Hey guy, I'm back with the final chapter of this fic. I hope y'all enjoyed it like I did.

P.S There is no relation between Frieda Reiss, Krista/Historia, and Rod Reiss. As y'all know, Frieda Reiss was Carla's lawyer - she is from Maria, Rod Reiss is just a lowlife from Sina, and Krista is Krista. She is in no way a Reiss in this fic.

Disclaimer: I do not, in any way or form, own SnK.

The Heir to Maria

11 years later…

Eren, Jean, Levi, Erwin, and Farlan waited patiently at the designated location. The sun was setting just behind the mountain range that bordered the town of Shinganshia. It was their first meeting without his mother, his aunt, Kenny, and Marco. She had faith that it would go without any issues, but those who called themselves the Military Police or MP's – the same organization trying to push them out of business – were known to play dirty.

"You look naïve and innocent, my angel baby," stated his mother after he had dropped of his and Levi's children. "They'll think you know shit about the job at hand and try to cheat you."

"I'm your son," smiled Eren, "the 'Prince of Maria', heir to your organization," he giggled and pecked her cheek. "They won't know what hit them," he gave a reassuring smile before walking to the rental Farlan had acquired. How, he wasn't sure.

"They're here". Jean's voice broke his chain of thought. He turned to look out the back right passenger window and, sure enough, two black SUVs with tinted windows were driving up.

"Show time," he smiled at his cousin who sat next to him. "Levi," he called his husband, "have Hanji on standby if these shits don't go with the plan. Erwin, make sure communication with Armin is on at all times," he ordered. "Farlan, if this gets out of hand, I want you to get the three of you out of here as soon as possible."


"Don't," scolded Eren, cutting his brother-in-law off. "Just do as I say and you and Erwin help Levi raise my babies". He nodded at Jean and they exited the SUV. Walking to the two men, he knew exactly who one of them was. His overweight short stature, round face, jagged raven colored locks, with a thin mustache – Rod Reiss, a spineless bastard that always tried to get his dirty work done by enlisting the help from smaller organizations with the promise of a better future.

"I thought the 'Prince of Maria'," the other man used air quotes, "would make a personal appearance," scuffed the dark haired man that stood next to Rod Reiss.

"Dirk," scolded the man and the other just rolled his eyes. Undenounced to them Levi was monitoring their body language from the SUV.

"The 'Prince of Maria' is here, you shit," Jean clicked his tongue in annoyance. He didn't have his bleach blond undercut – he still sported his undercut – and he finally grew into his long face. The stubble on his chin made him looked older and gave off the aura of layback man, which he wasn't. He was just as hot-headed as his cousins.

"What, is he scared to face us and sent his sheep?" laughed Dirk Reiss, ignoring the way Eren's relaxed personal morphed into someone different.

"He…" the elder cousin quickly shut his mouth when his boss raised his hand up.

"Are you done?" he raised a brow, challenging Dirk, daring him to keep talking. The other man grew angry. "Good," smirked Eren, "Mr. Reiss," he turned to look at his friend's father in the eye, "As you know, The Scouts handles everything that goes in and out of Maria and Rose. My mother allowed you to run your gun trade in the Klorva districts in Rose and in Quinta District here in Maria. You agreed to give 30% of your profit and we haven't seen anything yet." The smiled Eren sent them sent a chill to both the Reiss members. "Now, if you want to avoid angering the 'Queen', I'll give you three days to give us what you owe or say good bye to our deal and war would be declared."

"Why you…" snarled Dirk, his raven hair swaying in the chilly mid-November night.

"I was talking to your father, brat," cut in Eren. "Three days, Mr. Reiss, and if you want some free advice. Teach your dog how to obey orders before I train him." Eren turned away to walk to the car, Jean right behind him. They heard a click and they stopped. Neither one had to turn around to know that the Reiss boy had pulled out his gun and pointed it to the back of Eren's head.

