Hey smexies, I'm back with another One-shot. To be honest, I got this some ideas for this while eating peanuts, not sure how the two fit in together, but yeah, it came to me while I was eating peanuts.

R&R, loves.

Tonight was the night. Tonight he will have the man of his dreams and God help him if any bitch gets in the way.

His target was his sister's best friend and one of the most popular guys at school.

He gave himself another look over and couldn't help but smile. He looked hot and thanks to his wonderful sisters, mother, and his aunts he was ready for a night out.

Eren Jaeger wasn't your typical high school senior. Aside from the video game and hours on the computer, he was a walking encyclopedia and absorbed everything like a sponge.

16 year old Eren Jaeger sat in his seat as he waited for his teacher to begin the lesson. He knew who his classmates were, by name, but only knew one personally. Everyone else he stayed away from for several reasons. Main one was because he was a nerd and, boy, did Thomas Wagner love picking on him whenever he had the chance.

"As you know," began Mr. Shadis, his Anatomy teacher – shouting, "we completed our lesson Cellular Metabolism on Wednesday," he looked about the class and Eren couldn't help but shiver when the teacher's eyes landed on him. "Today we will be working in partners. You and your partner will be in charge of filling out this packet," he holds up a very thick packet with fill in the blank questions, "whatever you do not complete today in class, you must complete it on your own time and return it on our next meet day."

The class groaned in annoyance.

"Sorry, maggots but that is life. Do you think that your professors will give you an extra day to complete something like this? If you do, you are sadly mistaken because they do not care if you didn't complete your work over the weekend they most likely just mark it down as incomplete. Now," he stayed quiet as he searched for something on his desk. "As I said, today you will be working in partners and I have chosen who you will be with. Now, Ral and Jin, Contreras and Turner, Jonas and Bozado, Jaeger and Ackerman…"

Whatever came after Ackerman was lost. Wide eyes the boy looked up and across the room. There sat Levi Ackerman, his dark as night hair was parted slightly off the center and sporting and undercut, his pale skin complemented his dark hair, his piercing silver eyes, and that body – something that belonged to a God. There sat the man of his dreams looking right back at him. The man he swore would be the only one allowed to touch him in any way he wanted. Only problem, he can never say more than 'hi, how are you' or have a platonic conversation without becoming a mumbling mess.

"Ms. Ral," the teacher's voice made him focus once more.

"Can Levi and I switch?" she asked sweetly. Petra Ral was the Queen Bitch at Titan High – captain of the cheerleading squad, popular girl in school, rich, beautiful, and spoiled as fuck.

"No, Ms. Ral," Mr. Shadis' pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "How many times do I have to tell you that my decision is final? I don't care if you want to be partnered up with your little boyfriend, I just want you to do the damn work and turn it in on time." Petra had always given him trouble when he assigned group work. If she wasn't partnered with Levi, you guessed it, she'd have a bitch fit.

Eren had heard his twin sister, Isabel, and older sister, Hanji, complain about Petra before. Apparently, they like taking her boyfriends away. Petra and Hanji's boyfriend, Erwin (also Levi's best friend) grew up together, but Petra didn't see how amazing he was until he started dating Hanji. And with Isabel and her boyfriend Farlan, Petra didn't know who the kid was until Levi introduced them.

"Move," commanded Mr. Shadis' and the students became little working ants and did as told. But Eren was frozen in place staring into those very eyes that captured his soul years ago.

Levi offered a knowing smirk and signaled him to come near. Eren, being the idiot his is, looked behind him (his back was to the wall), and then turned back around and pointed at himself.

"Yeah, you," he read Levi's thin pink lips and did as told.

Taking the seat next to Levi, Eren saw the look Queen B was giving him.

"I think we should start on Part 4," Petra interrupted him – scotching over to be closer to Levi. "'The type of bond that holds amino acids together is a blank'" she read out loud, ignoring her own partner. "Easy a polypeptide," she scribbled her answer, "What do you think, Levi?"

