Rarity! You're alive!"

And just before the mares respond, Twilight Sparkle and her family jumped and hugged their friends happily and passionately. Applejack and her team were in confuse and shock about it, and yet they felt heartwarming from the ponies. Flare Tiger smiled happily to see the event.

Everypony departed from their hugging at once. Iris Crystal wiped and dried her tears off as she and her team asked.


Twilight Sparkle sighed in concern, "It's a long story. But we'll explain."

Iris Crystal and her team nodded in agreement as they led their guests for a tour across Ponyville Town. Twilight Sparkle and her family were in shock and surprised about the town. They witnessed ponies and their activities - training for combats and target practice, teaching foals with school lessons, working with daily jobs, healing injuries, repairing their war vehicles, chatting and playing like friends and family, and more.

Twilight Sparkle and her family explained about their struggles and battle against Starlight Glimmer and Seekcurse, as well as restoring the present.

Iris Crystal hummed, "That explains everything especially my son's alive. I shouldn't have known about this."

"What do you mean, Princess Iris Crystal? Do you know what happen during Third Mystic War?"

"Call me Iris Crystal. And trust me, Third Mystic War is a a disastrous and terrible event we ever had. Dark Mystic Ponies won the war while my mother, Aunt Luna and even Mystic Ponies were all killed. Both Mystic Realm and Equestria Realm are now under his control."

"HOW?!" Lance Justicestrike, Nyx and Spike asked in concern.

"Shadow Dragon..." Iris Crystal said painfully and tearfully, "During his exile, Swipestrike and his assassins captured him. Guildenstern manipulated, tortured and turned him into a mechanical monster for destruction and chaos only. Not only that, Dark Curse and his Dark Mystic Force captured and drained Tree of Harmony's power. They weaponize it as the weapons. They destroy our Mystic Ponies, home, friends, family and loved ones. I even lost you, Lance - your past self."

Twilight Sparkle and her family were in shock and concern of what they just heard. They turned and looked at Mane Five, who had pained and despaired looks as well as having ears dropping. They couldn't believe that Dark Mystic Ponies were willing to go that far to win and conquer both realms.

"So, I built the Rebellion to fight and resist Dark Mystic Empire. I've managed to rescue and recruit ponies including your friends under my banner. We have managed to make some major strikes on their operations, bases and even save the towns from control." Iris Crystal said firmly. "But they strike us back so fierce and hard. We've lost so many soldiers and heroes, even some bases. Now Ponyville is the Rebel Alliance's only base and last stand to survive."

Mane Five nodded as they commented, "[Pinkie Pie] Yeah, who knows when they come and finish us? [Fluttershy] I'm scared and worried that we won't survive the next fight. [Rainbow Dash] That doesn't mean we're gonna give the fight up. [Rarity] Indeed. We must defend our home at all cost. [Applejack] Yeah, we're not gonna sacrifice anymore ponies' lives for us again especially our family."

Twilight Sparkle and her family looked down in concern yet shame and guilty. If only they had brought Shadow Dragon with them, then this present won't have this kind of future.

"I'm so sorry, everypony..." Twilight Sparkle said in shame. Everyone looked at her. She continued, "If Shadow Dragon and I haven't broke up, then this future wouldn't have existed. I feel so responsible and shame about this."

Lance Justicstrike, Spike and Nyx said in concern, "Mom..."

"It won't make any differences," Flare Tiger said in concern, "Because in the end, future becomes darker and worse than before if Starlight Glimmer and Seekcurse keep stopping us! We have to keep on trying to stop them."

"Flare Tiger's right. It makes no differences at all if Shadow Dragon's with us or not," Iris Crystal said firmly. Twilight Sparkle and her family looked in concern and worry. She continued, "But that doesn't mean we're giving up. The Cutie Map is our only hope to change this mess. We have to get it back and drive our enemies away from it."

"But how? It's impossible," Fluttershy asked in concern.

Rarity nodded, "Indeed. It's not like the Dark Mystic Ponies would be so polite to give it back to us."

"Or even give us a letter! Look!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed in concern as she pointed up. Everyone looked up as they found an owl dropped the letter diving straight on her hooves. She yelped, "I don't like it! This could be bad news!"

Iris Crystal took and opened the letter. She read it. She looked concern and worry. She turned and looked at Twilight Sparkle and her family members. Everyone don't like her looks.

"They want all of you," Iris Crystal said in concern, "They want you teach them to operate the Cutie Map or they will invade and destroy us and Ponyville."

Everyone gasped in concern and shock about the threat.

"They can't be serious?!" Pinkie Pie and Rarity demanded in shock.

Rainbow Dash groaned, "As if! Who do they think we are?! There's no way we're gonna give our rescued ponies up for them!"

Applejack snorted, "Yeah. If it's the fight they want, then they will get one."

"I agree. We will never give our ponies up, even though some are strangers," Fluttershy commented firmly, "We will fight to our end."

"No." Twilight Sparkle said in concern. Everyone looked at her. She continued, "We have to surrender for your safety and protection."

Everyone gasped in shock and concern of Twilight Sparkle's choice. She want to surrender to Dark Mystic Ponies?! She can't be serious!

Twilight Sparkle's family protested, "But Twilight-!"

"We have no choice, guys," Twilight Sparkle interrupted as she looked at her friends and Iris Crystal, "Look! These ponies have suffered enough from Dark Mystic Ponies' assaults and attacks. There's no telling what kind of tactics Dark Curse may cooped up to break our spirit."

Iris Crystal hissed, "There has to be another way! It's too dangerous! Besides, you all won't have the chance to travel back in past to stop your enemies!"

"I know. But nothing is important than keeping ponies safe and alive. That's the duty of princess."

"But still..."

Twilight Sparkle patted Iris Crystal, "Don't worry about us. We'll find the way to get to Cutie Map and change everything back to normal. We promised. So, don't give your hope up. It's not over..."

Twilight Sparkle's family members thought carefully before they nodded in agreement about it. Iris Crystal and her Rebel friends didn't like it but reluctantly agreed to let Twilight Sparkle and her family to do it and achieve their mission. They can't give their hope up.

"I hope you all know what you're doing. Dark Mystic Ponies will never let the enemies get off and win easily," Iris Crystal said calmly, "Stay alive, my friends.

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "We will. We will bring our future back. We promised."

"Yeah! We won't let you down!" Lance Justicestrike, Spike, Nyx and Flare Tiger exclaimed firmly.