Farlan opened his door, ready to assist Eren but barely got one foot out of the car before being pulled back in by Levi.

"That's not wise, mutt," the dark chuckle that escaped Eren's lips sent child down their spines – including Jean's. "Did you think that we would arrange this meeting without back up? We have you surrounded, if you try to shot, my sniper will have you and your father down before that bullet hits me." He continued to walk to the car and jumped into the passenger seat followed by Jean.

Once they were seated and had their seatbelts on, Farlan drove away. "Isn't Krista acting like his daughter?"

"Yeah," hummed Eren. "She called me this morning gave me the rundown of her father's planner. She also sent Izzy some transcripts and discovered that there are several calls to and from Maria Corrections. She's going to figure out who is being held there and let me know."

She searched Rod's study for anything that would help the Scouts with destroying the dynasty the man was creating and sealing the deal with those dubbed the 'Titans'. She had searched every nook and cranny and came out empty. She stood behind the mess desk and scratched her blonde head in frustration. He wouldn't save anything on his desktop so it should be somewhere on his desk.

As quickly and as neatly as possible, she began to move things around – thanks to Levi's OCD on cleanliness. Several colors of post-it notes littered the desk, but nothing gave any valuable information. She went drawer by drawer and found nothing. Right when she was going to give up any hope she had, she found another planner. She flipped through the pages quickly and some something very important.

-Saturday, December 5 430, Petra Ral-

She grabbed her phone and took a picture of it was about to send it to Eren when the study's door clicked open. She knelt down as if removing her phone charger from the external battery The man's computer was connected too.

"Ms. Historia," called out one of the many maids in the manor, "dinner is almost ready. You deserve a break from all that studying."

"Thank you, Alma," smiled Krista and grabbed her discarded school bag. "I was just getting my phone charger," she lied. "Do you know when my father will be returning?"

"No, madam," smiled the Alma, "He just said he had other business in Maria."

"Thank you, Alma, Ima go and have a quick shower before dinner." She quickly walked away. Once she was far enough form Alma, she sent Eren the photo.

Eren walked into his mother's office and founder her sitting at her desk, sorting out the mail. Since everyone's life was busy in both the organization and out, they had everything forwarded to the bar. Carla didn't mind at all. If anything bad was going to be sent to one of her children, she'd rather receive it then have it arrive at their home and endanger the lives of her grandchildren.

"How was the meeting?" she asked, placing an envelope addressed the Isabel in her stack. She had full confidence that her son wouldn't fail such a simple task, but her motherly instance had her more worried either way.

"It went fine," hummed Eren as he sat in one of the chairs by her desk. "Either the Reiss are as stupid as they look or they think they are above everyone else." He had read their body language during their meeting, "The son, Dirk, he's ambitious, but he's lust for power will run them to the grown. Rod, on the other hand, was sweating bullets during the whole thing. He knows that we can destroy him and he's scared."

"And Krista?" she looked up at her son. She didn't want to send her into their enemy's lion's den, since she was still young, but it gave them a foot into the door.

"We've been in constant communication with her since she went in. Apparently, Rod has several illegitimate children and it was easy to infiltrate," shrugged Eren. He knew his mother wasn't too happy with sending Krista in, but she resembled one of Reiss' teenage daughters – easy. Her height and innocent looks would help her gain Rod's trust over his sons, easily. "He plans on meeting up with Petra this weekend. We think that he's going to help her escape and off me. With the Prince of Maria gone, he thinks you'll have no one else to take over."

Carla scuffed. Over the years, Petra has been writing letters to Levi expressing her love for him or asking why he never responded. Easy, he never received the letters. Everything that had to do with her was being intercepted and sent directly to Carla herself. "Figured," she sighed and handed her heir the ginger's newest lover letter.

Hesitantly, Eren took it and opened it.