"Peptide bond," mumbled Eren looking away from the short redhead.
"Peptide bond," answered Levi, not once did he remove his eyes form the nerd cutie that sits next to him. Call him what you like, but Eren is the reason why he decided to become friends with Hanji. It had been freshman year when he first laid eyes on the short boy with mismatch eyes – one gold and one a beautiful shade of blue. "A polypeptide is a chain of amino acids, isn't that right, Eren?" the way he purred the boy's name made Petra green with envy. Levi didn't mind though, this boy here was off limits to everyone but him.

Eren swiftly nodded.

After class, Eren found himself cornered by the short redhead. He wasn't afraid of her – per say – but if Petra didn't like someone she'd ruin them. He was the evil queen to Hanji's 'Snow white'.

"Say away from Levi, you little freak," she growled. Eren was wondering why she still hadn't put two and three together. Like really how many Jaeger's are at this school? Just three – Hanji Jaeger, Isabel Jaeger, and Eren Jaeger. "He isn't into little boys," she growled, "He's into real women, no some cheap bar baby."

Okay, maybe she did put two and three together.

She crossed her arms over her chest and popped her hip out. It looked painful but some women do say beauty is pain.

"I don't see any real woman," he used air quotas, "so leave me alone," and with that he walked away a little shanky. He searched for one of his sister for their help.

Isabel was the very first person he found. He told her what happened and she had the perfect idea. She called her mother and they left school earlier than usual to help her twin out. If they were 'bar babies' like Petra called them, then 'Bar Mamma' was gonna show this girl what a real woman does. Carla called her sister, Sophia and Rose Marie, and asked for help with giving her son a makeover. They trimmed his hair, bought a few more outfits, and a few pointers from his two lady killer cousins, Jean and Marco, and he was ready for tonight.

Since it was a Friday night, and the bar was going to open a little earlier than usual, Carla allowed them to have a party as long as they didn't trash the house. The objective of tonight was to show Petra who she's messing with and if Levi takes the cue.

When he exited his bedroom, the party was on full wing. People lined the stair, sitting and chatting away about their boring ass days, keg stand were taking place in the kitchen, smoke fogged the house up a bit, sober and drunk teens littered the entire house.

And he found his target. Sitting on the only recliner in the living room was Levi in his usual black attire. Hanji and Erwin were sitting on the sofa next to him, Mike and Nile, Erwin's friends, were sitting on the floor both nursing a cup, and Petra inching her way into Levi's lap. Her crop top and low cut botty short were a little too much for just any regular kegger and it showed Eren that tonight he was going to have a little competition.

Adjusting his new hipster glasses, he quickly and as casually as possible made his way over to the group of seniors.

"OH MY GOD! ER-BEAR!" shouted Hanji when she saw her little brother.

He couldn't help but smile and wave at his overly energetic sister, "Hi, everyone."

"EREN! OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD, YOU LOOK AMAZING!" shouted Isabel from behind him.

"Thanks," he smiled shyly looking away from everyone, hoping Levi is looking right at him.

Levi's jaw had dropped when he saw his crush – green V-neck under a dark blue open button up, with dark jeans, his late father's leather wristbands from the 80's on his wrist, and the skeleton key charm that this mother gave him.

"You know him?" scuffed Petra, looking at Hanji. Petra knew they were siblings, she was just trying to figure out a way to remove Eren from the equation she had created in her head.

"He's my brother, why?" annoyingly asked Hanji, glaring at the short redhead.
"No reason," she rolled her eyes, "Ima get another drink, do you want one?" she sweetly asked Levi.


"Okay, I won't be long," she bent down to kissed the raven haired boy, but Levi turned his head. "I'll be back."
Eren couldn't help but smile at Petra's defeated tone, but the war wasn't over yet.

As the party progressed Eren noticed that Levi was basically eye fucking him and he couldn't be happier. And to add to the kudos, Levi was doing all of this while sober. As the morning hours hit, many of the teens were either gone or asleep somewhere within the house. Eren felt himself chickening out. Hanji was wasted and being a clingy girlfriend to and overly affectionate Erwin, both Mike and Nile had left for the night, Isabel and Farlan were playing a round of beer pong, and Petra was sitting at Levi's feet – resting her head against his leg. Eren was annoyed by this but what can he do, he needs the right moment to strike.