Everypony came and gave Twilight Sparkle a comfort and passionate hug for luck. They hope everything will be alright at the end...

Darth Tempest Wrath was standing still at the front of Canterlot Castle's Main Gate. He was breathing through his breathable mask as he's calm and firm. He looked up and found the metallic and cyborg version of Dragoking approaching and walking towards him. The metallic Hydragoon groaned like he has something inside his mouth. He spitted four familiar ponies.

Twilight Sparkle and her family groaned in annoyance as they quickly dried themselves from greenish slime and acid.

"Good work, Dragoking," Darth Tempest Wrath said calmly. Dragoking bowed down humbly. He then led Twilight Sparkle and her family across the Canterlot Town. Dragoking followed him. He spoke, "The Emperor has been expecting you."

"I know..." Twilight Sparkle said in concern yet firmly.

"So... You accepted the truth."

"We all accepted the truth because you are once Dragon Hope - my boyfriend, even though I call you Shadow Dragon."

"That name no longer has any means to me."

Flare Tiger sighed, "Return of the Jedi scene. Gotta love that scene."

Lance Justicestrike shook his head in denial, "It's the name of your true self! And you want it to be forgotten! Everypony may think you as a monster. There's still good in you. The Emperor hasn't turned you into monster."

Nyx nodded, "If you are a monster, you would have kill us in the first sight."

Darth Tempest Wrath breathed heavily, "Is that so? Did you truly believe that, my friends?"

"Of course," Twilight Sparkle said firmly, "Please, come with me."

"Tao... Dragon Kick... Blazefist... My comrades... And even my own wife and son in this timeline have once thought as you do," Darth Tempest Wrath said calmly. He turned and gave them a glare, "What makes you think I will turn back from everything I have done? They all have betrayed and banish me to exile! And look at this results before you! I'm nothing but a monster."

"You're wrong," Nyx protested, "They and us love and care for you so much. We were all forced to do things we hated a lot. Believe in me. I know how it feels - forced to be a Nightmare Moon."

Lance nodded in agreement, "Please, dad. Let go of your hate. Come back to us now."

"Yeah. Whatever the Emperor said to you, it's not true," Spike pleaded, "He can't be trusted. He's the reason why you've lose so many friends."

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "Come with us. We can help you, Shadow Dragon."

Darth Tempest Wrath sighed, "No. I can't. It is too late for me now."

Twilight Sparkle and her friends looked shock and upset to see and hear it. They looked down in defeat. Darth Tempest Wrath nudged them to move on. They all heading straight to Canterlot Castle.

Darth Tempest Wrath and his prisoners entered the throne room, where the Emperor Dark Curse sitting on his throne chair. The grayish armored Dark Elite Guards were guarding him. They approached the throne chair. Dark Curse smirked in pleasant and amusement.

"Welcome, Twilight Sparkle and her family from original timeline," Dark Curse said in amusement, "We've been expecting you. How long has it been since my greatest defeat from the true war?"

Flare Tiger yelped in concern, "I didn't expect that..."

"Wait-! What?!" Spike exclaimed in shock and concern.

Nyx hissed, "He knows us and original Third Mystic War?!"

"Well, I always thought that it was exaggerate when he's ten steps ahead of everything," Lance Justicestrike said in concern, "I'm guessing he really is."

Twilight Sparkle groaned, "I don't know how you know your original timeline and us, but you won't get away with this!"

Dark Curse smirked in amusement, "Twilight Sparkle, you of all the ponies, should know that I don't take 'no' for answer. Denying my request will bring terrible consequences. So, tell me - are you willing to take such risk?"

Twilight Sparkle looked concern before looked down in defeat, "Alright, I will show you of how to use it especially Time Scroll. But you knew it, didn't you?"

"As I was expecting, Twilight Sparkle. Well done," Dark Curse said in amusement. He turned to Darth Tempest Wrath, "Now my apprentice, send your force to destroy the Ponyville Resistance at once."

"WHAT?!" Twilight Sparkle and her family members exclaimed in shock.

"Did you honestly think that I would leave small details alone especially their assaults on my base? Fools! I will not let them escape and interfere my plans!"

Twilight Sparkle groaned in anger. She summoned her Sparkle Star Sword out. As she charged right at Dark Curse, Darth Tempest Wrath moved to the front of her. He blocked her attacks for the moment.

Dark Mystic Soldiers quickly engaged the enemies at once. Nyx entered her Battle Mode as she fired her Night Beam at them. Spike helped Nyx by firing his Dragon Flame at them. Flare Tiger and Lance Justicestrike summoned their Tiger Claws and Dual Blade in attacking the enemies.

Twilight Sparkle groaned, "Move aside, Shadow Dragon! I'm gonna finish and defeat Dark Curse! I can't let him destroy your wife and my friends!"

"Shadow Dragon is dead. I destroyed him." Darth Tempest Wrath said darkly and angrily, "And I will destroy all of his precious and important ponies especially his wife."

"Then, you leave me no choice. I will avenge him!"

"Revenge is not the Princess's way. You should know that."

"I maybe a princss, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let you and your master do as you please!"

Both Twilight Sparkle and Darth tempest Wrath deflected their blades at once. She kicked on his head but missed. She dodged down as he swung his Darkness Blade over her head. She swung her Sparkle Star Sword at him but deflected aside. Making a around her to strike, he blocked the attacks. He then pushed hers on aside as he swung his on her head twice but missed. She fired her Unicorn Burst on him hard. As he recovered, she slammed hers on him but blocked. He swung his back at her. Twilight Sparkle and Darth Tempest Wrath both then clashed their swords at each other hard while giving a glare for the moment.

As they departed the clash, Darth Tempest Wrath swung his sword fiercely and quickly at Twilight Sparkle, who blocked and dodged the attacks for ten rounds. They both continued swinging their attacks at each other for few times. They then had the clashed for the moment. She then sensed something amiss within him. And just before he could do anything, Twilight Sparkle fired her Rainbow Light Blast on him. Darth Tempest Wrath breathed calmly as he looked and glared at her.

"Shadow Dragon, you hesitated," Twilight Sparkle said in surprise and concern, "I can feel a conflict in your heart and Element of Darkness. You didn't want to do it at all. I knew there's good in you."

Darth Tempest Wrath scoffed, "Foolish girl. You're delusional and blind."

"If I am delusional, then why did you spare my and my children's life? And above all, you had the chance to kill Iris Crystal when she appeared before you! I don't believe you will do it."