My love,

The Lord knows I'm dying to see you beautiful face once more. I was worried that you didn't love me anymore, since you don't write me back, but then I remembered how you are married. Maybe your husband is intercepting all our love letters. He was never good enough for you. He can't provide you with children like I can. He thinks just because his mother is powerful, you'll be at his beck and call, doesn't he? But don't worry, my love. I have this friend that's going to help me get out of here and I'll liberate you from the freak. We can have our family, just like you promised me we would. Do you remember? I do. It was during our senior trip to Paris. We had ditched Farlan and Erwin to have a moment to ourselves. We declared our love in the only way we knew.

But don't worry. I'll look for you when I get out and I'll help you break free from that loser.

All my love,

Petra Ackerman

"Reiss," hissed the young man, crumpling the letter in his hands. He's not sure how many times he's made visits with Petra over the decade, and she's ignored every threat. But no more! "I'm going to handle things with this bitch and show up with her meeting with Reiss." He stood up and left without giving his mother a chance to oppose.

He entered the bar through the back and found his husband at the bar with Erwin, Farlan, and Jean having some beers. A few seats away were four young women, no older than 25 eyeing the men. After Petra's letter his mood had gone to shit, and needed to show everyone his hold on Levi Ackerman. He signaled Bertolt to prepare his favorite drink and have it ready by the time he gets to his seat.

Arriving at the stool next to his husband he takes it and is greeted by a loving smile. "Everything okay?" asked Levi letting his smile fall. He wasn't sure how he didn't feel the murderous aura around the younger one, but Eren was pissed. "What happened?"

Eren handed him the crimpled letter and he skimmed over it. "Know you know. I'm going to have a very direct talk with this bitch Saturday and destroy Reiss at the same time. He wants to play dirty, I will too. I'll show that shit who The Prince of Maria is." The three men grew quite at Eren's words as Bertolt set the drink before him.

"Care to buy us a drink, gentlemen?" purred a tall brunette what decided to stand between two powerful me. Her big hair blocked Eren's view of his husband, but it was better than the view Levi got. Over-dramatic dark eye shadow, cat-eye eyeliner, face contoured just right, bright red lips that contrasted her dark skin, skin tight red dress, with her boobs half out, and the smell of alcohol was strong on her breath.

"No, move," snapped Levi, while the three man raised their left hand, showing off the wedding bands.

"It's just a drink, guys," said another, but Eren didn't care to look at her.

"We said no," hissed Jean, and Eren could only assume that he shrugged the woman away.

"Your no fun," pouted another who rested her manicured hand on Eren's shoulder. "We just trying to give you me some company while your wives are away". She boldly tried to take a seat on Eren's lap and he snapped. His hand shot up and took hold of her by her nape.

"Get the fuck off," he snarled at her, yanking her off his lap. "We are not interested in cheap hook ups when we can go home to our wives and husband if we want any. Now get out of my bar," he snapped right when his sisters, Mikasa, Annie, and Armin walked up to them. "Now, if you don't want them to claw your eyes out for flirting with their husbands, leave."

Mikasa took a seat next to Jean, Hanji sat on Erwin's lap, and Isabel jumped up and sat on the bar top. The young woman looked at the group with wide eyes. Jean and Farlan had their mouths cover, holding back laughter, Erwin tried concealing his smile, but couldn't, and finally, Levi. He couldn't help the humorous laugh that escaped him. If this is how his husband reacted when a cheap woman flirts with him, then, damn, Petra has something coming.

"I'm so glad, were married," hummed Levi. The four women scurried away in fright. The women that appeared were scary and didn't want to have the wrath of an angry wife following them home. Eren didn't say anything as his husband pulled him onto his lap.

Krista received a very urgent text from her boss late last night and she was worried. All they had told her was to be out of the Reiss Manor as soon as possible. She looked over to at them alarm clock they had given her – 5:30A.M. She had burned all the clothes Rod had bought her, thinking she was his long lost 15 year old daughter. She threw clothes, covers, shoes, and what not into the tub and set the match. She made sure that the fire didn't get out of control, but one the fire alarm went off, she turned on the tub and ran out the room.