"Ima go pee," slurred Petra wobbling to stand up. Being courteous as he was raised, Levi helped her but that was it, not more no less.

Eren watched her walked down the hall to the guest bath with a smile. He stood up and stretched his arms over his head. His shirt rode up and he caught Levi's eyes.

"Well, ah," he tried to sound sensual, "I think I'm going to call it a night," he winked at his crush and gave his walk a little more pep hoping Levi would catch the drift. If he didn't then he would spend the rest of the evening crying and the rest of the school year hoping for it to end sooner so he won't see Levi anymore.

When he saw Eren reach the stairs he looked over at the direction Petra left. If she follows him then oh well, but if what Eren is implying what he thinks then he wants this to be sacred between them. He knows Eren and has for quite some time. He knows how timid the boy can be. He has a hand full of friends – all which are straight, so this has to be special. And since he tells his sisters everything, Hanji would have shouted "Er-bear lost his virginity" or something along those lines. The woman had no shame and respected no boundaries.

Petra is nowhere to be seen. He stands from his place, leaving his leather jacket behind. Slowly, he takes step by step, down the hall, to the door at the end of the hall. It's not locked, he slowly opens the door – spoiled little shit got the attic room – closes the door, up the stairs, and into well lit room. With his back to him, he sees the boy had already removed his shirts and is removing his pants. Swallowing thickly, the takes the last remaining step to the boy, and lets his hand feel the softly defined muscles of his back.

Eren stopped what he was doing when someone touched him. He was about to relax when it hit him, "what if it wasn't Levi?" he turned around and let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank God."

"Oi, what do you think you're doing undressing with the door unlocked, brat? What if it was a psycho and not me?" he purred into Eren's ear. He was glad that even though Eren is 16 he wasn't tall. He let his hand roam Eren's body, teasingly running it over the boy's pret little bud.

"Mmm," Eren bit his lip, muffling a moan. He wasn't sure what that feeling he just felt was, but he wanted it to keep going.

"Oh," and Levi' repeated his action and began to leave butterfly kisses below the boys' ear.

"Le-vi," moaned Eren, his body didn't move. He just let himself be taken over by this new sensation. "Please," he said in a tone just above a whisper – closing his eyes.

"Please, what?" Levi became bolder and nipped along the boy's jaw line and he twirled the boys sensitive bud between his thumb and forefinger. "Speak up, Eren, I don't know what you're begging for," harshly he nipped at the junction between the boy's jaw line and neck, making Eren cry in pleasure and his head tilted back.

"Levi, please," he finally let his arms snake around the older boy's neck when he felt Levi's other arm hold his waist. "Please, fuck me," he whispered into Levi's ear enjoying the abuse his newly discovered sweet spot is taking.

"No, Eren," he pulled away slightly, now holding Eren by the waist with both hands. The way Eren's eyes widened in disbelief amused him a bit. "I can't fuck you, Brat," he watched Eren's cute face fall into defeat. "One does not just fuck the perfect specimen like if he were made to be forgotten the next morning." He grips both of cheeks and begins to fondle tender mound, wishing he'd done this sooner. "Someone as perfect as you can't be used and then thrown away," he gives a firm squeeze. Eren bits his lip seductively. He can tell Levi is telling the truth. His face my conceal what his emotions are but not his eyes and Eren sees them dilated by lust but something was burning deep within them.

When Levi captured his lips he wanted to dance around.

"Kiss me back," he heard Levi's whisper but he was frozen. He hadn't thought this through. He had already set himself up as if this was going to fail. Levi bit his lower lip, Eren let out a small hiss and Levi took advantage – tongue diving in to explore this newly discovered area.

Shyly, he kisses back doing his best to mimic Levi's own movements. Levi smiled into the kiss when he felt the boys hands run through his hair. He pulled Eren closer grinding his growing erection against the teen's own. Said teen gasped when he felt how strained Levi was in his own tight pants.

"You see what you do to me, Eren?" he said through kisses. "You're the only one that gets me like this, shitty brat."

Eren smiled as he pulled away. Levi gave him a confused look but the tug on his t-shit let him know what Eren was doing. Eren led him to his own bed and sat Levi down. Before the last remaining courage left him completely, he got on his knee – looking at Levi over his glasses.