"You have underestimated my Element of Darkness. Like I said before, you have much more to learn. If you will not join me, then you will meet your destiny."

And just before Twilight Sparkle could do anything, Darth Tempest Wrath unleashed hisDark Lightning Strikes on her. She screamed in pain as she was thrown straight through the left entrance door hard. She fell to the ground.

"MOM!" Lance Justicestrike, Nyx and Spike exclaimed in shock and concern.

"Come on!" Flare Tiger exclaimed in concern.

Flare Tiger and the children quickly defeated the Dark Mystic Troopers out. They then trotted off and helped Twilight Sparkle up. They quickly ran at once. Darth Tempest Wrath marched into the area. He breathed heavily as he searched for them at the Elements of Harmony Chamber.

"You cannot hide forever," Darth Tempest Wrath said darkly. He found silence within the room. He continued as he searched, "Give yourself to me now. It is futile to resist. It's the only way to save your friends."

Twilight Sparkle and Flare Tiger hid behind the cupboard while Lance Justicstrike, Nyx and Spike hid underneath the table. They all wondered if there's anyway to stop and save Shadow Dragon from being Darth Tempest Wrath. And at the same time, they all wished to be home with their friends. Twilight Sparkle hissed as she thought that joining him is the only way to save them.

"Yes, I can feel it, Twilight Sparkle. Your Element of Light betrayed you. Your feelings for your them is strong especially from..." Darth Tempest Wrath hummed in amusement, "Your children? So, not only you adopted my son as yours but also the dragon and your half-blood demon child. Your feelings have now betrayed them too."

Lance Justicestrike, Spike and filly Nyx quivered and shivered in fear as they hugged each other tightly. They don't like what's on Darth Tempest Wrath's mind of dealing with them. The table got thrown aside. They looked up and found Darth Tempest Wrath stood before them.

"If you will not turn yourself to me," Darth Tempest Wrath said darkly. As he levitated Nyx up, he smirked beneath his mask, "Perhaps, they will. Starting with Nyx Midnight!"

"Dad, no!" Lance Justicstrike, Nyx and Spike cried in shock.

Thought of seeing her children turned into monsters ran her mind, Twilight Sparkle screamed in anger as she emerged from the closet. She charged and swung her Sparkle Star Sword at Darth Tempest Wrath. He got surprised by her appearance as he deflected it aside. Through her blind rage, she continued swinging and striking sword at him, as he was forced to block and deflect the attacks for few rounds.

Flare Tiger came out and helped the children. They then followed both Twilight Sparkle and Darth Tempest Wrath fighting all the way to the throne chamber. They witnessed the princess fired her Unicorn Burst in knocking the Dark Mystic General to the ground. She slammed her sword against his for few times to the ground hard. As she swung his aside, she decapitated his hoof. Darth Tempest Wrath screamed in pain. Twilight Sparkle panted as she aimed her Sparkle Star Sword at him. She had him now.

Dark Curse laughed in amusement upon looking at the event. He stood up and approached them. Flare Tiger and the children looked worry and scared for Twilight Sparkle now. What will she do next?!

"Good. Good.." Dark Curse remarked. Twilight Sparkle and her family turned and looked at him. He continued, "Your hate has made you powerful. Now, fulfill your destiny. Take both Element of Darkness and his place at my side, Herald of Corrupted Light."

As if his words hit her, she look a glance at Darth Tempest Wrath's state, as well as he frightened children. She recalled of what happened when she was evil Midnight Sparkle especially what hate and anger do with her. She sighed in defeat as she had her sword disappeared.

BANG! Everyone looked up as they found Iris Crystal, Mane Five and some rebels entered the scene. The latter have managed to infiltrate and defeat the Dark Mystic Troopers. The rebels were in shock and concern of what they just saw. Twilight Sparkle has defeated Darth Tempest Wrath as she is now facing the Emperor of Dark Mystic Empire.

"Never. I will never turn into evil again. I've made that promise," Twilight Sparkle said firmly as she held and hugged her three children. Flare Tiger stood besides her. She gave the glare at Dark Curse, "I am the Princess of Friendship, as well as Wielder of both Element of Magic and Element of Light. I will not bow before you, Dark Curse! I will save Shadow Dragon"

Everyone gasped and awed in shock yet amazed and inspired by words. Dark Curse was even angered and furious by it. He held his hoof as he unleashed his Dark Lightning Strike on Flare Tiger and three children. Twilight Sparkle quickly shielded them. However, they still inflicted with pain by his attacks.

"If you will not join me, then you will be destroyed!" Dark Curse exclaimed in anger, "Now Princess of Friendship and her descendants, you all will die!"

Iris Crystal gasped, "Leave them alone!"

And just before Iris Crystal and her rebels could do anything, Dark Curse summoned his levitation spell in trapping them. They struggled in getting out from it. He continued unleashing his Dark Lightning Strikes on Twilight Sparkle and her family.

Darth Tempest Wrath slowly get up. He witnessed his master destroying the princess and her family while they screamed in pain. Deep within his heart; he felt conflict, shock, pain and sadness. He even has strange memories that involved good times with Twilight Sparkle, her family and other friends. Why would they resist him? Why would they believe they can save him? And above all, why he did care and sympathy about them?

He never had sympathy and a heart since the day he became Darth Tempest Wrath. But one mind he can't bear to ignore about the ponies - he loved them so much...

Darth Tempest Wrath took his Darkness Blade out. He screamed wildly as he charged straight at Dark Curse, who is still firing his Dark Lightning Strikes at Twilight Sparkle and her family. He screamed in pain of feeling lightning attacks that surge through his body. Close to his target, he thrust his blade through the Emperor's chest hard. Dark Curse yelped and screamed in pain. As he pulled his sword out, the Emperor fell on his back hard. Darth Tempest Wrath also fell to his back.

Twilight Sparkle and her family quickly get up and approached wounded Darth Tempest Wrath. Iris Crystal and rebels, who got down from the levitation spell, approached them as well.

"Twilight... Iris... Help me take this mask off..." Darth Tempest Wrath asked painfully. He coughed heavily as well as spitting blood out. Everyone looked worry and concern about it. He continued, "Do not worry about it. I wish to see your face, one last time..."

Everyone looked at each other as they wondered if it's good idea. Nevertheless, both Twilight Sparkle and Iris Crystal helped and removed the helmet and mask off. The ponies saw the burnt and scarred form of bald Shadow Dragon with his gentleness crimson eyes. Both mares cried and sobbed tearfully as they held and hugged him.