Without being spotted she made it outside and watched from a distance as the housekeepers went crazy looking for her.

"Quit the exit, Miss. Lenz," giggled her longtime friend, who hide behind a tree.

"Took you long enough, Ymir," she rolled her eyes. "I've been waiting out here for about ten minutes."

"Stop lying," Ymir clicked her tongue and took Krista's bag. "We have to be at the airport in 15 minutes." They walk to a black sedan parked about a block away. The short blonde gets in and messages her boss her location and who she is with. If all goes well, she'll be back home with her mother in no time.

Petra sat in her cell, staring at the cement wall in front of her. She had been giddy all day and couldn't wait until her new friend arrived. She wasn't sure how long it had been since she had any type of social communication, but that wait was over.

23 hours of her day were spent in isolation and was only allowed out for an hour, only to sit alone in the prison yard. It didn't matter is she was in her cell or out on the yard, she would spend hours upon hours writing to Levi and would never answer back. We he and Eren still married? Did they get a divorce? Were they unhappy? The not knowing is killing her. Neither Carla nor Kenny has paid her a visit and it was nerve wrecking.

She reached for the pencil and paper. She began another letter address to Levi and hoped for the best.

It was her fourth letter of the day when the door clicked open. She looked up and the guard that entered her cell was different than the usual one. Fear began to creep up on her when he stopped in front of her.

"What do you want?" she was hoping that it didn't sound small to the man before her. She crawled back against the closest wall when he neared her. "Don't touch me!" she shouted.

"The boss wants to see you," he chuckled and grabbed her by her hair and pulled her along. She trashed about, clawing at his arm, trying to get away. Nothing worked. She knew if she screamed, he wouldn't hesitate to shut her up. "Did you think they'd let you get away with all your bullshit?" he scuffed.

"I haven't done anything wrong," she pleaded.

He didn't answer anymore, as he pulled her along. She looked around quietly and noticed what part of the building they were in. It was the same room she was usually taken when Carla and Kenny paid a visit. Everything was the same – dark gray cement stone walls, poorly lite, but the large table and chairs were different. The room was vacant aside from the items.

"Come on," he yanked her into the room. "Hands," he ordered. She did as told, expecting him to put on his handcuffs, but when he strapped thick, light brown leather bands to her wrist – she freaked out.

"What are you doing?!" she shouted, yanking her hands away from the man. "The queen never has you tie me down!"

"It was the Princess that set this meeting up, not the queen."

Princess? Isabel and Hanji never offered her any visits only Eren. Being distracted, he pulled her short arms over her head and hooked her up hook that was hanging above her.

"What are you doing?!" A chill went up her spin. Carla never had her tied up. She saw the guard walk away and open door. On the other side were Levi and a brunette female that wasn't Carla. Her long mocha colored hair was in loose curled that reached down her mid back. Carla normally wore a yellow long sleeve blouse, white pants, and either flats or low heel heels. But this female wearing hot pink long sleeve oversized blouse, buttoned up half way, underneath was a black thin strap tank, tight leather pants that ended before reaching her ankles, and black heeled pumps. But the strange part was the cat-eye sunglasses.

"Is everything ready?" she asked, ignoring Petra. That voice sounded familiar but she couldn't put it to a face.

"Yes," grunted the guard as both Eren and Levi ignored Petra as they entered the room. Petra eyed the two as they sat down at the table and began having mindless chatter about everyday things. Levi didn't pay any attention to her, and it was frustrating.

Rob Reiss sits patiently waiting for Petra to come out and sit on the other side of the pixie glass. The strange thing was that he was the only one there. Nervously he waited. The door finally came open, but who he was shocked him. His daughter Historia stepped out dressed in the Scouts very well-known uniform with hair tied pack in a messy bun.

"Historia?!" he shouted. Millions of thought ran around in his mind. No one had informed him that his daughter was missing. Why was she here?