"Go ahead,"

With shaky hands, Eren reached up and unbuttoned Levi's pants, slowly unzipping them. Nervously pulling down both the pants and boxer briefs, he swallowed thickly when he saw the size of the man. In all his glory Levi stood proud with what his was blessed.

"Don't be nervous," whispered Levi petting Eren's soft brown locks.

He took the older teen into his hand and gave him a quick pump, earning a moan. Feeling his proud of Levi's reaction, he brought the head of Levi's cock to his pink full lips. He gave the head a experimental lick right over the slit. Clean is what he tasted, but then again Levi was a clean freak.

"Good boy," praised Levi.

Eren did a few more licks to the head. Feeling bolder he runs his tongue from the base the tip a few times before engulfing the head. Hearing a deep moan from the other, he lets his tongue swirl around the tip. Levi's hand never left his hair but he does feel his hand him pushing his head down – silently begging him to take more of him in. He complied.

He relaxed his jaw and began bobbing his head – taking more and more as he did, pumping what didn't fit in his mouth.

Levi loved the way Eren's lips hugged him member – like if they were made just for him. The way his tongue applied just the right amount of pressure the underside, how accidently his teeth lightly scrap him, the peppered kisses he's leaving on the tip – for not knowing what to do, his instincts were in the right place. Levi tried his best not to thrust into the boy below him.

"Just like that," he groaned. He was pleasure settled in his lower belly, he was close, and he knew Eren could feel it.

Eren released him with an audible wet pop. His cheeks were flushed and Levi was a panting mess. They locked eyes and Levi couldn't help the animalistic growl that erupted from his throat. Eren was beautiful but those glasses had to go if they were his only pair. He reaches for the boys glasses, normally, the Jaeger siblings are real anal about people touching them or any other property, but when the teen did nothing to halt him, Levi took them off and placed them gently on the night stand.

Eren was nervous. Was he ready for this? What would Levi do after? What if someone walked in?

He was too lost in thought to notice Levi leaning in to captures his lips once more. Once those lips touched his everything flew out the window. He kissed back harder than before. Their muscles fighting for dominance – Levi clearly won. Yeah, he was ready if it was Levi.

As the older teen lent back onto the bed, Eren straddled him.

He wasn't sure when or how it happened but he was on his back now, legs wrapped around Levi's waist as said teen sucked on his nipple and placed with the other. His head rolled back on his pillow, gripping the sheets, praying to anyone who would listen for Levi to continue. He rolled his hips against Levi in hopes of home.

"Fuck," he groaned and Eren took it as a sign to do more. And he did. "Someone's eager," teased Levi nipping his way down Eren's chest and abdomen.

"Please," whimpered the pretty eyed senior, "Please."

"Please what Eren?" he teased. His reached the hemi of the boys boxers and in on swift motion pulled them off, exposing his weeping member. He wanted to show his young lover what it felt like to receive that special attention but he wanted to move it along. He pulled the boys closer and pushing his legs open, giving him a clear view of the boy's virgin hole. He removed his shirt before kissing Eren's inner thigh, helping the boy relax for what is about to come.

Eren's eyes opened wide, moaning when he felt Levi's tongue teasing his entrance. And Levi was merciless. He has been waiting for this moment for four years, four fucking years, and he was going to make this memorable for both of them. Hearing the boy cried out his name in pleasure, urged him to hurry.

He deemed the boy's entrance wet enough since he wasn't expecting this to happen and aligned himself.

Feeling something bold, he clenched his eyes shut. Slowly whatever it was forcing its way inside of him. He let out a pain stricken sob. Levi cooed him, kissing his tears away.

"Hey, it's okay, the pain will go away soon, I promise," and he kissed the boy. Hesitantly, Eren kissed back and Levi took that as a cue to continue.

"A-ah," cried Eren and pushed at Levi's shoulders. He felt like whatever it was, was ripping him in two.

Once again Levi halted, "It's okay," he cooed again, "I'm almost all the way." Eren could tell he was holding back by the sound of his voice – Eren nodded.