"Thank you so much..." Shadow Dragon thanked calmly. He coughed heavily, "You were right... You were right about me... Go now... Leave me..."

"No... We can still save you," Twilight Sparkle pleaded.

Iris Crystal nodded, "Don't give up. You just started come back to us. Hang on!"

Shadow Dragon smiled weakly, "I know... I know... But... This is goodbye. I'll be with you... I... I love you... I always do... Goodbye, my family..."

And just before ponies could do anything, Shadow Dragon gave his last breathe as he had his head fell. They were in shock, pain and despair to see him like it. They lowered their heads down in sign of respect for the death. Shadow Dragon is gone...

"Why? Why is this happening?" Twilight Sparkle asked in pain and shock. She cried tearfully, "Why?! Why must we suffer like this?!"

Iris Crystal sighed as she hugged Twilight Sparkle, "I can't be honest for all the answers. There's something we have to fight for, even if it means making a great sacrifices. We all know the risk. We were afraid of it and yet we still do it."


"Because we have hope, Twilight Sparkle. We'd never surrender. We'd never run away. And we'd never give up. We keep fighting until our hope has finally realized. That's what keeps us going for our home, freedom, friends and family. We owe it to you, Twilight Sparkle."

"Me?! Why?! I'm nothing special. My friends felt the same as I do."

"Yes, you are, Twilight Sparkle. You think Element of Harmony and Element of Light chose you and your friends because you're powerful. strong and smart?" Iris Crystal shook her head while smiling, "No, it's because you'd never give up on the fight, your friends and ponies you love. That's what makes you and your friends special."

"I... I'd never knew." Twilight Sparkle said in shock. She sighed, "Even if I am, I still couldn't stop Starlight Glimmer and Seekcurse from ruining this..."

Iris Crystal smiled, "Have you try talk with her? Talking with her will help you find the answer."

Twilight Sparkle and her family members were in shock and surprise of what Iris Crystal had suggested. They looked at each other for the moment. They wondered if talking with Starlight Glimmer is a good idea.

At the platform, Twilight Sparkle and other ponies gathered at the platform.

"I'm gonna miss you, mom," Lance Justicestrike said tearfully while hugging his mother, "I'd always love you with my heart, no matter how many years or dimensions are."

Iris Crystal smiled, "I know. Take care of your father and your new family."

With Lance nodded, both him and his mother continued hugging. Both Nyx and Spike sobbed tearfully. Flare Tiger hugged them in comfort. As Lance Justicestrike regrouped with his family, he and his family members were ready to go back to the past. Iris Crystal and Mane Five looked at them with sad and upset looks. This is goodbye.

"We'll get our future back. We'll make sure that this kind of future will never exist again," Twilight Sparkle said firmly. She sighed, "We'll meet again. I promised."

Iris Crystal smiled, "We know. Take care of Shadow Dragon and others."

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "I will. Goodbye, my friend."

Iris Crystal and Mane Five waved and said goodbye to Twilight Sparkle and her family. The Sparkle Family summoned the Time Portal as they entered and traveled back to past...

Twilight Sparkle and her family returned to Rainbow Dash's past. They stood before Starlight Glimmer on the track. They're ready for her now.

Starlight Glimmer smiled, "Up for another race-ending fight, Twilight?"

"No. I'm here to talk with you," Twilight Sparkle said calmly.

"Oh, puh-lease. What is there to talk about, Twilight? It's pointless. I'll keep you and your friends from getting your cutie mark connection at all cost! I'm all in game!"

Nyx hissed, "We could be stuck doing this for all eternity!"

Twilight Sparkle nodded in agreement, "What you're doing goes way beyond cutie marks! Everything we do here in the past – even the smallest change – can snowball into an avalanche of trouble for the future!"

"Oh, next I suppose you'll tell me that 'the fate of all of Equestria hangs in the balance'!" Starlight Glimmer asked in annoyance.

Lance Justicestrike groaned, "It does!"

"Spare me your overblown ego!" Starlight Glimmer huffed, "No group of friends, not even Princess Twilight's, is that important!"

And just Twilight Sparkle and her family could do anything, Starlight Glimmer fired her Unicorn Burst at young Rainbow Dash out from the race. The Time Portal appeared again.

"I don't know how important other ponies' friendships are to the future," Twilight Sparkle said in concern. She jumped and grabbed Starlight Glimmer, "but I can show you what the world is like without mine!"

And just before Starlight Glimmer could do anything, the Time Portal dragged all the ponies into it!

Twilight Sparkle and her group have arrived at their present - barren wasteland. Starlight Glimmer was in shock, scared and worried about what she was seeing.

"Where are we?!" Starlight Glimmer demanded, "There's nothing here!"

"The future. Or rather, the present," Twilight Sparkle answered. She sighed, "I wish I could say I was surprised. But every world I come back to is worse than the last. I don't know why my friends and I are so important to Equestria, but we are."

Starlight Glimmer groaned, "I don't believe you!"

"Come on, Starlight, look around!" Spike insisted in concern.

"Compare this to previous future we've been, we've lost so many of our friends," Nyx said in concern.

Flare Tiger explained, "Everything in the past affects the future, even the tiniest act. And what you're doing leads here."

Twilight Sparkle nodded, "I know I can't stop you, but I thought showing you this might change your mind."

"Change my mind?" Starlight Glimmer demanded as she turned and glared at Twilight Sparkle and her family, "You don't know anything about me! I was perfectly happy before YOU, your FAMILY and your FRIENDS ruined what I built!"

"I don't know what happened that led you to make your village without cutie marks," Twilight Sparkle said in concern, "and I'm sorry my friends, family and I had to take it away."

Lance Justicestrike groaned, "Sorry? Why would we even want to feel sorry for her after everything she had done to us and all the ponies?"

"Take it easy, Lance." Nyx patted Lance Justicestrike's shoulder gently, "I'm sure she had her reason of why she did in the first place."

Starlight Glimmer groaned in anger, "Fine! You want to know what happened to me?! I'll show you!"

Starlight Glimmer summoned the Time Portal as she led Twilight Sparkle and her family into it. They were now travelling to the past...

As the Time Portal opened, Starlight Glimmer arrived at the unknown village, along with Twilight Sparkle and her friends. They were confuse and concern about the resident area.

"Where are we?" Twilight Sparkle asked.

