Can We Just Cut The Intro?

Click squeak...fsssssssckkkkkkkkkkkk...shhhhhiiirirrrrrrrr...

"Argh! This bastard of a camera is acting up again!" Syo kurusu roared, glaring at the scratchy lines that refused to show his face.
"Ehh but Syo-kun, our fans need to see us in a few of minutes, we're going to be late." The jumpy red-head, Ittoki Otoya, pouted.
"Well we can't do shit without this camera." Syo snapped as he was getting more and more impatient with the camcorder.

The rest of the boys lounged around and were starting to get bored and annoyed, especially Tokiya. He sure hates it when plans don't go well. As for the playboy Ren, he kept himself entertained by poking Masato's cheek playfully but in return he was flicked in the forehead. Masato doesn't like being disturbed when he's reading a good book. Cecil lazed around on the couch and tried to take a nap but failed.

"Argh! This is hopeless, we'll never set this up in time." Said the pissed off Syo, as he plopped down next to Otoya.

BOOM! - The happy and fluffy Natsuki kicked open the door and seemed to have caught everyone's attention. He was holding a nice brown basket that is probably meant to be used for picnics. Right then and there the rest of the boys knew what was coming at them, oh yes, it was one Natsuki's specialties. His famous piyo-chan cookies, known for appearing really delicious but tastes like Satan has dumped a bucket of tar straight into your mouth.

"Minna, I made a fresh batch to celebrate the start of our STARISH lives together." He sang and he skipped his way towards the petrified boys.
"GWAAAAH, Natsuki!" The suddenly-energized Syo screamed as he tries to escape from the blond with his demon cookies.
"They are really oishii Syo-chan, try some." Natsuki sang again, skipping over and successfully popped a mini piyo-chan cookie in Syo's mouth.

The short idol's soul had seemed to have left him. "RIP Syo-kun," Cecil prayed as he looked at syo's life-less body on the ground.
"Otoya too." Natsuki skipped and popped another cookie into the red-head's mouth. Before he could squeal in terror, he had already fainted and managed smack his hand right on top of the camcorder.


"ah, minna the camcorder is working now! Let's record really fast for our fans before it goes out again." Natsuki jumped with joy for the accomplished task, as Ren and Tokiya lifted the bodies of the two innocent souls who had their stomachs poisoned. Ren dragged syo onto the huge sofa and Tokiya carried cute little Otoya in princess style and plopped him on the couch as well.

Natsuki sets the Camcorder in place and skips back to the couch. Ren flicks Syo's forehead to wake him up, Tokiya pushes Otoya's shoulder (not amused with his red-head buddy). Masato sits up really straight to get into the working mood, but feels bad that he has put down his book.

"It's starting, it's starting." Natsuki clapped his hands with joy


Tokiya looked at his fellow idols and gave the signal that he's speaking first.
"Ehm, well as you know this is a short interview for us STARISH members, and we would like to welcome you to these small recordings of-"
"Too formal, too formal." Kotobuki Reiji hopped in, slapping Tokiya's back as hard as he could. The annoyed Tokiya quieted down after his senpai made his entrance.
"rei-chan, what are you doing here?" Otoya asked, starting to feel a bit better.
"Shut up Rugrats, the camera is rolling right now." Ranmaru scowled.
"You must introduce yourselves for the fans, it's simple but you amateurs seem to never get things done right." Ai said as straightforward as possible.

Just then the lights turn off and disco-blue flashing lights are flashing all over the room. "You amateurs for got the most important part, GRAND, IT MUST BE GRAND," The royal senpai slides into the room with his expensive blue scepter. He turns and points at the Camera, "Fangirl, fellow fangirls!"
"Camus, your taking all the spotlight!" Cecil scolded but was shut up but the royal guard-dog's icy glare.

"It's getting a bit crowded, don't you think Masato," Ren asked his childhood friend.
"Ma, we can't do anything." The blue one replied.

"Ohaiyou-pu~~~" Sang the adorable idol, Ringo. "You guys seem to be having fun without us." Us as in Hyuga-sensei as well.

"Ringo-sensei too." Otoya whined as he became a bit claustrophobic with everyone in the room.

"Oi! this isn't even a interview anymore, You guys are basically crash-" But before the pissed shorty could say any more, the cookies from before had kicked in it's best ingredients.

Cecil notices his fellow idol's expression and widened his eyes, "Syo, don't do it!"
The rest of the members in the room finally beam their eyes at Syo and make faces of terror, "DONT DO IT SYO (Kurusu-san or whatever each one calls him)!"


We apologize for the inconvenience - STARISH

"Ano sumimasen, I left a book in here." haruka said as she let herself into the room. She notices the cookie juice everywhere and slowly backs away towards the door. You could hear the click and clack of her heels as she ran as far away from that room as possible.

Welcome to the collection scenarios that could happen to Utapri guys. Most of these are funny but I could also make the sad. I might add in ships in here as well. Basically it's the diary (or recordings cause technically everything is taken in this camcorder Syo vomited on) of the Utapri characters. Feel free to recommend scenario ideas, I'll make it come true. XD