"Regards from the Princess of Maria," she crackled.

"Historia?!" he began as she stood and walked away. "Historia?!" Through the refection in the glass, he saw a tall man walking up behind him. The man quickly covered his mouth and nose with a chloroformed laced rage.

"Who are you?! What do you want from me?!" mimicked Erin. Petra had shouted over and over wanting to know who she was. She pleaded for Levi to let her go, but he ignored her. "God, don't you ever shut the hell up?! My flippin' ears are going to bleed!" She noticed that Rod was walking up and was pleased that this would be moving sooner than planned.

"Then tell me who you are?" responded Petra. The woman removed her glasses and her jaw dropped. Gold and blue eyes looked back at her with the most venomous look she had ever seen. "Bar baby?" her breath hitched. They were still married and the freak was now a woman. "You are a freak." She spat in their direction.

"Tsk." Levi clicked his tongue, "still a disgusting swine, I see," he ran his finger through his loves soft locks in a sentimental fashion. Maybe after today Petra would finally understand that he would never love her. "You and your friend over there will finally understand that we are a force to be reckoned with."

"Where am I?! Who are you people?!" shouted the dark haired man as he looked about the room. He saw Petra hanging next to him and freaked.

"Hey sleeping beauty," giggled Erin, "have a nice nap?" She stood from her seat and grabbed a baseball bat that was on the table.

"Who are you and what do you want? Did your boss send you? I can double what they pay you, I have millions!" he pleaded when he saw the young woman get closer. His eyes landed on Petra and noticed that her top had been ripped off her frame and was pooled around her hips. His shirt must be gone, too, no doubt.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk," Erin clicked her tongue as she wiggled her finger 'no' with her free hand. "I thought we had a deal Reiss? It's been three days and we still haven't received payment." She stopped before him and looked right into his eyes. "Besides rats and liars, I really dislike when people underestimate me. Just like you did and you," she pointed at the red-head. "It's like you don't understand that my husband has and will never love you. And it's not because you're short, I'm short too, but because you don't have what it takes to guide him in the proper direction."

"They do say that behind a strong man there is an even stronger woman or partner," hummed Levi, inspecting his new manicure, thanks to his daughter.

"Exactly," hummed the brunette as Petra tried to reel back. "And you, miss, are not that strong woman or partner." She grabbed the bat with both hands and swung it at the woman's torso.

"Ah," cried Petra. The pain was unbearable. It didn't matter how much she pleaded and cried for Erin to stop, she wouldn't. She just keeps swinging. She felt her skin begin to blister and with every swing the aluminum bat began to grow pink. But she was kept awake to witness Erin's wrath.

"And you," she pointed at Rod with the bat. "Did you really think that I wouldn't have someone watching you ever second of the day? Do I look that stupid?" She swung and Rod cried. "I would have you explain why you tried to get Petra's help, but you will lie to save your own ass." She swung again, "I'm going to make an example out of the two of you. People will know not to cross my path or get involved with my family."

Levi sat back and watched his wife release all her pent up rage on the two idiots. He had always known that his old friend would spend hours writing to him, but he and Erin had decided to never read the letter. They never got the curiosity to either, so when Carla handed them the letter that set all this in motion, they read each and every one. She was delusional. She would create her own fantasies and write as if they had actually done them. If she did them just to annoy them, he'd never know. He just wanted the letter to stop. He had a family with two innocent babies that called him daddy.

"I think she's dead, boss," said the guard that escorted Petra into the room.

Levi looked up and saw his wife checking for a pulse. "Is she?"

"No, just knocked out." She was torn between beating Rod unconscious like she did Petra, but if he didn't go back out to his ride, they would get suspicious. "You're lucky Reiss. I'm going to let you live, but just know this. You will never set foot in Maria or Rose – ever. If you do, I will personally find you and end you." She walked away, heels clacking against the cold tiled floor. She set the bat down and grabbed her bag. "Let's go," she ordered Levi, who stood up without a word. They walked away.