Trying to make it as painless as possible, he opted on distracting his. He grabbed both of Eren's wrists, pinning them above his head, interlacing finger, and kissed the boys roughly as he pushed the rest of himself in.

"Fuck," he hissed, "so fucking tight."

"It' hurts," cried Eren.

Levi kissed him apologetically, and gave his hips a small roll. Eren's eyes sut as a hiss left him. That was the pace Levi set until he had Eren cried out for more.

"Harder… Ngh…ah….Le..vi…ha,"

Levi place both of Eren's legs over his shoulder and began a brutal pace, the head of his cock hitting that spot within the boy every time.

Petra was pissed and Levi was nowhere to be found. His jacket was where he left it but he wasn't there. She searched room by room on the first and second floor, thinking he was probably asleep in one of the room since she knew he and Hanji are friends. All the rooms thus far have been empty, aside from Isabel in hers. There was one room left, hopefully he was there.

When she opened the door she heard…

"Right there...Ngh…,"

Bar baby she thought. She was going to ignore it and continue her search but another very familiar male voice made her walk to the two having sex.

Before her was Levi balls deep in Eren. Eren's legs were over Levi's shoulders as he cried in pain. she watched the youngest of the Jaeger's open his lust filled eyes and look right at her. He smirked when she saw her face. She stumbled back, but it went unnoticed by Levi who pulled Eren's hair back and captured his lips once more.

He was close and he knew it – he felt it building up. Just a few more thrust would set him off.

"Ima…" he moaned loudly.

"Cum for me, love," ordered Levi. He was close too. He began to lose his pace. He gripped Eren's neglected cock giving him a few strokes. Eren clenched down on him, arched his back, and cried out his name as he spilled himself all over his stomach and Levi's hand. That was all Levi needed to coat Eren's insides white.

Levi pulled out slowly and Eren whimpered at the loss. It had been more than what they were expecting. But Eren was worried on where it would leave them now. Neither of them spoke, basking in the afterglow. Levi took the boys tan hand in his and once more laced their fingers together – Eren smiled.

Eren was late to class for the first time since the fall semester had started. Apparently, Hanji ran her mouth to Mikasa, Levi's cousin and Eren's best friend, about the only thing he didn't want others to know so quickly. But that was loud mouth Hanji for ya. She, Sasha, and Krista had grilled him about who this girl was. If only they knew. He wasn't sure why his friends thought he was into girls if he made it clear what his sexuality was on several occasions. Like come on, Mikasa was dating his older cousin Jean and he knew everything about Eren's life. Hell, he ever told him a few tricks he like when girls do so he could keep Levi interested.

But they ignored that fact, *sigh*

"Ah, Jaeger," huffed Mr. Shadis', "nice of you to join us. Turn in your assignment and take a seat."

Eren did as told. God why did the door have to be in front of Levi's table? It had been four days since he last saw the raven haired God and he felt like shit. Not once after Levi left the party has he been by the house or even asked about him, but what could he do about it. His words were lies, he wasn't anything special, he was outsider, a loser, and as far as he knew only a few people like him and that's including family.

He acted like he didn't see Levi and walked past his table to take a seat at his own – vacant.

"Oi," he heard Levi's monotone voice call out and he slowly looked his direction over his shoulder.

Levi was looking right at him. He turned back around and continued to walk away.

"Are you really going to ignore me, Brat?" and he did.

"Ackerman," scolded Shadis.

"No," Levi stood from his seat, collected his item, and followed Eren. He took the seat right next to the younger boy, "why did you ignore me?"

"Oh, I don't know," sighed Eren, "Maybe because you ignored me for the past couple of days." He felt like if he was acting like a jealous girlfriend but hey, Levi got what he wanted, another name to add to the list.

"Lost my phone."


"hey," Eren turned to look at Levi and noticed that the whole class was looking at their table. "I did lose my phone and," he kissed Eren. "I'll walk you to your next class, if you like."

He felt his cheeks heat up as the class gasped. Well, shit, he really didn't plan on his family's stupid advice to actually work.

Now the question is, what does this make them?

Not sure if I should so this as a chaptered fic or leave it as a one shot. R&R loves.