"That map of yours is connected to every part of Equestria, and this part is my home." Starlight Glimmer explained as she led her enemies to her old home. They saw her younger self playing with Books Towering with orange unicorn with red gentle spiky mane and short tail with light stripes. She continued, "Sunburst and I did everything together. In fact, I don't remember us ever being apart. Until today."

As the young Starlight Glimmer levitated the book out from lowest part, the tower began to fall on her. Sunburst quickly stopped it by levitating them. As the books spun around him, he magically put them back on book shelf in one second. He sighed in relief.

Suddenly, a light flash on his flank. Sunburst looked at his flank. He cheered happily as he got his Cutie Mark - sunburst symbol. He trotted off and told the ponies about it. His family and friends cheered for him. They then took and carried him across the villages. The young Starlight Glimmer then sobbed tearfully.

"And just like that, my friend was gone. His family recognized his magical talent and sent him off to Canterlot. I never saw him again. Until I met somepony who share my hatred..."

By evening, it rained. The young Starlight Glimmer continued crying outside of her home. A familiar character approached her while covering her with an umbrella.

"Young filly, why are you crying?" Amon Blood asked.

Young Starlight Glimmer sniffled unhappily, "My... my friend is gone. He meant everything to me. Now I'll never see him again."

"What is your name?"

"St-Starlight...Starlight Glimmer..."

Amon Blood held his left hoof in front of her, "Come with me, Starlight Glimmer. I will help you get what you wanted especially disposing the Cutie Marks. You and I aren't different."

Starlight Glimmer sniffled as she took his hoof. Amon Blood grabbed and carried her on his back. They both exited the village as they headed towards to somewhere else.

"Amon Blood - a friend, mentor and the only father I could have - helped and trained me to be the best magic user in Equestria. He's the one who taught me of how to use Cutie Mark Removal Spell," Starlight Glimmer explained, "And he was right. Cutie mark is a curse. It takes any friends I make away like Sunburst! He even told me that everypony is equality without power, magic and wings. I believed in him. I will make that ideal comes true."

"That's ridiculous. A cutie mark can't take your friends away." Twilight Sparkle said in concern.

Nyx nodded, "Yeah! I got mine earlier but I chose to be with my friends until they get theirs. Nothing bad happen to me or them."

"Yeah, Amon is wrong about everything especially their cutie marks," Lance Justicestrike said in concern.

Spike sighed, "Do you want to know what is equality? It's about friends always being there for you no matter what happen. Just like us."

Starlight Glimmer groaned as she wiped her tears off, "Not everypony's lucky enough to get her cutie mark at the same time as her friends! How dare you insult Amon?!"

Starlight Glimmer then summoned Time Portal as she and her enemies entered it at once.

Arriving at Rainbow Dash's Past; Twilight Sparkle and her family landed on the lowered cloud platform while Starlight Glimmer was on top of it.

"You don't know what it's like to lose a friend because of a cutie mark. But once I stop the rainboom, you will!" Starlight Glimmer exclaimed in anger. She teleported the Time Scroll away from Twilight Sparkle and her family. She smirked as she began tearing the scroll, "And when I destroy this scroll, there'll be no way for you to change it!"

As Starlight Glimmer began tearing the Time Scroll, Twilight Sparkle and her family were in shock and concern. Flare Tiger growled in anger as she grew tired about this. She teleported herself before Starlight Glimmer and gave the unicorn a big slap very hard.

"ENOUGH! Listen to us for once," Flare Tiger exclaimed in anger. Starlight Glimmer groaned in anger as she was about to tear the Time Scroll apart. She continued, "Starlight, you're wasting time and effort of getting rid of it. We will always get back here and stop you!"

"What do you mean?!" Starlight Glimmer demanded, "Who are you?! I'd never seen you before!"

"I am descendant of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Dragon. I'm from the future. And I'm also Time Traveler. I travel through time - past, present and future. So, what you're doing now is completely wasting."

"What?! You're serious?!"

"Yes, I am," Flare Tiger answered. Starlight Glimmer yelped in shock. She sighed, "But you were right. We don't know what you went through! But you can't do this. We've seen where this leads, and so have you!"

Starlight Glimmer groaned, "I only saw what you showed me! Who knows what'll really happen?"

Twilight Sparkle shook her head, "No, Flare Tiger is right. We've seen it a dozen times! Things don't turn out well in Equestria without my friends!"

"Ugh! What's so special about your friends?! How can a group of ponies that are so different be so important?!"

"The differences between me and my friends are the very things that make our friendship strong!"

Starlight Glimmer poured her tears out, "I thought Sunburst and I were the same. But we turned out different, and it tore our friendship apart!"

"So try again! Make new friends!" Nyx insisted.

Lance Justicestrike nodded, "And if something that you can't control happens that changes things, work through it together! That's what friendship is!"

"And it's not just our friendships that are important to Equestria! Everypony's are!" Twilight Sparkle said in concern while looking around of ponies chatting and playing together. She continued, "When yours ended, it led us here. But just imagine all the others that are out there waiting for you if you just give them a chance!"

Starlight Glimmer was in shock yet touched by warmhearted, relief and compassionate words from Twilight Sparkle and her family. She even looked around of her surroundings. She saw many ponies - young and old - chatting, playing and many more activities they do.

Starlight Glimmer doubtfully yet worriedly asked, "How do I know they won't all end the same way?"

"I guess it's up to you to make sure they don't." Spike answered calmly, "Trust us. We can help you."

Flare Tiger nodded, "She don't call herself 'Princess of Friendship' for nothing. Please, let us help you."

As Twilight Sparkle held her hoof up, Starlight Glimmer looked at hers before turned and looked at young Rainbow Dash and young Hoops were still racing. She was in dilemma for revenge or let Twilight Sparkle and her friends to help her. She sighed calmly as she knew what she wanted. And just before she could do anything, she screamed in pain like something just hit her.

Twilight Sparkle and her family quickly grabbed and held Starlight Glimmer at once. They noticed a knife on her back. Time Scroll fell right on Seekcurse and his Terracotta Soldiers.

"Pathetic..." Seekcurse said in annoyance, "It looks like I'm gonna have to finish this up by myself. I will start with tearing this paper!"

"No, don't!" Spike exclaimed in concern. He yelped in realization, "Oh yeah! I forgot! Flare Tiger can help and send us back here."

Nyx sighed, "You'd think, Spike?"

"WHY?! Why did you attack her?!" Twilight Sparkle groaned in anger while healing Starlight Glimmer's injuries. She continued, "She's your friend!"