Rod felt too weak to thrash around when the guard set him back on the ground. Everything hurt – physically and mentally. Jaeger was a monster. He wasn't ready to get on the Scouts bad side. He didn't have the funds or resources to do so. If they were able to beat him without hesitation, then they were capable of much more.

Dirk Reiss saw, who he assumed to be The Queen of Maria walk out of the building with a dark haired man and a short blonde. He saw them get into the dark SUV with tinted windows and leave. They seemed out of place but he just couldn't put his finger on it. He heard footsteps coming his way and looked up only to find his father limping his way towards him. He held his abdomen protectively and hissed every few steps.

"Dad, what's wrong?" he cried worryingly. He caught the man before he fell and felt the moister seeping through his black dress shirt.

"The Scouts," whizzed the elder man, "they found out our plans. They will show no mercy to us."

"And your contact?"

"She was beaten badly," his father visibly trembled. What ever happened within those walls will only be know with those that were in the room. His father may be a cheap bastard but he knew when to keep quiet, so even if he tried prying what had happened out of his father, the man will never talk. "The Scouts are savages, Son," his breath became ragged, "they will not hesitate to kill us," he said threw shallow breaths before passing out.

Her bed had never been more welcoming than tonight. She kicked off her heels and began to undress while Levi was downstairs, paying the babysitter. She needed a shower and badly. She grabbed her Halloween themed pajama bottoms and a black long sleeve sleep shirt and did as planned. She removed her extension and wiped off all her makeup as the water warmed for her shower.

When she finally stepped out, Levi was ready to take his, so like every night, she went down stairs of her 1.4 million dollar home and picked up her daughter's toys. She was so young and for some reason reminded her of her and her twin. She went to the kitchen and grabbed her daughter's favorite Strawberry Short Cake cup and filled it half way with bottled water. She would drop that off and then went off to bed.

When she got back to her room, Levi was already in bed, sitting against the headboard reading his favorite book – his reading glasses on. She crawled in next to him and offered the shyest smile she could muster. How long has it been since their last distressing session? Before Jensen was born?

"Levi…" she purred and ran her fingers up and down the side of her torso. If she feels this frustrated, then he must too.


"Levi..." she released a very sexual sigh. That caught his attention. He closed his book, set it on his nightstand, and removed his glasses. She propped herself on her elbows and waited for him to attach his lips to hers.

Their lips met for a brief moment, "Wha…." The baby monitor next to her side of the bed went off. She lets her head fall forward before getting off the bed.

"Perfect timing like always," teased her husband, mimicking her movements. When they got to the hall he went to the kitchen while she went to go check on her three month old son.

Adopting was the greatest thing they could have ever done. They were able to adopt two beautiful babies. Both had been close adoptions – Kuchel had been abandoned by her parents at the hospital after she was born and Jenson was born to a teenage mother who didn't have the means to provide for the baby.

When she entered her son's nursery, she found that her daughter had snuck into her son's crib and was hugging him close. Her blonde hair was in her little brother's grip, pulling at it, but the child didn't mind. This was what Erin loved the most about her life. It didn't matter to the two babies in the crib that their parents were some of the most powerful humans. They didn't care that one of their parents would one day dress up as a woman, or a man, or would have a cut top on with their husband's shorts on. No, whenever they would open their eyes and look at the two people who they love the most, with love, trust, and pride – Erin Jaeger didn't want to be anywhere else.

Her place was with her growing family, and she'll be damned if anyone tries to touch her babies or her husband.

"Night, my angle babies," she hummed quietly, "I love you more than the moon loves the sky." She placed a kiss on top of both her children's heads before heading back to her room for a much deserved, good night sleep.

I want to thank everyone who has followed the since the beginning. You guys don't know how much this means to me. Love you all.

Let me know what ya thinks.



-Maggie Love