"She's not! Because she is too weak to do what is necessary to achieve victory! Unlike me, I'm willing to go through it! Starting with you and your friends, Princess, you all have been a thorn to my side for too long! I will destroy Equestria's Hope once and for all!"

"Why?! Why are you doing this, Seekcurse?!"

"During Qin Period, everypony mistreated me like a garbage! Nopony came and help me! My own friends betrayed me including Han for his Princess Luna! And I nearly lost my head because of those Equestria Filthy Princesses! They're the reason why I'm ruined! They're the reason why I betrayed the Emperor! And they are the reason of losing my chance to get the power! All I ever want is to top of pyramid! And now, I'll make them pay! I will give them and their precious Equestria and Mystic Realm of what they deserve!"

Starlight Glimmer grunted in pain while looking at him, "All this... For revenge?! And you're willing to kill the innocent lives?!"

"Indeed I am!" Seekcurse smirked in amusement.

Seekcurse turned and glared at Rainbow Dash going to perform her sonic rainboom. He then summoned five portals via black marbles. It revealed where her friends were before sonic rainboom occur. But Terracotta Army were there and hidden behind the walls, rocks and even among the crowds. They all had earphones as they were armed with their weapons.

"My soldiers are in position of six location including here! With Rainbow Dash's scream of death, they will kill the rest including Princess Twilight's!" Seekcurse laughed evilly and manically, "Without you or your friends, Equestria will be Qin's forever! And I will be back in my power!"

Seekcurse armed with his bow and arrow that attached with Star Swirl's Time Scroll. He's aimed his target at Rainbow Dash as she almost reach to the ground. His Terracotta Army were ready to attack as well.

Twilight Sparkle groaned, "We're not gonna let you get away with this, Seekcurse!"

And just before Twilight Sparkle and her friends could do anything, Terracotta Army blocked their way. Seekcurse turned and readied to fire at her.

Seekcurse laughed evilly, "Say goodbye to your home forever!"

Twilight Sparkle and her family screamed, "Nooooooooooo!"

"I've lost my friend once..." Starlight Glimmer grunted in pain as her horn glowed, "I'm not gonna go through this again! Time Freeze!"

Starlight Glimmer fired her multiple Time Freeze at Seekcurse and his Terracotta Army. They were all trapped from moving. Spike quickly charged and grabbed

"Wow! Did you do that?! Amon?" Twilight Sparkle asked in surprise. Starlight Glimmer nodded nervously. She whistled, "You're full of surprises, Starlight Glimmer."

Seekcurse groaned and muttered, "I'll get you for this, traitor!"

"Think again, Paradox!" The angry voice shouted. Everyone looked up as they found tired and exhausted Blackwitch carried by filly Jade Adventure. She panted heavily, "By the order of Jade Emperor, you are to be executed for committing serious & dangerous crimes for not only destroying lives, but also defying and destroying Mystic Ponies. You are to be erased for good!"

"Why not kill him?" Lance Justicestrike asked in concern.

"Is that extreme?" Nyx asked in concern.

Blackwitch sighed, "Because he consumed Immortal Pill. It is made by herb, ginger's root, carrot, orange, Purity of Water, Hydra's slim, Mystic Crystal's Shard, Magical Dust and even Dragon Blood Stone. He is not only an immortal but also able to regenerate. And the only to do that is to erase him - starting today and its timeline onward!"

"No! You can't!" Seekcurse exclaimed in shock.

Blackwitch had her eyes glowed in yellow, "Yes, I will! Time Erase!"

As Blackwitch's eyes glowed darkly, she fired them at frozen Seekcurse. For the moment the light dispersed, Seekcurse's left hoof slowly turned into dust. It slowly infected his body. He gasped in shock. Twilight Sparkle and her family were in shock of it.

"No! No! Noooooooo! This can't be happening!" Seekcurse screamed as it almost reaching his head, "All I ever want is to be at the top of pyramid! Nooooooooo!"

As his head just turned into dust form, the wind blew them off. Terracotta Army from Mane Five's location including Cloudsdale broke to pieces as they all disappeared in dust. Everyone was in deep shock of it. Seekcurse was erased off. He's gone.

BOOM! Twilight Sparkle and her friends witnessed Rainbow Dash unleashed her sonic rainboom again. They were amazed and touched by it so much. Time Portal appeared on top of them.

Twilight Sparkle sighed as she gave Starlight Glimmer a comfort hug, "It's over. Let's go home..."

Time Portal dragged all of the ponies into it as they're now returning to the present...

As Time Portal opened, Twilight Sparkle and her group dropped to the ground hard. Time Scroll was levitated for the moment as it blasted on Cutie Map, which slowly restored it into normal state. It then entered the portal, which slowly dispersed into a bright light. The scroll is gone.

Twilight Sparkle and her family looked around as they found that they have finally return home!

"One Castle of Friendship – check!" Spike exclaimed happily as he gave a kiss on the floor. He looked up and found Shadow Dragon, Mane Five, Dragon Strike Force and group of Metal Ponies entered the area. He smiled, "One group of amazing friends – check!"

Twilight Sparkle trotted towards Shadow Dragon as she gave him a long passionate kiss. Though surprise, he's willing to give in for a long one. Everyone awed happily in watching the event.

Lance Justicestrike chuckled, "And one amazing boyfriend and dad back - check!"

Nyx nodded, "Yeah, it looks like we're home!"

Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Dragon departed as they both blushed while giving lovely looks at each other.

"What was that?" Shadow Dragon asked in amusement. He cleared his throat, "Not that I hate it, I missed it a lot. But does that mean-!"

"Yes, Shadow Dragon, we're back together." Twilight Sparkle said happily.

"Arrest her!" Metalgear exclaimed in annoyance. He and his Metal Ponies held Starlight Glimmer with metal cuffs. He continued, "You are under arrest for attempt to murder of Princess Twilight Sparkle! And not to mention, you shut me and my comrades down!"

Shadow Dragon, Mane Five and Dragon Strike Force gave the glare at Starlight Glimmer. Starlight Glimmer looked away in shame. They don't like her of what has done before.

"Uh... What's she doin' here?" Applejack asked in annoyance.

"Easy, Metalgear," Twilight Sparkle said calmly, "It's kind of a long story."

Metalgear and his Metal Ponies were looking after Starlight Glimmer outside of Meeting Chamber. Twilight Sparkle explained to her friends and Dragon Strike Force about the adventure she and her family members went through. Her friends were in shock and surprised by it.

"My god..." Shadow Dragon said in shock, "I'd never thought I would become so evil and deadly as Darth Tempest Wrath."

Jade scoffed as she was in her filly mode while taking care of tired Blackwitch, "You have no idea..."

Lance Justicestrike sighed, "I'm just glad that I'm done with time travelling! I'm so damn tired."

"Me too..." Nyx agreed, "And it also gives me a big headache."

"Actually, it's not that bad. You'll have to get use to it. Who knows? You might get the hint of future," Flare Tiger giggled. Lance Justicestrike, Nyx and Spike gave their hopeful looks at her. She sighed, "I said a hint, not entirely. This could led you to disasters. It's best that you do what usually do in your daily life."

Lance Justicestrike, Nyx Midnight and Spike groaned in disappointment by Flare Tiger's denying their requests.

"I mean, I knew my rainboom was awesome," Rainbow Dash said in surprise, "but I never thought all of Equestria depended on it!"

Pinkie Pie added, "Or on us!"

"I think it's more than that." Twilight Sparkle said, "Friendship connects all of Equestria, and undoing one group of friends made its magic less powerful. And we represent the symbol of hope to Equestria because we defeat the enemies and save it for dozen times especially we provide our morality and lessons about friendship to ponies."

Shadow Dragon nodded, "I have to agree with that. My father and Azure Phoenix said the same thing. We're all glad that you and your friends are the one."

"I can't believe y'all were able to travel through time like that." Applejack said in shock.

Pinkie Pie nodded, "That Starlight must be pretty magical!"

"She obviously has more talent for magic than almost anypony I've seen." Twilight Sparkle said in shock and amaze, "My magic couldn't stop her. I had to convince her to stop on her own. Once I realized that, everything fell into place."

"To think that the Dark Mystic Revolutionary Leader Amon was the one who taught her everything," Shadow Dragon said in shock and concern, "Usually, Dark Mystic Ponies wouldn't bother to help mortals because they're beneath them."

"Well, if I have to guess, Amon and Starlight Glimmer must have share the same ideas about cutie marks and power," Lance Justicestrike said in surprise, "They want to get rid of it for peace and equality."

Nyx sighed, "Be glad that Starlight Glimmer abandoned it and helped us."

Applejack hummed in concern, "But if she's as powerful as all that, we can't just send her on her way, can we?"

"It's bad idea to send her back to Amon Blood," Rarity said in concern, "He maybe her mentor and father figure, but there's no telling if there's any failure when you're Dark Mystic Revolutionary Warrior."

"I agree. There's no telling what he will do to her," Shadow Dragon said in concern.

"Actually, I kind of have something else in mind." Twilight Sparkle said calmly. She turned to Spike, "Go and call her. Please, tell Metalgear loosen the metal cuffs. Seriously, I think he's over sensitive about being shut down!"

Spike called Starlight Glimmer to come in as well as asking to remove the cuffs out. Metalgear was annoyed but he obeyed. Starlight Glimmer gulped a bit as she was nervous, scared and worried about her judgment. Nevertheless, she entered and bowed in respect to Twilight Sparkle and her family.

"I know there's no excuse for what I did, but I want you all to know that I'm ready for whatever punishment you think is fair."

"I've been thinking a lot about how badly Equestria fared without just one group of friends. Because even when one friendship dies, the results can be disastrous." Twilight Sparkle explained. Starlight Glimmer looked down in shame, "And that's why I've asked you here. If you're willing to learn, I'm willing to teach you what I know. You'll have the power to make Equestria an even better place."

Starlight Glimmer was in shock and surprised by Twilight Sparkle's generosity and forgiveness. She turned and looked at others. They all smiled calmly and happily. They all forgive her, and even grumpy and annoyed Metalgear and his Metal Ponies.

Starlight Glimmer hissed as she asked, "How do I start?"

Twilight Sparkle smiled, "Starting is easy! All you have to do is make a friend! And you've got seven of them right here."

Twilight Sparkle and her friends surrounded Starlight Glimmer. She smiled happily and relief that she was given a chance for redemption and making friends with them, as well as learning more from Twilight Sparkle.

Starlight Glimmer recalled her bad memories from her past about losing a friend, as well as get trained by Amon Blood to be the best magic user and accomplished his ideal of equality. She shook her head in not wanting to remember. She found Twilight Sparkle and her family stood besides her.

Starlight Glimmer: I never thought that I would find a place
To step right in and start again
I never thought that I could just begin
Right where I left off and make a friend

Twilight Sparkle and her family led Starlight Glimmer all the way out of Castle of Friendship. Mane Five, Dragon Strike Force and even Black Omega Squadron and Cutie Mark Crusaders waiting outside. Flare Tiger, Jade Adventure and Blackwitch were there as well. Their friends gave the warmhearted greet, smiles, hoof shake and hug to Starlight Glimmer.

Twilight Sparkle: Don't ever think that it might be too late
You don't have to wait, there's no mistakes with the friends you make
A friendship's only made of what you bring
And if you do it right, you can do anything

Twilight Sparkle, her family and friends including Starlight Glimmer marched and sang together happily and passionately about friendship. Starlight Glimmer smiled as she can't wait to start.

Starlight Glimmer and Mane Six: Just use your eyes
This time, no lies
Just don't disguise
Who you are inside

Starlight Glimmer went through Mane Six's home and learned more about it. At Carousal Boutique, Rarity and Shorty Thinking helped and gave the black gown design with diamonds for her. Sweetie Belle and Spike cheered and clapped happily for it. At the cottage, Terrorcreep and Fluttershy gave her the introduction to animals. Rainbow Dash with Scootaloo on her back, and Aquastroke were racing, along with Starlight Glimmer through her levitation spell.

Applejack, Apple Bloom and Saber Dragoon were doing apple bucking, along with Starlight Glimmer. She even baked the cakes with Pinkie Pie and Laxtinct. Starlight Glimmer studied together with Twilight Sparkle, Nyx, Tailtech and Icy through various books. She even watched Shadow Dragon and Lance Justicestrike trained Black Omega Squadron on using martial art skills. Dragoking licked Starlight Glimmer's face, which ticklish her a lot while patted him gently.

Starlight Glimmer and Mane Six: Because your friends are always there for you
You don't have to be the same for friendship to be true
Because your friends are always there for you
Around the world, it's still the same
Together you have more to gain
There's nothing that a friend won't do

Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer travel to her form village, where she make some amends with Double Diamond, Party Favor, Sugar Belle and Night Glide. They all forgave her for her 'deception'.

Starlight Glimmer and Mane Six: Everywhere you go
Friendship there will grow
When you find it, it's the key
Friends can change the world, you see

Ponyville Town Ponies gathered at the center as they all cheered wildly and happily. Twilight Sparkle and all of her friends marched to the center while waving to them. For the first time in her life, Starlight Glimmer finally smiled with pure happiness.

Starlight Glimmer and Mane Six: Everywhere you go
Friendship there will grow
When you find it, it's the key
Friends can change the world (ah-ah)
Friends can change the world (ah-ah)
Friends can change the world, you see

At unknown laboratory, Dark Mystic soldier reported to Amon Blood about Starlight Glimmer and her mission. Dark Mystic Revolutionary Warrior asked his soldier to leave him alone. He sighed in defeat as he took the photo frame up. He saw picture of himself and young Starlight Glimmer hugging and smiling happily at the beach.

"To think that you were obsessed with equality ideal and revenge, you were able to free from it." Amon Blood said calmly. He took his mask off in giving a breathe. Instead of disappointment, he gave a proud smile, "Well done, my daughter. You're not alone. You finally found your happiness and friends. However..."

Amon Blood put his mask up. He turned and looked at the box of Six Rainbow Lights. He headed to the operation room. He witnessed cybernetic form of Guildenstern and his scientists working on healing other five Daemon Generals within cooling tube canisters, including fully healed form of Dark Curse. Dark Lord of Dark Mystic Ponies was still asleep and breathing.

Amon Blood placed it on the control keyboards's hole. Six of Rainbow Lights traveled through long tubes into Dark Curse's veins. He then glowed darkly and eerily while his body was shaking very hard.

"You are now fighting against me, my master and his army of Dark Mystic Ponies. I hope you're prepared for this. There is no turning back..."

As six Rainbow Lights pouring into Dark Curse's cooling canister tube, he growled softly within it. He opened his eyes - crimson pupil of serpentine and blackish eyeball.

"I have return..."

Twilight Sparkle was at her library as she was preparing the list of Friendship Lessons. Shadow Dragon entered it. He approached and hugged her from behind. He gave her a gentle rub on her belly and chest. He gave her a kiss on neck, cheek and lip. She giggled happily.

"I miss that a lot," Twilight Sparkle said happily. She turned and gave her boyfriend a passionate kiss by cheek, "But I mostly miss you a lot."

Shadow Dragon smiled as he nuzzled her neck gently, "Yeah, me too. I'll try my best to be... gentle and supportive with you. And hopefully, I'll be your perfect boyfriend."

"I don't need you to be perfect. I just need you to be there for me and talk with me about discussion and ideas. We may argue a lot. But I can deal with it."

"Good to hear it. And you know what I'm gonna do next?"

"No..." Twilight Sparkle giggled while blushed, "What?"

"This!" Shadow Dragon exclaimed happily.

Shadow Dragon gave a rub on Twilight Sparkle's belly in ticklish while kissing on her neck and cheek passionately. She giggled happily before turned and jumped on him to the ground. They both held and hugged each other passionately as they both rolled from both sides for the moment. He held her to the ground as they both gave each other a long passionate kiss.

BUZZ! Both Twilight Sparkle and Shadow Dragon stopped as they looked up and found the Communication Book buzzing and glowing. They realized Sunset Shimmer is calling. As they checked on the message she sent, they both gasped in shock and concern.

"Oh no! That happen three days ago when I was at Canterlot for speech! Autobots, G.I. Joe and the Humans need my help! I've gotta go now!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed in concern as she opened the Mirror Dimensional. She turned and hugged Shadow Dragon, "I'll be back for dinner and our usual."

Shadow Dragon nodded, "I know you will. Take care, Twilight. I'll be waiting."

Twilight Sparkle smiled as she departed from the hugging. She charged straight into the portal to help her friends from Equestria Girls Realm...

Within the time and space flow, the statue of humanoid elf with black cloak was flowing and floating around it. Both Lelouch and Celtic approached it from its back. They stopped at once before it. Lelouch placed the ball of Light and Darkness clashing with each other into the elf's body.

CRACK! A piece from statue's left eye dropped and fell to the ground. His eye opened and revealed the crimson pupil of serpentine and blackish eyeball. He growled softly.

Celtic gave a kiss on Lelouch's mask, "It is done, my love."

"Indeed. Welcome back to the living, eleventh brother," Lelouch said darkly while bowed.

"I'm free?" The Mysterious Statue #11 asked in surprise. He chuckled in amusement, "Indeed, I am! The Manipulator of Time and Space has return!"


Review and Suggest...

Main Casts:
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle, Blackwitch
Jesse McCartney: Lance Justicestrike
Kira Tozer: Nyx Midnight
Cathy Weseluck: Spike
Jennifer Hale: Flare Tiger
Kelly Sheridan: Starlight Glimmer
Brian Dobson: Seekcurse

Minor Casts:
Stacey Chan: Jade Adventure
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack, Rainbow Dash
Andrea Libman: Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Princess Yue/Nightmare Moon
Kathleen Barr: Queen Chrysalis
Brenda Crichlow: Zecora
Kelly Hu: Iris Crystal
James Earl Jones: Darth Tempest Wrath
Lathan Gaines: Dark Curse

Matthew Mercer: Terrorcreep

Matt Lanter: Shadow Dragon
Dee Bradley Baker: Dragoking

Jason Statham: Amon Blood Statham
Derek Stephen Prince: Metalgear
Johnny Young Bosch: Lelouch
Kate Higgins: Celtic
Ian McDiarmid: Mysterious Statue #11

Author Notes:
1) Darth Tempest Wrath is based on Darth Vader (Star Wars).

2) The new future Twilight Sparkle and her family have entered is based on Star Wars Original Trilogy, which involved Galactic Empire and Rebel Alliance.

3) Mane Five's Rebel Uniforms are based on latest video game in 2016 - Overwatch. Applejack's is based on McCree, Pinkie Pie's is based on , Fluttershy's is based onPharah and Mercy, Rainbow Dash's is based on Soldier 76 and Rarity's based on Widowmaker.

4) Iris Crystal's suit is based on Pink Power Ranger's suit from Original Series, SPD, Samurai and Dino Charge.

5) This connects to My Little Pony, Transformers and G.I. Joe Movie - Friendship's Heart of Destiny.